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Please let xoris passive work with wukong's iron staff


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20 minutes ago, ConsumerJTC said:

Xoris, the stat stick that got actually fixed?

Meanwhile my current stat stick is the most stat-stickiest it's ever been, cue Grandpa Monkey.

Back in my day, all I needed for a stat-stick was a Zaw so that I could use Exodia Hunt with the staff. Beyond that I could mod my weapon however I wanted, almost all of it was transferred across and both were well modded weapons.

Then it was Gladiator mods and Guardian Derision that I needed to have on my melee, but I shoved them on Deconstructor and continued to mod my melee however I wanted.

Now I have to deal with this for a melee weapon.



What an abomination. Funnily enough it still works as a weapon.

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1 hour ago, ConsumerJTC said:

Xoris, the stat stick that got actually fixed?


Fixed? The whole reason it was nerfed was because it could potentially impede on the riven market. It was nothing more than a QoL item for people who liked using the gladiator set to boost exalted melees. 
And now Xoris is nerfed and people are still using the gladiator set to boost exalteds. So literally the only thing that’s changed is people have to go back to uncasting their exalted melee to tap an enemy once every 30 seconds.

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