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Thoughts on Possibly Refurbishing Older Warframe Designs?


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In his most recent video, JoCat discussed the designs of the various Pokemon across the generations and addresses something he calls "Design Creep." He defines design creep as when older designs look less complex when compared to newer ones in the same game or series. Something that I myself have noticed, and probably others as well, is that older warframes both prime and normal are kinda basic looking when compared to the newer ones. What I'm wondering is how the community would react if DE decided to put in the effort of bringing all the old warframes in-line with the newer ones in complexity of design. For example, League of Legends actually did this, and the community for the most part actually seemed to like the redesigns, as they were faithful to the old but now look good when put next to the new champions.

I myself don't have a major problem with the older warframe designs, but I also am interested in how they would look spiffed up a bit, both the primes and the normal. What about you guys?

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I like the older designs.
I wouldn't want them to change. It also shows how far the game has come. How it transformed and such.

And complexity isn't better. Simplicity isn't better either. The design, all in all, has to look good. And if it does, then there is no need for another design.
If you want a more complex skin, then use skins. Tennogen has a lot of great looking ones. And Deluxe Skins are beautiful aswell.

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I think they should, and the solution to WhiteMaker's response about liking older designs is simple.  New redesigns of older frames - with the old models made into Legacy Skins so people who enjoy the current don't have to go without that classic feel - kind of like what they did when they revamped all the colour pallets and added a toggle to the options to use the legacy colours. 

There are some frames I feel need an update to appearance painfully, my biggest one personally being Frost.  I think right now the graphical and detail consistency of the game is wildly off balance.   Design creep is probably more evident in this game than any other media I've ever seen.  

Edited by (PS4)Zuzu_with_a_Z
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No, thank you. I love the designs of the older warframes, more than those of the newer ones. I mean no disrespect to the current art team, they are very talented and they make interesting things still, but Mynki brought something to his warframe designs, that I can't really put into words to be honest.

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I only like the original Excalibur, Nidus, and Nyx in house designs. They looked biomechanical. All the other warframes look like final fantasy robots. Unless they get the guy that designed that sentient limbo skin, the Graxx skins, or (debatable) Liger Inazuma, I'd rather not have redesigns. The last few warframes look complete out of the foundry, so adding any armors or Syndanas just add clutter. 

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 Last time I checked in appearance, I saw a metric crapload of options, with more of those cosmetic options seemingly being released on a fairly regular basis. 

Now I could choose to get one of those and support DE in the process, or stick with one of the free options (usually the same case for me, because fashion frame is lost on me).

Is this not what is being requested? Do we not already have this? 

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They used to go super complex with Zephyr and Hydroid, which are basically messes for line work.  Detail for detail's sake.  They've found a happy medium of late, though it's always better to go simpler than more complex.

What they should really do is touch up some of the older primes - Excalibur, Mag, Frost, and Ember.  Every prime after them had extra geometry added to their model, while these four got maybe a minor, barely noticeable modification/addition at best (Ember's shoulder plates and thigh casing, Mag's hip things and shoulder "pads,") and nothing at worst.  Hell, Frost prime doesn't even look Prime without the helmet.

Edited by Lost_Cartographer
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7 hours ago, Jade-Lotus said:

In his most recent video, JoCat discussed the designs of the various Pokemon across the generations and addresses something he calls "Design Creep." He defines design creep as when older designs look less complex when compared to newer ones in the same game or series. Something that I myself have noticed, and probably others as well, is that older warframes both prime and normal are kinda basic looking when compared to the newer ones. What I'm wondering is how the community would react if DE decided to put in the effort of bringing all the old warframes in-line with the newer ones in complexity of design. For example, League of Legends actually did this, and the community for the most part actually seemed to like the redesigns, as they were faithful to the old but now look good when put next to the new champions.

I myself don't have a major problem with the older warframe designs, but I also am interested in how they would look spiffed up a bit, both the primes and the normal. What about you guys?

Spiffed up how?  By taking a clean, simple design like Mag and sticking a bunch of random crap all over her?  I *LIKE* the fact that the original Warframes are less needlessly complex.  Don't get me wrong, frames like Harrow look okay too.  His design fits his nature as a sort of flagellant warpriest.  But there's a reason I own three Mag, three Nova, and three Nyx.  And it's a lot more to do with wanting the ability to store all the different costumes I make for them than because I actually have any skill at min/max and need "different builds."

Rather than changing the default design of Warframes that are currently over six years old (and thus have potentially had fans of their design for just as long) they should do exactly what they've been doing.  Making Deluxe skins that offer alternatives.  If you think Nyx or Mag look "too simple," there's a Deluxe for that.  Nyx is about to get a second deluxe, in fact.  People who DON'T like the default design have the option to use something else.  "But I don't like those designs!"  Well, there's no guarantee you'd like the redesign of the base frame either.

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I’d love to see another pass at older Primes at the very least. In particular I feel Latron Prime, Orthos Prime, Burston Prime, and Bronco/Akbronco Prime could use some touch ups especially in the realms of model and texture quality. And as far as Warframes go, Excalibur Prime, Mag Prime, and of course Frost Prime barely have any “Prime” bits in comparison to their non-Prime counterparts.

I’d like to see something along the lines of this concept by Liger implemented for our favorite frosty boi at the very least.

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