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Warframe Revised: Bug Report Megathread! (Read the First Post!)


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  • TYPE: In game.
  • DESCRIPTION: Mag polarize distorts enemies when it passes through them (there whole body shifts as it passes them) 
  • VISUAL: https://imgur.com/a/iuvYxyY
  • REPRODUCTION: In the Simulacrum vs lvl 100 Bombards.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Ability passes through enemies 
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Entire enemies shift like a mirror as it passes through them.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time.

On a side note Mag's Magnetize still does the weird bounce dance thing even after hotfix.

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  • TYPE:  In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Trying to install exilus weapon adapter on kuva tonkor. The prompt is asking for an orokin catalyst despite one already installed.
  • VISUAL: https://imgur.com/a/xSlW4Rl
  • REPRODUCTION: Should be pretty obvious.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Should ask me to install an exilus weapon adapter.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Being asked to install orokin catalyst.

    I've asked clan if they can reproduce. Reproduction is occuring with other tonkors (unsure if Kuva). Other weapons seem unaffected.
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scorpion grineer pulls visual get stuck on back

  • TYPE: during mission
  • DESCRIPTION: when scorpion's  pull you they kinda make you get stuck on your back for 5-10 seconds and can't do jack
  • REPRODUCTION: went into multiple mission doing lich get pulled by a scorpion npc happens 2/3 times when i am on saryn
  • EXPECTED RESULT: i should be able to get up faster but not happened
  • OBSERVED RESULT: i got T posed of floor unable to do jack for 5-10 sec then my warframe rolls away
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: as said before it happens 2/3 times i get pulled idk why just does
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  • TYPE: In Game
  • DESCRIPTION: on Titania if you use Aerodynamic + Aviator + Agility Drift while in razorwing combined with the new 25% damage reduction on shields mean that you take 101% less damage. I have tested against lvl 170 enemies and you are straight up indestructible.
  • VISUAL: [This is where you would add your screenshot or video]
  • REPRODUCTION: Aerodynamic + Aviator + Agility Drift while in razorwing
  • EXPECTED RESULT: 100% damage reduction shouldn't properly happen
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I took no damage
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% of the time until I turned off razorwing
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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Weapons that never had self damage now have stagger off explosions, and specific weapons in testing so far (Staticor, Lenz, the Kuva Bramma) have twice to three times as much 'stagger range' as actual explosion range. The range also seems to go up exponentially more with mods like firestorm.
  • REPRODUCTION: Simply go into your sim, and mess around with a few fully charged shots at various ranges. 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I would expect that weapons like staticor which never had self damage wouldn't throw you around when you are in their splash zone. Barring that being a bug but rather a feature, I would expect the weapons actual aoe to be the aoe of the stagger.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The observed result is that the stagger range is to large versus the explosive range, and it renders the weapons unusable in most applications.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: This is roughly 90% consistent, and able to be reproduced when the actual knockback range is found. It should not take long.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Lenz doesn't show its energy flames outside of Arsenal (AKA no flames during gameplay), Lens Solstice Skin never shows its energy flames no matter what
  • REPRODUCTION: Equip Lenz
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Should have energy flames



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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Launched Warframe and went to equip the Heavy Caliber Mod to my Kuva Ogris. My Heavy Caliber has disappeared.
  • VISUAL: Not needed
  • REPRODUCTION: Open the mods screen? Dunno.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: My Heavy Caliber should have been available for selection.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: My Heavy Caliber is gone.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: It hasn't reappeared, so, 100%?
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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Syandana clipping through Titania (chest/lower back) while in RazerWing using Deluxe skin(not sure if skin matters)
  • REPRODUCTION: Go into Razerwing with Syandana on.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Not clip throigh chest/back.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: clips through chestback.
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3 bugs to report here.


  • TYPE: Weapon/Shop
  • DESCRIPTION: Can't install an Orokin Catalyst on my Cernos Prime. I get an error message instead, as shown in the screenshot.
  • VISUAL: https://imgur.com/fiYILdl
  • REPRODUCTION: Try to install a catalyst on a cernos prime
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Cernos prime should have a catalyst installed
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Can't install catalyst on cernos prime. I can, however, install it in other weapons.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: It always happens.

  • TYPE: Warframe Ability
  • DESCRIPTION: Garuda's fourth ability does not work properly.
  • VISUAL: Can't show it on an image 😕
  • REPRODUCTION: Use Garuda's 4 on an enemy and then hit it with a weapon or with the projectile of her 1.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: All damage causes marked enemies to bleed. Garuda's 4+1 combo is where most of her damage comes from, but it doesn't work. Enemies don't bleed.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Enemies bleed from the initial impact of her talons, but the marked enemies don't bleed from other sources of damage.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: It always happens.

  • TYPE: Weapon
  • DESCRIPTION: Glaive explosions can't crit, even if you have 100% critical chance. This makes Glaives extremely bad for Heavy Attack builds since they can't take advantage of the double crit for heavys that mods like Sacrificial Steel provide. The explostion counts as the heavy attack, since it consumes combo. Also, it doesn't benefit from Condition Overload. I would like to suggest reverting the change made to glaives during a hotfix in melee 3.0 that made the explosion count as the heavy attack instead of the glaive throw itself. Glaives felt much better to use when the throw was the heavy attack. Just make the throw consume combo, since that is the reason it was changed.
  • VISUAL: https://streamable.com/2jzr7
  • REPRODUCTION: Put crit mods and Condition Overload on a glaive and use the explosion.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Glaive explosion crits, dealing a lot a of damage.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Glaive explosion never crits and Condition Overload does nothing to the explosion.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: It always happens. 
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Another Bug:


  • TYPE: Warframe ability
  • DESCRIPTION: Mag magnetize maked enemies bounce inside the bubble and weapons with punchthough don't continue to deal damage inside the bubble.
  • VISUAL: 
  • REPRODUCTION: In the Simulacrum vs lvl 100 Bombards.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Enemies stay inside the bubble and projectiles with Punchthrough stay in the center of the bubble, dealing continuous damage.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Enemies bounce inside the bubble and projectiles with Punchthrough stop dealing damage. They work as if they were hitscan with 0 punchthrough
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Casting Titania's Tribute ability does not spawn the buff
  • REPRODUCTION: Cast Titanita's Tribute on any enemy
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Tribute buff should have spawned in world where the enemy had been.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Enemy is pushed back, no buff is spawned.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Always. Tested in missions and Simulacrum.
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  • TYPE: In Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Garuda's Seeking Talons no longer causes Slash procs on marked targets?
  • REPRODUCTION: I noticed because Relentless Combination on my melee weapon seemed to not be interacting with the marked enemies in the same way. I noticed that none of my weapons (primaries,secondaries, Melees) seem t6o forcing slash procs at the 100% efficacy that my power strength gives my seeking talons. I was using a sub 20% Balla dagger so there isnt a particularly high likely hood of getting slash procs with it naturally.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: [I usually get a dramatic ramp up of Slash procs when my weapon hits the target  or at least a lot of slash procs.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: didnt seem to get any slash procs.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: The ability seems to be entirely broken but i will test more to see whats wrong. 
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  • TYPE: [ In-Game .]
  • DESCRIPTION: [ invite other player/ wait others to join]
  • VISUAL: failed to join session/ no one join
  • REPRODUCTION: i do not know
  • OBSERVED RESULT: [failed to join session/ no one join
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: [everytime
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  • TYPE: Warframe ability
  • DESCRIPTION: play as titania use in second ability with no buff or dust visual 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: should have push down enemy and created dust for buffing 
  • OBSERVED RESULT:  still pushed down enemy but no dust or buff
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: every match played as titania
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  • TYPE: In game.
  • DESCRIPTION: Toxin does not bypass Arbitration Shield Drone's shields.
  • REPRODUCTION: Using a weapon with Toxin, shoot an Arbitration Shield Drone. Tested in the Simulacrum.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Toxin ignores the shields, does damage directly to health.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: All damage is redirected to shields.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time.
  • TYPE: In game.
  • DESCRIPTION: Titania's Tributes do not create buffs.
  • REPRODUCTION: Using a Tribute on an enemy in a normal mission.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Tribute buff spawns where player was.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: No tribute spawned.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time.
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    TYPE: In-Game
    DESCRIPTION: Railjack mission doesnt finishes because Anomaly never gets completed
    VISUAL: m1togtx.jpg
    REPRODUCTION: Play a railjack mission with an anomaly
    EXPECTED RESULT: Anomaly should have being marked as completed, finishing the mission
    OBSERVED RESULT: Anomaly never gets marked as completed, objective markers from other doors stay on screen
    REPRODUCTION RATE: Happened just now. Would try again but anomalies happen EVERY THREE HOURS, so I cant test lol.
    OBS: Please make anomalies permanent in a node, thank you.


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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: After the 1st hotfix, Titania's Tributes isn't working anymore (worked fine after the big update, even done a solo tridolon with her, since was easy to give the damage reduction to lures), enemies don't have his "souls" extracted, even being able to recast the skill on same target.
  • VISUAL: https://youtu.be/T8qYkGXEa-w (low upload speed means low quality video...)
  • REPRODUCTION: Just try to cast her 2nd skill on any enemy
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Enemy soul shoud be turned into a "ghost" for me to pickup and receive a buff
  • OBSERVED RESULT: No soul equals no buff
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Aways, just try and see. Discovered this bug while doing a capture mission in saturn, but worked the same on a corpus spy, and, as the video shows, in the simulacrum.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Titania tributes seem to no longer appear to be picked up nor cause any buffs
  • VISUAL: I was going to put a video here but for some reason my screen recording isn't working, it's extremely repeatable though so hopefully you guys are alright without it!
  • REPRODUCTION: Use Titania's tribute ability on basically any enemy, anywhere
  • EXPECTED RESULT: The tribute should've cast its shadow or given me the selected buff
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The enemy still flew backwards but left no tribute to be picked up
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Nearly 100%, I have gotten the buffs once but do not know how or why

Tested in: Stephano, Uranus (SORTIE/MOBILE DEFENSE), Mariana, Earth (EXTERMINATE), Telesto, Saturn (EXTERMINATE), Shklovsky, Phobos (SPY), and the Simulacrum

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DESCRIPTION:Healing by Penance disturb aiming




REPRODUCTION:Using weapons that give continuous hits during the effect of Penance.Regardless of Energy Color
EXPECTED RESULT:Easy to see reticle and heal amount
OBSERVED RESULT:Aiming was disturbed
REPRODUCTION RATE:Always during reproduction

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Type: In-Game
Description: The Tribute ability of Titania is failing to spawn the the static models with type icon of an enemy to collect the buff/debuff. Thus the Second ability is unable to activate the buffs/debuffs and all Titania is doing is being a bully, throwing people into walls.

Reproduction: Load into any mission and or simulacrum and attempt to use the second ability on an enemy. (This applies to inside Razorfly as well)
Expected Result: Enemy should be knocked down but a clone of the model matching energy colors with an indicator of the selected buff/debuff above it should spawn to collect the buff/debuff, thus activating it.
Observed Result: Titania has become a jedi with Force push abilities, able to yeet any enemy off the high ground. A razorfly flies out of where the enemy once stood, out of nothing more than a cloud of mist.
Reproduction Rate: 100%

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TYPE: In-Game

DESCRIPTION: Playing Hydron Sedna as normal. The railings are missing from these ramps [image 1] and when standing far enough back and looking over the cryopod all you can see through the tunnel is black rather than what is in the distance [image 2]

VISUAL: [image 1]9A426BC61B7B3F2A580E067B48BCEB0CEB54707A

[image 2]B3E925F89024B1A9C5AA04087730936F54A5CD46

REPRODUCTION: By entering Hydron, Sedna and going to these places.

EXPECTED RESULT: As far as I know there should still be railings on those ramps and should still be able to see through the tunnel as before.

OBSERVED RESULT: Already described in description.

REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time upon playing Hydron, Sedna.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Titania's 2nd ability does not drop buff pickups
  • VISUAL: [This is where you would add your screenshot or video]
  • REPRODUCTION: play mission
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I would cast my 2 on an enemy and the "shadow" drop would appear to be picked up for a buff
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I would cast her 2 and the knockdown would happen but nothing appears and the buff doesn't work
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Both in void exterminate missions i've tested and simulacrum have given me a 100% rate of this bug
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: No damage falloff when using Concealed Explosives
  • REPRODUCTION: Equip thrown secondary (Fusilai/Hikou Prime tested)
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Explosion radius/damage reduction based on distance from center
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Full damage in an approximately 7-10m radius, full knockback effect except when in air, from up to 15ish meters
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time Concealed Explosives procs (roughly 80% of the time when thrown with max rank)
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