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Can we skin our kubrows please


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yeah, nah. or rather not completely

I get wanting to skin the kubrows but not OUR Kubrows, what we consider OUR Kubrows are our Pet Kubows. If we're doing it, certainly ain't doing the same way you get your pets. Otherwise i like the idea.

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I wouldn't say skin domesticated kubrows but I could see purchasing Feral Kubrow or Kubrodon pelts from an appropriate NPC vendor for that admittedly cool look, but even then I also see PETA raising hell over that and it probably not ending well for DE in the long run.

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7 hours ago, Cobalt313 said:

I wouldn't say skin domesticated kubrows but I could see purchasing Feral Kubrow or Kubrodon pelts from an appropriate NPC vendor for that admittedly cool look, but even then I also see PETA raising hell over that and it probably not ending well for DE in the long run.

Yeah... if THIS was the concept, I don't think anyone besides PETA would care. And if they raised a b%$ch fest over it, all you have to do is remind them that they euthanize the majority of what they try to save anyways.

On a serious note though, yeah, feral pelts as a reward from an appropriate NPC seems like a great idea. And if they want to sell them in coats similar to our pet Kubrows, even better. If people want to get philosophical, then understand that it's not a case of being hypocritical in favor of pets over wild animals. It's just a statement on the subjective value of life. I value the lives of my dogs and cats over the lives of like 99.999999% of the global human population. So, the in game equivalent of this is like valuing the life of one's kubrow, kavat, or moa over even most fellow players. And this is reflected in the practice of raising my companion before raising other players. It might not be the best tactical choice, but I like them more than the vast majority of people too.

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That is just...disturbing.... Fur coat from a wild animal (no head), mayyybeee ok..... but not skinning a pet.. How do you expect your other pets to be loyal to you after that.... The only way I would be ok with that is if the kubrow grows old, passes, and we shave the fur off to make a keepsake (what I'll probably do irl as well when my animals pass..)

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15 hours ago, xZeromusx said:

Yeah... if THIS was the concept, I don't think anyone besides PETA would care. And if they raised a b%$ch fest over it, all you have to do is remind them that they euthanize the majority of what they try to save anyways.

As a vegan for over 20 years: Thank you for mentioning that. There's so much harm PETA does but specifically opening shelters and killing all the animals they "rescue" until they are at the bare minimum required to be saved is one of the worst in my book.


I think they did boycott WoW at one point but I'm not sure why.

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On 2020-04-13 at 8:40 PM, SpicyDinosaur said:

As a vegan for over 20 years: Thank you for mentioning that. There's so much harm PETA does but specifically opening shelters and killing all the animals they "rescue" until they are at the bare minimum required to be saved is one of the worst in my book.


I think they did boycott WoW at one point but I'm not sure why.

Having "pets" in game that kill for you rubbed them wrong.

You know, saber-toothed tigers, wingless dragons, bipedal faux-dinosaur lizards, perfectly normal and "innocent" creatures like that.


Regarding the original poster's idea, wild kubrow-skin rug? Certainly. Wild kubrow-skin sydanna? No refusals from me!

Stuffed dioramas of all the critters we already kill hundreds of on Earth? Something to match our mounted fish tropheys!

Skinning our pet kubrows? Dumb idea. To much effort put into the systems to keep the poor genetically unstable buggers alive, to expensive of an investment to just raise them to kill em.


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