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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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I want a Warframe whose powers are to nullify. A "null" frame. A dark existence who would rather remove from his enemies than give to his allies.

First ability will be single target nullify where the target will lose their shields and armour and get slowed depending on power strength.

Second ability will be a direct damage ability where he will unleasha barrage of his energy, nullifying matter in front of him. This will cause heavy slash and puncture damage to enemies caught in the cone of effect.

Third ability can be Radial Null where he will debuff all enemies and weaken enemy auras to make them easy pickings for his squad or his weapon.

Ultimate ability will be something where he will nullify space, time and matter, causing enemies in an aoe to be paused in time and float towards the centre of the aoe, a little off the ground. All damage done to enemies in this state will be conserved and dealt at the instance the ability ends.

Passive will be Stored Null where he will have a chance to avoid incoming damage. This chance will increase of he does not use his abilities. The energy inside him is alive, reactive.

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Maybe a D&D Warlock style frame? Like one that made a deal with some extraplanar entity to not lose the war to the sentients, and thus while we didn't win the old war, we didn't technically lose either, and that's why we went into crysosleep? Like the entity twisted the deal and we were forced into cryosleep to uphold our end of the deal and not be killed.

Or maybe it was a Miraak and Hermaeus Mora type deal, and the original tenno who owned the frame tried to obtain the knowledge needed to defeat/control the sentients, but instead betrayed the Tenno and we have to deal with him later using his own frame to defeat him.

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Like equinox, but with a unique set of skills

A warframe that has a angelic side and can be switched to its devilish side, and both sides has their own set of abilities(except for the 1st ability,which is the switching of sides)

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A warframe(maybe not a warframe )from really old ages (Dark sector)

This armor inspired the orokin to design the first  real-warframe

amd now it comes back ,mixed with human-tech and orokin-tech,Vent its anger on the enemies


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One of my favorite parts of Warframe's lore is the stories of the ordinary people that inhabit the solar system, like the Solaris and the Ostron.  I think it would be really cool to have a warframe built by the members of a small settlement or city as a defense against the corpus or Grineer forces that are trying to crush them.  In essence, a warframe themed around the power of having a strong community.

My rough idea for the backstory is this:  A settlement in a remote part of the system (perhaps on Titan or another moon that doesn't have any nodes yet) is under siege by one of the major factions (probably either the corpus or the Grineer) because they are living in the ruins of an old Orokin city that is full of valuable resources and artifacts.  The residents of the city unearthed an old warframe from the ruins but, because it was heavily damaged and had no operator, they had to use their ingenuity to upgrade the warframe so that it could fight for them and protect them.  Members of the community bargained with rail agents and stole from both the corpus and the Grineer to source control systems and materials from across the system.  Local doctors mended the damage to the organic parts of the warframe and carefully cultured the strains of infestation necessary to keep it alive, while the city's craftsmen hand built bespoke armor plates and forged the parts they had into a formidable weapon.  Even the city's children contributed small trinkets to adorn the warframe.  The warframe fights well, supported by citizens who have taken up arms against the invaders, but the attacking forces overwhelm it and cut it down.  At the last moment the Operator comes in for one reason or another (A call for help? A personal favor? A vendetta?) and revives the fallen warframe to protect the city and break the siege.

Parts blueprints for the warframe might be gained from a quest to protect the city, as purchasable items from a syndicate in the city, found throughout the star chart in Orokin nodes, and/or found in either nodes related to the city or bounties if the city has a free roam node associated with it.

Visually, the warframe would have some obvious Orokin armor elements, but the majority of the frame would be made up of unique plates that look like they were welded out of industrial scrap by hand.  The overall look would still be beautiful, but some plates would be slightly asymmetrical or crooked.  The shoulder plates and helmet would be decorated with golden trinkets and children's handwriting as tokens of good luck from the community.  The helmet might also feature an antennae for connecting to a computer system that would control the warframe in place of an operator.

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I like the idea of a multi-element warframe.  Each ability is one of the primary elements; heat, cold, shock and toxin.  Then they can use a type of multi mode similar to equinox in order to swap between attack, defense and utility abilities.  Or possibly each ability is like an exalted weapon mode where you get a shield, elemental attacks and different passive based on the element.


It would give you the advantage of being very generalized to handle any kind of threat on the fly, but without the same depth in abilities as the more specialized frames.


I love my elemental frames, but the fact that they become less effective based on enemy types and situations disappoints me a lot as they get meta'd into 1 trick ponies.  

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Asked my sis on law who doesnt play, what she would play if she end up playing...

She wants A Warframe that would work with players and heal them by building Trust with them and make people without trust the enemy. I'd scrap the making allies enemys bit because that could messy.

Abil1: Allies in 10m radius gains 10% health bonus for 60s and heal 15 health per Trust stack.

Abil 2: You set a [name radius] radius around you, allies in it gain 1 trust per 10s. Whenever an enemy is defeated within the radius, get a Trust stack.

Abil 3: Pull all dropped loot within 100m outside of the radius to the epicenter of the radius.

Ult: For 15s, your set radius bursts into flames and expands to three times the size. Enemies in it begin burning equal to all the trust stacks among all allies in the radius times 50 (element?) damage.

Passive: Gets a trust stack whenever another player gains a Trust stack. Whenever THIS WARFRAME downs an enemy gains a Trust stack for themselves.











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Marionette/Doll Frame


Base appearance of a female ball jointed doll, with a twist of Alice in wonderland. 



Passive Abilities


Passive: Spare body

As long as there is a copy of her on the field when she dies, the player will switch to the copy when the original dies.

Passive: Queen of Hearts

Collects the core/hearts of the enemies she kills. Depending on the level and the number of kills the cores combines and becomes stronger.



Active Abilities



Creates a downgraded copy of her self. The dummy's stats based on the cores she collected, they act like feral zombies attacking its enemies. (max of 6 Dummies)


Self destruct

Orders her dummies to blow them selves up. Damage is based on their max HP. with a 15m max radius



Sacrifice 4 dummies to create an eldritch amalgamation of dolls. (Imagine a large worm made out of doll parts.) Max HP and strengths is the combination of all 4 dummies, it also act as a tank drawing in agro. (Cant create anymore dummies while this is active. Can be selfdestructed)


Varporal Blade

An Exalted Rapier. Increases core quality collected from enemies by 2.

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I have the perfect idea saved up for this... I've been wanting a warframe which acts like a Heel ("villain" wrestler) I'm going to make a thread about this in the future because I think the abilities I thought of would be the perfect Loki redesign, but I should put it here too as a concept since redesigns aren't really a community-brainstorming driven thing

The warframe's theme would be taunting its enemies and making them mad, just as a heel wrestler would do, I even thought of animations for him:

crouched with one leg forward, one arm raised behind, other forward in a "come here" gesture. closest to Gara Agile, but more aggressive and angry, kinda like Nidus Agile
idle animation is a mix between Grendel's Agile pose and Daniel Bryan Yes taunt, looking around at all of his angry "fans" and egging them on
symmetrical Oswald of Carim stance (from dark souls), arms  outstretched
idle animation is a dark souls Well! What is it! emote reference, similar to Randy Orton or Scott Hall taunts


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I'd like to propose a weapon transformation/augmenter warframe. Utilizing a combination of floating parts and energy/solid holograms to form specialized weapons powered by it's standard weaponry. Funneling ammo into specialized attacks or altering weapon functions in ways other than damage. Parts of the warframe being both armor and arsenal.

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Plant based warframe

Think along the lines of poison ivy or plant based super powers

Gender: female

Warframe type: dmg/ support hybrid or just support

Lotus: Nature is truly the deadliest weapon tenno.

Back story:

When the orokin sought to warp celestial bodies to their liking they needed a botanical maestro.

They knew just where to look.

During the orokins first visits to earth their soldier found themselves bested by nothing less than the earth itself.

When their ship landed and they crawled out of their fragile sanctuaries they encountered a large trees, glowing and warm.

Off on a distant tree layed a patch of moss.

It glowed just like the trees and radiated this same heat.

The scientist accompanying the crew was shocked.

Did the moss infect the trees? She asked

Did it compel then to grow in such odd ways?

She had to study it she thought.

Her and the crew ventured foward, and the scientist made ready. She grabbed a singular capsule from her waist and began to scrape a chunk of moss away.

Out in the distance flocks of birds screeched all at once as the ground began to shake.

In an instant a tangled roots spiked up from the ground spinning its way straight though one of the orokin soldiers.

Almost as quickly as that soldier fell another was yanked into the brush.

The crew had no idea what was attacking them or why but they knew if they stayed there they would never make it home. So they ran.

The scientist glued between two soldiers ran as fast as she could to make her way back to the ship with the distant screams of some of her former crew to her back.

The vines and roots were relentless, but they finally managed to make their way back.

The scientist and a single soldier were left.

The dock door closed, the ship lifted itself above ground and they readied themselves for the jump back.

And just as they were about to be rid of this natural nightmare the ship stopped.

Underneath their feet they could hear the bending of metal.

As the scientist layed herself low to hear the cracking, several branches S#&$ through the ship impaling the last soldier.

In a last ditch effort she found her way to an escape pod and made her way back to the main ship.

She presented herself to the orokin leadership telling them of her findings. After she made her way to the science wing and layed the capsule in stasis for future research.

-Present day-

Orokin leader 1: scientist we called you here to congratulate you on your work and past findings.

Scientist: yes your lords, thank you for such kind praise.

Orokin leader 2: since youve been such a great help we would like to reward you.

Orokin leader 3: your moss has been quite helpful in growing our gardens and our flourishing worlds. But we need a more controlled touch.

*gaurds grab the scientist by the arms and drag her to the science wing*

Orokin leader 1: with your hyper intelligent moss and our warframes im sure youll make a great subject.

From then on the orokin used their perfect scientist to better control their terraforming efforts across every planet, creating new flora with every planet taken.

Lotus: Use the earth itself to grow endless possibilities for you and your squad. Good hunting tenno.

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An absorption/transformation warframe would be nice, here is what i mean by that.

Firstly this warframe would not use energy like all the other but rather matter that is acquired by killing ennemies, it would fill out a bar that are used for the warframe abilities.

Secondly the "matter" collected would be used to power other abilities that would be themed around transformation. For exemple the warframe could have the ability to turn into an ennemy aimed at or something of the sort or the warframe would have its own unique transformation that could have a CC focus or DPS focus. 

The warframe ultimate could be like a unique transformation that turn it into a 4 legged creature, unable to interact with console and such but having a very high melee DPS and able to shoot out one big projectile to have some range

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An amalgamated Warframe focused on modifying himself, not exactly a shapeshifter, but more of a loosely Frankenstein-ed frame that only wants to become more perfect, being able to take multiple mangled enemies and integrate aspects of them into himself.

Imagine being able to tack on a grineer heavy gunner arm to your frame, boosting armor and having its gun work alongside your own primary, a Corpus shield drone that replenishes shields around you as well as your own, or even an ancient healer "crown" (or whatever that ring on its back is called) that gives the same or a similar buff to the one it gives to other enemies. After you create your custom amalgam, you can use all of those parts to create your own monster ally.

Build-A-Bear: Warframe edition.

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The Old War Frame. Basically like Teshin with knowledge of the Old War but as a Warframe that has abilities made to be effective against sentients.  It can be scavenged and was lost during the end of the Old War where the player has to find it to remake the frame or that the player hears about this legendary frame that was effective against the sentients and the player has to replicate it.  It should be a different aspect of Umbara since it would be the warframe (not as dex like excalibur umbara) that was truly effective.


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A walking Arsenal frame, whose ability set consists mainly on Exalted Weapons. Just imagine the ship's Arsenal being a playable frame.

The frame would look deceptively small and delicate, but is packing some major heat.

The secret to her ability to expertly holster and wield weapons of all sizes is the "hammerspace"-like portal installed on/in her chest. The portal leads to a massive weapon storage somewhere either in Lua or the Void. The hammerspace's energy is so impotent that it leaks into the weapons she is carrying, making weapons that look twice her size be as light as a pistol to her.

Her Exalted weapon of choice would be dual wielding miniguns that behave similarly to an Imperator Arch-gun. Imagine a petite frame just going guns akimbo with Imperators.

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A Cobra themed Warframe. With abilities based on hypnosis, poison, camouflage and slytherin stealth. 🐍

The color palette could be purples/greens, reds/yellows/blacks.

And obviously with a helmet that looks like a cobra hood. 🐍


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"Azoth" (or something else somewhat pronounceable yet Lovecraftian)

A Cosmic-Horror themed frame with a design similar to Nyarlathotep, whom can utilize radiation damage to both harm enemies/get them to harm themselves, while also having the ability to summon floating masses of tentacles similar to sentinels, who grapple enemies within a certain range, rag dolling them while dealing radiation (or the base damages that compose radiation)

As for a backstory, i was thinking maybe the warframe was lost adrift in space, exposed extensively to the radiation that is normally filtered by the atmosphere of other planets, leading to the infested technology within mutating and evolving into a twisted humanoid abomination over the years. Just because deserted ships and planets seems to be a theme with like cephalon jordas/the derelict etc.

I only suggest this since I feel like radiation damage is slept on in this game, but given how destructive it is in real life I think it has untapped potential in a game that feeds off destroying your enemies in the coolest way possible.

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No matter how this turns out, I'm stoked. I didn't really believe we'd see a community-designed warframe again.

Of the three fan concepts I designed over the years, I feel the last one is the most complete, well-rounded, least overpowered, most streamlined, and befitted from the trials and tribulations the first two concepts went through when I was trying to figure things out. 

So, the short version:

Main theme: Pinkerton, agent provocateur, hard-boiled detective. (This doesn't immediately make much sense. Why do you need a detective in the scheme of Warframe's lore? It requires some explanation.)

Sub-themes, power inspiration: Shadows, Bloodhounds and Tracking. (I call these sub-themes for disambiguation since some warframes are actually comprised of more than one element which becomes their theme. Mesa is singular as a gunslinger, but Ivara and Atlas are examples of several elements comprising a 'frame's theme.)

Putting those together, you have Lopata (or Spade). Full forum thread. Reddit thread. I recommend looking at the abilities in specific as they elaborate on novel stealth mechanics that Warframe doesn't yet utilize. 

Codex: A master of darkness, Lopata moves in and strikes from the shadows. Tracking, infiltration and subterfuge are her hallmarks.

Lotus: This is Lopata, Tenno. Born from darkness, she follows fugitives like their own shadows, uncovers secrets, and strikes with precision.

Gameplay: Primarily focused on stealth and tracking as we don't have enough varied stealth mechanics.

Abilities and powers: Primarily focused on shadows, but also dipping into brute strength and accuracy (via dedicated pistol).

Lore: Some of the background/explanation for why a detective would exist in Warframe's world was explained in the Ballas entry:


Revolution: Fantasy of replicated laborers, 

Of merchants clinging to familial vestiges. 

These kubrow hatchlings pine for freedom with no regard for social order. 

We needn’t exterminate these valuable cogs for their dreams. 

Nor must we spoil them. 

Like an antiquated patriarch, I will not spare the rod. 

As agent provocateur, she will entice them to organize, 

And shatter their spines, their will. 

As sleuth, she will make them distrust their shadows. 

When day is done, and drudges bed down in squalor, 

They will glimpse a hint of gold, movement in the dark, 

But dare not speak her name: Lopata.

The warframe didn't start as a detective.

She's heavily inspired by the history and varied roles of the Pinkertons.

Like a Pinkerton, she was employed as an agent provocateur to keep the underclasses in line. I was fascinated by the possibility to explore warframes with darker histories, warframes who weren't heroic, and were part of the Orokin empire's dirtiest tactics as private agents. Equally fascinating was the possibility to explore the failed uprisings in the system before the Tenno toppled the Orokin. I wanted to explore the empire's underbelly before the collapse, so Lopata was born out of that. 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Onesius said:

Like a horror frame that transforms Into a terrifying monster gaining new powers and passive abilities, thats able to possess enemies

Yes that's really interesting to me the whole horror aspect of warframe cause i really liked the way they did the chains of harrow quest and i want them to have a bit more of that

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A spy theme would be cool.

I picture a disguise ability, with a different disguise for each faction that effects other abilities (eg. a defense buff ability that gives extra shields in the corpus disguise but extra armour in the grineer one) and gives passive reduced chance of being detected/small damage increase if it is the same as the faction you're fighting. Or more stealth focused abilities.


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a corpus themed warframe since the corpus are the closest of that of the orokin it would make sense there are people in the corpus faction besides alad v tried to reverse engineer the warframes and tried to make their own that can be piloted by a corpus maybe a scientist from the anyo corp figured how to use the warframes and offer nef to use that warframe that would be a cool boss fight between the tenno and the false tenno (nef anyo) to obtain said warframe

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