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Trying to make any single sense out of revenant lore


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6 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Again, you're not talking any sense. Absolutely no one has said that quest frames cannot have Primes, ever. Chroma and Harrows respective quests did not involve their Primes, but how does that in any way mean they cannot have one? For one thing, Chroma and Harrow do not have lore that says their Primes would logically be completely different frames, unlike Revenant.

Did you even read what I quoted about Revenant's lore? The game specifically states that Revenant only gained the Eidolon's power after the original Warden version sacrificed itself to stop the Eidolon from re-emerging. Which logically means that the frame had completely different powers beforehand. So no, it actually would not make sense for his Prime to look like an Eidolon for both this reason and the fact that the Eidolon's are post-war creatures according to the timeline.

You seem to be ignoring what is written in front of you.

Yes and look at the stink that caused within the community because it went against the Gersemi Valkyr lore. That was my whole point; DE wrote lore for Valkyr and Revenant which meant their Primes should be completely different.

Exactly. So why exactly do you act like his Prime having Eidolon powers is lore-backed?

That was the point I was making in the first place. Like Valkyr Prime, they'll probably just slap some blurb text on him and just not bother fixing the lore. I'm still wondering why they mae the same mistake with Revenant's lore. It would have been much easier to keep the lore consistent if they'd simply said that Revenant was created using data collected during the Sentient's testing phases back when the Orokin still had control of them or something.


Actually there was a lot of people questioning how there could be primes of quest frames.

But I’m saying that if it was a Warden Prime that was corrupted, then Revenant Prime would be more Eidolon-y for his design, because we’re getting Revenant Prime, not Warden Prime.

Just saying, DE has completely ignore lore for a prime frame before.

Because we’re getting Revenant Prime, not Warden Prime. And Revenants backstory and 4th ability reflect that he obtained Eidolon powers. So his primes going to have to reflect that.


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2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Actually there was a lot of people questioning how there could be primes of quest frames.

Who, where and why?

I have not seen any posts new or old questioning how quest frames can't have Primes, because there is simply no reason why they cannot.

Doesn’t matter if their quests do not involve the original Primes, that does not mean they have none. There were Primes which were the very first versions and then there where mass-produced versions of frames, which were used on the front-line during the Old War, which can be seen in the latest CGI trailer for Warframe.

2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

But I’m saying that if it was a Warden Prime that was corrupted, then Revenant Prime would be more Eidolon-y for his design, because we’re getting Revenant Prime, not Warden Prime.

Thing is, it was not a Prime that was corrupted as we did not get Revenant Prime during the quest. Like Valkyr, he was a different before he was transformed by an outside force that was not the Orokin.

Why are we arguing about this? I agree with you that obviously Revenant Prime will have the normal versions powers. All I’m saying is that DE have once again written lore that does not make sense for that to be the case.

What are you even arguing for?

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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2 hours ago, Corvid said:

And without a citation, that statement is nothing more than fanon.

-_- what’s the point of sharing the link to my source if you don’t even acknowledge it’s f***ing existence.

Non-Prime Warframes, Weapons and Sentinels are based on Orokin technology, however they are not genuine Orokin articles. 


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5 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

-_- what’s the point of sharing the link to my source if you don’t even acknowledge it’s f***ing existence.

Non-Prime Warframes, Weapons and Sentinels are based on Orokin technology, however they are not genuine Orokin articles. 


Because you quote player made sections of the wiki.

And based on would not be the same as truely reverse engineered even. And you dont reverse engineer exsisting blueprints, you reverse engineer to get blueprints or get an understanding of how something is composed so you can build it on your own with the possible use of other materials if needed.

Even if a prime was on earth, there would still be zero logic or connection to how you might later on find that "altered" prime in the void or on any planet besides earth. And even on earth it would be a stretch since the relics are ancient, so would have been lost there before the frame got "corrupted", so would still hold its original arsenal.

You just completely ignore timelines and I have no clue why.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

-_- what’s the point of sharing the link to my source if you don’t even acknowledge it’s f***ing existence.

Pardon me for wanting a source that isn't just fan speculation.

Edited by Corvid
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5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Yes, but those are reconstructions of reverse engineered fully built primes, they are not reconstructed based on prime blueprint. It is what they used when they didnt have access to new primes, when they needed to arm the tenno with frames.

No, the story implies specific relics, we do not find Rev in the void relics. A destroyed prime would not end up in an enclosed relic again. They are prestine mint condition containers from the orokin era. See them as orokin weapon caches, since that is practically what they are.

No I'm refering to when I gave you the benefit of the doubt and passively agreed that it would be a possibilty that his #4 was slightly altered in the sense it looks different from a possible prime. As I said, it was an example. And I still do think an eidolon based frame would be stupid. And the reason it was vague was because you posted a player interpretation and not the actual lore. Read the actual lore and you'll see there is no mention of corruption or anything similar. There is only the mention of a specter that has had it's A.I fried and invaded by an eidolon. The one we get the main BP from.

As I've said repeatedly, the vamp theme comes from his orokin creation. We can afterall see it in 3 skills. And you still fail to answer why the energy should change his kit. What is the magical power of this energy that allows it to physically alter the arsenal of a frame or anything else? He harnesses and channels that power through his orokin given arsenal, hence why it looks eidolonish. Just as Gara manifests what looks and feels like glass with the powers of the void. It isnt actual glass, because it can be destoyed by nullification tech, which removes the void.

Again it is the same player interpretation and not the actual lore quotes or quest convos.

Vampire themed =/= 100% vampire. Just as if someone would ask me to make a paining with a "giant" theme. I'd make a painting showing fire and destuction, because that is the first thing I think of when hearing the word giant, because my mind directly goes to Surt, the king of the firegiants in norse myths.

So how did they know how to build a weapon that is similar to the prime version without any reference to the original design? It’s much more logical to say they had the original Blueprints for the primes but lacked the required materials for them to be fully realized, or wanted a cheaper more mass producible weapon.

Of course we don’t find Revenant in void relics. Because he’s not his prime version. Duh.

Well your example sucks. Because Danse Macabre on Revenant Prime is still going to have the same offensive version of the sentient damage adaptation.

Again, this whole debate is over whether or not his first 3 abilities should exist as they currently do, as there is zero evidence of any form of vampire influence in Revenants backstory. You can’t use the abilities existence as justification for them to exist. As for how Eidolon energy would manage to change his abilities. It’s a science fiction video game. Literally anything is possible. Except for an Eidolon frame having vampire powers. That’s idiotic and illogical.

Well you either get vague af dialogue or fan interpretation. And considering the fan interpretations have shown far more logic than you have I know where I’m putting my trust.

Revenants aren’t vampires. Revenant is just another name for undead. Just because you think an ice cube is a valid representation of a pinky toe doesn’t make you right. It means you think far too abstractly to every conceive a logical thought.

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3 hours ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Who, where and why?

I have not seen any posts new or old questioning how quest frames can't have Primes, because there is simply no reason why they cannot.

Doesn’t matter if their quests do not involve the original Primes, that does not mean they have none. There were Primes which were the very first versions and then there where mass-produced versions of frames, which were used on the front-line during the Old War, which can be seen in the latest CGI trailer for Warframe.

Thing is, it was not a Prime that was corrupted as we did not get Revenant Prime during the quest. Like Valkyr, he was a different before he was transformed by an outside force that was not the Orokin.

Why are we arguing about this? I agree with you that obviously Revenant Prime will have the normal versions powers. All I’m saying is that DE have once again written lore that does not make sense for that to be the case.

What are you even arguing for?

Maybe not on the forums, but it’s been talked a lot about on console.

How do you know it wasn’t the prime? Do you have a citation? Do you know for absolutely 100% sure that it could not under and circumstances ever be a prime? No. Because the lore doesn’t specify. I’m suggesting that it was a prime frame that was corrupted because that would justify the actual Eidolon abilities Revenant does have to be put on the prime.

Look man. If you don’t want to continue arguing with me, then don’t. You don’t need to stack more people saying the same thing against me. That’s just redundant and excessive. And it also doesn’t make you any less wrong.

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17 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

And it also doesn’t make you any less wrong.

It doesn't make you any more right either. You have been dragging this week-long discussion with nothing but theories and half-baked fan assumptions. The only 'facts' we have on this topics are provided by the ingame lore, which is clearly incomplete and full of holes. Don't you think is pointless to keep arguing about this, when the only source of information we have is complete unreliable?

Edited by General-Pacman
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3 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

So how did they know how to build a weapon that is similar to the prime version without any reference to the original design? It’s much more logical to say they had the original Blueprints for the primes but lacked the required materials for them to be fully realized, or wanted a cheaper more mass producible weapon.

Of course we don’t find Revenant in void relics. Because he’s not his prime version. Duh.

Well your example sucks. Because Danse Macabre on Revenant Prime is still going to have the same offensive version of the sentient damage adaptation.

Again, this whole debate is over whether or not his first 3 abilities should exist as they currently do, as there is zero evidence of any form of vampire influence in Revenants backstory. You can’t use the abilities existence as justification for them to exist. As for how Eidolon energy would manage to change his abilities. It’s a science fiction video game. Literally anything is possible. Except for an Eidolon frame having vampire powers. That’s idiotic and illogical.

Well you either get vague af dialogue or fan interpretation. And considering the fan interpretations have shown far more logic than you have I know where I’m putting my trust.

Revenants aren’t vampires. Revenant is just another name for undead. Just because you think an ice cube is a valid representation of a pinky toe doesn’t make you right. It means you think far too abstractly to every conceive a logical thought.

They had one or more constructed weapons/frames at hand since they had been using them. Just as the corpus and grineer got their hands on massive amounts of Orokin tech that they reverse engineered aswell. That is the core of the whole term reverse engineering. You take something that works and strips it down to its core components and then see what can be used as substitute parts where it is needed so you can build more than just the one you dismantled.

But we would find prime parts if the prime was the one on the plains, since it is him that the grineer have dug up according to the quest. But it isnt prime parts we find.

It may have been there from the start in order to battle sentients.

DE mentioned a vampire theme (which was his first), with the codename Vlad, which later resulted in Revenant (you see the red line yet?). As for eidolon energy, why would it change something? What is the special effect of it? Where does it come from? Why isnt it on Uranus and other places with far mightier dead sentients? And no, we cant say that literally anyhting can happen, because it isnt in the lore. The corruption is made up due to poor understanding of the actual words used around Rev. If DE ment corruption when adding those words then they should probably go to some night school english classes. And yes it would be rediculous for an eidolon frame to have vampiric powers, if there was an intent that all of his skills (or any of them for that matter) were going to be corrupted. But that intent is nowhere to be seen and what we have is a frame that makes use of eidolon energy to power his own abilties.

The dialogue isnt vague though, it is pretty damn easy to understand. Which the person who wrote the sum-up clearly didnt manage.

Correct, revenants arent vampires, but vampires are revenants. Revenant as a call sign/model sounds millions of times better than Vampire. And I'm only saying he's vampire themed because DE used the word. He is more or less revenant themed, since the skills fit on several different creatures that fall under that name, including parts of the vampire lore. But if I wanna see a more vamp-like frame I'll simply look at Garuda, because she is Bathory.

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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Because you quote player made sections of the wiki.

And based on would not be the same as truely reverse engineered even. And you dont reverse engineer exsisting blueprints, you reverse engineer to get blueprints or get an understanding of how something is composed so you can build it on your own with the possible use of other materials if needed.

Even if a prime was on earth, there would still be zero logic or connection to how you might later on find that "altered" prime in the void or on any planet besides earth. And even on earth it would be a stretch since the relics are ancient, so would have been lost there before the frame got "corrupted", so would still hold its original arsenal.

You just completely ignore timelines and I have no clue why.

Well if you don’t like how the lore is provided by the wiki why don’t you go and find a difference source of Warframe information and consider citing it won’t you. I know you have the problem of thinking your opinion alone is far more accurate that the actual game lore. But not everybody here is stupid and doesn’t think that way.

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1 minute ago, General-Pacman said:

It doesn't make you any more right either. You have been dragging this week-long discussion with nothing but theories and half-baked fan assumptions. The only 'facts' we have on this topics are provided by the ingame lore, which is clearly incomplete and full of holes. Don't you think is pointless to keep arguing about this, when the only source of information we have is complete unreliable?

Theories and direct quotes from lore*

Also, I’m not the one dragging this out. Ervin is. He should’ve shut up the second I brought game quotes in showing him multiple instances saying that Revenant has been altered by the Eidolons in some way, and that should logically lead to Eidolon powers. But nooooooo. Those are too vaaaague. And don’t conform to his idiotic interpretations. Because the grim reaper obviously shoots lasers out of his hand, vampires are obviously giant 50 foot mechanic behemoths, and zombies obviously can control your mind with a wave of their hand.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Well if you don’t like how the lore is provided by the wiki why don’t you go and find a difference source of Warframe information and consider citing it won’t you. I know you have the problem of thinking your opinion alone is far more accurate that the actual game lore. But not everybody here is stupid and doesn’t think that way.

It is all on the wiki if you arent just lazy and decide to pick the first thing you find on the first page you strole into.

My opinions come straight from the lore exctracts, including the actual story of the quest. There is actually very little room for interpretation there. The only thing that isnt there is that he is a "vampire" frame. But that still comes down to other game lore, like all frames being originally designed by the orokin. So the theme itself in the "backstory" doesnt fully matter, since there was a frame prior to that specific story piece. Prior to is an understatement, because he has been part of a very long war in possibly two different model versions.

If you are actually as interested as it seems you are, I would assume you'd actually read the stories and find the interesting tidbits that makes you go "ah-ha! it's like that!".

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6 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

They had one or more constructed weapons/frames at hand since they had been using them. Just as the corpus and grineer got their hands on massive amounts of Orokin tech that they reverse engineered aswell. That is the core of the whole term reverse engineering. You take something that works and strips it down to its core components and then see what can be used as substitute parts where it is needed so you can build more than just the one you dismantled.

But we would find prime parts if the prime was the one on the plains, since it is him that the grineer have dug up according to the quest. But it isnt prime parts we find.

It may have been there from the start in order to battle sentients.

DE mentioned a vampire theme (which was his first), with the codename Vlad, which later resulted in Revenant (you see the red line yet?). As for eidolon energy, why would it change something? What is the special effect of it? Where does it come from? Why isnt it on Uranus and other places with far mightier dead sentients? And no, we cant say that literally anyhting can happen, because it isnt in the lore. The corruption is made up due to poor understanding of the actual words used around Rev. If DE ment corruption when adding those words then they should probably go to some night school english classes. And yes it would be rediculous for an eidolon frame to have vampiric powers, if there was an intent that all of his skills (or any of them for that matter) were going to be corrupted. But that intent is nowhere to be seen and what we have is a frame that makes use of eidolon energy to power his own abilties.

The dialogue isnt vague though, it is pretty damn easy to understand. Which the person who wrote the sum-up clearly didnt manage.

Correct, revenants arent vampires, but vampires are revenants. Revenant as a call sign/model sounds millions of times better than Vampire. And I'm only saying he's vampire themed because DE used the word. He is more or less revenant themed, since the skills fit on several different creatures that fall under that name, including parts of the vampire lore. But if I wanna see a more vamp-like frame I'll simply look at Garuda, because she is Bathory.

And we’re getting small fragments of the original Revenant to use as a structure to build him. Does it not make sense that the result wouldn’t look exactly like the original Warframe? And wouldn’t that make sense because Revenant Prime is going to have an Eidolon themed ability whether you like it or not.

And it was a stupid idea to waste an Eidolon frame with stupid vampire powers that don’t fit the theme. And yeah, there was zero intent to make an Eidolon Warframe. Because Rebecca didn’t give a s*** what was being f***ed over so she could have her vampire frame. The only reason Revenant has Danse Macabre and his passive is because Steve said the Eidolon frame needed to actually be Eidolon themed.

OH NOW YOU CAN F***ING READ IT!  What did you miraculously grow a second brain cell over the past couple days? Well I highly recommend you go exercise you newfound ability to read and re-read Revenants backstory. Because I have yet to find any form of reference to anything that could even be mistaken as a vampire. But who knows, maybe you’ll interpret Eidolons as vampires again. You clearly seem to have a knack for it!

Is Revenant called Vampire? No? Then he’s a Revenant not a vampire. And again, this whole entire f***inf argument is about how the vampire theme has no business being on a Revenant and it’s addition was one of the stupidest decisions they made in 2018. Say “oh well they made the decision so it’s obvious that The Eidolon frame should’ve been a vampire” is dumb. 

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il y a 5 minutes, SneakyErvin a dit :

My opinions come straight from the lore exctracts, including the actual story of the quest. There is actually very little room for interpretation there. The only thing that isnt there is that he is a "vampire" frame. But that still comes down to other game lore, like all frames being originally designed by the orokin. So the theme itself in the "backstory" doesnt fully matter, since there was a frame prior to that specific story piece. Prior to is an understatement, because he has been part of a very long war in possibly two different model versions.

If you are actually as interested as it seems you are, I would assume you'd actually read the stories and find the interesting tidbits that makes you go "ah-ha! it's like that!".

The vampire theme may not be in the lore of the game, but it was stated in one of the devstream that showcased Revenant that he was themed around vampires mind control abilities.

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Just now, Kasa_ said:

The vampire theme may not be in the lore of the game, but it was stated in one of the devstream that showcased Revenant that he was themed around vampires mind control abilities.

And it was one of the worst and most illogical decisions they ever made. Who tf looks at and Eidolon frame and thinks “Yeah, people wouldn’t want to play as a mini Eidolon. They would much rather play as a vampire frame designed by someone who doesn’t design games for a living. But we’re going to keep him looking like an Eidolon. Because you really gotta rub salt in the wound”.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

How do you know it wasn’t the prime? Do you have a citation?

You’re clearly just arguing for the damn sake of it at this point.

I have given you lore from in the game which clearly shows that the Warden frame could not logically have been a Prime as it is both post-war and the very fact that we do not get a Prime warframe from the Revenant quest.

Revenant was created by accident like Valkyr.

2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Maybe not on the forums, but it’s been talked a lot about on console.

How convenient for you. Fortunately I have a few friends who have been on console since 2014. Never heard it mentioned once.

But by all means, go ahead and take a screenshot to prove me wrong and post on here. It shouldn’t be that hard since its apparently talked about a lot by lots of people according to you.

2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Do you know for absolutely 100% sure that it could not under and circumstances ever be a prime? No. Because the lore doesn’t specify

Yes it does. The lore specifically states that Revenant was a completely different frame before the Eidolon captured him. That is a stone cold fact backed up by lore.

What is also a stone cold fact is that we do not get a Prime Warframe from Revenants quest. Lorewise, Revenant Prime would not have the same powers at all as the vanilla version was the one that fell into the lake with the Eidolon. Fact.

2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

You don’t need to stack more people saying the same thing against me. That’s just redundant and excessive. And it also doesn’t make you any less wrong.

What on earth are you talking about? People are calling you out for talking utter nonsense in the face of facts, which is exactly what you have done with me.

I provided the lore that DE have given us surrounding Revenant and you still continue to act like his Prime having the same powers is lore-backed when it very clearly isn’t, just like Valkyr.

Revenant’s original form, was not a Prime. Thats a fact. It was a different frame with different powers and his Prime would logically be different as well according to the lore.

You are completely and utterly incorrect in everything you have written and the saddest thing is, you just started this argument out of nowhere. The other users are right; you are just dragging this out because you like to argue and bare-face refuse the lore thats put in front of you.

I hope you have a nice day, because I’m not contributing to your pointless diatribe any longer.

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Il y a 1 heure, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 a dit :

And it was one of the worst and most illogical decisions they ever made. Who tf looks at and Eidolon frame and thinks “Yeah, people wouldn’t want to play as a mini Eidolon. They would much rather play as a vampire frame designed by someone who doesn’t design games for a living. But we’re going to keep him looking like an Eidolon. Because you really gotta rub salt in the wound”.

So first, sentients are so varied and new that sentient-vampires wouldn't surprise me. Second, we don't know what could do Eidolon when it was whole so he could as well do what Revenant can do and more. Third its common in warframe design to not fully correspond to their kit (Ash: ninja theme, insect design. Khora: "dominatrix" theme, spider design. Limbo: time and dimensions theme, magician design), So why not a vampire theme and a sentient design (yes vampire can also shoot laser, look at Dio Brando). Yes it is wierd, but no its not the first time it happens.

As i said, sentient are too new and fresh to know what they can do so anything can happen. As for the primes, we don't know yet, the special quest frame aren't there yet so we can't be sure how DE would handle it. I am by no means a "DE white knight" because are lot of their stuff is flawed and need changes.

Also i'm not throwing your opinion out by the window, and i understand why you are dissapointed by the frame. But its only a opinion, like my opinion is that i like the design of Revenant and his kit, and i'd like it to stay this way.

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6 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

You’re clearly just arguing for the damn sake of it at this point.

I have given you lore from in the game which clearly shows that the Warden frame could not logically have been a Prime as it is both post-war and the very fact that we do not get a Prime warframe from the Revenant quest.

Revenant was created by accident like Valkyr.

How convenient for you. Fortunately I have a few friends who have been on console since 2014. Never heard it mentioned once.

But by all means, go ahead and take a screenshot to prove me wrong and post on here. It shouldn’t be that hard since its apparently talked about a lot by lots of people according to you.

Yes it does. The lore specifically states that Revenant was a completely different frame before the Eidolon captured him. That is a stone cold fact backed up by lore.

What is also a stone cold fact is that we do not get a Prime Warframe from Revenants quest. Lorewise, Revenant Prime would not have the same powers at all as the vanilla version was the one that fell into the lake with the Eidolon. Fact.

What on earth are you talking about? People are calling you out for talking utter nonsense in the face of facts, which is exactly what you have done with me.

I provided the lore that DE have given us surrounding Revenant and you still continue to act like his Prime having the same powers is lore-backed when it very clearly isn’t, just like Valkyr.

Revenant’s original form, was not a Prime. Thats a fact. It was a different frame with different powers and his Prime would logically be different as well according to the lore.

You are completely and utterly incorrect in everything you have written and the saddest thing is, you just started this argument out of nowhere. The other users are right; you are just dragging this out because you like to argue and bare-face refuse the lore thats put in front of you.

I hope you have a nice day, because I’m not contributing to your pointless diatribe any longer.

And I’m saying that since we’re only getting pieces of what remained of Revenant then we can’t build the prime because we don’t have enough to go off of. So we get the normal variant of Revenant. 

If you’re expecting me to have a screen shot of people discussing the possibility of quest frames being primed from 2 years ago, expecting a debate to happen in which such a topic would come up. You’re insane.

I already answered this. We are getting incomplete fragments of his blueprints and that’s why we are building Revenant, not Revenant Prime. That way when his prime comes out, we can apply the logic of “Oh hey, it’s just more complete fragments of the original. We have use these as blueprints for the prime”.

You realize the only person here who’s “calling me out” is the guy who just said that a giant Warframe just needs to have fire abilities to be considered a giant Warframe in his eyes. Nothing about being big, just fire. The same guy said a vampire frame had a laser ability themed off the grim reaper. Not only is that a massive contradiction of themes, but also makes absolutely zero sense. The same guy also has not provided a single citation to any of the sources he is apparently using to fact check his claims. I’m at least being transparent about where I’m getting my info from. I don’t have my head up my own butt claiming that my made up BS nullifies anything the actual game lore says.

Again, I am providing a logical reasoning to how Revenant Prime would have Eidolon powers. Just because we don’t get his blue print from the quest doesn’t prove anything.

So you whole heartedly believe that zombies can control minds. That the grim reaper is a vampire and can shoot lasers. That Revenant wasn’t corrupted/infused/changed by the Eidolons. That citation is needed when you want to back up your claim. That’s sad.

And no, I didn’t start this argument out of nowhere. This debate has been a prevalent ever since Revenant was released. And I’ve been on the front lines of the debate ever since. Because again. Eidolons aren’t vampires,  so having a Warframe that looks like a damn Eidolon but has the powers of a vampire is BS.

You can even ask Hopper yourself and he’ll most likely tell you that he started this thread just to get a rise out of me. Because if it wasn’t obvious yet, I get very very aggressive about this topic, and it’s fun to watch me freak out over it. My hate for this frame has practically become a meme amongst the more active users.

Good, because you’re just echoing Ervin.

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20 hours ago, (XB1)LordZonut said:

Actual real world evidence of the oldest vamps suggest that vampires need life essence, which is simply put, blood. However, in warframe, I believe that DE tried to substitute it with temple kuva. This is shown by the Eidolon wanting to get Temple Kuva to regenerate and become more powerful.

The lore isn’t that the sentient required Kuva to survive. It’s that it tasted the kiva and saw the power it provided and wanted it for themself.

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

The lore isn’t that the sentient required Kuva to survive. It’s that it tasted the kiva and saw the power it provided and wanted it for themself.

Yeah that's the main flaw in that theory. Other than that, I think they need to expand on the lore of Kuva, about it's past and present uses, because in most lore stories it's mostly a plot device that does almost anything.

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