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Conclave Rework Ideas


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I love Conclave but it is undoubtedly the least favorite activities among the community on Warframe. I hope DE would rework Conclave and make it more engaging to the players base. Here are some of my suggestions:

- Remove Bullet Jump from Conclave (players now risk their life to jump in a fight instead of escaping any time they want. Shotguns and flame throwers will no longer be dominant because other weapons will also be effective.) But keep wall climb, wall run and dodge so players can still choose from different play style. 

- Add some PvEvP objective modes aside from the pure PvP modes (Imagine a type of PvP invasion. When you load in, the game would either put you on Grineer or Corpus side and you would have to defense your side and attack the other side.) As to objectives, I'm thinking game modes like *Towers Defense* (a team have to protect towers or objective points and the other would have to push AI control Grineer or Corpus soldiers carrying bombs, like that guy that blow up conduits in Disruption mode but the attack team has to be around him for him to move), *War* (Grineer or Corpus soldiers spawn throught points on different sides in waves, you have to kill the other side faction soldiers for yours to move ahead and capture points, the first team to have their base, the final point on their side, overrun will lose the match or round. To balance factions and make it possible for a comeback, everytimes your team lost a point on your side, the next waves of soldiers your side spawns would have elite soldiers mix in, like instead of only lancers, there would be heavy gunners and bombards which make it harder for the enemies to push, recapturing lost zones would stop the spawning of elite soldiers and capturing enemies points would cause the next enemies waves to be more elite.).

Please share your ideas for a Conclave rework or if you see any problems with my suggestions!

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At this point they just need to take the PVP assets and some basic functional command UI and hand them off to the Dojo's newest obstacle course and allow the moon and mountain clans to come up with some ideas like how Bungie's forge world produced a myriad of PVP modes and play lists...See what rises to the top and make it an official PVP mode...


As for the PVE community DE needs to add PVE based team PVP contests like who can kill the most enemies that results in a spawned super boss on the other side's arena...to Indiana Jones races where you have to outrun the monstrous death ball chasing after you..that lives up to the motto "I don't have to outrun it...I just have to out run you,"...to various PVP matches that place them at a distance like GTA's tower to tower rocket battles or Jets vs Motorcycles, where they are not up close and personal but afar from each other and just let them gradually want more or less when it comes to PVP...

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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now this is just my opinion and you can take it with a grain of salt


..... add stamina back to concalve....  

Heres why. people in conclave have the abilty to jump off walls floors with in seconds and not get tired it is literally the equivalent to tryin to swat a fly out of the air. if you ad stamina back people have to play it smart and conserve stamina for engagements instead of just bouncin around like a kid with ADHD hyped up on crack and suger


Edited by (PS4)TheGameingDino
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Slowing the game down will just make Warframe like every other shooter in existence. 

You use movement to get around the map, not just to dodge bullets. Things like Frost exist if players are moving too fast for you to aim at. 

Plus, with a little bit of practice i'm sure you'd notice a significant difference in your ability to aim at the "fly"

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