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We need more things to do with the Operator


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I agree with the people who said the operator are "cluncky", that's why i mentioned this would need tweeks to work. Maybe some of the Arcanes for rewards could be to give a lot of movement speed but loosing void energy while running. And in fact i thing with the focus talent that gives sprint speed and the mod who gives movement speed after a Void Dash they could even make a mechanic where in thoose maps you Void Dash would use more energy so you can spam it all the mision but use it to activate that kind of Arcane buffs. 
"Operators can Parkour" cause they can blink a lot of times avoiding damage and gravity at an speed the most of the frames CANT. Ofc you can use an STR Volt, or Nezha, but almost everyone who have some focus when need to go up fast a long way (if there is no lag) uses the Operator and make a couple of blinks cause is faster than running or bullet jumping. In fact, that is what i think is the major problem with this idea. Being able to void dash seven times, wait 4 seconds and repeat is what could make an escape mission trivial. 
The "squishy" part of the tenno is what can make really cool obstacle's courses without the capacity of ruining it with Limbo, Rhino or whatever can avoid the knockback of a laser. 
I will agree with the frames being capable of being "too strong" and almost everything in the game can be shooted down while standing still, a good sequenced fight and the limitations of the tenno can be a real action-shooter where you have to AVOID and shoot, not stand and kill. 

Also i said that enemy level is a think to consider. If we keep with the idea of a kind of EMP that make the Warfames stop working, that could at the same time leave the corpus of that map without shields (the rest can be managed in the enemy levels and might be some kind of new unit even). If they put a few Operators in front of a lvl 100 Juggernault we will be crying for a while and having our new Lunaro in hands.

Was mostly an idea to work with cause the specie who revolutioned the system is limited to a chair on his ship and on hacking consoles. 

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I have to be careful with what I type, or when I type. If I type when the wind is blowing in the wrong direction, my post may get removed without notice.

But what I wanted to say was that maybe they should start with giving operators better movement first, before we get into more complex things.

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13 hours ago, Loza03 said:

Ok, look.

You're coming up with excuse after excuse. Whatever your point was (Which, as far as I can tell was trying to convince me Operators were good against armour due to the new arcanes with puncture damage?) you've long since abandoned it. You're moving the goalposts here.

My point, that Operators really should be better against armour since a majority of enemies, especially the enemy faction that the game's moving towards, has long been proved.  Going on with flimsy justifications that argue a different point just isn't productive. I was suggesting that Operators should be better in standard gameplay and then they'd be used more in a thread about how Operators should be used more.

u said u wanted to fight enemies with armor, like the greneer, then move to the point that they should 1 shot sentines reguardless of where and how we fight them... im confused...

once i have tested the arcane that mkes enemies week to puncture, combined with the amp Archean that makes u do puncture il let u know how that goes, but im not at a high enough rank in vox yet to even get them

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

u said u wanted to fight enemies with armor, like the greneer, then move to the point that they should 1 shot sentines reguardless of where and how we fight them... im confused...

And now you're straw manning.

Sentients have armour, so that's part of the same point. And I don't want them to be one-shot, I want them to not take half a minute to kill. I get why what the  Operator does in the Second Dream isn't what we do all the time, but I find it absurd that they're still less effective than bog-standard guns.

And with that, I'm done. This conversation has long since run its course and other people want to talk without a mini flame war going on. Yelling at each other isn't good for for everyone else, and I don't feel anything productive is coming from it in the long run. Certainly, it's separated from the original point of the discussion - a suggestion that Operators need better integration into the game and to be more capable of standing on their own to be widely accepted by the community as a gameplay element.

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Getting in on the argument regarding plot and operators not being good at fighting sentients which was their job during the Old War, keep in mind the operators weren't even enlisted just to directly fight them. Before them, the Orokin were trying to utilize the precursors of the warframes, infested bio-drones. They couldn't be controlled, eventually turning on their makers. The Zariman Ten-Zero incident happened around this time and they discovered the surviving children had a unique connection with the drones which allowed them to be controlled, their void powers happened to give them even more of a tactical advantage. The bio-drones were then turned from semi-autonomous war beasts to bionic weapons platforms, warframes, operated by the void children.

I don't think the operators were enlisted to fight the sentients, but to control the warframes which were purpose-built to combat them.

I agree that the usefulness of operators should be expanded on, by the way.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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If killing sentiants is a problem there are two solutions: 
- Lower the level of the sentiants
- Make a new kind of sentiant for the operator only mission/part of the mission wich have lower stats than the one made to fight warframes
then, you would be able to kill sentiants at the level the devs desires 

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1 hour ago, SarusMindfury said:

If killing sentiants is a problem there are two solutions: 
- Lower the level of the sentiants
- Make a new kind of sentiant for the operator only mission/part of the mission wich have lower stats than the one made to fight warframes
then, you would be able to kill sentiants at the level the devs desires 

Or make them take more damage from void... Wich is what is wanted and the issue is they aren't tanky enough to non-void attacks 

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On 2019-02-04 at 4:07 PM, Loza03 said:

Devil Trigger/Super Saiyan/Avatar State thing - either an overarching power up or per-focus school ability that enables Operators to transcend past the power of frames, but for a more limited timeframe. Base power is lower than frames, peak power is greater. 

Tools: A greater focus on gear and abilities to enable alternate playstyles. More powers that replace  the existing ones that produce radical shifts in gameplay that offer strategic advantages and disadvantages when compared to frames.

More traditional shooter gameplay. On the flipside, going all in and letting the Operators going all-in on shooter gameplay from less movement-heavy shooters could lead to Operators having their own niche.

I'd be fine with all of these. Honestly, I really liked my Transcendence Operator between The Second Dream and The War Within. You know, the one who popped up for a few seconds and killed everything with their Unibeam before popping back out for another three minutes. Having a controllable operator is, of course, undeniably neat but I miss that ability to - as you said - go Super Saiyan temporarily and clear a room, before going on cooldown. The problem is this game wasn't really designed with Operators in mind, so there's really no defined "role" for them. The example I always default to is Titanfall, where the duality between the nimble but squishy Pilot and the slow but powerful Titan was the whole point. Even without the Titan dying every few minutes, Pilots were still able to access building interiors and high roofs that the Titan was too large and heavy to go to. Titanfall 2's campaign used this constantly to get the player out of the titan and running on foot.

Warframe can't really have that kind of duality. Warframes are already faster and more agile than Operators while still being small enough to fit into tight spaces and mobile enough to climb freestanding structures. At that point, what do Operators even DO? Specifically, what COULD Operators even do, considering a large chunk of the playerbase doesn't have access to one, on account of how late The Second Dream and The War Within come. There are a whole host of gameplay systems which could benefit from having two independently-controlled characters to the same player. I've played through the entirety of Portal 2 co-op solo via toggling control between Atlas and P-Body, for example. Then there was that series of puzzles in Darksiders 2 where the player could split between two shadows controlled independently to hold down switches and push blocks. Hell, Warframe itself already allows some amount of trickery like this, such as picking up an item with your Warframe, picking up another with your Operator, moving the item and recalling your Warframe for the second one. It's clumsy, but it works.

The problem is that Operators, the way they're built right now, are basically a mini-Warframe built for the exact same use AS a Warframe. They have defences, they have weapons, they have mobility, they fight weapons and nothing else. There's nothing you can do with an Operator that you can't do with a Warframe. And because there's SO little variety between the abilities of an Operator (stats aside), there isn't really a good way to mix-and-match between your Operator and your Warframe. My Operator is always going to be slow, clumsy and invisible with a silent weapon, so I might as well use that for Spy and Rescue, then get a "loud" Warframe for everything else. And considering my Warframe's mobility, melee and often defences are not bound by Energy, I might as well just keep using that.

I swear, Void Mode is the millstone around the neck of the whole Operator system. It's their sole defence and the primary bottleneck for which most Operator Energy must be reserved. It allows the operator to be weak and slow and clumsy because you can just turtle in Void Mode and nothing matters. It also singularly determines the gameplay of ALL Operators, regardless of Focus School. DE had the opportunity to give different schools vastly different abilities in the same vein as Warframes, but nope! They're all stealth and invulnerability and a wimpy melee attack. Even Archwings - a system that's been entirely abandoned since before I started playing - at least have four Archwings, ~10 guns and about as many melee weapons to choose from. Even they have activatable abilities which cause each Archwing to function fundamentally differently from the others. But Operators, this major storyline milestone and the thing every single player would have? Nope! We have one Operator with a few viable builds.

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29 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

'd be fine with all of these. Honestly, I really liked my Transcendence Operator between The Second Dream and The War Within. You know, the one who popped up for a few seconds and killed everything with their Unibeam before popping back out for another three minutes. Having a controllable operator is, of course, undeniably neat but I miss that ability to - as you said - go Super Saiyan temporarily and clear a room, before going on cooldown. The problem is this game wasn't really designed with Operators in mind, so there's really no defined "role" for them. The example I always default to is Titanfall, where the duality between the nimble but squishy Pilot and the slow but powerful Titan was the whole point. Even without the Titan dying every few minutes, Pilots were still able to access building interiors and high roofs that the Titan was too large and heavy to go to. Titanfall 2's campaign used this constantly to get the player out of the titan and running on foot.

Warframe can't really have that kind of duality. Warframes are already faster and more agile than Operators while still being small enough to fit into tight spaces and mobile enough to climb freestanding structures. At that point, what do Operators even DO? Specifically, what COULD Operators even do, considering a large chunk of the playerbase doesn't have access to one, on account of how late The Second Dream and The War Within come. There are a whole host of gameplay systems which could benefit from having two independently-controlled characters to the same player. I've played through the entirety of Portal 2 co-op solo via toggling control between Atlas and P-Body, for example. Then there was that series of puzzles in Darksiders 2 where the player could split between two shadows controlled independently to hold down switches and push blocks. Hell, Warframe itself already allows some amount of trickery like this, such as picking up an item with your Warframe, picking up another with your Operator, moving the item and recalling your Warframe for the second one. It's clumsy, but it works.

That's a very good point. One of the main reasons I don't want specific levels is due to this problem. Most of the people who do have Operators haven't invested in them, and I can't blame them. Hell, I'm halfway towards that. I've only invested in Madurai and enough Zenurik to get Energising Dash (for when I do need it, which is surprisingly rare since I like using Limbo) and the energy pool boost.

Operators need to be themselves better to encourage people to actually use them outside of Eidolons. Same kind of deal as with Arch-guns. Even the old Transcendence wasn't very good at room clearing, at least against Grineer. 

32 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

The problem is that Operators, the way they're built right now, are basically a mini-Warframe built for the exact same use AS a Warframe. They have defences, they have weapons, they have mobility, they fight weapons and nothing else. There's nothing you can do with an Operator that you can't do with a Warframe. And because there's SO little variety between the abilities of an Operator (stats aside), there isn't really a good way to mix-and-match between your Operator and your Warframe. My Operator is always going to be slow, clumsy and invisible with a silent weapon, so I might as well use that for Spy and Rescue, then get a "loud" Warframe for everything else. And considering my Warframe's mobility, melee and often defences are not bound by Energy, I might as well just keep using that.

Also very true. They're a kind of secondary weapon player character but aren't really worth using over the 'primary', that being your Warframe

34 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

I swear, Void Mode is the millstone around the neck of the whole Operator system. It's their sole defence and the primary bottleneck for which most Operator Energy must be reserved. It allows the operator to be weak and slow and clumsy because you can just turtle in Void Mode and nothing matters. It also singularly determines the gameplay of ALL Operators, regardless of Focus School. DE had the opportunity to give different schools vastly different abilities in the same vein as Warframes, but nope! They're all stealth and invulnerability and a wimpy melee attack. Even Archwings - a system that's been entirely abandoned since before I started playing - at least have four Archwings, ~10 guns and about as many melee weapons to choose from. Even they have activatable abilities which cause each Archwing to function fundamentally differently from the others. But Operators, this major storyline milestone and the thing every single player would have? Nope! We have one Operator with a few viable builds.

Again, a very good point. Focus schools need something each to make them unique. Maybe have some be focused around making the Operator a more effective fighter, and others around being boons for Warframe combat as that whole 'secondary Warframe' kind of deal, but intentionally so?


Given your Titanfall 2 comparision, how does this idea sound? Operators become both a kind of 'secondary Warframe', with each focus school getting some kind of special passive and an exclusive void power that can be selected in place of an existing one from the focus menu that gives each school a distinct role, and when you fill up a bar (maybe fillable via focus in WF mode and through base Operator damage in OP mode? So you can get it using your Warframe, but it's faster by getting it by Operator), you can trigger a special ascended state that makes the Operator the Titan, not the Pilot (to use the Titanfall reference). Base stats could be something like '50% of all enemy damage reduction ignored, 2x base damage, 2x base movement and sprinting speed and jump height, 75% damage reduction, duration of 2 minutes.' with each school actually having different stats for the power up

I'll expand this idea further and make my own thread on this.


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21 hours ago, Loza03 said:

That's a very good point. One of the main reasons I don't want specific levels is due to this problem. Most of the people who do have Operators haven't invested in them, and I can't blame them. Hell, I'm halfway towards that. I've only invested in Madurai and enough Zenurik to get Energising Dash (for when I do need it, which is surprisingly rare since I like using Limbo) and the energy pool boost.

Given the punishing cost of Focus progression and the "Raid" content gating for Operator Amp progression, I can't really blame people. And that's not even counting all of the newer players who haven't even done The War Within so they don't even HAVE a controllable Operator. Forcing Operator-only mechanics into the game at this stage without both revamping the Operator grind AND offering newer players some kind of Operator surrogate would not go down well. Both of those are solvable issues, however. If you would, allow me to stretch my child-like imagination for a moment 🙂

Let's say we've somehow "fixed" the Operator Grind. Whole other thread about how, not the point. Now, we need to make the Operator "mechanic" available to all players regardless of their quest progression, but without introducing spoilers or breaking the timeline. So let's say that early on during Vor's Prize, players are required to craft a Spectre for a simplified Interception mission in order to introduce that mission type. However, in the process of doing so, an extra "Unknown Spectre" is unexpectedly created. The Lotus is surprised and concerned about it, and it takes the form of a small, transparent ghostly child. This player-controllable Spectre can be summoned via the Operator key, during which time the Warframe stands still but is still fully vulnerable to damage. The spectre has a lower detection range but moves slowly and can be killed. It can, however, bush buttons, hold down floor plates and recall the Warframe to itself. Hitting the "Spectre" key would toggle between the Warframe and the Spectre. Holding the key would recall the Warframe to the Spectre or recall the Spectre to the Warframe, depending on which is active at the time.

This way, multi-user puzzles can be introduced into the game which still work for a single player or a small team. Now, I used to make Portal 2 Workshop puzzles back in the day, specifically such solvable by a solo player swapping between the bots, so I'm a little biased in this regard but... You can have simple stuff like a door which only stays open if a button is held, meaning the player can use the Spectre to hold it open while the Warframe moves in or vice versa. Alternately, the Spectre could be hidden in a corner somewhere and used as an anchor for a quick escape by teleporting back to it. Alternately, the Spectre can be used to hold onto an item, which can then be recalled back to the Warframe - perhaps even with the ability to hand items over. Multiple consoles far apart could be triggered simultaneously by the same player by cleverly pre-positioning their Warframe and their Spectre. And this is just off the top of my head. When a player is able to independently control multiple characters, very complex and cool puzzles could be had.

And you know what the best part is? Once the player obtains the actual walking-talking Operator, that "Unknown Spectre" can be entirely replaced by the actual Operator. You can even have a smarmy plot moment where that image of a child turns out to be the Operator subconsciously projecting projecting themselves to their Warframe through their Second Dream. ZOMG FORESHADOWING!!! Once The War Within happens, swapping out of the Warframe could put it in a Titanfall-style "dome shield" where both it and its Sentinel are invulnerable, while swapping back to it could put the Operator in permanent Void Mode so they can stay in a location without getting murdered. Not only does this lend itself to the same level of puzzle-solving, it actually gives me a reason to swap between Warframe and Operator in combat as a tag-team - as one gets hurt, it bunkers down to recover while the other takes over. And yes, I'm aware that this is currently doable - at the cost of expensive Arcanes which take up valuable slots and it still gets your Sentinel killed because THAT isn't invulnerable. Still gets your Warframe Energy drained by Magnetic procs, too.

With all of the above, gaining an Operator wouldn't lead to the introduction of a whole new secondary game that we didn't ask for. Rather, it would lead to the upgrading of an existing gameplay mechanic we've grown accustomed to and reliant upon for the entire previous portion of the game. We'd go from an "Unknown Spectre" which can only move and push buttons and maybe pull us back when we're in trouble, to an active Operator capable of proper mobility and combat capability to actually tag-team with. DE are even talking about making changes to the new player experience some time soon, so this would be the perfect opportunity to add a "hook" for the Operator's mechanics early in the game.

The reason I praise the implementation of Archwings into the Plains and Orb Vallis is because they're not "just another Warframe." They're a flying machine which fundamentally alters the way the game plays, but only works in areas with enough open air to activate them. And even then, their potential is squandered between rampant AA spam which disregards defensive abilities and predominantly flat terrain without much use for verticality. Railjack and the potential of a redesigned Jupiter Gas City where we could freely fly between those floating structures (I'm speculating) is tantalising. Similarly, an "open-world" zone with a small footprint but taking place along the height of a some kind of megatower with potential to fly up the side of it would also be pretty cool.

More than anything else, though, I'm trying to focus on the actual unique mechanics offered by the Operator. While Focus and Void Mode and their various abilities are "unique" from the perspective of most Warframes just not having them, the ability to have two separately-controlled characters able to be in different places and on both sides of a locked door is LITERALLY unique, in that it's physically impossible to replicate with just a single playable character on the map at a time. THAT aspect of them deserves to matter more than it does. Even if it's something as simple as being able to recall the Operator to the Warframe or toggle between them without recalling either.

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I would like to see more operator stuff.  I didnt make her all cute and fancy for nothing.  

What id really love to see is a complete skillset swap per focus school. Like naramon may have the current set,  but zenurik could be all about debuffing enemies or something,  unairu all about tanking and shields,  anything really to make each school feel unique and worthwhile to use, as even with most of the things unlocked i find myself defaulting to zenurik simply because i cant be bothered waiting for energy restore craft timers

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hace 16 horas, LuckyCharm dijo:

but zenurik could be all about debuffing enemies or something

Unairu have talents to reduce enemies armor and damage output, then you have slow on zenurik, the fire trails on madurai. You almost got everything covered, the problem is... if you try to use it, is faster just reduce armor with Corrosive and isnt slower or weaker enemy than a dead enemy, so is faster just kill them. 

Well, we know they should make a MEGA buff to operators to make people use them during normal mission cause, in casual mission you wont use them cause you wont need them and in long missions they should give something really usefull to make the normal player use the operator. 

And cause it could break the game (in some ways), is why i think we could start making them usefull making content though for the operator. Ofc, almost everyone says the same, they are clunky, that is his major problem to make a mission only with the operators but DE can find a way to make this arround. They said on the devstream they have something like melee weapons for operators. 
Other thing is people who dont work on the operators cause they dont use them... well, i didnt build mine till i wanted to do eilodons, so if a new content come and people wants to do it, will work his way into it like on every other major new things you farmed items, new crafting materials and reputations. 
Idk, i think worked properly we could have good content with the operators. 

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53 minutes ago, SarusMindfury said:

Unairu have talents to reduce enemies armor and damage output, then you have slow on zenurik, the fire trails on madurai. You almost got everything covered, the problem is... if you try to use it, is faster just reduce armor with Corrosive and isnt slower or weaker enemy than a dead enemy, so is faster just kill them. 

Well, we know they should make a MEGA buff to operators to make people use them during normal mission cause, in casual mission you wont use them cause you wont need them and in long missions they should give something really usefull to make the normal player use the operator. 

And cause it could break the game (in some ways), is why i think we could start making them usefull making content though for the operator. Ofc, almost everyone says the same, they are clunky, that is his major problem to make a mission only with the operators but DE can find a way to make this arround. They said on the devstream they have something like melee weapons for operators. 
Other thing is people who dont work on the operators cause they dont use them... well, i didnt build mine till i wanted to do eilodons, so if a new content come and people wants to do it, will work his way into it like on every other major new things you farmed items, new crafting materials and reputations. 
Idk, i think worked properly we could have good content with the operators. 

Yeah i didnt mean just add to base abilities though i meant to entirely replace the abilities so they were different for each school,  like for example you wouldnt walk into an I.T class expecting to learn to play violin.  If all abilities changed for each school the buffs each tree gives wont feel so generic between them.  That way it'd be like your school choice meant something.  Could even add the ability to add an ability from one tree and one from another giving you a ton of combinations to play with rather than the same few abilities we have currently

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I would like to see some more operator options and mission-usage as well.

As for Options:

-I'd love to have the "little demon unleashed"-Operator from between Second Dream and the War Within back. Perhaps something like while in Warframe mode hold the transference-button long (instead of just klicking it shortly to transfer out), to start that mode again. Be exhausted for 3 Minutes after this (no operator mode for this duration).

-We know that the operator can "de-materialize" and be at the helm of the frame again. So we can for example, dash forward, revive, hack a terminal, or do a spy room and then hold the transference-button long to "teleport" back into our frames.


As for missions:

- perhaps some kind of mission in the Void, "outside" of the orokin structures (if that even makes sense). Perhaps as it's own mission, but it could also be kinda like the underwater parts on uranus, to close a gap not accessible for the Frame.

-perhaps for certain new spy rooms ("This room has sensors for even smallest traces of Infested. It might trigger, because it mistakes your Frame for one. It would be easier, if we could do this without a frame..."), as an option to solve the rooms differently (Frame with a Timelimit or gas flooding the chamber, or Operator which would make the whole operation difficult on another level(clunky movement, not so offensive qualities)).


Storywise, I wouldn't like the idea of an EMP separating Tenno from Frame. Would be a bit to obvious for the Corpus to not have tried a hundred times before (Plus: I think you're sitting the whole time in the orbiter, just doing some kind of "astral projection" originating from your Frame, so it would be hard to do, ifyou're seperated, before this.). Perhaps rather something along the lines of your Frame getting paralysed and your operator need to drag it along?

Edited by thor_sten
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I haven't invested a crazy amount of time in my operator, i only have rank zero arcanes and have only built 2 amps, Im not even close to maxing out a focus tree, but I can clear every mission on the star chart with him without to much difficulty. I can't go do an hour mot with him but there's some people who's warframe can't do that. I like using him because it makes me have to actually think about how to aproch the next room of enemies, and be conscious of my resources and movements. I enjoy this change in pace compared to the bullet jump to skill press required to clear rooms with a good portion of my frames.


I think if they would remove the energy cost on your void mode etrxa effects would be helpful to sustainability and make them a bit more usable. It would be cool to see a modale melee weapon for them, I have a rather unorthadox idea for this. I imagine a hilt the operator can focus his energy threw, and depending on the focus school you have equipped and what perks selected change the way the blade looks. Attacks could also have some sort of ranged affect, such as one school could have a chained kama that gets thrown out and a timed B press when hitting the enemy pulls you to the last one hit, holding B down could cause the operator to swing the kama above him damaging everything with a few meters. Or a sword that dashes to the nearest enemy and be stabbed into the ground to release a Shockwave. I know these arnt flawless examples but i think it would be awesome to see something like this.

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Yeah yeah, but still even if that weapon looks nice or is fast, you still will use your warframe cause the speed, the strengh and the endurance is far superior 😛 
Only adding things to the op without making it almost forced to be used nobody will use it far from the situation we already mentioned. 

hace 19 horas, thor_sten dijo:

Storywise, I wouldn't like the idea of an EMP separating Tenno from Frame. Would be a bit to obvious for the Corpus to not have tried a hundred times before (Plus: I think you're sitting the whole time in the orbiter, just doing some kind of "astral projection" originating from your Frame, so it would be hard to do, ifyou're seperated, before this.). Perhaps rather something along the lines of your Frame getting paralysed and your operator need to drag it along?

Bombs were "tried" a lot of times and a day someone invented one wich can destroy an entire city with only one of them. It could be something new, a void energy experimental EMP (? And i hope they give us a shopping cart cause if the operators are slow i dont want to see how fast they would be with a warframe on his back 
It was only an idea, is hard to make something you would do more than once (a trap really doesnt look like a mission you will repeat 10 times and still falling on it, but meh). Maybe a laboratory inside of a void disruption so the warframes cannot enter cause interference? 
That go with the idea of a whole planet in some location were the frames cannot be used. 

Edited by SarusMindfury
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