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Exploiter Orb Vents "The Nova Fix"


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I wanted to adress the newest "Fix" of killing all of the Vents with Nova on Exploiter orb.


So let me start with this: Why cant we have frames that actually do some interesting interactions on the bosses? The meta of Tanky frames is here yet again. Chroma, Harrow, Trin. Volt. We all know these frames cuz they mostly can be used anywhere, cuz their skills dont do any interaction with enemy, they just buff allies or heal them.

So now as we got some interaction - Nova. In my opinion your point of saying "If you are smart enough..." was shown here. Players found a frame with unusuall interaction to kill the boss faster. Not just bringing the same Eidolon frames over and over and yet you decide to remove it.

Some people may see it as a skip or a bug abuse... Parkour 2.0 was a bug abuse at first, Nova's slowing or speeding up ability was a bug that turned into feature too. So why cant this be a feature?

The Boss is adjusted for low MR players as well as high MR which is great! Buuut its difficulty is just too low for high ranks, so the place high ranks could shine was the Nova thing. So now... we can use Gara... Zephyr... mostly the second phase - the longest one is the place we can thing... not much tho...
Kill spiders, throw stuff, shoot stuff. The Nova interaction made it fresh to have interaction with the boss and in my opinion it allowed Veterans to shine as well as keeping the boss Low MR friendly as well.


In my opinion this should be brought back up as a feature or make the fight more challenging or more interesting in other way.

Thank you.

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Nova needed a bit more set up, since you had to actually hit the AMD and aim it a the sweet spot near the back of the Spider. AMD's blast is otherwise not big enough to break all four vents. It took a bit of planning and knowledge to make it work and rewarded players for using something that wasn't that useful for the second part (the actual brain dead way is Octavia, mind you).

Of course, the fight is still more flexible than say, Eidolons, because you don't need that much damage, but we are back to the usual roster of frames like Oberon, Trinity, Rhino, Chroma etc. Exception is that Volt is less useful because there is no need for his Shield ... and Harrow's ability to block magnetic is not necessary either. But you can use Gara, Inaros, Wukong etc because they can take a huge beating without dying.

The end is that frame choice for part A is essentially pointless and there is no more reward for alternative team comps, which is sad. If anything, they could make it such that well thrown Thermia can melt multiple vents for part A, and allow a maximum of two vents to be simultaneously destroyed, making good positioning and throwing relevant in the first part (and also making frames that can break multiple vents useful)

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13 minutes ago, CuteFoxyFox said:

Next change: Chroma's 3 doesnt work on Eidolons cuz it allows to skip them faster, Harrow 4 doesnt work on Eidolon energy spike as it allowed players to be close to the eidolon when they ment to run 60m away.

There's a big difference between taking Nekros to desecrate additional Antiserum fragments to speed up The Jordas Verdict and skipping the entire first stage with Itzal.

Look, the Exploiter Orb is painful to farm. I did over 60 runs just to get both Ephemera drops. However, there are no interesting strategic decisions involved in the boss because it was specifically designed that way. Do I like that? No, of course not. I like the Profit Taker more than the Exploiter. I want to do it as fast and efficient as possible, and the fact I really can't do much is what makes it a chore. That does not however justify skipping the first phase. Did I like the skip? Of course, but it's not an unjustified action to fix a skip for literally a third of the time it takes to defeat the boss.

The Exploiter Orb is poorly designed and should have frame interactions, but skipping a whole phase isn't what should make it fun to begin with.

Edited by Voltage
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1 hour ago, CuteFoxyFox said:

Why cant we have frames that actually do some interesting interactions on the bosses?

The devs will start listening to this argument when the players stop thinking they are being clever by calling obvious exploits interesting or fun.

You aren't clever.

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On 2019-03-18 at 4:47 PM, DeMonkey said:

ITT I learned that obvious bugs that allow for skipping of entire phases are considered "interesting interactions" by some that should totally remain in the game.

They ARE interesting. It's why the speedrun community exists

Game design is a very careful balance of rewarding experimentation and punishing incorrect methods. This is because experimentation is, to the human brain, inherently fun. You can't just disallow experimentation and say "no, you do it THIS way or you don't do it at all" because then you get... Medal of Honor: Warfighter

On the flipside, the game designer IS allowed to put their foot down sometimes. In Starcraft, the Zerg Rush was famously nerfed for the overall health of the game, and the result was that a LOT of Zerg players found out that rushing was literally all they learned to do. They hadn't learned endgame at all and were getting stomped until they went back and retrained. As for Warframe, the Nova Skip was really lucky that it didn't trigger some kind of script error; it was just BEGGING for serious glitches later down the line

With all that said, I am firmly in the belief that no one can be blamed for being disappointed by the Nova Skip getting patched out. There's got to be some way to reward players for doing good experimentation, like (just spitballing) maybe the Nova Skip damages Exploiter's icing machine so that her vents can only ice up halfway, or something like that

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On 2019-03-18 at 4:34 PM, Genitive said:

She allowed to bypass the first phase of the fight. This change was expected. 

In a way that made complete sense.

It just discourages players from being creative or clever, because "oh no maybe the timegate won't be quite as unreasonably long".


It's kinda like if they made it so you coudn't pop zits for hive 3 until you cleared 2, and 2 until you cleared 1. "b-b-but you can rush through a hive mission faster by splitting up! unfair! exploit! de pls fix!" ect.

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