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Decluttering the gear wheel; Removing context only gear items


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Out of the many possible equippable gear items, there a a bunch of gear items that dont actually need to use up space in the gear wheel due to the fact that they are only ever used in very specific circumstances.

  • Ciphers/Razorback Ciphers:
    • Ciphers are only ever used from within the hacking screen, eliminating any reason for them to have to occupy a gear wheel slot, instead they should be available for use at all times (assuming you have one in inventory)
  • Dragon Keys:
    • Dragon Keys are only ever used with the button prompt at the door, so i propose a separate equip screen for dragon keys where you can simply toggle each key on or off:

      Or toggled directly from the Arsenal screen with simple clicks like so:


Certain gear items are context-only, but still have options available:

  • Antitoxins/apothics
    • In the scenario where only one is used but there are multiple options, a quick popup screen could appear, giving you the option to select one for usage:
  • Infested Catalysts/eidolon phylaxis
    • In the scenario where gear items can be used multiple times, a popup screen could appear similar to contribute screens, allowing you to use the gear you want:


But how do you keep track of you gear levels for the items you now cannot put on the gear wheel?
The "other consumables" button shown in my beautiful paint edit here:

Clicking on this would bring up a screen that shows all the inventory counts for the above items, and assuming you have the BP and sufficient resources, would contain shortcuts to forge them in the foundry.


Fishing gear could be made a touch more compact as well. Once a fishing spear is acquired, a general "Fishing gear" item could be added to your inventory. Using this item from the gear wheel would equip a spear based on your location: regular spear for plains, and shockprod spear for Orb Vallis (stunna spear if that has been acquired). From there it would function exactly as it does now. Its a small change but prevents people from having to take up 2 gear slots if they dont want to equip a spear and then immediately have to change the spear to the correct one for their location.


What do all of you think about this?

Edit: i dont know why i showed "USE" buttons in the antitoxin image, you could probably just allow clicking on the thumbnail itself

Edited by DeckChairVonBananaCamel
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39 minutes ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

Fishing gear could be made a touch more compact as well. Once a fishing spear is acquired, a general "Fishing gear" item could be added to your inventory. Using this item from the gear wheel would equip a spear based on your location: regular spear for plains, and shockprod spear for Orb Vallis (stunna spear if that has been acquired). From there it would function exactly as it does now. Its a small change but prevents people from having to take up 2 gear slots if they dont want to equip a spear and then immediately have to change the spear to the correct one for their location.

Fishing spears only take up 1 gear slot, not 2. Anybody equipping 2 in their gear wheel is an idiot. They already have their own dedicated UI for equipping them. There is no "regular" spear for the plains, you'd still have to equip the correct spear for fishing.

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

Fishing spears only take up 1 gear slot, not 2. Anybody equipping 2 in their gear wheel is an idiot. They already have their own dedicated UI for equipping them. There is no "regular" spear for the plains, you'd still have to equip the correct spear for fishing.

this is why i said it is a small change.

If the one fishing spear you equip is an electro spear, then you are guarenteed to need to change your spear after you equip it on the Plains.
If the one fishing spear you equip is a conventional one, then you are guarenteed to need to change your spear after you equip it on the Orb Vallis.

Given the fact that the stunna spear is objectively better than the shockprod, a collective "fishing gear" equippable item could behave as follows:

  • If on the Plains of Eidolon, equip the lanzo spear (it is the most universally effective spear), OR whichever spear was previously used if not the lanzo.
  • If on the Orb Vallis, equip the stunna spear, OR should the stunna have not been acquired yet, equip the shockprod spear.

What this means is that if you are busy fishing and you are getting harassed by grineer/corpus, you dont need to equip a spear and then change it every time you want to go back to fishing.

A small change for a little convenience.

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1 minute ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

What this means is that if you are busy fishing and you are getting harassed by grineer/corpus, you dont need to equip a spear and then change it every time you want to go back to fishing.

You clearly haven't been fishing in awhile. Haven't paid attention to the past changes, have you?

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

You clearly haven't been fishing in awhile. Haven't paid attention to the past changes, have you?


Hotfix 25.7.5

  • Fixed a text string appearing when dismantling Servofish in Fortuna.

Update 25.5

  • You can now Transfer to the Operator while Fishing.

Update 24.6


With Fortuna's release, we applied some general economy changes based on takeaways from Cetus. Now that we have returned to Cetus and the Plains of Eidolon with a remaster, we are applying some 'Economy Remaster' changes to go with the changes in an effort to apply our continued learnings. Change is the name of the game - thank you for all feedback on our economies and for being receptive to change!

  • Added sell price to Fish Meat (100 Credits per unit). Selling them makes sense to add for inventory purists as changes come for their uses.
  • Replaced Bait Blueprints with Baits in Fisher Hai-Luk’s Offerings. This means Baits are no longer craft-ception with other fish parts and can now just be bought outright for Standing.
  • Reusable Fish Bait Blueprints can now be sold for 100,000 Credits. Relics of a different time for some, easy Credits for others.
  • Zaw Handles now use Fish Oil instead of Fish Scales. Amount normalized to 50 units.
  • Normalized Fish Part costs across Amp Part Blueprints - some had 5 rare parts, some had 2, now there's 3 needed for all.
  • Removed Cetus Wisps from Amp Prism Blueprint, and replaced them with Fish Parts or Eidolon Gems.
  • Removed Fish Scales costs from Operator Armour Blueprints, and replaced them with Fish Parts.
  • Fish Oil can now be sold for 100 Credits.
  • Improvements towards Fish spawning logic to alleviate cases of Fish spawning underground.
  • Fixed animation issues while attempting to fish from a zip-line. Also fixes a delay when launching the Fishing Spear from a zip-line.

Hotfix 24.0.9

  • Removed Fish spawns from shallow cave puddles. These fish were often uncatchable due to the shallow water/terrain surrounding.
  • Fixed Fishing hotspots not working for Clients in Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed Fishing Dyes not functioning in several Orb Vallis caves.
  • Fixed missing Fishing reel-in UI when using a controller set to ‘Classic Controls’.
  • Fixed not all Fish/Servofish being selected when clicking ‘Select All’ option when cutting Bait or Dismantling.

Hotfix 24.0.7

  • Changed the Sapcaddy Bait to the intended Mirewinder Bait. Broad-Spectrum Bait is your desired Sapcaddy cocktail.

Hotfix 24.0.5

  • The Eye-Eye now shows up during warm temperature only instead of cool temperature in Orb Vallis.
  • Recaster Bait is now correctly labeled as Longwinder Bait.
  • Narrow-Spectrum Bait was incorrectly described as attracting Tinks and Brickies (they are common fish and only require Broad-Spectrum Bait; Narrow-Spectrum Bait attracts Recasters and Eye-Eyes).

Update 24.0

EMP Spearfishing!

A new take on the Plains of Eidolon Fishing Mechanic!

The best way to catch the robotic 'Servofish' in The Orb Vallis is with The Business' offering of PULSE SPEARS - tools used to disable mechanical fish! This new type of fishing spear maintains the high quality of every Servofish you catch.

The Business offers 2 variants of Pulse Spears:


Built to recover Servofish without damage. Delivers a disabling electromagnetic pulse after a successful hit, if timed correctly


Successful electromagnetic pulses radiate outward also disabling any nearby servofish

Equip this in your Gear Spiral to begin your journey of catching Servofish in the Coolant! The fishing mechanic here is different - not only is aiming precision necessary, but also timing your Pulse detonation! Click within the red bar to succeed!


Your Ostron Spears will still work in The Orb Vallis, but the fish will be damaged. The key is to catch undamaged fish with the specialized Pulse Spears.

There are 13 species of Servofish to be discovered in the various Coolant areas of the Orb Vallis. Some require Baits - be sure to read descriptions to find your very own:

  • Eye-Eye
  • Scrubbers
  • Echowinders
  • Mirewinders
  • Longwinders
  • Sapcaddy
  • Brickie
  • Tink
  • Kriller
  • Recaster
  • Charamote
  • Tromyzon
  • Synathid

Baits are used to attract certain species of Servofish. Acquire them with Solaris United Standing and read about their uses in the descriptions!

Update 22.20
Spear Fishing HUD Changes:

  • We’ve added a sophisticated new HUD to aid in your aquatic hunt for brains, bones, and delicious spleen! Selecting a Spear in your Gear wheel will open the Fishing HUD where you can switch between Spear, Dye, and Bait on the fly.

Hotfix 22.17.3

  • You can now Quick Melee while Spearfishing in the Plains!

Update 22.0

  • Introduced.

Which changes you talking about?

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1 minute ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Hotfix 25.7.5

  • Fixed a text string appearing when dismantling Servofish in Fortuna.

Update 25.5

  • You can now Transfer to the Operator while Fishing.

Update 24.6


With Fortuna's release, we applied some general economy changes based on takeaways from Cetus. Now that we have returned to Cetus and the Plains of Eidolon with a remaster, we are applying some 'Economy Remaster' changes to go with the changes in an effort to apply our continued learnings. Change is the name of the game - thank you for all feedback on our economies and for being receptive to change!

  • Added sell price to Fish Meat (100 Credits per unit). Selling them makes sense to add for inventory purists as changes come for their uses.
  • Replaced Bait Blueprints with Baits in Fisher Hai-Luk’s Offerings. This means Baits are no longer craft-ception with other fish parts and can now just be bought outright for Standing.
  • Reusable Fish Bait Blueprints can now be sold for 100,000 Credits. Relics of a different time for some, easy Credits for others.
  • Zaw Handles now use Fish Oil instead of Fish Scales. Amount normalized to 50 units.
  • Normalized Fish Part costs across Amp Part Blueprints - some had 5 rare parts, some had 2, now there's 3 needed for all.
  • Removed Cetus Wisps from Amp Prism Blueprint, and replaced them with Fish Parts or Eidolon Gems.
  • Removed Fish Scales costs from Operator Armour Blueprints, and replaced them with Fish Parts.
  • Fish Oil can now be sold for 100 Credits.
  • Improvements towards Fish spawning logic to alleviate cases of Fish spawning underground.
  • Fixed animation issues while attempting to fish from a zip-line. Also fixes a delay when launching the Fishing Spear from a zip-line.

Hotfix 24.0.9

  • Removed Fish spawns from shallow cave puddles. These fish were often uncatchable due to the shallow water/terrain surrounding.
  • Fixed Fishing hotspots not working for Clients in Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed Fishing Dyes not functioning in several Orb Vallis caves.
  • Fixed missing Fishing reel-in UI when using a controller set to ‘Classic Controls’.
  • Fixed not all Fish/Servofish being selected when clicking ‘Select All’ option when cutting Bait or Dismantling.

Hotfix 24.0.7

  • Changed the Sapcaddy Bait to the intended Mirewinder Bait. Broad-Spectrum Bait is your desired Sapcaddy cocktail.

Hotfix 24.0.5

  • The Eye-Eye now shows up during warm temperature only instead of cool temperature in Orb Vallis.
  • Recaster Bait is now correctly labeled as Longwinder Bait.
  • Narrow-Spectrum Bait was incorrectly described as attracting Tinks and Brickies (they are common fish and only require Broad-Spectrum Bait; Narrow-Spectrum Bait attracts Recasters and Eye-Eyes).

Update 24.0

EMP Spearfishing!

A new take on the Plains of Eidolon Fishing Mechanic!

The best way to catch the robotic 'Servofish' in The Orb Vallis is with The Business' offering of PULSE SPEARS - tools used to disable mechanical fish! This new type of fishing spear maintains the high quality of every Servofish you catch.

The Business offers 2 variants of Pulse Spears:


Built to recover Servofish without damage. Delivers a disabling electromagnetic pulse after a successful hit, if timed correctly


Successful electromagnetic pulses radiate outward also disabling any nearby servofish

Equip this in your Gear Spiral to begin your journey of catching Servofish in the Coolant! The fishing mechanic here is different - not only is aiming precision necessary, but also timing your Pulse detonation! Click within the red bar to succeed!


Your Ostron Spears will still work in The Orb Vallis, but the fish will be damaged. The key is to catch undamaged fish with the specialized Pulse Spears.

There are 13 species of Servofish to be discovered in the various Coolant areas of the Orb Vallis. Some require Baits - be sure to read descriptions to find your very own:

  • Eye-Eye
  • Scrubbers
  • Echowinders
  • Mirewinders
  • Longwinders
  • Sapcaddy
  • Brickie
  • Tink
  • Kriller
  • Recaster
  • Charamote
  • Tromyzon
  • Synathid

Baits are used to attract certain species of Servofish. Acquire them with Solaris United Standing and read about their uses in the descriptions!

Update 22.20
Spear Fishing HUD Changes:

  • We’ve added a sophisticated new HUD to aid in your aquatic hunt for brains, bones, and delicious spleen! Selecting a Spear in your Gear wheel will open the Fishing HUD where you can switch between Spear, Dye, and Bait on the fly.

Hotfix 22.17.3

  • You can now Quick Melee while Spearfishing in the Plains!

Update 22.0

  • Introduced.

Which changes you talking about?

One of the changes is while fishing, you can use a melee weapon and not have to reequip the fishing spear. So you can real quick deal with some enemies and go right back to fishing. Don't think it apples to other weapons but I tend to go right up into the enemies faces when they interrupt my fishing.

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2 hours ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

What do all of you think about this?

I can get behind this QoL suggestion. This makes me consider something I hadn’t thought of before, and the post is written to open the way to feedback, which is cool.

You created the supporting images, right? And are you familiar with the creative process from brainstorm to finished product?

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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Liking this! Especially the separate Dragon Key panel since it's easy to forget that you have them equipped (proven by the recurring threads of people wondering why their stat suddenly decreased).

But for the fishing spears, Plains of Eidolon have 3 types of fishing spears and unlike in Orb Vallis, the type of fishing spear you equip matters.
I think the easier solution to this is make any body of water that can spawn fish prompt something like this when you get near it:
(This should only prompt if the player owns a fishing spear)
Image is photoshopped, I grabbed the image from wiki's Fishing page lol so our Excal here is already equipped with the fishing spear, but you get the idea 😅
Interacting with it should open the appropriate fishing gear menu for the area and automatically equip whatever fishing spear is in the fishing menu slot #1. So if your last fishing session you were using the Tulok, then it will equip the Tulok the next time you fish again. 

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I'm personally of the opinion that the entire Gear wheel could be removed, and its contents shifted elsewhere or eliminated through inventive design. On a more moderate note, though, I agree entirely that contextual gear items need not exist, and as a general rule should be restricted to the content where they apply. With Dragon Keys, putting aside how they're outdated bits of design with no real place in the game anymore, I'd probably go one further and have them only appear in Derelict missions: the spawn room could have four pedestals where you could choose to equip whichever Dragon Keys you have available, and you could toggle them from there. It'd affect Riven missions, but then again it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if that were to change either.

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The gear wheel is such an annoyance that I have anything I use frequently bound to a hotkey on my tenkey to avoid it. Then Railjack happened and the Omni inserts itself into a nonexistent slot in the gearwheel that can't be bound to a hotkey. Just about any change to the system would be welcome.

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I'd prefer a gear box.  Just pull up a transparent box that shows everything in a matrix.  The wheel is obnoxious and time consuming to use.  Not to mention, it is not clear what spots are used for hot key saving.  

A rectangular matrix would be much clear and make it easy to organize.  

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18 hours ago, CopperBezel said:

The gear wheel is such an annoyance that I have anything I use frequently bound to a hotkey on my tenkey to avoid it. Then Railjack happened and the Omni inserts itself into a nonexistent slot in the gearwheel that can't be bound to a hotkey. Just about any change to the system would be welcome.

They changed it so it can be permanently equipped a while ago. Even before then, it simply went into the first empty slot, so if you left a hotkeyed one open, it would go there (I had my Omni bound to "K" for instance)

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How can you make a post about de-cluttering the Gear Wheel and NOT propose the ability to add new Gear Items IN-BETWEEN existing Gear Items? By FAR the primary source of clutter in my own Gear Wheel is me constantly slapping new items at the end because re-ordering the Gear Wheel is such a pain in the ass it's usually not worth it.

On topic:
How about we combine the Synthesis Scanner and the Synthesis Trap into the same gear item? With the Scanner equipped, left click would scan and right click would deploy a trap. Or maybe do it the other way around. Left click would drop a trap, right click would go into first-person aim mode. In first person aim mode, left click would scan. Just let me take traps off the gear wheel already.

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18 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

On topic:
How about we combine the Synthesis Scanner and the Synthesis Trap into the same gear item? With the Scanner equipped, left click would scan and right click would deploy a trap. Or maybe do it the other way around. Left click would drop a trap, right click would go into first-person aim mode. In first person aim mode, left click would scan. Just let me take traps off the gear wheel already.

Excellent idea! Just add the trap as a secondary fire to the scanner!
OR if they ever plan on adding extra gadgets/functions to the synthesis scanner they could do it like fishing/hunting with the little sub-slot things

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