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ESC key stops working


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Sometimes the ESC key stops working, I dunno why or how it happens. Other keys work, escape works, just not to get up the menu, works to get out of Navigation, Arsenal and Mods, just won't get my main menu up. And it's driving me nuts, I have to Alt+F4 and open the game back up. Now before you all go, "disable Steam overlay" or "play it without Steam". I have one thing to tell you, that's not fixing the problem, that's preventing it. I'm not looking for workarounds here. And it will cause other problems, such as buying stuff from the shop with real money, it won't bring up the web browser to watch streams or patch notes. It's NOT a solution, alright? Also Steam tracks hours lost in game, and so I want to continue with that ordeal.

Anyone got an actual solution? Or does the devs need to fix this. I found others having the same issue, and that was in 2015! 5 years, and this is still a thing. An ironically good job to you, hats off!

Edited by stefanw1337
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I have had this yes, my WASD keys stop working and so i try to use ESC to log out but that stops working aswell, so i have no way of going into the menus and i can't interact with stuff like navigation, only option is to close the game or somehow get invited to a dojo to fix the issue.

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Adding my penny to the cup.

Seems sporadic, though I've had it happen to me once during Tennocon (while in the con relay), and again twice just now back-to-back in Fortuna. Controller menu doesn't work nor the ESC key. I know I still have bounties to do, but no escape is a bit extreme to get me to do them.

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Same issue here.

My case:

-it stopped opening the [esc menu] inside the orbiter after I skipped the weekly clip and exiting out of the nightwave instance after opening nightwave tab.

-esc key still backs out of and closes all other menus opened from orbiter consoles normally.


-launch any mission from navigation console and just abort mission



reproduction rate 5/5:

-go into nightwave menu

-enter any of the 3 scenes (so far)

-skip cinematic

-exit out of the scene without doing anything else

Edited by Bot_Kmykzy_004
extra info
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This happens to me regularly, but normally only if I've accessed something else on my PC and gone back again (I use windowed borderless). I kill it with Task Manager and it pops up the "Are you sure you want to leave?" prompt, and I exit. Re-entering fixes it until I do it again.

If I don't go to another application, it works fine the whole time I'm playing.

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I was about to report this one and found a way to reproduce it 100%.

Step 0: check esc button functionality after game start
Step 1: visit Nightwave crime scene, any scene works (i skipepd the cinematic, didn't tested it watching the whole)
note here, that using esc to skip the cinematic Works
Step 2: no need to interact with anything, press esc to leave scene, it still works at this point
Step 3: now you are back on your Orbiter, but the esc key lost it's functionality

You can go back to navitagion, to another or the same crime scene. There will work again, so i can't come to conclusions what breaks it. This is just one way to make it break, i doubt all the Tenno here broke their menu via this method.

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Another instance of this bug happening is in Fortuna:

1. With Old Mate standing, go to the Backroom and accept one of Eudico's Profit-Taker bounties

2. At the short cutscene where Eudico speaks a few brief lines about the mission, press ESC which does nothing. (to skip the cutscene, press LMB)

3. After the cutscene, ESC key ceases to function.

All other keys work. I have to force-close the game from desktop and relaunch to solve the issue.

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Also having this issue, it's happened several times at this point. For me it's also less that ESC stops working completely and more that it just won't open the main menu. I can press U and then ESC to open and close chat, or talk to an NPC and hit ESC to close the dialogue but it will not open a menu.

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Same thing happens to me but in Fortuna. Always after talking to Little Duck or to Eudico in the backdoor room. The only way to solve it is by going in the Orb Vallis and then quitting from there. 

The major problem came once where I was in a Mission in the Vallis and had no way to leave the squad to go to Fortuna. Luckly my squad members were kind and went to fortuna with me.

Update: Now it doesn't allow me to go into operator mode to talk to Little Duck. If that happens during matches, It's gonna be a major problem too.

Edited by The-Dragon-Lord
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Places where this bug occured to me:
- Leverian
- Fortuna

In either cases I didn't really need to visit the murder scenes. Opening up the Nightwave panel through the menu was enough for the bug to occur in my case.
Connecting a controller in hope to bring up the menu did not help.
The unstuck command obviously doesn't help either.
We cannot switch to Operator mode.

I suspect the 'bring up' menu button gets either unbinded or replaced when changing sceneries (after visiting Nightwave infos).
It would be my guess that areas that have a loading section are either unaffected or gets the UI reset on loads. (Missions and Dojo/Relay)

I believe a reset/reload UI command would help to get a menu back. If such command exists

EDIT: It is worth noting that the 'esc' button still works to close down chat.

CURRENT WORKAROUND: And I can confirm that having a loading screen (Dojo/Mission/Relay) seem to restore the menu binding.

Edited by NexSeiZa
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Okay, same problem here. It seems that it happens when you enter into something programmed as an open world. Although, I must say that the ESC button still works, you can exit chat with it, but it won't open the menu. Maybe is a problem overriding the keybinding. Can someone try with a controller if they can exit when they have that problem?

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