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NO UNIVERSAL BLINK ON CONSOLES - Confirmed by DE Megan, Today On Stream


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As a controller user on pc... We have universal blink... Neh Neh 😜


It will just be a pathing thing with the static nature of console controller options. 

Give them time to actually program the game down to console level. You gotta remeber the jaguar architecture the ps4 and xb1 runs on is a decade old.... Anyone with a pc that old knows they are running on a potato or toaster... I am one of them 😂 with a 2013 i5 z77 motherboard but with a stryx rx580 😁

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:


I made this point in the actual update thread so it was lost here, but no one forced DE to release Rising Tides at the Game Awards. It added nothing that couldn't wait a week for polish or to fix the known problems with button binds. It's not like consoles will be getting Empyrean this year so releasing it a week later would have had minimal impact.

Furthermore, DE needs to learn their limits. Releasing Empyrean was their primary focus so why did they have to release Rising Tides simultaneously when they had all of their attention on Empyrean anyway? It could have come out earlier in the week or a week later and it wouldn't have mattered. Why? Because it was about PR, not about releasing content when it was ready.

At the very least leaving Itzal with Blink could have made the best of a bad situation but, again, DE forced the update out the door for the big announcement, not because it was the best for the game or console community. At least in my industry people are held accountable for bad decisions like this, especially when there was no one forcing them to make it.

I've found even tinier violins for you 🙂

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On 2019-12-17 at 3:59 AM, (XB1)aMichealMeyers said:

Oh geez, I was worried that there wasn't enough buttons on the console controllers, and that we just wouldn't get it

A bit offtopic, but I've been playing with my PS4 controller on PC recently and I've yet to find the railjack tactical menu/screen mapped to any controller button. Ironically there's plenty of unmapped buttons under the ability menu/toggle.

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On 2019-12-16 at 8:40 PM, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

Don't pretend you wouldn't get a hot fix in a day or two at most. I've been around since the console launch and I know that PC gets far more benefits even if there are some rough launches. You make it sound like consoles have a perfect gameplay experience when that is so far from the truth.

Don't console builds need to be submitted to the console's company for some kind of approval or something? I seem to remember console's having some sort of restrictions on their patch / update turnaround time.

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9 hours ago, Frenotx said:

Don't console builds need to be submitted to the console's company for some kind of approval or something? I seem to remember console's having some sort of restrictions on their patch / update turnaround time.

They do need to be certified before being released but the process is mostly streamlined and can be done in a week (or less). Which is why it is so weird that DE pushed an update through cert even though they knew it wasn't ready. So a week or so before release DE knew that universal blink wasn't working and didn't adjust for it at all before submitting it for cert. Stupid is as stupid does.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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