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Bring back Alerts


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15 hours ago, Nyx219 said:

Listen people.

If we can have:







as reward systems that shell out rewards alongside NW, then we can have Old Alerts along side NW living Happily Ever After, too. Invasions in particular could be considered double-dipping the NW catalysts and reactors, so the half-baked "risk of double-dipping" argument is already invalid.


Why are you people taking the notion so personally? Bringing Old Alerts back isn't demanding killing off NW, it's demanding bringing back a system that worked for a bleep of a lot of people, as evidenced by the colossal amount of feedback saying as much all over the forum. So you didn't like Old Alerts. Big dang deal. I'm going to say what you say, reworded : Then don't play them, nobody's holding a weapon to your temple making you. Are they?


And you say people advocating for the return of a long-standing working system are the crybabies? Nobody's even ASKING to take NW away from you, you're having tantrums because not enough people are groveling to DE for your liking. Suck it up, buttercups. We can be happy with a variety of reward systems to please everyone, we've already got several doing exactly that. I don't do Arbitrations, and I really dislike invasions being done in triplicate, so I don't do them. I do like my Syndicate & Relic runs and the occasional Sortie if it's interesting enough, those I do just fine. What I don't do is sit there and ask for a reward system other people like be removed just because I think it sucks. That's what you've done and the ensuing fear of it being done to you is all in YOUR heads, not ours.

I seems like, for some reason, everyone that is against bringing back alerts thinks that they would somehow lose something if that happened. They would lose absolutely nothing, while those of us that liked alerts have already lost something. I may not like Nightwave, as I have made very clear many times, but I do not want it removed. I would much rather see it turned into something that all of us can enjoy as well. Because with both around, you can play the one you like, and ignore the other if you want. Especially if they did still offer the same rewards.

The whole mentality of simply removing what doesn't work seems to be the new way of "fixing" things in modern games. Fortnite does it all the time. But if you simply remove whatever gets the most complaints, then you aren't actually improving anything. Its like getting your entire leg amputated because you stubbed your toe. You usually end up making an even bigger problem instead of simply fixing a small one.

This also sets a bad precedent. If the Devs become known for removing anything the community doesn't like, then the community will start to complain about absolutely everything, expecting it to simply go away when they do. This makes getting actual constructive feedback impossible, because no one is trying to improve anything anymore. Why bother saying why you don't like it, or suggesting how to make it better, if simply saying "I don't like it" is enough to make it go away?

I really hope DE doesn't start doing this more often.

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??? The new system is great. The old system was horrible I could never get vauban optics due to being at work everytime it popped. Sorry not gonna miss 2000 credits and 3000 ferrite alerts anymore. As far as new players needing credits, Dark sector access starts at venus? which gives decent starter credits which are better than alerts. new players need guidance to know this thou.


I'm on team nightwave.

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Honestly i feel very bored without alerts. Most of the world map is empty and being  a solo Tenno Playing with others is hard when 90% on the nodes say 0 open squads. at least with alerts it all but ensured that you will be in a squad. And honestly the way Warframe is handled, playing in prebuilt parties is a worse experience. Playing with a prebuild dramatically slows downs the pace to a crawl.

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I agree, but they should have sold material like Oxium, Polymer Bundle using Wolf Cred, because sometime Alert with material reward is faster than farming.

So they should not remove that. You know it very hard to farm some of the rare material?

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TBH, daily resource alerts would be a nice to have. I may be a so called "high end player" (MR 26, have most of the stuff, loads of Rivens) but doing an alert for 300 oxium was a lot more enjoyable than using Nek and whipping Ospreys in endless with a Secura Lecta for maximum return.


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maybe semi-weekly nightwave alerts. i mean, we already have bounties, non-neutral syndicate missions, and every mission can potentially be a simaris run, so there's not really an argument against introducing nightwave standing alert-likes, except with much longer expiration times.

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I want alerts not for any specific rewards, but because they were completely random normal content that was guaranteed to be done in a squad.  Just some quick fun multiplayer action.

Now when Nightwave says "do 3 rescue missions" everyone does them on earth on day one because they're the easiest to knock out.  If I go to do them on Pluto or something I'll be doing it alone.  If I do them anywhere later in the week I might also be doing it alone.

I'm not asking for Nightwave to be gone, nor am I asking for alerts to offer the same rewards as before.  Make them all just give a little endo, I don't care.  I just like the direction it gives to the game, something you can jump into with other players on short notice.

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I think that part of the reason that nightwarve was implemented is that it gives people a reason to log in near daily rather then once and a while for the occasional alert.

It also means you dont have to worrie about missing stuff when offline, further increasing then likelihood that you will play more.

In the end its a marketing thing. alerts and the things that tracked them where more conducive to people waiting for things to pop up rather then playing more often. the more often you play, the more likely you are to spend money on plat or trade with someone who has. It also keeps player retention a bit more stable rather then spiking during content releases. It ensures that active players will probably log on at lest once a week if not more. 

The fact that the player gets a choice on rewards weekly also helps fule that. for old palyers this is pretty good as you can probibly pick the one or two things you dont have yet. for newer players it exposes them to a choice of what to get, and if they are stuck between a few of them that can be bought in the store, they are also more likely to spend money on the ones they couldnt get at that moment. In turn it also reduces the amont of things you can get per week, and narrows it down to one to two choies per week, and creating a gameplay loop to collect stuff. the fact that the stalk changes also reinforces that, but also adds a scents of eergency "buy befor its gone" type feeling that makes you want to buy it more if you cant get it.

so in the end, its to make us spend more money, but also give (at lest the illusion) of choice to awards without tieing them to narrow time windows.

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It's weird how people honestly liked the old alert system, all I can think of is either these people sit at home all day with an app watching alerts or there just crazy.

I missed out in countless nitian, helms, and other reward due to this watch, be ready and hope for the best system. I honestly question the mental capacity of people wanting this back. At this stage I think people are crying for the sake of crying cause they feel part of some hard done by club.

With the new system I can work 5days a week, spend time with my family, go for drinks with friends and easily complete 70 to 100% of challenges within the week. I no longer miss out on anything.

I honestly wish people that want the old alert back would quit warframe. If this is an issue that after 3weeks your crying about we'll soon get to stage we wont be allowed to add or change any new content as of fear of upsetting the 1% of the community that hates things, which also tends to be loudest as they spend there time crying on fourms over the most stupid things. 

There is so many things WF could improve or add to game. Bringing back old alert system is NOT one now either move on with life, or....

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I remember playing the first Destiny game and found their "event" system was decent. They refreshed events often, but they were so common and you never felt like you lost out on rewards that you couldn't get on another event later on in the day. 

Sometimes with Warframe, if you miss that specific alert for the time, there's a good chance you won't get those rewards for a few days. 

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37 minutes ago, (PS4)AbioticViper said:

It's weird how people honestly liked the old alert system, all I can think of is either these people sit at home all day with an app watching alerts or there just crazy.

Then you have a low opinion of other players

I played alerts because it was a fast why to get into a game. There was an alert running and as such there was always a squad ready to play. You can go from mission to mission quickly with Little downtime in between. the rewards are secondary. Now in my experience with Nightraid aside from relics I am almost always solo now since 90% of the content is barren. everyone just plays the easiest content to do the missions and once they are don't they don't touch it anymore. at lest with alerts you Had a reason to be in that mission and the alerts cycle through quickly so Its not long before  a new alert is up and the player counts bumps up again.

With Alerts Nightwave would be better especially with Missions that require a  number of a certain type like Rescue or spy. You can do a Rescue alert and get the check for Nightwave as well as playing a rescue alert with a guaranteed squad

Edited by Evil.Eye
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On 2019-03-20 at 3:11 AM, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:


So youd rather keep doing multiple riven challenges a day to get anything, instead of a quicker mission that allows you to leave/go back to IRL things you have to do? 
Nightwave is really inconvenient as a "season pass" I'm not even to the x3 forma reward and ive been on every day since nightwave came out, I dont have time to complete most of it after work lol. Alerts were a lot better, cause at least then I could see whats up from the tracker, log in, and hurry up.

Now it feels like I'm cheated out of the good things you can get from the rank ups, since these are changing rewards every 10 weeks, and who knows if they're going to end up with exclusives. Such as that armor set, emote, and sigil, and I'll probably never see them. Since I don't have time to spend over 2hrs doing them all.

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vor 5 Minuten schrieb Vesiga:

I dont have time to complete most of it after work lol. Alerts were a lot better, cause at least then I could see whats up from the tracker, log in, and hurry up.

I don't know your pace but I need about 45 Minutes to complete most of the weekly acts. Remember we're talking about: Complete 3 spy, assassination, rescue, whatever missions (while opening relics). Profit Taker is like a drive-by compared to this. The Tridolon was also a fast one by just joining a PUG, even if you never killed an Eidolon.

This isn't meant to sound elitist. You simply don't need much time to complete most of it.


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1 hour ago, Evil.Eye said:

Then you have a low opinion of other players

I played alerts because it was a fast why to get into a game. There was an alert running and as such there was always a squad ready to play. You can go from mission to mission quickly with Little downtime in between. the rewards are secondary. Now in my experience with Nightraid aside from relics I am almost always solo now since 90% of the content is barren. everyone just plays the easiest content to do the missions and once they are don't they don't touch it anymore. at lest with alerts you Had a reason to be in that mission and the alerts cycle through quickly so Its not long before  a new alert is up and the player counts bumps up again.

With Alerts Nightwave would be better especially with Missions that require a  number of a certain type like Rescue or spy. You can do a Rescue alert and get the check for Nightwave as well as playing a rescue alert with a guaranteed squad

I've never had an issue playing missions with a full squad, of course I'm not socially awkward and made friends through the game so I can't speak for everyone who wants to play with ramdoms 24/7 but never have to interact with people at the same time. 

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)AbioticViper said:

I've never had an issue playing missions with a full squad, of course I'm not socially awkward and made friends through the game so I can't speak for everyone who wants to play with ramdoms 24/7 but never have to interact with people at the same time. 

Again low opinion of others. I am not Socially Awkward. But i also have noone to play with. None of my friends play this game and as i put a few comments above, Playing with prebuilds slows down the pace.

I am not one to stay in a single mission longer then 20 mins or even shorter. other people not so much.

I also Like to go from mission to mission rapidly, I don't farm, I play Just to play. Other people in this game specifically tend to Farm for long periods of time. And as such do the easiest mission available. I like Speed and Challenge. so i play higher leveled missions which noone touch's if its not for endurance or has some rare resource they need to farm.

I am practically forced to play with randoms. They are typically only there for a short amounts of time and then move on. With the old system as i said There is always an Alert available and there is Always people playing the Alerts. As such I always have a game available to play.

For people who ONLY want to play the game and don't care about farming or endurance but still need that social aspect even if it just to have them existing in the space, Alerts was a fast way to enjoy the game. You can hop in anytime and even though most randoms are silent occasionally you get that other talkative player to chat with during the match and then Move on afterwards to maybe one day meet again. Not everyone has to be your friend or clanmate to enjoy a game. Personally i dont give a damn about Nightwave but it removed the quickplay aspect of the game. Now I am forced to solo because noone bothers to play anything other then Meta.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)AbioticViper said:

It's weird how people honestly liked the old alert system, all I can think of is either these people sit at home all day with an app watching alerts or there just crazy.

I missed out in countless nitian, helms, and other reward due to this watch, be ready and hope for the best system. I honestly question the mental capacity of people wanting this back. At this stage I think people are crying for the sake of crying cause they feel part of some hard done by club.

With the new system I can work 5days a week, spend time with my family, go for drinks with friends and easily complete 70 to 100% of challenges within the week. I no longer miss out on anything.

I honestly wish people that want the old alert back would quit warframe. If this is an issue that after 3weeks your crying about we'll soon get to stage we wont be allowed to add or change any new content as of fear of upsetting the 1% of the community that hates things, which also tends to be loudest as they spend there time crying on fourms over the most stupid things. 

There is so many things WF could improve or add to game. Bringing back old alert system is NOT one now either move on with life, or....

I never used any external alert trackers, I just checked whatever was available when I logged in. If there was some stuff I wanted, I would get it, if not, oh well maybe later there will be. Even like this, I still managed to get everything that I wanted. I even only did like half of the nitain alerts that I could have, and I still got plenty. I think that most of the people that hated alerts were way too impatient, and too focused on only getting one thing that they wanted right now. Alerts were much more enjoyable when you just took what you could, as you could.

One thing that you had have to enjoy alerts was patience. Sometimes it would take a while for what you wanted to come around when you could play. But the best part was that you always got another chance. But with Nightwave, when will any of that stuff come back? DE has said it will, but that it might be even harder once it does. And who knows how long it will take. Meanwhile, the next season will be going, and you will have to worry about whether or not you can get that stuff at the same time.

You could also spend quite awhile away from the game, and not permanently miss anything from alerts. But with Nightwave? Skip three days, miss a daily challenge. Skip a week, miss all the weeklies. Skip three weeks, you can't get to rank 30 anymore. Sure, its in DE's best interest as a business to have everyone playing all the time. But sometimes people just have to take a break. Whether its something outside of their control, or simply burnout, sometimes not playing is necessary. And sometimes taking a break now means that you will actually play even more later. Feeling like you are forced to play all the time is not a good thing for player retention.

And asking for alerts back is not about what has been added, its about what has been removed. So DE doesn't need to worry about unjustified complaints about adding something new, the need to worry about complaints that something was unjustifiably removed. Nightwave could be a good step forwards, but removing alerts was definitely an unnecessary step backwards.

And to reiterate: You would lose absolutely nothing if alerts came back. You don't like them? Fine. Don't play them. If you like Nightwave, go play that, it will still be there for you.

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On 2019-03-20 at 5:18 AM, Methanoid said:

they can still easily keep all the helmets/aura's and other goodies in nightwave but leave the old alerts with simple credits and resource rewards if only to give the solar map some activity and something different to do now and then, doing what we want when convenient is a good thing, feeling forced to do similar does not gel well with many people which is why people feel like a job at home away from work, there was no sane reason not to do both ways with simple leaving old alerts with small basic rewards.

Simple credits and resources...you mean the 10k credits people casually acquire and rare resorurces like Nitain that only comes in one each alert, whereas with Nightwave you can easily gather 5 at a time, AND people actually have fun doing the challenges. How could you want something thats clearly inferior, I never got that, and I dont get any argument you people make. The alerts were Brain dead easy, literally just be there, the enemis were never a challenge, even in the archwing missions, Nightwave mixes things up, makes people do things they haven't done before. If you could elaborate on the poor arguments people make for wanting alerts back, please let me know, because right now it just sounds like people complaining because they actually gotta work for rewards.

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Just now, (PS4)ErydisTheLucario said:

Simple credits and resources...you mean the 10k credits people casually acquire and rare resorurces like Nitain that only comes in one each alert, whereas with Nightwave you can easily gather 5 at a time, AND people actually have fun doing the challenges. How could you want something thats clearly inferior, I never got that, and I dont get any argument you people make. The alerts were Brain dead easy, literally just be there, the enemis were never a challenge, even in the archwing missions, Nightwave mixes things up, makes people do things they haven't done before. If you could elaborate on the poor arguments people make for wanting alerts back, please let me know, because right now it just sounds like people complaining because they actually gotta work for rewards. I can see the benefit of having both, but why would anyone favor Alerts over Nightwave? 

Yes I realize I double posted, I dont mean to, my tablet is garbage.

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On 2019-03-28 at 3:13 AM, (PS4)ErydisTheLucario said:

Simple credits and resources...you mean the 10k credits people casually acquire and rare resorurces like Nitain that only comes in one each alert, whereas with Nightwave you can easily gather 5 at a time, AND people actually have fun doing the challenges. How could you want something thats clearly inferior, I never got that, and I dont get any argument you people make. The alerts were Brain dead easy, literally just be there, the enemis were never a challenge, even in the archwing missions, Nightwave mixes things up, makes people do things they haven't done before. If you could elaborate on the poor arguments people make for wanting alerts back, please let me know, because right now it just sounds like people complaining because they actually gotta work for rewards.

because 1 is near enforced as a job and the old system was a casual jump in when you felt like it, i also have no idea why you mention irrelevant things like "the enemys were never a challenge", well they still arent in nightwave, what was your actual point?  as for doing things we havent done before, there are still people who do not want to be forced to do mundane boring tasks like fishing, mining and catching pokemon.

making people feel they MUST do these tasks or they miss out rather than the old casual "oh look, somethings available, lets give that a quick run" is exactly why 1 is nto better than the other, theres certainly no reason both couldnt co-exist, its obvious from the forums there is a split of opinion, there is zero sane reason why both sides could not be satisfied.

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4 hours ago, Methanoid said:

because 1 is near enforced as a job and the old system was a casual jump in when you felt like it, i also have no idea why you mention irrelevant things like "the enemys were never a challenge", well they still arent in nightwave, what was your actual point?  as for doing things we havent done before, there are still people who do not want to be forced to do mundane boring tasks like fishing, mining and catching pokemon.

making people feel they MUST do these tasks or they miss out rather than the old casual "oh look, somethings available, lets give that a quick run" is exactly why 1 is nto better than the other, theres certainly no reason both couldnt co-exist, its obvious from the forums there is a split of opinion, there is zero sane reason why both sides could not be satisfied.

Okay you make a fair point in regards to enemies never being really difficult in or out of Nightwave, but my whole thing is why would people want something like alerts back, if you wanted the good stuff like Nitain, you only ever had 4 chances out of a day to get it, and not everyone is on Warframe all the time. Yes I realize there is an app, but nobody should have to get up at like 3am for one nitain or something. Skins and such were a meh thing for me too, we just have more to choose from with Nightwave, at least from what I can see. Not all of us though are vets just yet, some of us haven't experienced everything, so in a way, I like Nightwave not just because it feels more rewarding to me, but because it also makes the little gy do stuff they've never done before...minus the fishing, I can agree with that. And you are right, I see no reason why they cant exist together either, but if I have to choose one, it will be nightwave. I also just realized something too...what do you do after the Alerts, sit in your orbiter all day and do what exactly?I know Nightwave has the same problem, complete all the challenges in a week and wait for dailies, then do roughly the same thing, sit in your orbiter and do what?

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On 2019-03-20 at 7:01 PM, flabyspartan228 said:

can we please bring back more alerts 

Why? Only 'no lifer' can actually benefit for alert. Alerts are only activates for a hour, or two hours for catalyst/reactor. And Nightwave allows us to play when we want and get the same benefit regardless when we play, and only concerns how we play.


Remember. We are human. That needs 1/3 of the whole day for sleep, and ususally uses 1/3 of the whole day for the work, means we are already out of PC for 2/3 of times even if you are dedicate to Warframe for whole left hours. Bring back alert is only a troll, or if you REALLY think it is, then I dare to say that it is one of the worst idea what I have saw through my own life, and I guess that not much a crazy ideas are able to beat it.


And, for time-limit mission nodes, Nightmare missions and Arbitrations are already fill the role. So, please back to the realilty.

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13 hours ago, (PS4)ErydisTheLucario said:

 I also just realized something too...what do you do after the Alerts, sit in your orbiter all day and do what exactly?I know Nightwave has the same problem, complete all the challenges in a week and wait for dailies, then do roughly the same thing, sit in your orbiter and do what?

the same thing everyone does after the main quests are all done.... you start the endless farming for forma and affinity grinding, you play endless missions just like we did in 2013/14 because there no real endgame and all new content doesnt really count as endgame given that they are just time gated reputation systems which allow you to get new shiney toys, toys which once you have you still have nowhere to use them.

Say you grind away and do godzilla fights or go spider hunting and you get a load of arcanes for melee/kitguns and you get some shiney operator amps, all of which only help you on the very same godzilla/spider fights you are already doing to get better gear, getting gear from godzilla/spiders to make it easier to beat godzilla/spiders?  there is a finite cyclic problem here, what about when you have everything?  there is nothing after that, there never has been and probably never will be, which is why a lot of us simply amuse ourselves in "warframe classic", playing survival/defence...... again and again and again.

While all that happens, those of us who have thrown too much time and money into the game sit here like idiots hoping DE will Soon(tm) come along and make some endgame or fun content, rather than dilute the run and gun stuff with hack bolt-ins to attract players from other genres to try and pad their paying customerbase with fresh blood, they started a decent attempt at clans/rails/dark sectors to make player and clan interactions relevant, yet here we are in 2019 and clans/alliances still mean nothing, leaderboards (for those that know they even exist) still mean nothing and are as basic and pointless as you can get, we still use archaic irc chat to do things that should be automated or part automated.

But as long as the copy/paste content, primes and cosmetics get released, all is well, the only thing i like is their graphical tileset updates, that has some actual practical use, I am pretty surprised they didnt double down on their lego map system to make the maps and roomsets more varied with inner changes to make them feel more varied and instead they are preferring to go with the same as their competition using static maps that take longer to make and yield boredom very, very quickly.

Also if the above grind i mentioned doesnt work, i have 4 accounts total to keep me occupied, because when there is nothing fun to do....  just play something else (i take regular hiatus now and then) or start again to give yourself more to do.

Edited by Methanoid
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