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Group Finder in Warframe


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Warframe is an MMO, and because of that people often request features common in most other MMOs (mostly the RPG ones) such as an Auction house. As many have stated in such threads, the system either goes against DE's vision of trading (face-to-face, inperson trading), or will just bring the price down of a lot of items down with people trying to undersell each other by 1p. But let's look at another system that could be considered a decent QoL update.

An Group Finder system, but more specifically, a menu where players can form their party, broadcast it in said menu with the appropriate details (mission type, required frame/loadout, additional details) and have players join there.
Now, the reasoning behind this is simple. It makes it easier for console players to form parties without having to retype the recruitment message every time they don't get a full squad. PC players don't really benefit much from this system, imo.

I've done some thinking about this and the only problem I could think of, so far, is the host being selective about who he'll let join the party, which actually already happens for things like Tridolon, but it's situational, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

What do you guys think about this?

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1 minute ago, Orabell said:

Sounds like Recruiting Chat with extra steps

It basically is, only it doesn't have wait timers, copy-pasting the same message every 2 minutes, and some other minor annoyances.

6 minutes ago, 844448 said:

I thought console has keyboard and mouse support already?

I don't know about that, but regardless, not every console player can/will hook up a mouse and keyboard just to type in recruiting chat.

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5 minutes ago, Orabell said:

Sounds like Recruiting Chat with extra steps

Games that use an interface for creating pre-made groups will often have an lfg/recruiting chat too (interface even auto-advertises in chat), so it's not as if the recruiting chat would be replaced; even then, using chat isn't a one step process, you end up having to use filters to find groups for specific content during busier times. Filters have the drawback of missing out on groups that perhaps one might be willing to join if there's no groups for what they want at that moment. Chat exclusive systems are also terrible for new players, and it seems the lack of awareness of filters is a common problem.

8 minutes ago, 844448 said:

I thought console has keyboard and mouse support already?

Having a keyboard/mouse for a console is not something most people are going to do, after all, a controller is one of the big reason some preferred a console.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

isn't there a recruitment section on the forums? I'm sure there used to be one..

It's still there, but look at it. Nearly non-existent activity. Also, why should anybody have to go outside the game to recruit people?

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I think some kind of group finder UI is a great idea. Don't get me wrong, normally, I just grind out whatever is new for MR or looking for better stats, that seems to be the norm. Recruitment chat is okay. Sometimes, I just want to do something, run a quick mission and I find myself alone or looking for a node where people actually are that isn't Merc, Venus, Earth...

Edited by (PS4)LoneWolf_001
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2 hours ago, Blexander said:

Warframe is an MMO, and because of that people often request features common in most other MMOs (mostly the RPG ones) such as an Auction house. As many have stated in such threads, the system either goes against DE's vision of trading (face-to-face, inperson trading), or will just bring the price down of a lot of items down with people trying to undersell each other by 1p. But let's look at another system that could be considered a decent QoL update.

An Group Finder system, but more specifically, a menu where players can form their party, broadcast it in said menu with the appropriate details (mission type, required frame/loadout, additional details) and have players join there.
Now, the reasoning behind this is simple. It makes it easier for console players to form parties without having to retype the recruitment message every time they don't get a full squad. PC players don't really benefit much from this system, imo.

I've done some thinking about this and the only problem I could think of, so far, is the host being selective about who he'll let join the party, which actually already happens for things like Tridolon, but it's situational, so it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

What do you guys think about this?


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MMORPGs happen to have that, a window that lists several squads/parties for different objectives recruiting players, it would be nicer than having to stalk the recruit chat looking for groups or spamming the same chat looking for players to join up our squads.

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When trying to get teams for rare relics or loooong arbitations/kuva might take a while.

How about simple flagging system? Set flag_status += [axi a1] radshare. Then apply command like lookfor %[axi a1]% listing all online ppl having the tag. Maybe put some expiration timer to flags as well. 

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9 hours ago, fuffi2milka said:

i need simple system in game. like in wow or overwatch with tank/heal/dd. in warframe we could use other roles like buffer, cc, defender etc.

and: how much players know about this website?! very few... and i dont like interface and this huge fonts.

this or nothing since i believe it would be same story as auction house

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hace 20 horas, fuffi2milka dijo:

i need simple system in game. like in wow or overwatch with tank/heal/dd. in warframe we could use other roles like buffer, cc, defender etc.

and: how much players know about this website?! very few... and i dont like interface and this huge fonts.

Huge font solved, the web is on beta as you can see.

You can share it like people is doing and make my web better. Or you just can pray and wait until DE include a team finder in-game. 
Thanks you!

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41 minutes ago, WarframeTeams said:

What would you do to make it "Non trash?"


i believe u didnt get it last time so let me give u full explanation this time which u will understand

warframe market works because u want to sell something and u in most cases dont care about selling as fast as possible but for selling it WITHOUT trouble of looking for buyer
u can increase ur chances of selling it fast by lowering price so u have some kind of control over it
but as i mention in 99% cases u just want to get rid of a trouble of looking for someone who want to buy something u actually have while u can have multiple items
so trying to advertise multiple items is time wasting and there warframe market saves u with what it offers

now when u are looking for lets say plague star its only 1 task u wanna do its only 1 thing to focus on and u care about time to get squad as fast as possible and do it already
u dont give a F*** about getting tons of offers u just need 1 specific
now tell me what u think would be faster ur service or browsing recruit chat and/or spamming ur own message about what u are looking for to do with who?

now lets add into the mix ur service not enough most ppl will try to monitor both ur service and recruit chat which is already time wasting
u believe (lets be generous here) in 90% of cases ppl will take down they offer FOR EXAMPLE "H Plague Star LF nyx" immediately after they gonna get that 1 player into their squad?
now imagine u are looking for squad that is looking for nyx for plague stary and wonder how much time u will waste in most cases just getting answer "sry full or already got 1"
and same thing can happen vice-versa

just cause something works for warframe market does not mean it will work just fine for ur service

now last we argued u claimed u ONLY need to register to list an offer (i dont know proper word for it so lets call it that) so if i wanna list im looking for some specific ppl to do this or that does anything prevents me from using nickname of other player? like do u have system that require forum authentication like warframe market?

u know line > where is demand there prices go up? in short of it if many ppl wanna do something recruit chat is all they need ur service is useless for them since they will find faster what they need on recruit chat

now lets say someone wanna host or join Jordas Golem assassination which is less popular mission
ur service would not provide any higher chance of getting squad for jordas than recruit chat
it would only add some chances if used in conjunction with recruit chat
but alone it would not be beneficial

so in the end IN MY EYES ur service is solution in a search of a problem and still will be a trash no matter what u change there
and dont get me wrong u got brilliant idea there
but problem with that is not the fact its bad since its actually good
problem is that it looks better on paper than works in real life

what u would need is that de would make a mission where  u hunt for many many different things 
if u have like 100 different resources on orb vallis and ur squad need to do totally different thing to get certain one and different for other
and then looking for specific squad for specific mission type would be hard on recruit chat and there ur service would shine like a star
but for what we have now in warframe ur service does not bring anything worthy into the table

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As a new player I would really appreciate an easier group finding system that's a little less chat based. I would also appreciate a auction house modified to keep with the vision DE might have. Maybe just built in market place with less having to travel but still keep up the person to person approval/haggling. I love this game a lot but I feel like it's very empty at times or the areas that aren't empty are really easy to just kinda be ignored.

It would be nice to more easily find a community to talk to without have to seek out chats outside the game or forums such as these.



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8 hours ago, Ver1dian said:

Last I checked everything was "too soloable".

Now people want LFG.

What a rollercoaster of emotions GD is.

For every "game is too hard" you get a "game is too easy" thread. The only reason I suggested a Group Finder is for ease of access for console players and some newbies, as from what I can see, these 2 benefit the most from it.

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