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Make Stalker Scary Again


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You start a new mission, doesn't matter which. Thirty seconds short of five minutes that iconic flicker happens; the Stalker has come for you. A short fight later and you're on the ground and he's gone, left to continue the mission like any other A****** had killed you. I'm sorry is this some jackoff who wants to play tag, or the warframe who watched the slaughter of the Orokins and seeks revenge as a result? Grustrag Three cripples your frame, Zanuka Hunter steals it (both ending the mission on the spot), and Stalker bonks you on the head and runs off. You know; I remember when each frame had four revives per day and that put some weight on your decision to continue a mission after dropping dead, but that's not the case anymore. Now you get four revives per mission and the Stalker might as well be a loot goblin.



So here's my idea to make his arrival make you S#&$ your pants; Upon receiving a death blow from the Stalker the mission ends. No revives, no continuing the mission, no anything. Secondly; (provided this isn't your last/only warframe) your frame has to be repaired for up to thirty-six hours, rendering it unusable until repairs are complete. This is someone whose arsenal was tailor made specifically for warframes, so it would stand to reason that his weapons could leave lasting damage. I don't care if this an unpopular opinion and gives me flak, but dying to the Stalker has to have stiff consequences if he is to be regarded as my reckoning. 


If anyone else has an alternate price to pay for dying at the hands of the Stalker in mind, I'll be happy to read.

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No. This wouldn't impact longer term players in the slightest, they'd still wreck him. on the other hand, you'd be hitting newer players with a cruelly harsh punishment, potentially crippling their ability to play the game and telling them to f-off for the next day and a half.  only thing this would accomplish is to seriously tick off people, so, again, no, not now, not ever.

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Step one is to get rid of that pathetic War sword. Nobody gets killed by that. His ONLY threatening move is his Battalyst Prism grenade, and when it's on cooldown he's defenseless. Nobody who gets past Second Dream quest is scared of what's basically slightly faster Pyramid Head

Now CLASSIC Stalker is much more threatening. You can't see his attacks come, but you can see him winding up for them. You can tell if his Dread has a knocked arrow if if he's pulling out Despair, and you can tell if he's whipping out Hate to close the distance. And now you've only got about a second to figure out how to handle him (the answer usually being find the appropriate kind of cover) or he's about to hit you with actual damage. He's also got Smoke Screen to really screw you over, you need to figure out where to run to and how until it wears off

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There should be an event after The Second Dream where Stalker realizes that his thirst vengeance has led him astray, and so he wanders...taking time to reflect on his path. Ultimately, we should come to find that he's now in a leadership position within the Red Veil, redirecting his rage towards the bigger picture of corruption throughout the origin system, corruption he know believes to have tainted the Tenno children and led to all the events that birthed his thirst for vengeance to begin with. Essentially, he realizes he doesn't want to be a murderer of children who fell to sheer circumstances beyond their control and, instead, wants to purge the system of what brought about these events.

Through unknown methods, the Sentient enhancements are removed and replaced with Red Veil mysticism, potentially drawing upon the same tech that provided Rell with his Warframe, Harrow...as it's heavily implied that Rell didn't obtain his Warframe as the other Tenno did. Now, the Stalker works with us when we align with the goals of the Red Veil, seeking out our aid in purging the system of corruption.

...but when our reputation with the Red Veil dips too far, no longer are we facing Infested Chargers. The Stalker will send out one of his acolytes alongside Red Veil assassins, and if our reputation with the Veil dips to its lowest...the Stalker himself will come to take us down, now enhanced with Red Veil mysticism. Who knows how that could manifest.

I believe the same should be done with The Wolf of Saturn Six and his wolf pack, ultimately joining up with the Steel Meridian and gaining a new, augmented, form alongside underlings that represent his Wolf Pack to send after us when we haven't yet reached the lowest rep with them.

Like others have stated...make the Stalker a threat again, but at this point...........well, he seemed pretty conflicted in The Second Dream when he first discovered what the Tenno truly are, and only decided to really take us out when Hunhow, seemingly, asserted control...meaning the realization that the Tenno are actually kids may have completely derailed his line of thinking...so the above seems apt.

When it comes to repercussions, I only ever use one frame...

Wisp and Nidus are my favorite frames in the game, but I use Wisp 99.9% of the time because she fits my playing style to perfection. I would be extremely distraught if I lost access to such for any prolonged period of time. If you want a true repercussion, ending the mission just for us upon getting killed, other players can continue with a man down, that wouldn't be too big a deal for me...but definitely enough of an annoyance.

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1 hour ago, Test-995 said:

Ah, another suggestion to give unnecessary punishment for new players, why you guys hate newbies so much...

Kinda my thought honestly.

The first few months I played, until I got decent setups when he spawned I just ALT+F4'd the game to get rid of that annoying mechanic.

Now he's cake and I don't give him much though.  Very little chance at any reward but now hard to kill now that my operator is leveled.

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