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Actual Concept Forum vs. "New" Warframe Spam


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  I imagine that our section is less of a place to view interesting things and more of a containment zone for enthusiastic thinkers that doesn't interfere with the other zones functions alas.


It wasn't always entirely like this, but, it's certainly what I feel it has become.

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Warframe spam in the concepts is nothing new. Everyone has the same thematic idea designs and it shows how uncreative humanity is in creating the same concepts repeatedly over and over. Like beastframes, time frames, spiders, hackers, "engineer mecha guy". 

Everything that can be done has or will be done and every idea that can be thought has been. Is was and is forever, nothing is new, just recreated. 

Seriously seen the same frame ideas like 50 times in this forum over the years. Its an intriguing thing to study

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I think that happens everytime you get into the realm of fanfiction. Besides...people run through thousands of garbage ideas before the get to good one. This is suppoed to be a "safer" place for criticism where the devs can watch us in the community fight out what we want, and not be the villians if they decide they can't or won't give it to us.

My question is what are you guys getting from contributing of the fan concept forum? I am here because I would build compulsively and Warframe seems to have my attention at the moment. I could try to focus on more "orginal" works...but this is hobby and I like it.

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But typically when creatives, like myself or others, try implementing more “unique” Warframe ideas they get brushed over, probably because they’re too hard to imagine, even though they might seem awesome & legitimate. 
leaves little room in-between the rules of uncreative & too creative (if there is such a thing)...

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On 2019-12-26 at 7:11 PM, SoupyPlaysYT said:

Uh why isn't there a separate fan concepts thread for actual ideas and one for all the repeated warframe concepts? That's my concept.

Would you rather take a few minutes to look at someone's warframe idea, or take several hours, having to read through an entire giant of a thread?

Most people prefer the first option, the so-called "bite-sized" content, both in-game and here, on the forums.

There is a reason why a thread I made with a single warframe has had instant feedback, while barely anyone dares to comment on my main project.


1 hour ago, Lukarith said:

I am here because I would build compulsively and Warframe seems to have my attention at the moment. I could try to focus on more "orginal" works...but this is hobby and I like it.

This. If anyone comes here and makes a concept expecting to be noticed and added to the game, they are doing it wrong. I have fun making stuff up, regardless of being seen by anyone.


37 minutes ago, (PS4)JAyMaN002 said:

But typically when creatives, like myself or others, try implementing more “unique” Warframe ideas they get brushed over, probably because they’re too hard to imagine, even though they might seem awesome & legitimate. 
leaves little room in-between the rules of uncreative & too creative (if there is such a thing)...

Let's not delve into elitism, dividing people into "creative" and "uncreative". Labeling people is in bad taste.

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il y a 29 minutes, HugintheCrow a dit :

Would you rather take a few minutes to look at someone's warframe idea, or take several hours, having to read through an entire giant of a thread?

Most people prefer the first option, the so-called "bite-sized" content, both in-game and here, on the forums.

There is a reason why a thread I made with a single warframe has had instant feedback, while barely anyone dares to comment on my main project.


This. If anyone comes here and makes a concept expecting to be noticed and added to the game, they are doing it wrong. I have fun making stuff up, regardless of being seen by anyone.


Let's not delve into elitism, dividing people into "creative" and "uncreative". Labeling people is in bad taste.

There is no elitism on a Warframe forum lol there are people making concepts, and the people judging them but not responding. 
I come here to pass on my ideas, since they’re feasible, with Chroma, Nidus, & Zephyr being actual fan-made examples. 
it’s not a label to say, some people aren’t understanding the “Fan Concept” tab of the forums. This is literally what it’s for. 
I hope everyone respects each other’s imagination enough to know not all ideas are gonna be brilliant. But if 2 or 3 people could achieve in-game content in the past, why can’t others now? 

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57 minutes ago, (PS4)JAyMaN002 said:

...more “unique” Warframe ideas they get brushed over, probably because they’re too hard to imagine, even though they might seem awesome & legitimate.

I do have to say...as another "creative"...the purpose of a fan concept board is to hone you ability to convey a concept to others. To sell them the idea by finding a way to communicate the truest version of what you are thinking to others. If the audience, doesn't like it, they will probably tell you why and you can choose to use their feedback to keep developing the idea.

If the audience doesn't understand what you are telling, you have failed to communicate your idea and should come up with new method another way to describe it of you keep wanting to develop it.

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il y a 16 minutes, Lukarith a dit :

I do have to say...as another "creative"...the purpose of a fan concept board is to hone you ability to convey a concept to others. To sell them the idea by finding a way to communicate the truest version of what you are thinking to others. If the audience, doesn't like it, they will probably tell you why and you can choose to use their feedback to keep developing the idea.

If the audience doesn't understand what you are telling, you have failed to communicate your idea and should come up with new method another way to describe it of you keep wanting to develop it.

Sure, that’s fair. 
feel free to check out this guy & see if I have conveyed my idea well enough (cause it seems like I haven’t):



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On 2019-12-26 at 3:11 PM, SoupyPlaysYT said:

Uh why isn't there a separate fan concepts thread for actual ideas and one for all the repeated warframe concepts? That's my concept.

Probably would hurt these concepts due to lower overall traffic.


On 2019-12-28 at 7:27 AM, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

Warframe spam in the concepts is nothing new. Everyone has the same thematic idea designs and it shows how uncreative humanity is in creating the same concepts repeatedly over and over. Like beastframes, time frames, spiders, hackers, "engineer mecha guy

That is the nature of nature. There are alot of slitly variations of the same overall desing. A dog and a human have overall the same bone structure and organs but hat does not mean dog and humans are the same thing. This happens because good desings tend to share a lot of things in common and evolutionary limitations. For example Right now it is almost impossible to conceive a 6 legged mammal creature because that would imply in ridiculous change onto the bone structure. Dame aplies for warframe , there are a lot of desings that can't work because of the ground work layed by the game. For example a fully non humanoid warframe is impossible because it wpuld imply into a ridiculous ammount of new animations.

19 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Would you rather take a few minutes to look at someone's warframe idea, or take several hours, having to read through an entire giant of a thread?

Ypur thread is indeed an absolute unit and indeed people prefer byte sized content. Can atest form my own experience in warframe reworks. Shorter and less detailed reworks did way better than long and well explained reworks.

19 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

This. If anyone comes here and makes a concept expecting to be noticed and added to the game, they are doing it wrong. I have fun making stuff up, regardless of being seen by anyone.

True , if you are trying to get something into the game memes or youtubers are the way to go.

20 hours ago, (PS4)JAyMaN002 said:

But typically when creatives, like myself or others, try implementing more “unique” Warframe ideas they get brushed over, probably because they’re too hard to imagine, even though they might seem awesome & legitimate. 
leaves little room in-between the rules of uncreative & too creative (if there is such a thing)...

Don't think like that. There are various reasons for a conxept not being noticed. Bad formating , poor intro , lack of a good tittle , lack of art , poor language , bad timming ( low traffic ) and so on.

Like my best post by far was made as a joke ( a Vauban rework based on the omni voice video ). 

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On 2019-12-30 at 11:13 AM, (PS4)JAyMaN002 said:

But typically when creatives, like myself or others, try implementing more “unique” Warframe ideas they get brushed over, probably because they’re too hard to imagine, even though they might seem awesome & legitimate. 
leaves little room in-between the rules of uncreative & too creative (if there is such a thing)...

IKR??? I’ve made a few concepts, some repetitive due to changes and it being placed in archived, and I try to put in as much details as I can to make them more “Unique”. Even go as far as describing their appearances in comparison to other frames to help with the visual image. And I try to create a sort quest/origin idea for them too. 

But what makes my posts a bit more “unique” compared to most others’ is that I encourage others to give their suggestions/input on how the ideas could be improved to make them possibly official. But narrow-minded trolls would rather make a comparison to another frame based on 1 tiny similarity, which all existing frames have, and throw the idea into the trash. Which is why DE doesn’t have a 👎🏻 option. Cause trolls will just down vote every post they see whether DE brings the idea to life or not. 

I even got a drawing for the most recent frame concept I’ve made(which was repeated in the past) and I’m currently trying to improve it before reposting(due to being locked in archives). But when I comment on other people’s posts, I try to offer more/alternative ideas that could be used to improve the concepts. But everybody else would rather argue over ideas or have a competition on who has a better vision of such a concept. 

DE is probably giving themselves big muscular necks from all the head shaking they be doing seeing all these people argue and bully instead of cooperating and being constructive. 🤦🏻‍♂️ 

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Il y a 2 heures, (PS4)chris1pat8twins a dit :

IKR??? I’ve made a few concepts, some repetitive due to changes and it being placed in archived, and I try to put in as much details as I can to make them more “Unique”. Even go as far as describing their appearances in comparison to other frames to help with the visual image. And I try to create a sort quest/origin idea for them too. 

But what makes my posts a bit more “unique” compared to most others’ is that I encourage others to give their suggestions/input on how the ideas could be improved to make them possibly official. But narrow-minded trolls would rather make a comparison to another frame based on 1 tiny similarity, which all existing frames have, and throw the idea into the trash. Which is why DE doesn’t have a 👎🏻 option. Cause trolls will just down vote every post they see whether DE brings the idea to life or not. 

I even got a drawing for the most recent frame concept I’ve made(which was repeated in the past) and I’m currently trying to improve it before reposting(due to being locked in archives). But when I comment on other people’s posts, I try to offer more/alternative ideas that could be used to improve the concepts. But everybody else would rather argue over ideas or have a competition on who has a better vision of such a concept. 

DE is probably giving themselves big muscular necks from all the head shaking they be doing seeing all these people argue and bully instead of cooperating and being constructive. 🤦🏻‍♂️ 

I agree. That’s all I’m saying, really. Not everyone’s intending to spam the forums. Just sharing some ideas 

But as you were saying, certain players will troll content even when it comes from the devs themselves.  Shouldn’t stifle you though. Someone above said it earlier that timing is also a factor. If it doesn’t come now, you’ll get more response the next time (and probably with more revisions as well). 

Something to look forward to in the new year, keep going 🦾🔥



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I mostly post on these forums looking for criticism on my ideas sadly most of them barely got noticed except for that one frame i made that had exalted sentients and the ballerina frame( they only got like 5 replies and 50+ views tho) but every other concept like my lua eye dungeon concept recieved no criticism for me to build upon it we need people to give criticism no matter how harsh to keep us going and improving upon our concepts and if we were to seperate "actual unique" concepts to the "concept spam "would just create toxic elitism in the forums and in the end wouldnt obtain the full potential of each concept

Concepts im reffering to


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  I think, at the moment, our collective greatest audience is each other, rather then average joe scroller. As much as I would love for my ancient Pit to be picked over by all still, the most reliable sources of insight into my variable flaws and virtues have been my fellow creators.


Perhaps we should form some form of unofficial "Council of "Judgement"" for all our sakes?

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Il y a 13 heures, Unus a dit :

  I think, at the moment, our collective greatest audience is each other, rather then average joe scroller. As much as I would love for my ancient Pit to be picked over by all still, the most reliable sources of insight into my variable flaws and virtues have been my fellow creators.


Perhaps we should form some form of unofficial "Council of "Judgement"" for all our sakes?

I think so too. It’s in the spirit of creativity. Could be more inspiring that way. 

I’m down 

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On 2019-12-31 at 7:05 PM, HugintheCrow said:

It would be certainly weird if this had been implemented back then with the exact categories as in that linked thread. My thread fits nearly every single one, so I'm not sure where I would go.

I understand how you feel and don't disagree, but a few points:

  • Your thread, and a few others, would be outliers.
  • No system is perfect.
  • A more organized system, even an imperfect one, would be better than what we have now.
  • Those were all user suggestions. In the end, we'd have depended on forum staff to create a better one.
  • The vast majority of threads would be able to fit into a subcategory.            
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On 2019-12-28 at 2:27 AM, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

Warframe spam in the concepts is nothing new. Everyone has the same thematic idea designs and it shows how uncreative humanity is in creating the same concepts repeatedly over and over. Like beastframes, time frames, spiders, hackers, "engineer mecha guy". 

Everything that can be done has or will be done and every idea that can be thought has been. Is was and is forever, nothing is new, just recreated. 

Seriously seen the same frame ideas like 50 times in this forum over the years. Its an intriguing thing to study

I'm not sure why you're so cynical. Those concepts are cool and people want them. Are you expecting everybody to scan through pages and pages of ideas before posting their own? People are going to keep asking for them until DE makes something that fits the idea. 

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On 2020-01-02 at 5:04 AM, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

I'm not sure why you're so cynical. Those concepts are cool and people want them. Are you expecting everybody to scan through pages and pages of ideas before posting their own? People are going to keep asking for them until DE makes something that fits the idea. 

I don't know if you've noticed, but half of the responses in this thread are people going "Oh woe is me, my amazing ideas never get seen, but those bad ideas of others do". Because when a concept doesn't get responses it's always because of some evil troll conspiracy (hint: criticism is trolling, duh).


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