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The Space Shanty Contest [Winners Announced]!


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21 hours ago, [DE]Helen said:


The sailors of old knew that nothing could capture the wonder of the open sea like music and poetry - a sea shanty! Launching our Railjacks, we now seek to capture the wonder of open space. Show us by writing a space shanty that you and your Empyrean crew would be proud to sing.

How to enter: Write original lyrics to a shanty fit for you and your Empyrean crew! Maximum 250 words

Need an example?

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Start engines and prepare for the long haul!
The stars they will answer,
The stars they will guide us,
Follow the Void’s call!

Armaments ready we stand fast and tall.
Grineer they will answer,
Grineer they will find us,
Follow the Void’s call!

Learn well from those lost and fight for us all.
The past she will answer,
The past she will mind us,
Follow the Void’s call!

The cold heart of deep space surrounds our souls.
Our courage will answer,
Our courage will push us
Beyond what we know.

Sentient malice bleeds, strikes, and divides.
All Tenno will answer,
All Tenno stand by us,
The Void is on our side.

Dream of that which unites us all!
With blood we will answer,
Our Warframes will bind us,
Follow the Void’s call!


  • Only 1 submission per person
  • Submission must be appropriate for the community forums
  • Submission must be your original work
  • Submission must not exceed 250 words
  • Do not reserve posts in this thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified.


  • 1st place – Ivara Prime Access!
  • 2nd place – 1000 Platinum!
  • 3rd place – 750 Platinum!
  • 4th place – 500 Platinum!
  • 5th place – 250 Platinum!

Winners will be determined based on the quality of the lyrics themselves. No extra points will be awarded for recording your shanty, but none will be taken away if you do either (so please feel free!)

The contest is on now and ends Thursday, January 30 at 1:00 PM ET.



The worst old Railjack ever launched 

And we're waiting for the day
Waiting for the day
Waiting for the day
That we get our pay

He was built in Golden time
Held together with bits of twine


Nothing in the galley—nothing in the hold
But the skipper's turned in with a bag of platinum 


Off the oldest dock ever he was launched, All the Captains were Dead
Hear his poor old metal creak


We pumped our way round scalby Galactic
When the force backed round to the west-nor'-west

Edited by (PS4)MHD_FunnyHair187
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Yah! Dah! Ho! Hum! 

Fill our bellies full of rum

Polish your blades and prime your guns

Flying to the endless suns


Take our vessels far and wide

Where ever the darkness hides

Roaming through the endless void

Frozen tears and shattered cries

 Infested burn 

and grineer die

destroying all the corpus lies.


Yah! Dah! Ho! HUM! 

Fill our bellies full of rum.

Polish your blades and prime your guns

Flying to the endless suns


And if we die 

do not cry!

go with honour and a fight!

walk into the endless night

close your eyes and smile with pride

A space pirates life for me... *TRANSMISSION CUT...*




Edited by U_Wot_M8_69
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Late into the night, in a usual quiet corner of Fortuna, a group of voices lifts in song. At least one is even in tune.

“The Engineer’s Lament”

My railjack it is still building

My railjack still needs some time

My railjack needs half a million

I may have to go do some crime 



Building, building

I’m building my railjack to fly to fly

Building, building

I’m building my railjack to fly


And so here I am out on Venus

Sent here by Cephalon Sy

I’m doing whatever he tells me

He sure needs a poke in the eye




And finally there is the cowling

Installed on my railjack so true

But still I can’t fly round the system 

Because it takes twelve hours to do




But now I am flying unhindered

And shooting each ship that I see

Not long til I conquer the cosmos

A Tenno whose wings are now free



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Tipsy in Zero G


Everything is tipsy when in zero G

No matter how much sober, or drunk, you be

So grab a bottle of kuva and toast with me

‘Cause everything is tipsy in zero G


Everything is tipsy when you know no ground

The jack keeps spinning going round ‘n round

My mind gets lost when not gravity bound

Thank goodness at least greedy milk I found.


Everything is tipsy when in zero G

No matter how much sober, or drunk, you be

So grab a bottle of kuva and toast with me

‘Cause everything is tipsy in zero G


The mission is long yet tenno grow no old

The veil outside is silent and cold

To be in Cy’s crew one needs to be bold

So lets increase our courage with more Orokin Gold


Everything is tipsy when in zero G

No matter how much sober, or drunk, you be

So grab a bottle of kuva and toast with me

‘Cause everything is tipsy in zero G


The Grineer fly protecting their domain

Exit in archwing, become a corpse with no name

Man the guns, Cy says, make the bullets rain.

I might take a shot once I’m able to aim


Everything is tipsy when in zero G

No matter how much sober, or drunk, you be

So grab a bottle of kuva and toast with me

‘Cause everything is tipsy in zero G

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Oh, Captain goes and sends the ram
the sparks and flames they scatter
Oh, gunners they don't give a damn
the sparks and flames they scatter

Run, run, you Engineer
up and seal, up and seal
Run, run, you Engineer
no flames 
not e'en an ember

Oh, Ramsled crash and crew appear
the sparks and flames they scatter
Oh, bombs and blades here come Grineer
the sparks and flames they scatter

Run, run, you Engineer
up and seal, up and seal
Run, run, you Engineer
no flames not e'en an ember




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Tenno in the railjack going at a fast pace
Hey -oh, warframes in space
I don't mind flying but dont shout in my face
Hey -oh, warframes in space
grendels eating grineer again
Hey -oh, warframe in space
Been looking for some supplies to drain
Hey -oh, warframe in space

warframes in space sailing in a railjack , oh what a terrible sight to see
Vaubans a noob and the Chromas ace , sitting there playing as  a warframe in space
Hey -oh, warframe in space, Oy -oh, warframe in space
Hey -oh,  warframe in space, Oy -oh, warframe in space


Edited by SpartanZombie12
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In the past
on an unknown day
this light was lost
as the hope of winning
like the hopes of living 
at peace

But one day, 
but one night,
they woke up
they returned 

Along with the hope
that others took from us
that others robbed us

The light began, the light began 
to shine again, again today

We get up together to them
to reach every corner
to reach every hideout
where Tenno must arrive
Where we all should go

The light began, the light began 
to shine again, again today

Stars awaken 
Railjack is ready for flight
The enemy is close us
They cant touch us
We'll never give up

The time is over
We're ready for flight
We are ready... are ready
Ready for fight


I had a music in mind but now everything is confusing LOL

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Yohohoho Yohoohohoo
Yohohoho Yohoohohoo

On the way to deliver our bounty
Space debries blowing as it pleases
Riding the void

Beyond the stars, the void hole rejoices
Stars are painting the fabric of space
Farewell to my Dojo
Farewell to my Orbitor

let's all sing out with a bang as the Railjack sets path
Waves of Grineer and Sentiant dissolve into matter
As our Warframe cut and maim

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oh the jolly tenno
he rode the rails
oh the jolly tenno
and all his mission fails

he built himself a railjack
the might mighty tenno
he flew it to veil proxima and back
the mighty mighty tenno

he left the dock with a full crew
the pilot of a tenno
he came back with something new
the pilot of a tenno

he kept the ship alive
the engineering tenno
he kept his crew alive
the engineering tenno

he shot down some ships
the gunner of a tenno
he turned them into blips
the gunner of a tenno

oh the jolly tenno
he rode the rails
oh the jolly tenno
and all his mission fails

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Navigate, navigate! To a proxima in need of help we shall sail
at our specialized stations we stand, head in the game, evil will not prevail
woosh woosh! Warps the ship with our guns loaded, with our resources stocked, evil will not prevail! 
Oh proxima of damnation in sight, we shall clear you of this blight, at the enemies den we charge the voids might, ship cephalon at our backs, archwings taking flight and railjack shining like a celestial bird blinding the evil in sight!

Loot we loot from the enemies lifeless boots, never is it too large, never is it too small , grateful we are for the help, the war draws near grateful we are for the help, loot we shall loot tenno aim the railjack to loot 

Navigate, navigate to home and rest, restock, recharge and upgrade ship cephalon steer the way. 

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sigma series void                                         tempo:muda   key: menacing.


We must restart the void drive

The enemy is returning

We fight to survive

Stop the ship from burning

 Venture into the proxima

To discover a truth untold

We will reveal a new exotica

Tenno history shall unfold


Venturing into the unknown

No place to call our own

The void is now our home

Answer the call without a phone


The pilot steers this boat

The tactician collects our loot

The engineer keeps us afloat

Gunner does nothing but shoot

Load the slingshot with a tenno in the barrel

Turn the ship around

Make sure your aim is careful

Launch into the crewship

Send the grineer for a space dip


Venturing into the unknown

No place to call our own

The void is now our home

Answer the call without a phone


Cy will point us where we need to go

A tau threat emerges from the shadow

The tunguska cannon charges up

Enemy ship are lighting up

In sigma series we will fly

As we rule over the sky


Venturing into the unknown

No place to call our own

The void is now our home

Answer the call without a phone

Edited by (XB1)shadowhedgehogk
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Figured I would give this a shot.

System: Xbox

GT: Dehoedrated 


Ride the waves of a dying star,

Ride the waves of a dying star


Setting a course for the void, we wander

Training ourselves to be a warrior

Leaving behind our greedy ancestors

Among the stars we will drop our anchors


As we ride the waves of a dying star,

Ride the waves of a dying star


Saving the weak from a war-torn cosmos

Ever at the helm with our gun and blade close

Strum the chords of a blood-stained shawzin

Sing the songs of the homes we've forgotten


As we ride the waves of a dying star,

Ride the waves of a dying star


Staring down the barrels of the endless Grineer

Stealing all the wealth from a Corpus profiteer

Burning away the rot of the  Infested

Awaiting the day our might will be contested


As we ride the waves of a dying star,

Ride the waves of a dying star.

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Tenno, the new war is coming
Tenno, the railjack is forming

Keep the sentients at bay, increase the ship's shield array get a new hull weave before it's too late or we won't win the day

Tenno, the betrayers have been betrayed
Tenno, your faces are all but greyed

The lotus is gone but we must continue on because our life must go on so we can make it to see another day

Tenno, crewships are swarming
Tenno, ramsleds are incoming

This is ship is our home, so aim at the head and make these intruders begone because to these optimists we are not buying

Tenno, the system is calling
Tenno, the grineer are enlarging

Your debts have been paid, you're empyrean journey has been laid, so let us set sail and let our reflection be made

Tenno, our journey is not over
Tenno, our crew must be made stronger

The sentients are still evolving and this problem needs solving, so we let them continue without our involving.

Tenno, begin our operation
Tenno, this sector needs saving

As the Tenno we save, capture and we slay all so we can save this system from disarray, so be it grineer, or the corpus or even the lotus we shall continue to fight our way.

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My submission: 


The Grineer swore to Captain Vor that they would not be victims

The Tenno blew them all to hell & Vor was farmed for Systems! 

Down they fall, come one come all, no matter where they came from

Yo ho yo ho and so it goes for those who mess with Space Mom!


The Tubemen swore to Tyl Regor that they were willing and able

The Tenno cut them all to shreds, their aim was ever fatal! 


Down they fall, come one come all, no matter where they came from

Yo ho yo ho and so it goes for those who mess with Space Mom!

The Corpus swore and then some more than they were losing money

Their robots slain, their lives in pain; their ships were broke & crummy 


Down they fall, come one come all, no matter where they came from

Yo ho yo ho and so it goes for those who mess with Space Mom!


The ghouls they bore into the core of earthen plains, so sunny

We burnt their nests and stomped their chests, Hek didn’t find it funny

Down they fall, come one come all, no matter where they came from

Yo ho yo ho and so it goes for those who mess with Space Mom!

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Gather up crew, there's grineer
Were gonna show them that the end is near!
whats this, greed of the corpus?
well now time to turn them into corpses

whit a backstab from our lotus, we are left in disgust
but traitors have a little cross of faith, they eat my stardust
there are a lotta more ways then one to crush a hunhow
but not a lotta them can leave the sentients asking "how?"

sailing through the screams of infestation
whit fire at the ready theres only termination
once its over theres only gore
why? well just simply ask my fragor!

whit how we dispatch the crewships, it aint really cryptick
honestly for them we make the jobs a little too hecktick
theres no crew prettier then a shiny crystal
thats why i and the crew never stops stand tall!

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Captain sings the verse, the rest of the crew sing the chorus:

"Now do we go out, with stars in our eyes,

(Chorus) Yay! Hay! Hoy Away!

Not one of us knowing if he lives or he dies!


To far reaches of space, when none should dwell,


Full of Sentient forces and ne'er-do-wells!


With a ship filled full, fit to burst at the seams,


With arms and ammo, with hopes and dreams!


So now we ride into the night,


To join our brothers in the fight!


(Chorus, but the captain joins in)


Total words, without the abbreviation of the chorus: 108

This one is intended to be a more traditional shanty, and would be the sort of things the original Railjack crews might have sung in the Old War, now resurrected for the New War.


Edited by -AoN-CanoLathra-
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3 hours ago, Naaru said:



When a message came in from the King

To the rustiest 'jack I've ever seen


Godamn them all, I was told

we'd cruse the skies for Orokin gold;

We'd fire no guns and shed no tears.

Now I'm a broken man on a Larunda pier

The last of Darvo's Privateers!



This is a meme, not an entry. Don't count this.

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Oh Lotus, Oh Lotus, Where have you gone?
Oh Lotus, Oh Lotus, Does thou song not shine?
Oh Mother, Oh Mother, Why have you gone?
Oh Mother, Oh Mother, For we have lost.

We sail the vast void, in search of the truth.

For your song guides us, but where... has it gone?

We seek the one, who raised, and praised us.

But are left all alone, to float on this endless Seeeeaaaa.


We watched, as he took you.

We watched, as you fade.

We seek you out, but to no avail.

The void demon, called our name.

Equipped, and prepared.

We sought to set sail! 

Through the abyss, set for void!

To finally take you back, Dear Mother!


We found a the derelict ship,

Full of Sentience! With but mournful Cries.

We slashed, and bashed, our way through!

Seeking just to find you!

But instead.. We found but a vision, a facade. Right?


Oh Natah, Oh Natah, Why did you lie all these years?

Oh Natah, Oh Natah, Does your siren's song know no end?
Oh Mother, Oh Mother, Were you ever there?

Oh Motherm Oh Mother, Now were left, to the Void.

Hey kiddo~

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Wanted to emphasize the main purpose of the Railjack, keeping back the Sentients. Don't write music often but work has introduced me to many shanties.



Tau Bound:


With cannon shot and battles fought,

They’ll be Tau bound, Tau bound

The mother slain and nothing to gain,

They’ll be Tau bound


With kubrodon bite

And old Dax’s fight

We speed to the fray

At Hunhow’s dismay


With cannon shot and battles fought,

They’ll be Tau bound, Tau bound

The mother slain and nothing to gain,

They’ll be Tau bound


Now we take flight

For the Orokin plight

As the Sentient bane

We hunt them amain


With cannon shot and battles fought,

They’ll be Tau bound, Tau bound

The mother slain and nothing to gain,

They’ll be Tau bound


Down the war path

To bring Void wrath

Godspeed to the Veil

As we close on their trail


With cannon shot and battles fought,

They’ll be Tau bound, Tau bound

The mother slain and nothing to gain,

They’ll be Tau bound

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Ain’ no one can hear your plea
In the empty sea, In the empty sea
Ain’ no one can hear your plea
In the empty sea of space

Captn’ I’ve been bored to death
Been bored to death, Been bored to death
Captn’ I’ve been bored to death
And I’d like to throw a line

Nay, there are no fish out here
No fish out here, No fish out here
Nay, there are no fish out here
In the empty sea of space


Ain’ no one can hear your plea
In the empty sea, In the empty sea
Ain’ no one can hear your plea
In the empty sea of space

Captn’ I’ve been sweatin’ my frame
Been sweatin’ my frame, Been sweatin’ my frame
Captn’ I’ve been sweatin’ my frame
And I’ll need to have a wash

Nay, there are no baths out here
No baths out here, No baths out here
Nay, there are no baths out here
In the empty sea of space


Ain’ no one can hear your plea
In the empty sea, In the empty sea
Ain’ no one can hear your plea
In the empty sea of space

Captn’ I have had enough
I’ve had enough, I’ve had enough
Captn’ I have had enough
And I’ll need to stretch me legs

Wait there is no air out here
No air out here, No air out here
Wait there is no air out here
In the empty sea of space


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Kuva grog and  a Tyl-rig-rog

with some kuva grog and a tyl-rig-rog
blood-red eyes and a lich lapdog
hunting you, no time to think
in the dark of space ships cannot sink

with stows on board and a ruptured hull
we'll find grineer and grineer we'll cull
cut them down in a melee craze
now the ships on fire like an Embers blaze

quench those flames and still that thirst
and deal with all those fighters first
get out there, with an archwings blink
in the dark of space ships cannot sink

A crewships coming, but do not fear
thats Nekros' job and he works all year
turning fears back into fright,
but there's something there, just out of sight

all aboard that derelict boat
where the farmers fly and sentients float
but Harrow'd chains are free to clink
cos in the dark of space ships cannot sink

with Ivaras bow, no need to row
we fly into the black
this pilots fast, grineer are slow
clear skies, we don't look back
celebrate with a kuva drink
cos in the dark of space ships cannot sink


thank you :)

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The Saturn Round

The charges loaded, rev is full, and crew be good to fly

A Saturn round to stand our ground where all that dirac lie.

Way-ho off we go, start the systems, set the shield,

Way-ho off we go, from home we leave, to far afield.


Cy by the helm, crew at their post, captain on the wheel,

We ride on men, through the void, excitement all we feel.

Way-ho off we go, start the systems, set the shield,

Way-ho off we go, from home we leave, to far afield.


There she lie, Saturn neigh, Surrounded by grineer,

Crew to your post, ready the sling, with us they'll know true fear.

Way-ho off we go, start the systems, set the shield,

Way-ho off we go, from home we leave, to far afield.


The ram deployed, and fleet destroyed, their ships now commandeered 

We set to search, for all that merch, until the regions cleared.

Way-ho off we go, start the systems, set the shield,

Way-ho off we go, from home we leave, to far afield.


Our crew dead tired, the engines fired, he headed off home-bound,

Laden with dirac, we make it back, ending our Saturn round.

Way-ho off we go, start the systems, set the shield,

Way-ho off we go, from home we leave, to far afield.

From home we leave, to far afield.


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