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Recent Archgun Meta?



Have the recent changes to things like Railjack and the new Steel Path thing made more Archguns viable or is it still "Go Cyngas or GO HOME!" for the most part?

I'm still a long way from Railjack, but given how long levelling an Archgun TAKES I figured I should select and build the one I want as soon as possible to be prepared for it, but wasn't sure if the Cyngas was still mandatory, or if I could pick a different one because the Cyngas kind of looks like a Pez dispenser when it fires, and that bothers me...

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Non of the Archguns are actually good for Railjack... not even the Cyngas. So if you can avoid using any of them then you should.

Now... for other purposes then you can decide which Archgun is best for you...

For example The Velocitus is good for Eidolon Hunting... especially if you have a Multishot Riven...

1 hour ago, nebfab said:

Also, levelling archguns is easy.

2) Go to Neptune Salacia.

I find this to be extremely painful... i level my archguns by installing GraviMags in all of them then just doing Hydron as normal (Cant use ESO because no Gear Items Allowed).


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Even back when everybody recommended Cyngas as The Only True Gun, Imperator Vandal, Ayanga and Phaedra were viable with the right build.


Now, when particle(slash) status isn't the only thing that actually does serious damage to fighters, there's more possible build diversity in railjack AW, I heard of people successfully using Velocitus for one-shortting (was impossible before) but can't vouch for it.


Slash-spamming builds still work though, so if that's what you were working towards you don't really need to change it.


Also, levelling archguns is easy.

1) Build Amesha, you want it for railjack anyway. Level it so it has the 2 (bubble.)

2) Go to Neptune Salacia.

3) Protect the satellites with the bubble, yourself with the 1, shoot waves of attackers. (remember that the inner bubble eats all fire, even your own and even if it's coming from the inside, stay in the outer bubble.)

4) You should have everything to 30 in about 5 runs, less with boosters. ADD: And less in teams, obviously.


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To be fair most of them are 'viable' on railjack with the current enemy scaling.   I still do find myself using the cygnas but I do have a riven for it and I'm too lazy to go changing my loadouts on a regular basis lol

I wouldn't say the larkspur is a good choice due to it's mechanics but I do like it on normal maps 😛

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