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Free plat for watching Ads


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Its a small thing that doesnt bring in loads of money but i kinda feel like it would be cool to have a seating area in your clan dojo with a ingame TV, and you and your friends watch ads, twitch, or captura recordings.

The amount of platinum you get gets reduced the more ads you come across on the TV, starting from 3 per ad to like half a plat per ad, but i just thought the idea was nice for bringing the game some extra money and giving players another way of getting platinum. 

Edit: Additionally, to keep this from being abused. Say the next Ad doesnt play without the players confirmation, and you can only obtain so much plat per day. Like a daily login.

I see tons of mobile phone games do it, yet havent seen a game on the ps4 console do it yet. I think it would be really cool to have.


Also, a working in game tv is something ive yet to see in any game yet 🤔 I know its been thought of before so it has to be difficult but yea. Its something i havent seen, and would somewhat enjoy. Watching my digital self watch Tv on Tv 😂 Dont judge me 😂

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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So what you're saying is, try to find the most subtle macro possible to avoid becoming idle, and farm plat while we're away?

Wouldn't even have to play the game to unlock practically everything, and tank the trade economy while we're at it! Hot diggity.

Then DE could implement a paid Ad-blocker service; with no one buying plat, they'll be incentivized to make the adds as loud and obnoxious as possible, to make that pay block service appealing enough to make up the difference.


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Normally I don't discard any new ideas but gaining plat from watching ads is the worst idea I have heard so far.

I'd downvote thousand times if I could.


As for digital TV , I wouldn't mind being able to watch Prime Time & Devstreams somewhere in my Orbiter or in any Relay while relaxing with my friends.

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5 hours ago, kapn655321 said:

So what you're saying is, try to find the most subtle macro possible to avoid becoming idle, and farm plat while we're away?

Meh not really. There are ways of getting around that issue. Say the next ad doesnt play without the players confirmation, and you can only obtain so much plat per day. Like a daily login.

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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On 2020-02-01 at 1:34 PM, kapn655321 said:

Wouldn't even have to play the game to unlock practically everything

Yes there should certainly be limits to how much plat you can get to make the wait feel a bit unbearable for those trying to unlock everything

Though this is true already if you have inhand money. Those who spend that money to skip some of the game are the reasons warframe and the "trade economy" exist

On 2020-02-01 at 1:34 PM, kapn655321 said:

and tank the trade economy while we're at it!

Trade economy provides a small incentive to play the game, but i doubt much of the incentive to trade would go away if this idea was implemented correctly

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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33 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

As for digital TV , I wouldn't mind being able to watch Prime Time & Devstreams somewhere in my Orbiter or in any Relay while relaxing with my friends.

That, I would also welcome.


32 minutes ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

next ad doesnt play without the players confirmation, and you can only obtain so much plat per day.

There are some ways that they could mitigate abuse, that much is true.

What would they advertise other than themselves? I mean.. you're already here, so who's the target audience that they're going to get into the game with the ads? Maybe advertise Tennogen? Might cost more to create the ads than they'd gain, especially while giving away currency.

There is something about this that touches on a thought I had recently..

Frame Fighter: Guest Devs.
Cross advertising between companies. Maybe make allies in the market?
Fighting Game guest devs. Have a few guys from Tekken team, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, etc.. all come in and rework Frame Fighter.
These (games) can be our pool of advertisers.
Direct friendly competition, that creates a source of revenue for Warframe, and improves it's mechanics.
Each company gets to pick a frame or two, and work their magic.
This could all be a function of LUDOPLEX so it doesn't upset in game lore.
Allowing Ludoplex in Dojos. (Along with advertising their companies through new Ludoplex interactivity - leading to your proposal.)

DE obviously can't fix Frame Fighter.. so.. turn that money sink into an opportunity.
They'd have something to advertise. Those companies could pay advertising revenue through Warframe.
Might also give them a chance to workshop combat for a more robust and satisfying Melee 3.0.

(I'm not an economist or in any form of marketing, so if someone out there knows advertising, and think I'm totally off base, you're welcome to correct me. Just know I'm not trying to be ignorant, that's just not at all my field of expertise, and I'm merely brainstorming to meet OP halfway here.)

Edited by kapn655321
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5 hours ago, Aeon94 said:

Hehe, nice one. Try better reasoning

DE earns money off the ads to the equivalent of paying for an ingame item, ads get more people viewing their stuff, you get what you want

I mean, time is money seems to fit this perfectly 🤔 What about it makes the reasoning bad?

5 hours ago, Aeon94 said:

You can start ad and do your other stuff until it ends.

No matter where you show an ad, this will always be an issue for advertisers. It being done in warframe makes this no more or less of an issue for advertisers.

5 hours ago, Aeon94 said:

It's not like you actually play the game to earn premium currency.

When you spend money on the game, youre not actually playing the game to earn the premium currency. Yet DE added paying for premium currency to the game. 

So unless youre saying premium currerncy should be earned throught the game, instead of from outside sources that gives the game money. This doesnt make the idea i purposed bad either

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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15 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

What would they advertise other than themselves?

Good point BUT you must remember, the Devs are willing to broadcast their game on twitch which brings in ads that are not about themself.

So if theyre willing to do that to keep us updated and make a little money, why not make a way to give your players more incentive to playing your game daily while also making more money off the people not willing, or are unable, to pay?

15 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

Frame Fighter: Guest Devs

Certainly an interesting idea! Sounds good tbh 🤔

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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2 hours ago, Firetempest said:

We are indeed living in the darkest timeline. When the kids today are so normalized to ad reads they demand more of it. Sounds like a Black Mirror episode.

I wouldnt call understanding darkness.

Using ads as an option for people who are short on money is something to be treasured.

Ask the youtuber "Mr.Beast" if you truely believe ads being "normalized" is dark. The only thing that's sad is people missing oppurtunities due to blindness 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Red Dough Boy said:

Sounds dangerously close to a mobile game.

Percisely except mobile games force ads on you till you pay.


This is optional for players wanting platinum. As long as you dont want a little bit of platinum for free, you will never run into an ad.

1 hour ago, (XB1)Red Dough Boy said:

but I don't play actual games to sit through ads. 

No one really does, not even when watching a tv show, eventhough the ads are what keeps the shows and games existing without the person paying Extra money. 

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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I don't necessarily think this os a bad Idea , it just rings my alarms bells if it were implemented. It just makes the game sound like a exploitative mobile warframe.

I not even a purist , I find the cupnoodlea adds on Final Fantasy quitte interesting. But generic adds feel like they belong on a mobile game. ( I know EA already implemented ads on loading screens but I thinl normal adds break a bit of immersion ).

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1 minute ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

Percisely except mobile games force ads on you till you pay.


This is optional for players wanting platinum. As long as you dont want a little bit of platinum for free, you will never run into an ad.

No one really does, not even when watching a tv show, eventhough the ads are what keeps the shows and games existing without the person paying Extra money. 

I could see it working more for the timers on building things, I don't know what ads they could add without people having an issue though. Having a way to do it free would add inflation though, ultimately making it so platinum isn't a way for them to make profit since it's free to play, unless it's capped per day. 

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27 minutes ago, keikogi said:

I don't necessarily think this os a bad Idea , it just rings my alarms bells if it were implemented. It just makes the game sound like a exploitative mobile warframe.

I not even a purist , I find the cupnoodlea adds on Final Fantasy quitte interesting. But generic adds feel like they belong on a mobile game. ( I know EA already implemented ads on loading screens but I thinl normal adds break a bit of immersion ).

It does! When i first thought about it, i laughed, but then i really thought about it and it started looking like an okay idea.

Unlike mobile games, it isnt forced on your screen while youre enjoying the game. Instead its like a hidden feature that you have to search out to reap the benefits of it, IF you want a little bit of plat (like maybe 10p a day for 5 ads watched). Otherwise you get the platinum through trading and buying it

DE racks in a little extra cash to make more things (content, cosmetics, warframes, better graphics), we get a little extra plat to pay for nuisances and cosmetics while possibly seeing a new game we may like on the advertisement; everybody wins it would seem 🤔

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24 minutes ago, (XB1)Red Dough Boy said:

I could see it working more for the timers on building things, I don't know what ads they could add without people having an issue though. Having a way to do it free would add inflation though, ultimately making it so platinum isn't a way for them to make profit since it's free to play, unless it's capped per day. 

Wait yea, what you said at the end, the cap per day

I mentioned that in the post already. Someone else before you made me think of it, you may have missed the edit

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54 minutes ago, (XB1)Red Dough Boy said:

don't know what ads they could add without people having an issue though

As for this i dont think there are many actual issues with adding this that couldnt be fixed in a realitively pleasant amount of time.

Though the intital reactions to this post could make one think otherwise 😂 , i try to keep in mind that sometimes people judge to quickly. Heck, i laughed at myself when i first thought of it but, idk it doesnt sound that bad. Pretty good imo.

I think people will frown up at the idea at first, get all skeptical, make up the most negative things that can come up with it, and then be fine with it. Unless DE actually starts getting so much money that they actually become greedy and start placing ads on new updates and missions (😂💀🤔), it will be accepted and treasured amongst many.

Till someone changes my mind, im still looking for someone to. The only issue that was brought up that was pretty good to me so far was abuse and the advertisements not being watched but, i think ive suggested a good way to get around that issue so i need another.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

Like a daily login.

Then just add a small amount of plat to the daily logins... Next to the already possible discounts on platinum purchases that are already a part of the daily login.

We already have a means of farming plat which helps DE make the money they absolutely need to keep the lights and servers on and fund development by selling relics to players willing to purchase platinum in bulk to buy said relics. Put in the work and you'll reap the rewards, and it's far less boring than watching ads.

Edited by xZeromusx
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