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Are "Mastery Rank Tests" there to make players leave the game?


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36 minutes ago, HellVOps said:

This is stupid, how come this thread is still ongoing?

Warframe gives you the option to practice the test, 24h is the COST whatever you fail or pass, there are alot of things to do/master before the next rank UNLESS you rush to finish WF(gl with that), like any test you need to think how you approch it and not go blind, you have alot of tools(ingame and outside)...use them!

And if you still fail after all that(many tries mind you not just once) and on multiple diff tests then:A)You are too bullheaded to notice your mistakes and learn from them, or B)This type of game and game systems are not for you.

This is mostly for OP, but some of it still apply to the other issues some are having with the MR test system(At this point the thread is going in loops).

Well said.

Reason the thread's still going is there are lots of entitled snowflakes out there who can't deal with failing, or having to wait for things...or doing a bit of research to find stuff out :wink:


I sometimes suspect DE deliberately designed elements of the game this way, in order to test the maturity of the player base and their ability to deal with adversity. :laugh:

Edited by FlusteredFerret
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39 минут назад, FlusteredFerret сказал:

I sometimes suspect DE deliberately designed elements of the game this way, in order to test the maturity of the player base and their ability to deal with adversity.

Lol, what? 😄


Warframe gives you the option to practice the test, 24h is the COST whatever you fail or pass

And this is so stupid (fail part). There is no more such mechanics in this game. Any fall into abyss simply returns character back to earth. Any failure of the mission allows you to simply repeat it. Even to die on a mission is hard, because either you will be resurrected, or you have 4 attempts to resurrect yourself. But even after their loss do not need to wait 24 hours for second attempt. This game is more likely not for demonstration of skills, but for cutting mobs with friends after working time.

Edited by Calloop
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1 hour ago, Calloop said:

Lol, what? 😄

And this is so stupid (fail part). There is no more such mechanics in this game. Any fall into abyss simply returns character back to earth. Any failure of the mission allows you to simply repeat it. Even to die on a mission is hard, because either you will be resurrected, or you have 4 attempts to resurrect yourself. But even after their loss do not need to wait 24 hours for second attempt. This game is more likely not for demonstration of skills, but for cutting mobs with friends after working time.

How far have you gotten? You have some pleasant surprises waiting for you when you have managed to do every node on these star chart, they're called arbitrations. 

And several game modes have a similar cost to attempt, where when you have used up the keys that allow you to attempt them, you have to go back and grind until you can build them again. If you find yourself having a to do them repeatedly (which is often the case) and all you have is one key.... expect it to take a while. 


And many of us are telling you the exact same things, whether you accept it or not. Maybe we know what we are talking about. 

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Honestly, the MR testing system is completely pointless in its current form.


These tests don't prepare you for any new or additional challenges to come from gaining an extra MR.  It's not like going from 16 to 17 unlocked any new challenges for me.  MR is directly tied to locking out gear.  That's it.  There are no MR locked missions that I am aware of.

These MR missions propose the goofy concept of stealth this game has, or some tedium that is no different than a slice of a normal mission, but because it is listed as a test, somehow that makes it far more important and qualifies it for an absurd cooldown time.  I've been around warframe long enough to remember back when we had so many revives per character and they cost platinum or you had to wait until the daily refresh, and THAT was a colossal waste of time and energy and tbh a horrible idea for a console game that reeked of mobile game.


(Kinda like when they updated the Star Chart, and even though I already had everything unlocked, I had to go back and do all of this mundane S#&$ all over again just to unlock relays to get to planets I could already go to.)


MR tests should be exotic in nature.  They should be increasingly difficult and in variety of test.  Why not a true honest to lotus stealth mission?  An ENTIRE mission, where if you trigger the alarm, you fail.  Show the lotus you know how to be like the wind in the trees, heard by not seen.  Why not tests that are like nightmare missions, some modifier to change how you approach the mission to show what you have learned in your time.  Abilities are disabled, show the lotus you are a true combat veteran a and have no need to rely upon space magic to accomplish a mission ( because we all know you #*!%ers would cheese these types of missions by bringing your Nuke characters with max range and strength lol)

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Just now, (XB1)xJdKxZomBiE said:

These tests don't prepare you for any new or additional challenges to come from gaining an extra MR.  It's not like going from 16 to 17 unlocked any new challenges for me.  MR is directly tied to locking out gear.  That's it.  There are no MR locked missions that I am aware of.

You forgot rivens, I got aklato once, but I couldn't use it because I wasn't Mr 15 at the time. 


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8 часов назад, (XB1)xJdKxZomBiE сказал:

Honestly, the MR testing system is completely pointless in its current form.

I agree with that. But true, I am satisfied with tests in form in which they are now implemented. Because sometimes even simplest ideas are difficult to implement, and here developers wanted to create a whole polygon for training and testing all kinds of player skills. Let it look simple and incomplete compared to rest of game content, but thanks to it I learned about existence of a bullet jump, which means that polygon will perform its task at least a little.

And if something urgently needs to be changed in it, then this is system of access to testing. At least a part with a penalty for failure, since only it really interferes and does not regulate anything.

Edited by Calloop
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9 hours ago, (XB1)xJdKxZomBiE said:

These tests don't prepare you for any new or additional challenges to come from gaining an extra MR.  It's not like going from 16 to 17 unlocked any new challenges for me.  MR is directly tied to locking out gear.  That's it.  There are no MR locked missions that I am aware of.

What new gear did you unlock when you moved from 16 to 17? 

I'm just going to wait for the answer. 

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il y a 23 minutes, (PS4)guzmantt1977 a dit :

What new gear did you unlock when you moved from 16 to 17? 

I'm just going to wait for the answer. 

Would be quite bold for DE to lock something behind rank 20.


Higuer mr make some farming spot less tedious. There are not many instance but take them into consideration: reputation, initial mod capacity, higuer trace capacity. It's not much, but it is enough to make a difference.

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36 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

What new gear did you unlock when you moved from 16 to 17? 

I'm just going to wait for the answer. 

Years ago, people would tell you that there was no point going over MR 9, then came the weapons balance and MR restrictions change, the Reputation pool being effected by it, the Mod points you have at the start being effected by it, Riven Mods having MR restrictions. Many things go above the "No reason to go above MR9" and make the player's life a bit easier. If you dont think DE will not make Weapons with MR restrictions above what we currently have or something else... well, just dont complain that you are behind IF they do that. Because they did so before.

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1 hour ago, angias said:

Would be quite bold for DE to lock something behind rank 20.


Higuer mr make some farming spot less tedious. There are not many instance but take them into consideration: reputation, initial mod capacity, higuer trace capacity. It's not much, but it is enough to make a difference.


1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

Years ago, people would tell you that there was no point going over MR 9, then came the weapons balance and MR restrictions change, the Reputation pool being effected by it, the Mod points you have at the start being effected by it, Riven Mods having MR restrictions. Many things go above the "No reason to go above MR9" and make the player's life a bit easier. If you dont think DE will not make Weapons with MR restrictions above what we currently have or something else... well, just dont complain that you are behind IF they do that. Because they did so before.

Sorry, I read both posts and didn't see any sign of an answer. I'm afraid I will have to wait a bit longer. 


Also, good news @Kaotyke, I paused my ranking up at 16, but didn't stop grinding out mastery points. If I need to go up a level or three I suspect that it's not going to be too difficult for me to do that in very short order. 😉

So uh, yeah. I doubt that I'll be the one complaining bitterly about it, if they do decide to do it. 

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8 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Sorry, I read both posts and didn't see any sign of an answer. I'm afraid I will have to wait a bit longer. 

It is an answer. A long time ago, MR 8 was the max, none of the weapons released would ever go above that point, now we have the Aklex Prime, which has a MR15 requirement. You will get your "answer" sometime in the future as they release more and more things and we get closer to MR30.

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I dislike how mastery is tied to mindless grind of new items. That's for sure.

However the base system for progression-"gating" is fine. And could be great if refined.

Mastery tests are solid and actually kinda fun most of the time (I had fun cheesing some of them and going "legit" for others).

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11 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

What new gear did you unlock when you moved from 16 to 17? 

I'm just going to wait for the answer. 


18 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

It is an answer. A long time ago, MR 8 was the max, none of the weapons released would ever go above that point, now we have the Aklex Prime, which has a MR15 requirement. You will get your "answer" sometime in the future as they release more and more things and we get closer to MR30.

Yeah, no. 

Honesty would have been a much better policy than trying to double down on something that we both know isn't true. 

Someone making the assertion that MR tests only serve to lock us out of using certain items, while specifically including a comment about the jump from MR 16 to 17, picked the wrong example. 

My question highlighted this, and anyone can go ahead and verify the current state of affairs. 

You come along and make the point that at some vague point in the future they may make it so that going from MR 16 to 17 actually does unlock something, and that's valid, but as of right now.... It doesn't change anything about the fact that that particular jump doesn't unlock any new gear. 


Thanks for trying, but this was one of those strange games, where the only winning move would have been not to play. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:


Yeah, no. 

Honesty would have been a much better policy than trying to double down on something that we both know isn't true. 

Someone making the assertion that MR tests only serve to lock us out of using certain items, while specifically including a comment about the jump from MR 16 to 17, picked the wrong example. 

My question highlighted this, and anyone can go ahead and verify the current state of affairs. 

You come along and make the point that at some vague point in the future they may make it so that going from MR 16 to 17 actually does unlock something, and that's valid, but as of right now.... It doesn't change anything about the fact that that particular jump doesn't unlock any new gear. 


Thanks for trying, but this was one of those strange games, where the only winning move would have been not to play. 

Sure. Whatever makes you boat float.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Sorry, I read both posts and didn't see any sign of an answer. I'm afraid I will have to wait a bit longer. 


7 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Yeah, no. 

Honesty would have been a much better policy than trying to double down on something that we both know isn't true. 

Ignoring arguments and adopting a holier-than-thou stance does NOT make you right in any capacity.

I'd tell you to get of your high horse, but I'm afraid you'd break your legs if you tried.

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25 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:


Ignoring arguments and adopting a holier-than-thou stance does NOT make you right in any capacity.

I'd tell you to get of your high horse, but I'm afraid you'd break your legs if you tried.



Ignoring arguments and adopting a holier-than-thou stance doesn't make you right in any capacity either. 

I don't actually need to tell you to get off of your high horse, because anyone can see that arguing against the fact that the progression from MR 16 to 17 hasn't unlocked any new gear is obviously wrong. And as I said, trying to double down and claim that it's actually correct because at some vague point it might, oh sorry will, unlock something and those who haven't accepted that position will be complaining about it in the future..... Yeah,  no, not a winning strategy. 

But hey, I guess you didn't ignore that argument and just missed out on all that  context before you made your post, or something. It happens. Might want to use a step ladder on the way down though. 

Good luck with that, Tenno. 


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1 hour ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:



Ignoring arguments and adopting a holier-than-thou stance doesn't make you right in any capacity either. 

I don't actually need to tell you to get off of your high horse, because anyone can see that arguing against the fact that the progression from MR 16 to 17 hasn't unlocked any new gear is obviously wrong. And as I said, trying to double down and claim that it's actually correct because at some vague point it might, oh sorry will, unlock something and those who haven't accepted that position will be complaining about it in the future..... Yeah,  no, not a winning strategy. 

But hey, I guess you didn't ignore that argument and just missed out on all that  context before you made your post, or something. It happens. Might want to use a step ladder on the way down though. 

Good luck with that, Tenno. 


Man you are the single most dense person I have ever responded to on a forum.  Ever.  I shouldn't even bother, but I'll try.


There is no new gear to unlock at 17.  But you have to have a certain MR to unlock and use other gear.


MR-0 Braton (MK1), Burston, Hind, Latron, MK1-Paris, Snipetron, MK1-Strun

MR-1 Karak, Strun

MR-2 Boar, Boltor, Mutalist Quanta, Vectis

MR-3 Gorgon, Paris, Tetra, Vulkar,

MR-4 Braton Vandal, Dera, Hek, Quanta, Prisma Tetra, Torid

MR-5 Drakgoon, Dread, Grakata, Ignis, Kohm, Simulor, Snipetron Vandal, Sybaris, Tonkor

MR-6 Carmine Penta, Cernos, Flux Rifle, Miter, Penta, Rubico, Scourge, Soma

MR-7 Argonak, Attica, Baza, Convectrix, Dera Vandal, Dex Sybaris, Gorgon Wraith, Grinlok, Harpak, Hema, Javlok, Karak Wraith, Latron Wraith, Mutalist Cernos, Panthera, Paracyst, Sobek, Soma Prime, Tigris, Vulkar Wraith, Zarr

MR-8 Braton Prime, Glaxion, Lenz, Paris Prime, Stradavar, Veldt

MR-9 Ignis Wraith, Ogris

MR-10 Amprex, Arca Plasmor, Astilla, Corinth, Daikyu, Lanka, Latron Prime, Quanta Vandal, Quartakk, Strun Wraith, Tenora, Tiberon, Zenith, Zhuge

MR-11 Boar Prime, Buzlok, Prisma Gorgon, Prisma Grakata, Phage, Synapse

MR-12 Telos Boltor, Burston Prime, Cernos Prime, Rakta Cernos, Vaykor Hek, Secura Penta, Synoid Simulor, Supra, Sybaris Prime, Sancti Tigris

MR-13 Boltor Prime, Tigris Prime

MR-14 Ferrox, Opticor, Supra Vandal, Tiberon Prime, Vectis Prime


MR-0 Bronco, MK1-Furis, Kraken, MK1-Kunai, Lato, Seer

MR-1 N/A

MR-2 Akbronco, Ballistica, Furis, Gammacor, Hikou, Kunai, Sonicor, Stug

MR-3 Aklato, Castanas, Lex, Sicarus

MR-4 Afuris, Aklex, Akzani, Angstrum, Bronco Prime, Cestra, Despair, Hikou Prime, Nukor, Spectra, Vasto, Viper (Wraith)

MR-5 Atomos, Kohmak, Kulstar, Twin Gremlins, Twin Vipers

MR-6 Azima, Rakta Ballistica, Brakk, Detron

MR-7 Acrid, Bolto, Dual Cestra, Fusilai, Synoid Gammacor, Hystrix, Lato Vandal, Marelok, Stubba, Twin Vipers Wraith

MR-8 Akjagara, Akstiletto, Akvasto, Prisma Angstrum, Cycron, Lex Prime, Pandero, Spira, Talons

MR-9 Akbolto, Aksomati, Mara Detron, Embolist, Pox, Twin Grakatas, Twin Rogga, Tysis

MR-10 Akbronco Prime, Akstiletto Prime, Arca Scisco, Sancti Castanas, Dex Furis, Secura Dual Cestra, Knell, Magnus, Vaykor Marelok, Spira Prime, Staticor, Twin Kohmak, Vasto Prime, Zakti

MR-11 Telos Akbolto, Dual Toxocyst

MR-12 Akmagnus, Pyrana

MR-13 Akbolto Prime, Pyrana Prime

MR-14 Ballistica Prime, Euphona Prime, Lato Prime, Sicarus Prime

MR-15 Aklex Prime


MR-0 Amphis, Ankyros (Prime), Bo (MK1), Cadus, Cronus, Dark Dagger, Dark Sword, Dex Dakra, Dual Ether, Dual Heat Swords, Dual Skana, Ether Daggers, Ether Sword, Fang(Prime), Furax (MK1, Wraith), Heat Dagger, Heat Sword, Karyst, Kestrel, Kogake, Lecta, Mire, Nami Skyla, Nami Solo, Nikana Prime, Ninkondi, Obex (Prisma), Plasma Sword, Shaku, Sheev, Sigma & Octantis, Silva & Aegis, Skana (Prime, Prisma)

MR-1 Dual Kamas, Glaive, Jaw Sword, Kama, Machete (Prisma, Wraith), Magistar

MR-2 Atterax, Boltace, Dual Zoren, Fragor, Gram, Hate, Orthos(Prime), Pangolin Sword, Reaper Prime, Scindo, Serro, Sydon, Tekko

MR-3 Ack & Brunt, Anku, Ceramic Dagger, Cerata, Dual Cleavers(Prisma), Ether Reaper, Galatine, Kronen, Prova (Vandal), Ripkas, Tipedo, Tonbo, Twin Basolk, Venka

MR-4 Guandao, Nikana, Redeemer, Scindo Prime, Volnus

MR-5 Bo Prime, Broken Scepter, Cassowar, Dark Split-Sword (Dual Swords), Dark Split-Sword (Heavy Blade), Gazal Machete, Jat Kittag, Krohkur, Okina, Orvius,

MR-6 Dakra Prime, Dual Ichor, Dual Kamas Prime, Dual Raza, Scoliac, Sibear, Twin Krohkur, Zenistar

MR-7 Caustacyst, Destreza, Dual Keres, Endura, Fragor Prime, Halikar, Hirudo, Kesheg, Lacera, Lesion

MR-8 Telos Boltace, Rakta Dark Dagger, Dragon Nikana, Kronen Prime, Secura Lecta, Sancti Magistar, Mios, Ohma, Sarpa, Vaykor Sydon, Venka Prime

MR-9 Heliocor (Synoid)

MR-10 Arca Titron, Broken War, Destreza Prime, Glaive Prime, Gunsen, Jat Kusar, Kogake Prime, War

MR-11 Nami, Skyla Prime, Skiajati

MR-12 Silva & Aegis Prime

MR-13 Galatine Prime


Aside from the Riven mods which have the highest requirement that I am aware of, as you can see, all gear in this game is tied to MR.  And when going from 16 to 17 and up, there is no more new gear to unlock, you have access to everything.


I hope the oxygen is thick enough to breathe up there atop your self appointed position on that high horse of yours.  Maybe you and that horse outta mosey on down the dusty trail now because you have absolutely no argument left.

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)xJdKxZomBiE said:

Man you are the single most dense person I have ever responded to on a forum.  Ever.  I shouldn't even bother, but I'll try.


There is no new gear to unlock at 17.  But you have to have a certain MR to unlock and use other gear.


MR-0 Braton (MK1), Burston, Hind, Latron, MK1-Paris, Snipetron, MK1-Strun

MR-1 Karak, Strun

MR-2 Boar, Boltor, Mutalist Quanta, Vectis

MR-3 Gorgon, Paris, Tetra, Vulkar,

MR-4 Braton Vandal, Dera, Hek, Quanta, Prisma Tetra, Torid

MR-5 Drakgoon, Dread, Grakata, Ignis, Kohm, Simulor, Snipetron Vandal, Sybaris, Tonkor

MR-6 Carmine Penta, Cernos, Flux Rifle, Miter, Penta, Rubico, Scourge, Soma

MR-7 Argonak, Attica, Baza, Convectrix, Dera Vandal, Dex Sybaris, Gorgon Wraith, Grinlok, Harpak, Hema, Javlok, Karak Wraith, Latron Wraith, Mutalist Cernos, Panthera, Paracyst, Sobek, Soma Prime, Tigris, Vulkar Wraith, Zarr

MR-8 Braton Prime, Glaxion, Lenz, Paris Prime, Stradavar, Veldt

MR-9 Ignis Wraith, Ogris

MR-10 Amprex, Arca Plasmor, Astilla, Corinth, Daikyu, Lanka, Latron Prime, Quanta Vandal, Quartakk, Strun Wraith, Tenora, Tiberon, Zenith, Zhuge

MR-11 Boar Prime, Buzlok, Prisma Gorgon, Prisma Grakata, Phage, Synapse

MR-12 Telos Boltor, Burston Prime, Cernos Prime, Rakta Cernos, Vaykor Hek, Secura Penta, Synoid Simulor, Supra, Sybaris Prime, Sancti Tigris

MR-13 Boltor Prime, Tigris Prime

MR-14 Ferrox, Opticor, Supra Vandal, Tiberon Prime, Vectis Prime


MR-0 Bronco, MK1-Furis, Kraken, MK1-Kunai, Lato, Seer

MR-1 N/A

MR-2 Akbronco, Ballistica, Furis, Gammacor, Hikou, Kunai, Sonicor, Stug

MR-3 Aklato, Castanas, Lex, Sicarus

MR-4 Afuris, Aklex, Akzani, Angstrum, Bronco Prime, Cestra, Despair, Hikou Prime, Nukor, Spectra, Vasto, Viper (Wraith)

MR-5 Atomos, Kohmak, Kulstar, Twin Gremlins, Twin Vipers

MR-6 Azima, Rakta Ballistica, Brakk, Detron

MR-7 Acrid, Bolto, Dual Cestra, Fusilai, Synoid Gammacor, Hystrix, Lato Vandal, Marelok, Stubba, Twin Vipers Wraith

MR-8 Akjagara, Akstiletto, Akvasto, Prisma Angstrum, Cycron, Lex Prime, Pandero, Spira, Talons

MR-9 Akbolto, Aksomati, Mara Detron, Embolist, Pox, Twin Grakatas, Twin Rogga, Tysis

MR-10 Akbronco Prime, Akstiletto Prime, Arca Scisco, Sancti Castanas, Dex Furis, Secura Dual Cestra, Knell, Magnus, Vaykor Marelok, Spira Prime, Staticor, Twin Kohmak, Vasto Prime, Zakti

MR-11 Telos Akbolto, Dual Toxocyst

MR-12 Akmagnus, Pyrana

MR-13 Akbolto Prime, Pyrana Prime

MR-14 Ballistica Prime, Euphona Prime, Lato Prime, Sicarus Prime

MR-15 Aklex Prime


MR-0 Amphis, Ankyros (Prime), Bo (MK1), Cadus, Cronus, Dark Dagger, Dark Sword, Dex Dakra, Dual Ether, Dual Heat Swords, Dual Skana, Ether Daggers, Ether Sword, Fang(Prime), Furax (MK1, Wraith), Heat Dagger, Heat Sword, Karyst, Kestrel, Kogake, Lecta, Mire, Nami Skyla, Nami Solo, Nikana Prime, Ninkondi, Obex (Prisma), Plasma Sword, Shaku, Sheev, Sigma & Octantis, Silva & Aegis, Skana (Prime, Prisma)

MR-1 Dual Kamas, Glaive, Jaw Sword, Kama, Machete (Prisma, Wraith), Magistar

MR-2 Atterax, Boltace, Dual Zoren, Fragor, Gram, Hate, Orthos(Prime), Pangolin Sword, Reaper Prime, Scindo, Serro, Sydon, Tekko

MR-3 Ack & Brunt, Anku, Ceramic Dagger, Cerata, Dual Cleavers(Prisma), Ether Reaper, Galatine, Kronen, Prova (Vandal), Ripkas, Tipedo, Tonbo, Twin Basolk, Venka

MR-4 Guandao, Nikana, Redeemer, Scindo Prime, Volnus

MR-5 Bo Prime, Broken Scepter, Cassowar, Dark Split-Sword (Dual Swords), Dark Split-Sword (Heavy Blade), Gazal Machete, Jat Kittag, Krohkur, Okina, Orvius,

MR-6 Dakra Prime, Dual Ichor, Dual Kamas Prime, Dual Raza, Scoliac, Sibear, Twin Krohkur, Zenistar

MR-7 Caustacyst, Destreza, Dual Keres, Endura, Fragor Prime, Halikar, Hirudo, Kesheg, Lacera, Lesion

MR-8 Telos Boltace, Rakta Dark Dagger, Dragon Nikana, Kronen Prime, Secura Lecta, Sancti Magistar, Mios, Ohma, Sarpa, Vaykor Sydon, Venka Prime

MR-9 Heliocor (Synoid)

MR-10 Arca Titron, Broken War, Destreza Prime, Glaive Prime, Gunsen, Jat Kusar, Kogake Prime, War

MR-11 Nami, Skyla Prime, Skiajati

MR-12 Silva & Aegis Prime

MR-13 Galatine Prime


Aside from the Riven mods which have the highest requirement that I am aware of, as you can see, all gear in this game is tied to MR.  And when going from 16 to 17 and up, there is no more new gear to unlock, you have access to everything.


I hope the oxygen is thick enough to breathe up there atop your self appointed position on that high horse of yours.  Maybe you and that horse outta mosey on down the dusty trail now because you have absolutely no argument left.

Press F to pay respect this guy

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11 minutes ago, (XB1)xJdKxZomBiE said:

There is no new gear to unlock at 17.  But you have to have a certain MR to unlock and use other gear.

That's what I figured. I'll skip the next bit because it's all in the link I posted to the wiki earlier. 


11 minutes ago, (XB1)xJdKxZomBiE said:

Aside from the Riven mods which have the highest requirement that I am aware of, as you can see, all gear in this game is tied to MR.  And when going from 16 to 17 and up, there is no more new gear to unlock, you have access to everything.

So the next question is, why did you choose that specific mastery rank increase to talk about in the paragraph where you said that the only benefit is access to the locked gear? 

You see, I figure that there are benefits, such as being encouraged to learn to play under pressure, or with specific skills that we may not have otherwise practiced. And I say this in the full recognition that using Google to learn about the game we play is the main skill some people seem to gain. In a game where we can probably agree that the tutorials are sub par in comparison, and much of the information isn't explicitly fed to us, that's an important skill to have. 

That's why I figure we need the Mastery Rank tests. 


Now on an side note, do you notice the difference between our posts? I don't actually need to toss all of that particularly weak shade to show why I figure that you said something wrong, or make my points.

I asked a pointed question based on something you said that I actually quoted. Then I waited for an answer, which I am glad to see you were intellectually honest enough to give, and now I have made my point. I didn't need to call you dense, or claim that you are on some high horse. It was, up to this last bit all on topic and respectful. In fact, just pointing all this out in a calm and respectful way, is all that I need to do to respond, isn't it? 

I figure that's another skill set that quite a few could stand to learn. 

But whatever. 😉

Have a great day, Tenno. 

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