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Who's using viper?


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As I can see they nerfed my lovely viper riven. Consequently I would like to know who's responsible for that. Who is using that weapon and why?
Could you please stop? Would you kindly take some meta instead? 


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6 minutes ago, --.T0stoo.nVbs.-- said:

😂 Can aslo people stop using catchmoon? I liked my catchmoon 😞  rip

It's so sad. These guys using catchmoon no matter what. They keep using viper. That's #*!%ed up. People should show some respect.


Why don't u just switch to stug?

Edited by TeaHawk
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1 minute ago, zNightWolfz said:

better stop using all weapons then as they all get nerfed every few months as rivens change or i know you could simple not rely on rivens to begin with then its not a issue...

Viper is a really niche weapon. It's really mediocre and cannot be used without a riven. I love everything about its design and sound. But, unfortunately it has a poor dps, mag size and recoil no matter how you build it. The only way I can use this weapon is with riven. And even with god-tear riven it is still outperformed by most of kitguns/meta weapons even without rivens on them. Imagine my disappointment when I saw it got nerfed even further.

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2 minutes ago, zNightWolfz said:

better stop using all weapons then as they all get nerfed every few months as rivens change or i know you could simple not rely on rivens to begin with then its not a issue...

Nothing goes over your head, your reflexes are too fast. You will catch it. 

Just kidding. 😁

Anyway on topic, I'm one of those meta users who swear by our meta catchmoon with a sadly nerfed riven. It's still fantastic and I enjoy the mechanics of the gun which is also why it's wildly popular to begin with. 

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Its time to get united tenno! 

Only equip your favorite weapon when you need it. For rest of the trash mission use something with high dispo. 
For example, I dont need catchmoon for anything other than index. 

Save your favorite weapon, use it less, use decoys frequently. Lets rule the system that is trying to rule us!

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3 minutes ago, TeaHawk said:

Viper is a really niche weapon. It's really mediocre and cannot be used without a riven. I love everything about its design and sound. But, unfortunately it has a poor dps, mag size and recoil no matter how you build it. The only way I can use this weapon is with riven. And even with god-tear riven it is still outperformed by most of kitguns/meta weapons even without rivens on them. Imagine my disappointment when I saw it got nerfed even further.

My feelings exactly about viper whether single or twin or wraith. There's a good reason why these weapons aren't meta. 

If they get buffed though, there goes your riven dispo so it's really a tough choice there.

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5 minutes ago, MR9BCI said:

Its time to get united tenno! 

Only equip your favorite weapon when you need it. For rest of the trash mission use something with high dispo. 
For example, I dont need catchmoon for anything other than index. 

Save your favorite weapon, use it less, use decoys frequently. Lets rule the system that is trying to rule us!

If only we could be sure about their statistics being correct. And even so. What a dumb system it is.

1 minute ago, Oldskinzz said:

My feelings exactly about viper whether single or twin or wraith. There's a good reason why these weapons aren't meta. 

If they get buffed though, there goes your riven dispo so it's really a tough choice there.

I would really like them getting buffed. Because currently all they do — is getting nerfed. Thanks DE for making niche weapons even harder to use.

Edited by TeaHawk
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1 hour ago, TeaHawk said:

As I can see they nerfed my lovely viper riven. Consequently I would like to know who's responsible for that. Who is using that weapon and why?
Could you please stop? Would you kindly take some meta instead? 


haven't used one recently. Twin yes not singular tho. 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)chibitonka said:

Both imo need much bigger magazines lol

Or an innate pucn through+better crit chances/multiplier. It would have made this weapon amazing.

Personally I like the concept of small magazine with huge fire rate and super-quick reload. But it has to be more powerful in terms of dmg/crit/maybe something else.
Running around with viper reminds me of Max Payne gameplay with mac 10. And it has such a crispy pleasant sound...

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Just now, TeaHawk said:

Or an innate pucn through+better crit chances/multiplier. It would have made this weapon amazing.

or punch through plus ricochet plus paralysis. Doesn't even need the crit booster since it's crit is pretty nice as is. 

Tho saying i'd turn it away if it had a kill on paralyzed foe multiplies crit values by 2 would be a great lie lol

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Just now, (PS4)chibitonka said:

or punch through plus ricochet

Well, that would be just amazing. A ricochet could make a small 20 round magazine devastating. I'd love to see that. But unfortunately this weapon is now god-forsaken and completly forgotten by DE among many others. To make matters worse — they nerfed rivens to make it even harder to use for niche enthusiasts like me. Such a shame.

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2 minutes ago, TeaHawk said:

Well, that would be just amazing. A ricochet could make a small 20 round magazine devastating. I'd love to see that. But unfortunately this weapon is now god-forsaken and completly forgotten by DE among many others. To make matters worse — they nerfed rivens to make it even harder to use for niche enthusiasts like me. Such a shame.

unpopular opinion here but would be very down with seeing rivens replaced with something that's less rng but alot more grindy. 

So issues regarding disposition like this cease to be and ppl on forums don't attack de cause they spent 4 digits on a god riven or something 😄

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1 minute ago, (PS4)chibitonka said:

unpopular opinion here but would be very down with seeing rivens replaced with something that's less rng but alot more grindy. 

So issues regarding disposition like this cease to be and ppl on forums don't attack de cause they spent 4 digits on a god riven or something 😄

If it could solve the provlem — why not. But the very base idea of rivens is lame.

Firstly, popular does not mean good et vice versa. The greates example is... Guess what? Viper.

Secondly, it seems that they don't really follow this idea and nerf rivnes for something that is too op to their opinion. No matter whether it's popular or not.

And then farming/spending "4 digits" as you said... to make your niche weapon playble and then get that? It's unfair at some point. And I know many would say — "You signed for it". I did. However I can still express my disappointment in this whole system.

If I could grind days/use 100 formas only to make my favorite weapon (viper in that case) to stand the line with all these kitguns/staticors etc. I would happily do that.

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2 minutes ago, TeaHawk said:

If it could solve the provlem — why not. But the very base idea of rivens is lame.

Firstly, popular does not mean good et vice versa. The greates example is... Guess what? Viper.

Secondly, it seems that they don't really follow this idea and nerf rivnes for something that is too op to their opinion. No matter whether it's popular or not.

And then farming/spending "4 digits" as you said... to make your niche weapon playble and then get that? It's unfair at some point. And I know many would say — "You signed for it". I did. However I can still express my disappointment in this whole system.

If I could grind days/use 100 formas only to make my favorite weapon (viper in that case) to stand the line with all these kitguns/staticors etc. I would happily do that.

rivens at their core are just another bandaid in the game. Like many augments for many frames. Some are practically required in order for things to work decently if at all. 

Seeing such a problem resolved would be lovely. 

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Actually in my opinion the whole matter is pretty simple to solve if only DE would be willing to take that step.

They obviously have all the usage data already, so every 3 months all they have to do is rebalance the stats of those weapons which are less popular (or not up to their internal power target).

The changes should be gradual, something along the lines of +5% base damage or +3% crit/status chance at a time... this would be at DE's discretion, depending on what was intended during the weapons initial design (I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt when I say they wouldn't design a weapon with the intention for it to be MR fodder). Over a couple rounds of buffing, most fodder weapons should be more or less in line with the rest. 

With that in mind, riven dispo can then be set to something fixed so people can buy and use them with peace of mind.

It would certainly give the community a reason to touch those less used weapons again rather than breaking their expensive rivens.


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

What are you going to do? Fire the person? Cute.

Of course not! It would be harmful to warframe marker.
I'm just curious how many people from this forum are currently using this weapon. Let's say... for statistics. By so far no one seems to give an affirmative answer.

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14 minutes ago, Buttaface said:

Viper nerf was one of the more incompetent among 10 or so incompetent riven buffs and nerfs.

That's exact  I'd rather stay delusional, believing that was an unintended yet horrendous mistake caused by extreme incompetence.

However, some make me think it was a dishonest coup from mitigated scoundrel DE once had become. I have no words to describe my discontent with such atrocity.

This is unacceptable!

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You know what DE? #*!% that S#&$ and #*!% u.

I gonna take full saryn/mirage+staticor/maiming strike. I never did so before. I used to be a niche player. But you crossed dat Rubicon. I'm going to wreak havoc on your "balance" cuz you made to. Your stupid nerfs are a nothing but a flimsy plaster for a gaping wound.

Let's roll

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Since next to literally no one is using Viper, the only reason they could have for nerfing riven dispo is if  they are planning to release an augment or new version of it that would make it kinda OP. Do not really see that happening either tho, as Wraith is already there and even with a buff the weapon would most likely still suck.
Maybe the dude nerfing rivens is as crazy as he seems.

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