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Guest charecter as frames


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I Have a proposal for the warframe community I would like to see as a guest charecter for warframe Guts from berserk and you do a mission and get a frame based on his beserker armor and his dragon slayer sword as a mele weapon and a machine arm bolt gun warframe ability strength boost no knock back explosive damage basically all the things that makes guts bad ass

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While the first two comments sum this up, both with a resounding 'nope'... I'll add a little.

First, there is absolutely no way that Berserk's IP holders would ever do such a collab. Second, this would never, ever and I mean ever, be a theme that could fit into Warframe's universe. Ever. Third, don't be a weeb. We already have enough people role-playing as edge-lord ninjas without trying to add in an actual anime to the setting.

Ye gods of RNGesus, though, so much Nope.

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