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Don't buy the nightwave potatoes


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1 hour ago, (PS4)JohnWickHitman said:

Blah blahdy dah! PC master race.

Right there, your "meta".

Every frame is able to complete EVERY thing in game. You DO NOT NEED A TON OF THEM! You just want to be "special" and be a 2 second aoe speedster.

This is why you "elitists" are complaining you need a hard mode. You make the game to easy.

But hey, goody for you. You have everything and want for nothing. Have a cookie.

Yes I'm special. I do not/have not seen, and most likely hasn't been done since release, play my way.

Good, your 'efficient'. Whoopity do. You call that fun, I call that your second job and NOT fun. You worked to hard to run all that crap.

I'm in it for FUN. Play the frame I like, for the whole game.

But you do you, I do me.

Maybe read the whole thread next time and you will understand my answer to anothers comment.

Then you wouldn't look so dumb.

Potato's AREN'T needed on everything. So you can get away with minimal expenditures and uThat's se your PLAT wisely to save grind time by BUYING mods.


 Pc master race? What are you talking about? Not once did I ever hint at that but ok.

How am I meta because I bring defense frames to defense missions? DE designs frames to do specific things, so if I use warframes how they were designed to be used, I'm meta? That means you'd actively have to go against game design and logic to not be "meta,"

That's true, you only need one frame to complete the STAR MAP. However if you're doing literally any endgame content, you'll find you need specific frames for specific things. If you play like this, you're either a jerk who brings excal to an eidolon hunt and contributes nothing, or you're not far enough in the game to do any of the "end game" content. I'm going to guess it's the second since you haven't been around that long.

Excuse me, what? How am I elitist because I use frames the way they're designed to be used? The game's too easy because it's too damn easy. You can take any frame to an survival endurance run, and survive a good two hours just by not being a moron. Specific frames don't make the game easy, the game makes itself easy. Shield gating, operator mode, bad ai, just having a team, all make this game easy as hell. Again, I'm guessing you're newer and have no idea what you're talking about because of it.

There's plenty of stuff I still want, hence why I still play the game. Stop making random assumptions and being a butthole just for the sake of it.

You play your way, that's totally fine. However, just because you play one way, and everyone else plays another, doesn't mean you're somehow better or smarter. \

You see, unlike you some people enjoy efficiency. It's not a "Second job," I've enjoyed every second I've spent on this game, and would do it all again at the drop of a dime, and I def didn't "work hard" to get it, the game's pretty easy.

Exactly, I like pretty much all of the frames in this game, so how am I wrong for owning frames I enjoy playing? Your argument doesn't even make sense.

You do you and I'll do me, again exactly, then why are you even posting this in the first place?

I'm not putting potatoes on everything, I'm putting them on things I enjoy using, and will use for months to come. I already have all of the mods I need, again this sounds like it's coming from a new player's perspective. Your mind will change drastically once you have 'everything' you need.



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1 hour ago, (PS4)JohnWickHitman said:

Blah blahdy dah! PC master race.

Right there, your "meta".

Every frame is able to complete EVERY thing in game. You DO NOT NEED A TON OF THEM! You just want to be "special" and be a 2 second aoe speedster.

This is why you "elitists" are complaining you need a hard mode. You make the game to easy.

But hey, goody for you. You have everything and want for nothing. Have a cookie.

Yes I'm special. I do not/have not seen, and most likely hasn't been done since release, play my way.

Good, your 'efficient'. Whoopity do. You call that fun, I call that your second job and NOT fun. You worked to hard to run all that crap.

I'm in it for FUN. Play the frame I like, for the whole game.

But you do you, I do me.

Maybe read the whole thread next time and you will understand my answer to anothers comment.

Then you wouldn't look so dumb.

Potato's AREN'T needed on everything. So you can get away with minimal expenditures and use your PLAT wisely to save grind time by BUYING mods.


Dude, why are so you angry?

The point of having 40 different frames is to enjoy different play styles. You make it clearer every time you post that you are just completely clueless about this game. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Wil_Shatner_face said:

Dude, why are so you angry?

The point of having 40 different frames is to enjoy different play styles. You make it clearer every time you post that you are just completely clueless about this game. 

These are like 1/5th of the Gen discussion users, they're on every thread lol

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6 hours ago, 32768 said:

I once saw a person trying to get an aug from syndicate for 3 plat and no one wanted to sell it. That person clearly didn't have the plat, but needed the mod for something. I don't approve that design. The game is fine overall, but some parts of the game are provoking personality abuse and other abusive activities which i can not approve.

Well, as i said, this is very interesting story, it's good if this works for you. But perhaps people are need to be informed better that syndicate mods are literally trash, just open chat and type "can anyone trade me [your mod] pretty please?" and someone will give it to you. Keyword is "please". The biggest problem here is to convince someone to walk 10 steps to trading post.

By the way, you don't need plat to play this game, it's free to play, you can get everything for free if you just play the game. Even warframe and weapon slots now dropping from Nightwave rewards.

Just sold a syndicate mod to an MR26. Just sayin'

Also, you don't *need* to play the game at all. I want plat to play the game in the way I want. To that end, trading facilitates that. Similarly, the plat I get doesn't  *need* to be spent by noobs but they choose to. So I don't understand why you feel it's so abusive. 

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14 minutes ago, Bingotough said:

Just sold a syndicate mod to an MR26. Just sayin'

Also, you don't *need* to play the game at all. I want plat to play the game in the way I want. To that end, trading facilitates that (Casuals part with Cash for Plat). Similarly, the plat I get doesn't  *need* to be spent by noobs but they choose to. So I don't understand why you feel it's so abusive. 



Saves time standing Idle, go do something else gaining Mastery/Xp instead...


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Yeah, save those credits for the Conclave mods!

6 hours ago, 32768 said:

I once saw a person trying to get an aug from syndicate for 3 plat and no one wanted to sell it.

If there's a player that's genuinely enthusiastic about some frame or weapon, I usually just give the player the augment or mod. If they have a syndicate I don't have, I just offer to trade stuff. Anyway, it's not like augments are all that hard to get... and I'm sitting with maximum standing with some syndicates already.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)JohnWickHitman said:

Player tugging my "Brother" strings....To bad you're on that "Master" race machine...



It's just a game. I understand that some people play Warframe for the eBay simulator aspect. I'm not one of those people. I have no interest in trading plat (or bad plat for that matter) like I'm participating on eBay. That's not fun to me.

I am a former Diablo player. I play Warframe like it's Diablo which is a grinding and trading game... although Warframe is considerably easier in terms of grind than Diablo games. I mean even Kuva is a joke compared to the Forgotten Souls and bounty mats needed to reforge legendaries at the cube in Diablo 3.

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1 minute ago, nslay said:

It's just a game. I understand that some people play Warframe for the eBay simulator aspect. I'm not one of those people. I have no interest in trading plat (or bad plat for that matter) like I'm participating on eBay. That's not fun to me.

I am a former Diablo player. I play Warframe like it's Diablo which is a grinding and trading game... although Warframe is considerably easier in terms of grind than Diablo games. I mean even Kuva is a joke compared to the Forgotten Souls and bounty mats needed to reforge legendaries at the cube in Diablo 3.

 Tbh I played Diablo 3, most of the grind was fairly tame. Farming rifts was absolute hell though.

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Just now, Richeatue said:

 Tbh I played Diablo 3, most of the grind was fairly tame. Farming rifts was absolute hell though.

It costs 50 forgotten souls and 25 bounty mats for one reforge. It takes what, two Kuva Flood missions for one Riven reroll? One of those is what, 5 minutes? And you can buy 10,000 Kuva from the Nightwave store... Heck, you even get a Kuva reward for being wrong about the requiem mods!

And how about Paragon? Farming Paragon is basically all you can do... and you need a lot Paragon to push the leaderboards which is all that matters in Diablo 3. I guess Focus Trees are a similar and grindy aspect.

And in terms of items? Warframe offers mods and weapons (except Rivens and Kuva Weapons) that all have fixed stats. And a lot of items in Warframe drop with relatively high chance (even 5% is "high"). Diablo 3 has weapons that have all RNG attributes and the higher tier weapons (like ancient and primal) drop with extraordinarily low chance... on top of having RNG attributes. There's just no comparison! See all the complains about Kuva weapons? Now imagine Primal Ancient weapons (what... 0.02% drop change with RNG attributes?) in Warframe! Not that you need Primal Ancients... But you do need at least almost perfectly rolled ancients and high paragon to top the leaderboards.

Warframe is just a better grinding game. And the mod system is absolutely wonderful (except Rivens)... You just put the attributes you want on the weapon with mods. None of this RNG attributes like Diablo has. I guess it makes weapons feel less special... Still, I'd rather grind just once for those 7-10% drop rate mods than for < 1% drop rate RNG attribute ancient weapons that Diablo has.

Anyway... I digress! Even if inefficient by your plat standards, Nightwave still provides instant access to potatoes and plenty of them. No waiting around on warframe.market or skimming through the trade channel or anything like that! And more importantly, no risk of bad plat!

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On 2020-06-24 at 7:32 PM, 32768 said:

Why would anyone buy an aura mod for plat if they can get it for free from Nightwave? I can imagine someone buying potato for plat because it requires a week or two of grinding Nightwave, but why aura mod? Just do a weekly or two, or three, or elite weekly, it will take like 30 minutes and you have the mod. And you don't need more than one mod too.

What am i missing?

Because they all go in and out of rotation, meaning if you missed the rotation you can either wait for it to come back, or buy it off someone else. In this case a lot of people choose to buy it off someone else.

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3 minutes ago, Richeatue said:

wdym bad plat?

I don't know how common it is, but you occasionally see horror stories on the forums where a player trades something for a tonne of plat and then the plat vanishes (because the bank/credit card company of that other player did a charge back). If your plat balance falls below 0, you're apparently banned until you pay for the missing plat.

Probably not a big deal if you're trading for 20 plat or something like that for a potato.

EDIT: Just to be clear, all you need to do is trade with someone who purchased the plat that later had the charge back. It has nothing to do with you... so a bad player with bad plat can wreak havoc on your gaming experience.

Edited by nslay
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1 hour ago, Bingotough said:

Just sold a syndicate mod to an MR26. Just sayin'

Also, you don't *need* to play the game at all. I want plat to play the game in the way I want. To that end, trading facilitates that. Similarly, the plat I get doesn't  *need* to be spent by noobs but they choose to. So I don't understand why you feel it's so abusive. 

I don't have anything against you selling mods or anything against buying mods from you. But as you said, not all people are very well informed, and selling something what people can get for free is usually called ripoff.

Im completely ok with mr26 buying a mod, maybe they didn't want to ask in chat, or maybe they have too much plat on their hands. What I don't like is that people consider 20 plat a usual price for free mod because it is listed like that on Warframe market.

This market site doesn't tell people that they can get this mod for free, or by trading rep from another syndicate, or people just don't bother to place offer for 0 plat, I wouldn't bother too. So it's not entirely fair to say that all people looking at market site have the same information available to them because it's not true.

And a noob who want this mod likely won't even consider asking in chat, but will conclude that they need to pay plat, even though it's a genuine trash that worth nothing, they can get it by just wearing sigil while playing the game.

I understand why DE doesn't want to get involved into trades between players, but maybe they could do something to better explain in-game mechanics to improve overall player experience. I'm guessing that if someone will later find out that they paid for something they could get for free won't be the best experience possible.

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1 minute ago, nslay said:

I don't know how common it is, but you occasionally see horror stories on the forums where a player trades something for a tonne of plat and then the plat vanishes (because the bank/credit card company did a charge back). If your plat balance falls below 0, you're apparently banned until you pay for the missing plat.

Probably not a big deal if you're trading for 20 plat or something like that for a potato.


 Oh damn, I've made like 8k plat through trading so far, I'm glad that hasn't happened to me lol. I'd hope at the very least DE doesn't ban people who had nothing to do with the bad plat, just traded.

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4 minutes ago, Richeatue said:

 Oh damn, I've made like 8k plat through trading so far, I'm glad that hasn't happened to me lol. I'd hope at the very least DE doesn't ban people who had nothing to do with the bad plat, just traded.

They apparently do. The players who are victim ultimately seem to bare the cost for the fraud. Just be careful man!

EDIT: I should add that the players who do the charge back apparently get banned. So I've read... It's never happened to me or anyone I know. Just hearsay on the forums!

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16 hours ago, Galuf said:

I couldn't disagree more with you. The reactor/catalysts are one of the steadiest income entries for DE since D1. You are from the vocal minority that connects every day to the game. Most of us take 6 monthes or more breaks then play randomly 2 weeks here or there and for us those are a big deal. Honestly if I drop 3 reactors bps per year it is a miracle.

Well, if you don't take the free stuff DE offers on a regular basis then thats not my problem. (btw there are more regular players than you might think)
Its up to you to decide between long term dedication to the game or forking over money instead.


Its still not a good idea to invest all your NW standing into aura mods. The market will saturate soon and a successful trade is never guaranteed.

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45 minutes ago, Nesodos said:

Well, if you don't take the free stuff DE offers on a regular basis then thats not my problem. (btw there are more regular players than you might think)
Its up to you to decide between long term dedication to the game or forking over money instead.


Its still not a good idea to invest all your NW standing into aura mods. The market will saturate soon and a successful trade is never guaranteed.

 Unless this thread somehow gets thousands of people to start selling aura mods, the market isn't going to be saturated, and a trade is guaranteed if you're smart about it.

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Il y a 1 heure, Nesodos a dit :

Its still not a good idea to invest all your NW standing into aura mods. The market will saturate soon and a successful trade is never guaranteed

About the free stuff statement: it is a very "north america" philosophy. Lurking for "money" opportunities is not something I do in life, and especially not in video game. For my standard it is a very degrading approach to life for serious things, in video games I find it particulary douchetarded and it is the aspect of warframe I hate the most, it cost me 3 weapons already.

It is always a good idea investing in aura mods, there is a constant turnover in the game, SS is over since barely 2 monthes and people join missions without arcanes, half of them will buy some. It is not because something is easy/obvious grinding for that the price won't go up in not so distant future.

BTW I don't do it, I do not micro trade anymore.

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On 2020-06-24 at 5:19 PM, Nesodos said:

Why even buy potatoes when DE drops alerts for them regularly? (+invasions)

Not kidding, I never bought a single potato and still have 40+ BP's each even though i've used them on 1/3rd of my gear (thats about 100 potatoes slotted in weapons)

Depends on if you're a collector...

I started out trying to be cheap and just selling weapons when I ran out of slots.

Then arbitrations gave me more reason to just keep them all, then reality hit. There are not enough potatoes to earn and you'd practically have to bird watch day and night to earn a small batch...then theres build time.

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