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What weapon is best or most popular from each syndicate


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Secura Penta - Always liked it, just LMB/RMB spam is both fun and effective. Got a revival with Napalm Grenades, solid weapon.
Vaykor Sydon - First melee that I really liked, moved on to better polearms since then but with melee 3.0 (yeah, I'm calling it that)
the blind became easier to charge so it has a bit of a niche use for me now.
Rakta Cernos - Used it alot on Ivara before my Energize sets, still pick it up sometimes on bow sortie
Telos.. Sorry, got nothing I want to use here even though it is one of my own syndicates
Synoid Simulor - Still great on Mirage
Sancti Tigris - A bit slow for my taste really but if I were to choose this is the one, powerful since you can reach 100% SC
with a R4 Shotgun Savvy and decent reload with only Seeking fury

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Old but gold: Synoid Simulor Mirage, DPS Trinity with the Sancti Castanas, and Telos Boltace slash AoE.

Recently? I really don't use any weapons from syndicates except for the Telos Boltace due to the passive parkour velocity.

Edited by Voltage
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Penta felt really odd since its fall from grace years ago but Nightwave mod actually made it enjoyable to me again. So I'll recommend Secura Penta.

That being said, I definitely think Rakta Dark Dagger is best syndicate weapon all around due to how much utility that dagger provides. Sure, a Zaw is better damage... but dagger will execute almost anything thanks to Covert Lethality anyway. Slap Stinging Thorn stance on this bad boy to be able to force enemies into finishers and you're actually set for damage. Then the dagger provides you a buff to being a stealthy boi AND gives you shields/overshields when attacking radiated fools. Add in the syndicate mod proc that restores your energy and gives you a speed buff as well. And riven disposition is S#&$, so you don't even want one. Anyway what I'm saying is... get the damn dagger.

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For me it's Rakta Cernos (better than prime because I hate those multi arrows), Sancti Tigris (arguably better than the prime in terms of utility), Vaykor Hek, Synoid Simulor (man this new buff is so good), Telos Boltor. Out of the melees I can't say for sure because 99% of my melee use is either Guandao or my Status Polearm Zaw, but I do like Rakta Dark Dagger. The secondaries aren't really that attractive for me either, sadly.

Edited by (PS4)Pauloluisx
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- Steel meridian's weapons :meridian:

- Vaykor Hek would be top-tier were it not for the Augment Restriction, but it still does well for itself.

 - Vaykor Marelok is a damn good long-range pistol.

 - Vaykor Sydon that spoils it a bit: it's passive is kind of meh, as are it's stats: still better than the regular Sydon of Course. not a fan of that.

- Arbiters' weapons :hexis:

- likely viewed with contempt by many, I still remember the uproar of the Telos Boltace; nobody wanted it. and then uproar again when it got nerfed.

- another uproar when Telos Boltor was a sidegrade to the Prime, but it still does the job, not everything has to be meta.

-Telos AkBolto was good without making controversy. not sure many sue it in favour of the Prime version, but still good nonetheless

- Suda's weapons :suda:

- Synoid Gammacor took about 3 nerfs and still remained in many Tenno's loadouts it was so strong.

- I'm not even gonna bring up how meta  the Synoid Simulor was.. to this day, when I close my eyes I can still see Mirage in Hall of Mirrors firing that thing.. I still remember the noise... 

 - Synoid Heliocor was a real laugh because it was downright WORSE than the regular Heliocor! but I do still appreciate DE's attempts to make scanning easier for us Neanderthals that would rather shoot things than take photos of them.

- Perrin Sequence Weapons :perrin:

, the upgraded Dual Cestras are nice until they run out of ammo.

the Penta is good if you can avoid killing yourself with it. the augment mods seem OK, but can't be used simultaneously sadly.

Secura Lecta's passive was gonna get nerfed the moment it was revealed, and it did, but it can still be seen in use today. seriously, did DE think people WOULDN'T abuse a weapon that gives you more credits? they were pretty wrong about that one!

-Red Veil Weapons :redveil:

 - Rakta Cernos is on par with Dread, maybe better in some circumstances.

- I don't get the hate for the Rakta Ballistica: I've never had a problem with it, do people just not like the feeling, or the burst, or what? what is it? this weapon gets a bad rep and yet whenever I use it, it kills as efficiently as I expect it to.

- Rakta Dark Dagger is arguably the best Dagger aside from Balla Zaws. plus unlike Vaykor Hek, you can actually sue it's Augment on it, so you have a dagger that can kill anything via Finisher (with Covert lethality), reduces enemy detection, gives you overshields when striking a rad proc'd enemy AND gives you energy after a few kills. it has the most utility of any melee weapon, by miles.

New Loka weapons :loka:

- Sancti Tigris was my baby for a LONG time, until it was superseded by Tigris prime. seriously, Nekros PA was the best: two stupidly strong versions of hard-hitting weapons I loved, and Nekros Prime himself is amazing. I still occasionally take the Sancti for a Spin, but once you get the Primed Boomstick, no other Boomstick will do the job (though i still want a Sawn-off Tigris as a secondary a-la Zylok, plz DE!)

- Sancti Castanas.. ehh, never been a lover of them honestly, even when Castanuke Trinity was blitzing her way through ESO. more of a weapon you wanted someone else to bring really.

- Sancti Magistar is pretty decent, charge attack mechanic is pretty useful, but I still want Magistar Prime. should have appeared with Oberon prime IMO, but I won't lie, Sybaris and Silva & Aegis Primes are still pretty great!

overall, steel and Red Veil have the best weapons IMO, which still haven't really been 1up'ed by newer additions, at least not yet.


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if u love mag, do urself a favor and get secura penta for her. best way to use secura penta imo since it falls off vs armor later.

rakta cernos is outperformed by prime +hunter munitions later on but if higher lvled enemies arent too common depending on what u play go for it. since i always take rivens into account its basically outclassed by most others, even paris prime due to the dmg type unless its vs corpus.

simulor...still dead imo.

secura dual cestra are good but underrated. they have clear issues which scare some people i guess but they also have their strenght.

sancti castanas can be built for gas/electic 100% sc with the right riven and do serious work against unarmored enemies later but thats investment. without the right riven its meh.

synoid gammacor is strong. imo not the best beam 2ndary, mentioning again that i also take rivens into account but its very good in any case. due to the dispo totally optional to get a riven.

vaykor hek...i dislike the whole hek series cause they are really ugly...so ugly i refuse to even build one or get the vaykor. popular tho and the stats already show its good.

synoid heliocor is worth it if u want to groundslam a lot and scan whilst at it. other than that i wouldnt bother too much with this one.

telos akbolto is the status version of the prime and later in the game its not that bad vs armored enemies compared to the prime. it just proccs much better but prime is more crit heavy. if u dont run a frame which can deal with armor then the telos might be a bit better. if u have a good riven for the prime u could ignore status chance completely. the dmg is enough to kill even armored enemies above lv 100 with 125 starting to be an issue, especially bombards. use an anti armor frame for that and it is super strong but aside of that telos is still an absolutely viable alternative and at that stage probably better on its own

rakta ballistica is something i used a long time ago quite a lot. it is fine but doesnt beat the primed version imo although both are nothing i would bring to higher lvl missions. u start noticing both to drop in effectivity again lv 70+ enemies with armor. if thats not ur concern, be it an anti armor frame or a matter of faction then i would still say prime is better. the syndi effect is an argument but thats opinion. i wouldnt pick it over prime.

vaykor marelok is solid. not the most awesome 2ndary anymore but solid in any case.

sancti magistar is...mehish, same goes for telos boltac imoe. vaykor sydon is also average at best imo. rakta dark dagger is good but a good balla zaw beats it hands down so its a matter of investment/taste but neutrally speaking a balla zaw is way better.

Edited by Xydeth
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