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Force Start in groups..... this is just a big fat nope!


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putting or forcing your standards onto random players when it inconveniences you is okay/not okay. is basically what this thread is about when you get to the brim of it yes?

its generally assumed that these unspoken rules goes out the window in a non organized run.  in some cases I just pretend that i am solo'ing with 3 Npcs boosting my spawn. especially if they get mouthy then all bets are off.

sure it would be wonderful if everyone played with compassion and empathy and all these several unspoken "rules" blah blah but its just not realistic to expect it from every single random person you encounter.

its not a bad thing to ask to do/not do certain things, however they are under no obligation to actually comply. it would just be nice/convenient if they do.


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1 hour ago, ZeroX4 said:

wat? i force start even when im not host

look no1 here doing it to other players just to piss them off
we just value our time we go online to play not to waste our time

if waiting for u or any1 else is A CHOICE we can make can we have right not to?

can it be like if u ask me to wait cause u didk want to go get a drink can i have OPTION to say NO? and just proceed with mission start

or are u and likes u here trying to force their ideology upon others and tell them how to play?

in the end think about u or any1 elese wont grind for me wont give me extra time so can i manage my time and how i play by myself instead of taking ur or any1 else advices?

From what I read... you really have a big problem...

There were three players and including me telling one random (the guy that trolls) not to force start yet. But didn't want to listen. Not only that. I WAS THE HOST!!!! Even the other random got mad and left... (Not the guy who trolls and force start)

So what is your CRAZY idealogy to "look no1 here doing it to other players just to piss them off" and "we just value our time we go online to play not to waste our time".


Edited by -HG-Lair360
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18 hours ago, ZeroX4 said:

wanna some truth? players like u are in fact reason community is becoming "shalt"


Even this quote from you... from my perspective you seriously have a problem. I hope you learn something when the boss says "teamwork is key".

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There's a huge amount of players who stay in groups after a mission, yet don't communicate anything. You ask the group: "Another?", 3 players answer "sure", and that one person stays entirely silent.

There's nothing wrong with force starting with players like that.

Respect means not spending other players' time, unless specifically agreed upon.

Sweet Brown No GIF

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10 minutes ago, Enialyx said:

There's a huge amount of players who stay in groups after a mission, yet don't communicate anything. You ask the group: "Another?", 3 players answer "sure", and that one person stays entirely silent.

There's nothing wrong with force starting with players like that.

I will agree on this 100%. Person stays entirely silent.... needs to leave or try and communicate. If not, 'Force Start'.

Edited by -HG-Lair360
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3 hours ago, -HG-Lair360 said:

Even this quote from you... from my perspective you seriously have a problem. I hope you learn something when the boss says "teamwork is key".

excellent argument

idk what ideology u need to have  to not even understand simple principal either u WORK or u DONT and if u want to WORK someone who holds u back is not helping u at all

there is saying that if u are not moving forward ur moving back

so if i log in to play and someone just care to waste my time i really dont give 2 f###s about his time

yes of course i can wait for someone but CAN and HAVE TO are 2 different things and since we have choice why any1 should have problem for what what we choose?

often solo profit taker just cause i WANT to have last digit of crosma toroids equal to eiter 0 or 5 since i use 5 everyday
and its like someone who could just go with me and leech say im selfish for going solo
and pretty much same goes with force starting

and ok cool but can it be my choice how and with who if even with any1 i play?

i literally believe ppl like would dare to go to shop owner and complain that in ur box of M&Ms are random colors of them and not only yellow ones
while u did take box with random colored ones and u still have a problem

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3 hours ago, -HG-Lair360 said:

From what I read... you really have a big problem...

There were three players and including me telling one random (the guy that trolls) not to force start yet. But didn't want to listen. Not only that. I WAS THE HOST!!!! Even the other random got mad and left... (Not the guy who trolls and force start)

So what is your CRAZY idealogy to "look no1 here doing it to other players just to piss them off" and "we just value our time we go online to play not to waste our time".


excuse me kindly

neither i or any1 else in this game login and play to listen to u or any1 else
u are free to leave squad no 1 is forcing u to play with me or any1 else

if i had problem with u or any1 else i would just leave that squad pre mission or in mission without a problem
why all the sudden ppl like u have problem with that? are u special? we need to treat u with special kindness? explain?

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8 minutes ago, ZeroX4 said:

excellent argument

idk what ideology u need to have  to not even understand simple principal either u WORK or u DONT and if u want to WORK someone who holds u back is not helping u at all

there is saying that if u are not moving forward ur moving back

so if i log in to play and someone just care to waste my time i really dont give 2 f###s about his time

yes of course i can wait for someone but CAN and HAVE TO are 2 different things and since we have choice why any1 should have problem for what what we choose?

often solo profit taker just cause i WANT to have last digit of crosma toroids equal to eiter 0 or 5 since i use 5 everyday
and its like someone who could just go with me and leech say im selfish for going solo
and pretty much same goes with force starting

and ok cool but can it be my choice how and with who if even with any1 i play?

i literally believe ppl like would dare to go to shop owner and complain that in ur box of M&Ms are random colors of them and not only yellow ones
while u did take box with random colored ones and u still have a problem

2.] I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT SOLO... don't move to that!
3.] Warframe.... NOT M&M are random colors! They are candies... who cares about colours. Most of them are artificial colour / aditives.
4.] "u WORK or u DONT".... really? You have to put that in? Sigh.... *facepalm*
5.] "waste my time i really dont give 2 f###s about his time"  That is really... oh boy... this is not a good sign as a team player.

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15 minutes ago, ZeroX4 said:

excuse me kindly

neither i or any1 else in this game login and play to listen to u or any1 else
u are free to leave squad no 1 is forcing u to play with me or any1 else

if i had problem with u or any1 else i would just leave that squad pre mission or in mission without a problem
why all the sudden ppl like u have problem with that? are u special? we need to treat u with special kindness? explain?

The host has some rights to ask "is everybody ready?" If not, we make sure they are ready before starting...

Instead 'Force Start' by someone elses thinking its their session. This happens multiple times in Lich Hunt and SPY.

"You Special?"  Pfff.... that again?

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Also tell me this....

Some randoms asked me a few times when I am playing lich: "can I change my parazon around after the mission?". I answered yes ofc, so does one other players...

When we are back, guess what? Some ***** players that is like you starts a mission and made us quickly disband because of no reason or aplogies.

So, will you be angry that changing parazon and seeing a force start by someone... make you angry? Yes, I will, so does my friends and the random.


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5 hours ago, dwqrf said:

Truth to be told, and with all due respect, as a joke : You would be a terrible musician.

It's true, I have tried!

But that same character flaw allows me to realize not all other poeple want to do things the way I do and that when playing in groups, flexibility, empathy, and compassion are more important than 'how fast the other players can get me rewards'.

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3 hours ago, -HG-Lair360 said:

The host has some rights to ask "is everybody ready?" If not, we make sure they are ready before starting...

Instead 'Force Start' by someone elses thinking its their session. This happens multiple times in Lich Hunt and SPY.

"You Special?"  Pfff.... that again?

now im pretty sure if u would make youtube video and leave likes and dislikes on and i would dislike button on ur video u would complain that im using option provided to me
every player have right to ask for anything even for free plat but none player is obligated to do anything we have a CHOICE which we can choose not to do if we dont feel like it

i dont feel like waiting for u or any1 else and i dont need urs or any1 else help to do a mission
if ur in my squad u can leech all u want i really dont care but dont try to force ur ideology upon me or other players how i should play the game

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3 hours ago, -HG-Lair360 said:

2.] I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT SOLO... don't move to that!
3.] Warframe.... NOT M&M are random colors! They are candies... who cares about colours. Most of them are artificial colour / aditives.
4.] "u WORK or u DONT".... really? You have to put that in? Sigh.... *facepalm*
5.] "waste my time i really dont give 2 f###s about his time"  That is really... oh boy... this is not a good sign as a team player.

1) never went unprepared into mission thats what loadouts are for if u dont use it u waste urs and others time (kinda same thing like making NEW FOLDER 1 2 3 .... few secs of not organizing it and hours later wasted on looking for 1 file)
2) i see u dont understand what EXAMPLE is k seems some basic things are too hard for u to understand
3) again EXAMPLE seems too hard for u to understand sorry for that wont challenge ur brain again
4) yeah since u dont get the idea u do something or u dont but on other side of that u dont do something because u dont want to or because someone is stalling u
5) i am not a team player i dont go online to be ur friend and bound a team with u im going online to play the game if u happen to join my squad i dont mind then what is so hard to understand in that?

so many players live with force starting by others and dont mind it since they have option to leave squad at any given time
and then there are some ppl that think they are special and deserve special treatment
idk how ppl can be so blind and dont see that their ego is the reason for that problem to even exist

u want ur squad to behave in certain way RECRUIT CHAT is ur place to start a squad and not random public squad
YOU have problem with other squad members who could do something u dont want so start the change from urself
i dont have problem with squad members since i can leave squad if i dont like someone in it

just stop for a moment think about what ur talking about and look just look with clear mind who is generating problem here

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24 minutes ago, ZeroX4 said:

so many players live with force starting by others and dont mind it since they have option to leave squad at any given time
and then there are some ppl that think they are special and deserve special treatment
idk how ppl can be so blind and dont see that their ego is the reason for that problem to even exist

u want ur squad to behave in certain way RECRUIT CHAT is ur place to start a squad and not random public squad
YOU have problem with other squad members who could do something u dont want so start the change from urself
i dont have problem with squad members since i can leave squad if i dont like someone in it

just stop for a moment think about what ur talking about and look just look with clear mind who is generating problem here

You know what? There should be an option to have "enable auto start group". This will put you into an autostart group with the same logic and your selfishness.

Second, yes, I use recruit chat. A lot. But meet others like you too. Makes me lose another 5-10 minutes to look for another group.

Third, I come here to express my issues regarding players like you 'force starting' and being completely ****** to players who just want to enjoy the game and be part of a team that gives some room for players to, lets say 'need to change mods around', 'change weapon', etc..... But nooooo... you have to be the cherry ontop dude with sprinkle icing by saying:

47 minutes ago, ZeroX4 said:

i dont feel like waiting for u or any1 else and i dont need urs or any1 else help to do a mission


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4 minutes ago, ZeroX4 said:

u want ur squad to behave in certain way RECRUIT CHAT is ur place to start a squad and not random public squad
YOU have problem with other squad members who could do something u dont want so start the change from urself
i dont have problem with squad members since i can leave squad if i dont like someone in it

just stop for a moment think about what ur talking about and look just look with clear mind who is generating problem here

You have the choice to be more open to the desires of other players and you choose not to, just as those players choose not to force start missions for players that need a moment.

So, you choose to not be open to the desires and needs of other players and expect your outlook to be the norm and happily force that on others.

Can you understand that might not seem terribly friendly to the community?

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1 hour ago, Zimzala said:

You have the choice to be more open to the desires of other players and you choose not to, just as those players choose not to force start missions for players that need a moment.

So, you choose to not be open to the desires and needs of other players and expect your outlook to be the norm and happily force that on others.

Can you understand that might not seem terribly friendly to the community?

as much as i agree with the sentiment he does raise valid points. nobody is owed anything.

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1 minute ago, Makunogo said:

as much as i agree with the sentiment he does raise valid points. nobody is owed anything.

Where did I imply anyone was owed anything?

I never said nor implied such.

If a player acts the way in which this poster claims to act, then they will probably not be seen as a friendly player by many memebers of the community.

Each player has the choice to have compassion and patience with other players while playing with other humans.

The player in this case, is telling us being polite to other humans is a waste of thier time.

That can be factually correct and still be unfriendly, and does not imply anything owed to anyone.

Players have the choice to be good teammates or not.

The players in question are, in fact, IMO, 'owed' something and it's called 'the cold shoulder' AKA /ignore. 🙂 

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15 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

Where did I imply anyone was owed anything?

I never said nor implied such.

your lack of reading comprehension is showing. 

let me re-write it for you.

as much as i agree with the sentiment THEY do raise a valid point that nobody is owed anything even if it may result in the other player thinking that makes them rude*

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1 minute ago, Makunogo said:

your lack of reading comprehension is showing.

Please enlighten me!

I don't like to take things out of context, if I am then please, show me where and how.

Edited by Zimzala
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6 hours ago, Zimzala said:

Where did I imply anyone was owed anything?

I never said nor implied such.

If a player acts the way in which this poster claims to act, then they will probably not be seen as a friendly player by many memebers of the community.

Each player has the choice to have compassion and patience with other players while playing with other humans.

The player in this case, is telling us being polite to other humans is a waste of thier time.

That can be factually correct and still be unfriendly, and does not imply anything owed to anyone.

Players have the choice to be good teammates or not.

The players in question are, in fact, IMO, 'owed' something and it's called 'the cold shoulder' AKA /ignore. 🙂 


5 hours ago, Zimzala said:

Please enlighten me!

I don't like to take things out of context, if I am then please, show me where and how.

I'm sorry, @Makunogo but I double checked my understanding of what the word "compassion" means. The concept of being "owed" does not seem to be involved. 

This is the one that I used: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/compassion

As I understand it, compassion is not something that requires that it is owed. But as a species, we seem to recognize that compassion, the understanding that others around us may be suffering, and seeking to reduce said suffering is generally a good idea. (Especially when the suffering is caused by our conscious actions.) 

That is such a fundamental concept that a lack of compassion (again not something "owed" by my understanding) for others around us, is sometimes considered a potential sign of a significant problem:


The defining characteristic of the sociopath is a profound lack of conscience—a flaw in the moral compass that typically steers people away from breaking common rules and toward treating others decently

Again, that doesn't seem to suggest that treating others decently is something only done when one owes it to someone else, but does seem to suggest that it's something that we would generally do simply because we're members of a civilised society. 

I mean, if we consider that we can do whatever we want because we don't owe the randoms anything, then wouldn't the same thing apply to them always choosing to never leave the group and always waste people's time by not voting until they feel like? 

Most of the people on this thread seem to have said that we do try to not waste everyone's time, so we wouldn't support that, the same way we don't usually force start and don't support that. Would you support intentionally wasting people's time, with the justification that "they don't owe anyone anything"? 

Edited by (PS4)guzmantt1977
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