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Vote Kick


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vor 15 Stunden schrieb TheGodofWiFi:

But this is the exact type of set up that is ripe for abuse, a group of three toxic players all decide to kick the fourth for the lols. Not saying thats you, I’m just saying there will be troll groups out there.

Honestly guys a vote kick is just not happening. The potential for abuse just simply outweighs the potential benefits. Its never going to happen.

What is the abuse in this exactly? In WF Players can't randomly join before a mission starts, so you can't form a squad and kick someone "for the lulz" without starting a mission. If you can't kick someone from the mission, there is also no chance to abuse the feature there in order to troll someone out of their rewards. After the mission, if the squad dissolves, it's the same thing to have the complete squad leave as if it were to be kicked. You might not even get a message about being kicked, but instead just see everyone leaving, the same way that it can happen right now anyway. So what abuse are you actually talking about?

vor 5 Stunden schrieb Rixuel:

Party almost complete the mission.

Host decides to kick out everyone just for the lel

Wouldn't apply if you could only kick after a match.


vor 11 Stunden schrieb GreyDeath789:

The big issue with this is the "investigated by DE" part...since the sheer numbers of reports could be overwhelming...but investigation is critical to avoid abuse.

Or, how about instead of piling that up on DE just provide players with the option to block specific players from being paired up with you? We have the "recent players" screen, so why not allow us to permanently block specific players from ever being in our squad again?

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1 hour ago, Animus_Nocturnus said:

Or, how about instead of piling that up on DE just provide players with the option to block specific players from being paired up with you? We have the "recent players" screen, so why not allow us to permanently block specific players from ever being in our squad again?

That is one suggestion....another might be to let DE handle problem players directly. Both are an option. Maybe let the "ignore" be that "block" feature you suggest.

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10 hours ago, Animus_Nocturnus said:


So basically what you are saying is that you want a kick feature that only allows you to kick after a mission has been completed? That is 100% pointless, not worth DE's time and isn't at all what most people who are in favour of a vote-kick actually want.

It would be a pointless feature to add in since it achieves exactly the same result as simply reforming the squad without the troll. Its completely different to what people on this thread are talking about.

Pro-Vote-kickers typically want the ability to be able to kick a player as soon as they believe they are trolling them in a mission. This system is ripe for abuse by people as it can be used by trolls to kick players out of the mission for the fun of it and it does happen in other games where this feature is a thing. Worse still if the vote-kick was an ability given to the current host.

That is how a vote-kick is ripe for abuse. The thing you are talking about is completely irrelevant since it achieves the same thing as simply reforming a squad after the mission has ended.

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I know my english isn't the best, but can someone please explain me how one single person should abuse a VOTE-kick system? The most squads are made of four people. And with one person who should be kicked and an other who starts the vote kick there are still two player left who can say no.

And truth be told. If I would get into a group with two/ three trolls, Elitist or toxic players I wouldn't like to stay in the group. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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Am 5.5.2020 um 13:24 schrieb TheGodofWiFi:

It would be a pointless feature to add in

Unless you play with your friends regularly and want to be inviting enough for other people to get in for a good time, but since some of them just force whatever mission they like on you, or go afk while on the way back from the mission, you need to reassamble the same team over and over and over again, sometimes (thanks to whatever weird bugs still persist) with one or the other person needing to restart WF because somehow the game thinks they are offline or the session you've just opened is full (although it absolutely isn't)

But hey, if we instead get a quick-assembler for a group, so that I can just klick a single button instead of opening the communications menu after every third mission to reassamble my group, I might actually agree that having a kick button would be pointless.

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On 2020-04-28 at 9:22 AM, pnzR said:

Please for the love of the Lotus, give us a way to remove people that just join missions to leech. Scarlet spear has only highlighted such a glaring issue as at least 50% of the space maps Ive hosted I get a 4th that just sits in the ship with a macro to move around every30sec~

Been asked dozens of times. For DE to even think of adding a function that could be abused, they would have to lay down quite a few ground rules, especially for different mission types. 

1). AFK timer improvement. If you stand still for 1 minute you are officially afk and don’t get any affinity or rewards during that time. DE would have to add upon that by making it where 3 minutes allows the vote kick option to exist. 

2). Vote Kick only in full public squads. As in the only way to be vote kicked, the entire squad would have to be randoms. If someone is in the squad from an invite, they basically gave up their voting privileges. So they can’t vote to kick no matter what. 

3). mission specific rules for vote kicking. Like survival requires a bit of killing to succeed. So if a player is not killing every so often then they are considered afk for that mission. You can’t tell me that it is hard to get a kill in 3 minutes. And the afk timer resets every round. Even with a spamming Saryn, I was still able to get some kills during a defense in a grineer ship tile set. So most of the time it just an excuse for some to go afk. But since defense is a little more complicated 3 minutes would need to be increase to like 5. 

These ground rules won’t stop all AFKers, but it would greatly reduce them. To where only the expert AFKers would be able to pull off an AFK without being kicked. Which would then require reporting said AFKer to warframe support. And them completely banned from public games, not just kicked from squad. 

Missions like open worlds should have a timer based on distance and such that requires players to be inside the circles by a certain point. And if the objective is completed, those outside would gain no rewards. If the objective is completed before the timer is up, then it doesn’t count and the AFKer still get rewards. As long as they have been moving around. Standing still or near the gate would count as a normal AFK with zero rewards. I’ve already made a post where I broke it down. The only ones who would be affected other than leechers, would be newbies who don’t understand how the open world missions even work. So they are jumping into a complicated mission too soon. No different than a newbie getting humiliated by a boss they weren’t ready for. 

Scarlet Spear. Since it is a complicated mission, my only suggestion for DE is to reduce the rewards for those who do not throw up their OPlinks. There is plenty of time to throw up an OPlink. If the player is not willing to speed up the progression of the mission than they should gain less rewards. Basically the OPlink is what should determine if you gain any points. Since it is the OPlink that determines the mission success. Don’t play an event you know nothing about.

All games have failures that will continue unless you figure out how it works. Warframe shouldn’t be any different. But simply adding Vote Kick with no limit will open the door to more abuse and trolling than some AFKer. 

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 i propose a voting system that you are allowed to make hidden votes to other players 

you would give a bad player (AFK er, troll or toxic player) a negative vote and the player in question wouldn't be able to see it but if enough votes in certain time  example 100 negative votes from other player in lets say in 14 day period, the player in question would be removed from normal player queue and placed on "the douchebag" queue where they can afk,troll or be toxic all amongst themselves and after 1 month or so they would get a new chanse to play with others 


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1 hour ago, Frozer80 said:

 i propose a voting system that you are allowed to make hidden votes to other players 

you would give a bad player (AFK er, troll or toxic player) a negative vote and the player in question wouldn't be able to see it but if enough votes in certain time  example 100 negative votes from other player in lets say in 14 day period, the player in question would be removed from normal player queue and placed on "the douchebag" queue where they can afk,troll or be toxic all amongst themselves and after 1 month or so they would get a new chanse to play with others 


A lot of newbies and trolls would just do that to players they simply don’t like. Like every Saryn in the game. Not a good suggestion. Wouldn’t take long before the forums is flooded with Saryn users complaining how they can’t play in public games. For no explained reason considering you are suggesting it be invisible to them. It will be abused. 

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I suggested a matchmaking blacklist a long time ago. This is better than votekick because players are free from potential of getting kicked when about to extract.

I will paste this from a thread I wrote months ago

Say You were just having the usual warframe fun and then suddenly “this guy” jumps in and ruins your fun and everyone else on the squad. Be it by trolling, sending death threats, etc. You decided to ignore that person and endure his annoyance until the misssion ends. 

You fired up another game. But suddenly “this guy” joins your game again. You’re starting to lose your patience and getting frustated. So, you left the game and find another one. But wait! They joined your game and this time now they are two of them! You have enough of it and started to use your typing skill to make another vote kick request on the forums which has been rejected by the community numerous times. 

Wait! Before you start making another vote kick thread number #999999999999999 that will be eventually rejected by everyone due to how abusive it is. How about we propose a some sort matchmaking blacklist instead? This is how it works. 

1. Guy joins in, ruins your fun and everyone else.

2. You add them to your backlist, but it won’t kick said player from the squad.

3. And there you go! That player will never join your future games ever again. This also works if you are not the host. The player that has been blacklisted by a client will prevent them to join the host’s game your playing at. The Player that has been blacklisted will remain on the list for 1 week. After that, it will be removed from the list automatically. You can still add them again after 1 week time limit if you wish to still not play with that player. 

4. Found another one of these players? Repeat step 1-3.

The system that proposed is abuse free. You won’t suffer the dreaded kick system that’s being abused by a bad host (Payday 2 anyone?). Where the host kicks everyone at the end of missions, preventing squad members from receiving their rewards. 

On 2020-01-29 at 10:44 PM,  Birdframe_Prime said: 


Simple fix; you can only 'black list' somebody that you've actually played with in the last few games. You can't block somebody if you haven't played with them, plus in-game chat will/should actually kick you if you start the name-and-shame game, whether you're the injured party or a troll, and I think that the mods already do. So it purely becomes something that you can just choose for yourself and only affects your own game play.


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6 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:


This, but i don't see much use in the mechanic that automatically removes them from the blocklist, people on my blocklist after being matched with them again proved time and time again they are there for a reason either by being jerks, leechers or annoying others with trollish abilities.

I would like this if there was a permanent version though.

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13 hours ago, Animus_Nocturnus said:

I might actually agree that having a kick button would be pointless.

What you are suggesting is pointless as it takes merely a few seconds to reassemble a group anyway. What you want is something completely different to what average pro-vote-kickers want, which is good, but its still an absolutely redundant and unneccesary feature.

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