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I dislike Mastery Rank giving you capacity on Unranked weapons


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12 hours ago, Zahnny said:

For the record, I don't hate the feature and I do appreciate it but there are times when I've wished it wasn't quite so.

So, your Mastery Rank dictates how much Capacity your Unranked or underleveled weapons have, up until you reach the same number as your mastery, then you gain capacity on the above levels.

I do think this feature is nice but I miss the times before it was added. Formaing a weapon or piece of equipment, then jumping into a lowish level mission to level it up until you can slot your mods onto it. Again this isn't a bad feature and I won't bash anyone for liking it, but there was something much more peaceful and simple about it. Simply jumping into a mission after removing all my mods now just wouldn't feel the same.

I think this feature also has its downsides in a potentially objective way.

Stalker has, for lack of better words become a joke to most players who can decently mod in any mission. Some have even gone to say Shadow Stalker is easier than the regular Stalker. Once over there were times when a Stalker apperance caused dread in players and how he always seemed to come at the wrong time. I think the MR-Capacity feature might have been what hurt Stalker the most, he preyed on Frames and Players who had just forma'd or crafted/bought a new weapon, and unable to mod it out those players were much more vulnerable to a Stalker attack. Sure it may suck having to fight Stalker after a forma but I think that was most of his charm. It felt like an accomplishment to take him out while weakened. You fought off a dangerous predator that sniffed out your weakness.

And it's these same reasons why I think introducing a Stalker Mode into Warframe simply just wouldn't be fun. You'll jump into a mission with players who you may have no chance of defeating because they are more or less already fully modded, even after a forma.

There's also the issue of "What happens at MR30 or MR31?" is there no longer a capacity incentive to MR ranks? Or would they give us bonus capacity on our stuff? Both come with their own complications.

I understand changing it now would likely cause uproar from players who have invested heavily into their MR. I can't really recommend a change, but if I was given the role of making that change here's my suggestion.

Use what the Solar Rail PvP/Proto-Conclave used it made you enter with Rank 0 weapons but a high affinity rate, you went in with your equipment having their mods all slotted in, but you gain access to these mods as your level increased. Essentially unlocking your mods on your already modded weapon. This could be a compromise that wouldn't force players to remove their mods everytime they forma like it used to be. But these are just my opinions, feel free to disagree.

Just level them with no mods.

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I just wish MR meant a little more than having extra capacity for traces and mods. it's certainly not an indicator of skill, though perhaps linking it to the "hardchart" as I'm calling it (proposed hard starchart missions) might be a sign that DE want to remedy this. I like the idea that they might finally be able to give out exclusive rewards for people who complete those missions on the higher difficulty: something you actually have to earn, not just get lucky with RNG.

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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33 minutes ago, (PS4)TONI__RIBEIRO said:

Just level them with no mods.

Again, third person who has not read my post.

I already stated "Simply jumping into a mission after removing all my mods now just wouldn't feel the same."

I'm going to put that in bold for future reference.

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I see your point honestly, there was a sense of excitement leveling upna weapon and then getting to mod it, im only MR 14 and its nice having the "free" points but now I have to rank something to 15+ to enjoy progression. Although it is a better system imo   

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9 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

So you want every weapon to require like 10 forma to reach max capacity?

I don't believe that is what they are after no. What their words say to me is a longing for a "feeling" the nuanced essence that they fell in love with in the early years of Warframes life. The game has changed, and so have the people playing it. Yet in many ways we desperately wish to cling to the facets of the game that made it a great experience, and as the game, world, and players move on it only becomes more ingrained for some that hold onto their deeply held beliefs. 

It is as stubborn as it is subjective, and as Zahnny said they can't really recommend a change to the MR system as it is now they are merely venting in such a way that it has to be heard. Forum therapy if you.

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All that would change for me is going to do something fun where I don't even need to use the weapon to rank it up. A few quick runs of solo railjack Gian Point gets a weapon to max/almost max. So I could stay away from horrid stuff like Hydron, or whatever other nodes people jump on to speed rank weapons.

As for the edgy teen known as the stalker, just let me disable him already. Nothing more than a nuisance. Whatever buffs he gets, or nerfs we get against him, will just force a meta to deal with him. I have no need for this guy to show up anymore.

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The problem is monetization, and the value of mod capacity. 

To a low MR player, potatoes are a lot more important as they double that equipment's limited mod capacity. 

As you go up in mastery rank, the main financial interest gradually moves towards forma. As in things bought with platinum. 


So, there is a feeling of progress, and there is when increasing your mastery rank, as all equipment gains access to more mod capacity before reaching rank 30.


Given that the financial interest at higher MRs moves towards forma, it would be a judicious idea to have mod slot polarization be a thing at MR 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40. Not a free forma, but an action in the mod screen named "Mastery Polarization", which won't reset weapon rank if you use it. Or can only be used while the piece of equipment is at rank 0.

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i don't know why OP finds this to be a problem. if i've sunk so many hours into levelling my stuff (even the useless fodder) for the nearly 2 million XP required to hit mr 28, i don't understand why we couldn't have an easier time levelling our stuff the more we progress, especially considering the higher we go, the more we need to forma our stuff for "endgame" builds. for context, we get 3000 xp per weapon and 6000 xp per frame/companion/archwing (plus some for map completion and intrinsics). that's hundreds of weapons plus all the prime and non-prime frames/companions/archwings. there's enough grind in this game and i will take anything DE throws at me that lessens the grind or makes it easier, especially considering that this method isn't a freebie and depends on me having put in the effort to start with.

conceptually, it makes sense that the more proficiency we have with various weapons and frames, the better we get at using them and fighting with them, hence the more rank 0 bonus mod capacity the higher we rank (since there's no other way to change the base stats on a particular piece of gear in this game, not counting warframe health, shields, energy).

since you've based a significant part of your argument on stalker being no challenge due to high mr (like, seriously, what?), if you want stalker to be a challenge due to having unranked gear, just carry around an unmodded mk1 weapon at all times and only use that weapon when stalker spawns. problem solved. never mind the actual fact that stalker feels less powerful not because of high mr, but because we have a lot of tools to handle him now (operator, amp, arcanes, weapon power creep, knowing how to dodge his big attacks) than we did in the earlier iterations of the game. handicap yourself as much as you want, but don't nerf everyone just because you miss the before-times.

i think there are far bigger trees to bark up at this time in warframe's development.

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15 hours ago, Magus_Tahir said:

I don't believe that is what they are after no. What their words say to me is a longing for a "feeling" the nuanced essence that they fell in love with in the early years of Warframes life. The game has changed, and so have the people playing it. Yet in many ways we desperately wish to cling to the facets of the game that made it a great experience, and as the game, world, and players move on it only becomes more ingrained for some that hold onto their deeply held beliefs. 

It is as stubborn as it is subjective, and as Zahnny said they can't really recommend a change to the MR system as it is now they are merely venting in such a way that it has to be heard. Forum therapy if you.

From what I understood the early years of Warframe were anything but great and Railjack repeating many of the things that early Warframe did making the experience of that gameplay awful only seems to cement that idea.

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13 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

From what I understood the early years of Warframe were anything but great and Railjack repeating many of the things that early Warframe did making the experience of that gameplay awful only seems to cement that idea.

Early Warframe was simple, but great. Great enough that I dropped 150 bones on it, in the hopes that it would get even better. And mostly, it has.There have been a lot of growing pains, with all the crazy stuff DE has added into the game. But there have been many many improvements to the game as well. And I'll take that any day over something like Destiny, that is still the exact same game it was 5 years ago (minus gambit...meh).

But I guess some people don't like quality of life changes. For them, might I recommend WoW Classic. Or maybe just sink your teeth into the original Everquest (servers are still going). Their is plenty of testicular torsion to enjoy in those titles. Enough for any masochist to live a long happy life.

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I used to actually play the game like that when it comes to the forma cycle.

I'd take a poorly modded level 0 weapon into a low level void survival mission or a low level fissure mission and slowly ramp up to higher tiered missions as I mod the weapon out between missions to get a nice comfortable feel for the weapon instead of being one of those shallow players that just goes to the exp lootcave, to spitefully neglect the weapon and only truly invest based on the opinions of streamers/youtubers/strangers I heard in discord/region chat. A more wholesome and less burnout ending method of playing the game.

But now obviously when I forma something and it has 56 capacity from level 0, the mods don't really shift. So obviously starting from zero doesn't work.

So my strategy to dealing with it has just been to do higher level more rewarding mission types like starting kuva floods/lich hunts/requiem fissures/railjack runs with the level 0 weapons. The weapon still gets fairly matched against enemies of an appropriate level, I get to see it in action and I get to develop my own personal tastes and opinions about the weapons.

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I feel like whatever negatives could be conjured about this are significantly outweighed by the positives it brings. Back in the days before a minimum Mod capactiy, it was fairly common to "pocket-level" weapons -- take an unranked weapon into a mission and basically never use it (because it was unmodded and couldn't hold its own). This led to a lot of grinding weapons for the MR that were turned and burned, leveled from 0 to 30 without players ever using them. After this fix, getting even a few Mods on the weapon means you can effectively use it past Mars while you level it.

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