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I Guess Khora Is Our Only Immortal Now


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1 hour ago, Firedtm said:

yea you said it, now explain what you mean by saying it. 


51 minutes ago, (PS4)segulibanez65 said:

Venari Bodyguard is okay, but I wouldn't put it in "immortal"

So I'm not even talking about Venari Bodyguard.  You don't need it and it's a waste of a Mod slot in my opinion.

Here's how Khora shines:

You can boost the damage dealt by Venari drastically by using a high crit chance Primary and the Mods-> Bite & Hunter Synergy.   As you can see my crit chance is 130% with 6x crit multiplier (And my Bite isn't even at max yet)  Swipe has Venari attacking more enemies with more range.  Plus even more damage from my Hunter Mods for slash procs.


So we know that Venari is going to do insane amounts of damage.  So what?

Here are the two Mods that make Khora an insane tank powerhouse -> Hunter Recovery & Pack Leader (Primed Pack Leader if you have it.  At the moment, I do not)

This also requires that you're using a Melee build.  Doesn't matter if its high critical or dependent on Condition Overload.  As long as you're attacking with Melee and doing lots of damage with it.  Which, if you're goal is to go deep into any endurance run, Melee will scale better anyway.

Pack Leader will heal Venari for 36% of the damage done using Melee.  Hunter Recovery allows Venari to heal you for 30% of the damage she does.  (I might be wrong about how those percentages work)  With the amount of damage that Venari is doing, one hit on an enemy by Venari is enough to fully max out Khora's health.

So basically, you keep Venari alive,  Venari keeps you alive.

I run an Umbral Build on Khora and I use Arcane Guardian as well.  Venari heals faster than Arcane Grace so it'd be a waste to use.  Right now I'm using Arcane Fury but I'm thinking about getting a second Arcane Guardian.  As long as I can survive a hit and keep attacking, my health will be replenished.

I've stacked my Gladiator Mods for Melee (& Health/Armor boost) but there are other options for this build as well.  One thing I've been toying with is using Synth Destruction & Synth Fiber on Wyrm Prime (Khora can use another companion alongside Venari) then throwing Health Conversion on my Khora build.  Synth Fiber lets you pick up Health Orbs even when you're at full health.  This lets you stack your armor an extra 1350.  It's not something I would rely on primarily but it's something that can really come in handy in a pinch.

Wyrm Prime also has the Negate Mod which negates all status procs (including knockdowns and knockbacks) every 5 seconds.  This is a very powerful survival tool.  I've almost stopped using Handspring all together on most of my frames because this works so well in negating knockdowns.

I really haven't pushed this to the absolute extreme.  In an earlier build I went an hour solo at Mot.  It got kind of dicey near 60 minutes.  I wasn't keeping Venari alive fast enough.  I've added a few forma and a few changes since then and I have no doubt I could easily go an hour+ at Mot.

Not immortal, noBut damn close.

Edited by withinmyself
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Appreciate the info!  I haven't played Khora much but always liked using her.  

I never liked the stasis and pet degradation mechanic so I stayed away from kavats/kubrows, thus I just assumed Venari was a distraction.  Checked my build to see what I had installed and all I had was:

animal instinct, metal fiber, enhanced vit, calc redirection - these were all 3/4+ leveled                                                                                                                                    Sharpened claws, swipe, pounce, pack leader - these had zero leveling...  I have 14 points yet to spend and zero forma.  Lol, its no wonder I wasn't impressed with Venari!  

Looks like I have all the mods in your build aside from Bite, which I may just buy off the market as I really want to try this out.

Thanks again!  Looks like it could be a really fun build.  I'd only been using Khora for low level farming, random missions, etc so this will be a nice change of pace

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This is such a bizarre claim to me. She's got good durability, and pets certainly can lifesteal for you... But the game has a lot of tanks and many of them are already fully capable of just full healing in seconds, if not instantly. The idea of Khora being some singular incredible stand-out on this front is very odd to me.

Edited by OvisCaedo
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On 2019-06-22 at 1:10 AM, withinmyself said:

Yup.  I said it.

I have a different radial and may be controversial choice. MAG. and to some extent NEZHA.  I am a MAG main (almost 80 %  of my 400 hrs), so i may be biased and I am not a veteran at well who have done a tons of ESO and so. But for me one part of being immortal is killing others, MAG excels at that. I have been in 15 minute solo MOT run, with mag. Although that is not at all endgame, but i think, with a good build, paired with a good weapon and energy restores, MAG can go a long way, before dying.

Oh and if she dies , it will be on a mountain of slain enemies. 😉


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18 minutes ago, OvisCaedo said:

The idea of Khora being some singular incredible stand-out on this front is very odd to me.

I will admit that I wanted a bit of reaction more than that I believe Khora is the only high level tanking frame in this game.  A lot of people don't see Khora as being a tank though.  I really didn't even see it for a long time and I've always considered her my #2 (Mag main)

But now she's my go-to every time for anything high level.  Over Inaros, Nezha, Excal, Rhino, Nidus everytime.  But that's me.  I guess I am a bit biased. 

Plus this is a VERY expensive build.  I have 7 Forma in Khora (not needed.  Had to rebuild.  4-5 Forma realistically for an Umbral Khora build)  and 7 Forma in Venari (needed)  and Venari has 5 Mod's that take 20,000 Endo to max and one prime (if you're using Primed Pack Leader) that takes 40,000 so this is not an easy build by any means.

EDIT:  Just wanted to reiterate.  That's over 140,000 Endo for Venari alone.  I never actually realized this.  That's a lot. 🙂

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31 minutes ago, (PS4)segulibanez65 said:

Thanks again!  Looks like it could be a really fun build.  I'd only been using Khora for low level farming, random missions, etc so this will be a nice change of pace

Sure thing!!  Hope you have fun!!  Khora's my #2 after Mag and my go-to for anything high-level endgame. 

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1 minute ago, withinmyself said:

Plus this is a VERY expensive build.  I have 7 Forma in Khora (not needed.  Had to rebuild.  4-5 Forma realistically for an Umbral Khora build)  and 7 Forma in Venari (needed)  and Venari has 5 Mod's that take 20,000 Endo to max and one prime (if you're using Primed Pack Leader) that takes 30,000 so this is not an easy build by any means.

For what it's worth, I don't think primed pack leader is even worth factoring in as a possible future cost; it's among the dumbest and least useful prime mods ever released. A maxed pack leader is already going to be healing more per hit than a pet's max health on any decent melee build at all. Maybe two if you're inaros.

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1 minute ago, OvisCaedo said:

For what it's worth, I don't think primed pack leader is even worth factoring in as a possible future cost; it's among the dumbest and least useful prime mods ever released. A maxed pack leader is already going to be healing more per hit than a pet's max health on any decent melee build at all. Maybe two if you're inaros.

Good to know!  My maxed Pack Leader seems to work just fine although I did wonder if Primed would be better.  The only drop off I ever see is if I have a lull in killing.  Thanks for the comment.

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On 2019-06-22 at 11:19 AM, withinmyself said:

I run an Umbral Build on Khora

I have never really played around with the Umbral Mods as they take up so much Endo, and as such there are more important Mods that I need to max out first.

But I will Save your build and Will try it out when I am able to, maybe I will get another Khora too do it too.

On 2019-06-22 at 11:19 AM, withinmyself said:

One thing I've been toying with is using Synth Destruction & Synth Fiber on Wyrm Prime (Khora can use another companion alongside Venari) then throwing Health Conversion on my Khora build.  Synth Fiber lets you pick up Health Orbs even when you're at full health.  This lets you stack your armor an extra 1350.  It's not something I would rely on primarily but it's something that can really come in handy in a pinch.

Wyrm Prime also has the Negate Mod which negates all status procs (including knockdowns and knockbacks) every 5 seconds.

Never really tried out Wyrm or Wyrm Prime at all other than for the MR, but after seeing this I will have to try it out with the Mods that you said.

On 2019-06-21 at 3:49 PM, Qmiras said:

People still play Excalibur beyond mr2... Go figure

I seen people before me already replied but I can't help my self on this one, Excalibur is one of the most overpowered Warframes in the game...

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