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Who is the Wolf, do we already know him? Tinfoil hat time!


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Was whoozling in another thread and started to muse over who the Wolf might be. 

On the one hand maybe he's just "the wolf of Saturn 6" but on the other hand don't we already know a grineer who is fanatically devoted to their subordinates/creations? A grineer who's defeat at our very hands might have resulted in his incarceration at an outpost like Saturn 6? Deposed and broken but still capable of rending the corpus net in twain? 

I don't think we've heard the wolf speak at all but I don't think I'd be entirely surprised if he spoke in the dulcet tones of none other than our long lost buddy Tyl Regor.

Or who knows maybe he's just some rando grineer that got hopped up on Grineer "we gunna build a warframe" juice. I'm kinda hoping it turns out to be Tyl.

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5 minutes ago, Genitive said:

Why would it be Tyl Regor?

Why wouldn't it be Tyl Regor? 

"Because Tyl Regor is dead!" -Someone

We've apparently killed Alad V like three times and he keeps coming back like a bad rash. 

There was that time at Zenuka and then again when he was Infested and I could have sworn there was a third.... 

"But we didn't kill him we simply defeated him!" - Someone

Then what's to say we didn't simply defeat Tyl Regor and he didn't get locked away in Saturn6 as a result? 

Eh like I said, could still be some rando grineer but would be much more interesting if it was Tyl and I won't be entirely surprised if it is. 

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12 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Why wouldn't it be Tyl Regor? 

Because Tyl Regor was appointed the Grineer military Leader by the Queens? Source: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Operation:_Eyes_of_Blight


Councilor Vay Hek,

Your Fomorian assault on the Tenno has been an abject failure. You have exhausted our entire Balor fleet yet the Tenno still raid our ships and gather in their relays. Are you even aware of the resources you have squandered? Do you understand how much Oxium goes into a single Fomorian? We put great faith in your abilities Councilor but we now see that faith was misplaced.

Perhaps Tyl Regor will prove a more competent replacement.

We await your penance.

—Your Queens.

Because Tyl Regor is nearly completely made out of augments, while the Wolf is clearly a "meathead"?

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13 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Because Tyl Regor was appointed the Grineer military Leader by the Queens? Source: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Operation:_Eyes_of_Blight

Ignoring the part where it says "perhaps" (cause that sounds more like a threat than a certainty) that means that he'd been appointed the military leader of the Grineer and then we just ..... never heard from him again? If something hadn't happened between point A and point B (like I dunno him being incarcerated) I'd expect to have been hearing from Tyl when Plains of Eidolon launched instead of endlessly from Vey Hek. 

So it would be easy to surmise that the preference shifted somewhere along the lines and Tyl didn't get the job. 

13 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Because Tyl Regor is nearly completely made out of augments, while the Wolf is clearly a "meathead"?

As we saw evidenced with Legs, it's easy for at least the Corpus to strip augments away from their debtors. I'd imagine it would be equally possible for the Grineer to strip/downgrade augmented grineer leaving them veritable shells of their former selves. I mean hell Vey Hek is just a head attached to a turkey bot that attaches to a giant goose bot. 

As far as the "meathead" comment from Nora If I recall it went something along the lines of "Where'd a meathead learn a trick like that? " and the simple answer to that is, if that "meathead" wasn't a "meathead" to begin with. 

So I guess we're going off the fact that Nora doesn't say "Decrypts say he was Tyl Regor, doing the time. Fabbing bombs with the rest of his con brothers." If they where going to pull a "Surprise it's been Tyl all along" DE isn't going to start off the event by saying "it's Tyl!" they'd be holding that out for a last second reveal. 

So far have still seen nothing that excludes Tyl as a more interesting potential than "random Grineer 20151-b" I mean the Wolf to this point has exactly zero personality or reason for being outside of because "the wolf". Where as there is a massive impact to be made if as the wolf is leaving in the last cutscene of the event he says "Oh well be seeing each other Tenno" in the voice of Tyl Regor. 

Tho As I've said rando grineer is still a possibility all be it a kinda boring one. 

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6 hours ago, Oreades said:

Why wouldn't it be Tyl Regor? 

Because Tyl Regor is an esteemed and socially-connected scientist running his own personal fiefdom on Uranus, while Wolf is a disgraced prisoner. If Wolf and Tyl have any connection, it would be that Wolf might have been one of Tyl's test subjects

Playing loose with canon "because my theory was never explicitly shown to be wrong" is one thing, but this is on a completely new level. Tyl and Wolf are completely different characters from the word go, there is absolutely zero reason to believe they are the same person

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10 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Because Tyl Regor is an esteemed and socially-connected scientist running his own personal fiefdom on Uranus, while Wolf is a disgraced prisoner. If Wolf and Tyl have any connection, it would be that Wolf might have been one of Tyl's test subjects

Playing loose with canon "because my theory was never explicitly shown to be wrong" is one thing, but this is on a completely new level. Tyl and Wolf are completely different characters from the word go, there is absolutely zero reason to believe they are the same person

It's interesting that everyone counter to the possibility is essentially "Can't be because we know exactly where Tyl Regor is" when the fact is we haven't heard a peep out of the character for years. 

First with him being the grineers military leader, based on a vague threat issued by the queens to Vey Hek and now it's him running his personal feifdom on Uranus. So which is it? Did the queens appoint the esteemed socially-connected scientist to be their front line commander and that's why we suddenly stopped hearing anything from him? If that had been the case I'd have expected to have heard more from Regor and less from Hek but the opposite happened and we got way more Hek and zero Regor. 

Or is it that he's running his personal fiefdom on Uranus? Based on what tho? The boss battle being there? I mean we kill Infested Allad V on a regular basis or Vor in etc, boss battles are snapshots in time not a dynamic event. So we have no reason to assume that Tyl is on Uranus after the point we encountered him last. We just know we kicked his butt and never heard from him again. 

Sorry if Tyl checks the boxes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  1. Fanatical loyalty to his subordinates/creations
  2. Intelligent enough to have taken down the Corpus net
  3. Explains where he's been since the last time DE touched the character

I mean unless you have a better theory on who the wolf could be or compelling evidence as to why it couldn't possibly be Tyl tho so far all I've seen is some Wiki reference to an intercept from the queens that is at best inconclusive in it's wording. So the intercept/commander angle really isn't compelling in the least and while theoretically possible that he's just always been on Uranus.... it's also kinda super boring.

I mean if we're going down that esteemed and socially-connected scientist rout, there is another Grineer scientist *cough* Tengus *cough* who probably would have had both the clout and motivation to have dumped the once and future Tyl into Saturn6 as some no named Grineer, broken and stripped of all he had previously cared for. If for nothing more than out of perverse spite at knowing that his rival was alive and impotent in some hole in the far reaches of the solar system. Course that's assuming they where rivals, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tho I'd like to imagine that Tyl wouldn't have been a fan of the Ghoul project. 


But I've pretty much said my peace, so at this point I just look forward to my little red frowny face for daring to muse things out and humbly await the resurrection of this thread when the Wolf is revealed as someone else as if I'd never entertained the notion that the Wolf could simply be some random MacGuffin. 

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17 hours ago, Oreades said:

As we saw evidenced with Legs, it's easy for at least the Corpus to strip augments away from their debtors. I'd imagine it would be equally possible for the Grineer to strip/downgrade augmented grineer leaving them veritable shells of their former selves. I mean hell Vey Hek is just a head attached to a turkey bot that attaches to a giant goose bot. . 

While that may be true, Tyl is more than just augmented or grafted, he is more machine than anything. The Wolf seems to be made mostly of flesh.

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35 minutes ago, Oreades said:

we haven't heard a peep out of the character for years. 

Is Darvo the wolf then? We haven't heard about him in much longer *gasp*!

Is Vay Hek the wolf? Is Derf Anyo the Wolf? Is Vor the Wolf? Is Kela De Thaym the Wolf? Maybe it's Frohd Bek? Or maybe it's Jordas? We haven't heard about these guys in a while either, it must be them!

Yes! The Wolf of Saturn 6 is actually all of those characters at the same time! I figured it out!


No, those characters are themselves and their story either ended or DE has nothing else to do with them currently, just like they ended the Tyl Regor plot by making him the military commander with the Queen's order. That's it, that's his "endgame", that's his finale. For now anyway, until/if we get Urans openworld or something.


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1 hour ago, Oreades said:

But I've pretty much said my peace, so at this point I just look forward to my little red frowny face for daring to muse things out and humbly await the resurrection of this thread when the Wolf is revealed as someone else as if I'd never entertained the notion that the Wolf could simply be some random MacGuffin. 

So basically you admit that you know your theory doesn't make an sense and you're only posting it out of a mild sense of sadism to see people rush to prove it wrong. Glad we're on the same page

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1 minute ago, TARINunit9 said:

So basically you admit that you know your theory doesn't make an sense and you're only posting it out of a mild sense of sadism to see people rush to prove it wrong. Glad we're on the same page

No basically I predict that at least one of you has bookmarked the thread for the reveal and if it does turn out to be some random MacGuffin grineer that exists solely for the purpose of giving Nightwave a reason to exist. 

Prognostication is just fun and I wanted to leave it on the record in the event it was to happen *ascii heart* 

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I suspect the Wolf is just some poor pawn being used. Not that he's a great guy himself, but I don't think he's going to end up being the real villain here with the way they've been playing the latest cutscene. I think he may end up being a boss we get to fight more regularly, either like stalker, where if certain conditions are met, he'll invade you, or he'll take up permanent residence as an assassination target on the star chart. That said, I think the Wolf is just a pawn, a developmental tool used to introduce us to the horrors happening on Jupiter, with the Corpus losing control over their Sentient experiments.

Edited by IntheCoconut
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4 minutes ago, IntheCoconut said:

I suspect the Wolf is just some poor pawn being used. Not that he's a great guy himself, but I don't think he's going to end up being the real villain here with the way they've been playing the latest cutscene. I think he may end up being a boss we get to fight more regularly, either like stalker, where if certain conditions are met, he'll invade you, or he'll take up permanent residence as an assassination target on the star chart. That said, I think the Wolf is just a pawn, a developmental tool used to introduce us to the horrors happening on Jupiter, with the Corpus losing control over their Sentient experiments.

See that I can get behind. From a mechanical standpoint if they where going to make the Wolf essentially stalker 3.0(?) then it is unlikely that they would use a lead character. Given how many people have complained that "stalker is too easy" I could definitely see that happening. 

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The Wolf is actually a long lost warframe, one of the ones Lotus couldn't awaken because the tenno didn't make it due to their cryopod having been destroyed by the Grineer at some point. The warframe that is The Wolf was dug out by the grineer when they dug out Hunhow and they have since been doing doing some research, trying to find a use for the warframe under the direct order and supervision of Captain Vor before he was assassinated by the us. Despite his death, the grineer continued the research and eventually, found a way to utilize the warframe by stripping off the armor and using it themselves, giving it to one of their officers to use. After a while though, this armor caused the grineer to have a power trip and he started being influenced by the warframe armor.

Believing himself to be above other Grineer, he went rogue with a group of grineer soldiers that were loyal to him which is why he places so much importance on them since hey did the same for him. They stuck with him, believed in his ideology, trusted and followed him even if it meant going against the Grineer Empire. From there, he started a revolution in an attempt to overthrow the Queens so that he may lead the Grineer to their true goal. "They are people acting on an ultimate xenophobia, fueled by hereditary madness, and a burning hate of anything and anyone not like themselves. In the end, should they succeed, there will only be Grineer left alive in the Origin System." He was however, eventually stopped by the overwhelming forces of the Queens and their infinitely cloning armies and jailed in the Max-Pen due to the high amount of threat he posed to the Empire of the Grineer.

He was a fairly obedient prisoner, listening to commands as is something hereditary to grineers due to the way their cloning process works. "Apple of the warden's eye even" as Nora says. But when he's been in there long enough, the warframe armor's influence eventually got to him, made him crack, reminded him of his mission. He broke out but he wasn't running, he had business to take care of, Gharn, the warden of Saturn Six. He had to go back for the rest of his "pack", save them from Gharn who was "trading grineer lemons for a corpus squeeze".

He made a deal with the Corpus, with Alad V when "the Corpus net got flipped". Gharn was "an anonymous gift" from Alad V to get his cooperation, the Wolf would allow his pack to get tested on, to get "hybridized", to be transformed into "amalgam dogs". Now he has to hold his end of the deal, to go after the "Dreamers". A stepping stone in his quest to ultimately realize the Grineer's dreams. 

But we aren't about to just sit by and let that happen, are we Tenno?



Nah I'm just messin around, got bored, enjoy xD


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Is it obvious?!?!? The wolf is clem's long lost evil clone that is never mentioned until season six.

He reveled himself to try replace clem and take over darvo's business.  But he failed to realize that clem can see the future and saw his evil plan, so he modified his appearance into his lovably cute form he has today. 

Will wolf find a way around this predicament?  Find out next time in Warframe: Clem Crisis.

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