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How far back are "guides" relevant and what advice has changed?



New Warframe player here, early into month 2. As most new players who enjoy the game, I spend a lot of time on google/youtube/wiki trying to understand the state of the game. I think I'm at the point where I've either experienced or am aware of most of the content in Warframe and I've begun questioning the relevancy of some of the Youtube videos or reading old reddit posts I've come across, especially if they're a year or so old. Here are some questions I have:

1). When did the melee rework happen? Is it related to a Status/Crit rework/update (is that even a thign)? Basically should I ignore weapon reviews or discussions prior to a certain point? Is there still a melee vs. Primary vs. Secondary debate (are they interchangeable based on preference or is one winning a "optimal meta" argument?)

I think I'm aware that one of the larger criticisms about Warframe from long time players is that everything is super easy- and outside of pushing endless missions there's not much of a challenge. For the most part, just about any weapon, with mods/forma investment can clear the vast majority of content. So I understand maybe that question is irrelevant, I'm still interested in trying to understand how the community feels about itemization.

2). Are Zaws/Kitguns relevant as an upgrade you'd recommend a newer players pursue- or are these items crafting content that's been power-creeped out of relevance?

Compared to the ease of acquiring strong prime weapons, quest/warframe weapons, Ignis wraith, etc.

3). Similar Question about Kuva Lich weapons, but I'm guessing the handful of guns ranked highly are still worth trying to farm- as Liches are relatively new content?

4). Any reason to prioritize Solarius United Rep at this point? 

Plains of Eidolon Dailies have some decent mods, Arcanes, Lenes, side rep with the Quills. Seems worthwhile. I haven't really come across anything pushing me to roam around Orb Vallis besides 7 amp modes and the ability to level arch-guns in missions. Am I missing out?

5). I've largely ignored Deimos open world, do I need to make that a priority? No idea what the Heilmuth System is (besides the mutant kubrow) and Necro Mech felt clunky and not something I was excited to farm for.

6) Any other major mechanics updates or changes I should be aware of while looking through old content guides around the web?


Things I'm currently focusing on doing:

-Kuva Weapons (have 2, while grindy I like the mechanic, rewards seem fun)


-Trying to farm grindy frames from missions (Harrow/Nidus/Protea (others I haven't looked into)

- Figuring out what I might want to Forma beyond Ignis Wraith/Fulmin/Rubico Prime (no forma in Frames because I have no credits to upgrade expensive mods). 

- Not sure what to do with PoE now that I'm max rank (hence question about Zaws. I have all the farmable mods (I think). Not sure if it now just becomes a lens building grind?

- Relic runs for Ducet fodder- hoping to buy good mods I haven't seen in the shop yet.


Things I'm currently not doing:

- Farming Focus (I have 2 Eidolon lenses, but no Saryn Prime, no Lua Lenses). Never tried the Elite Sanctuary Onslaught.

-Railjack or any Archwing content

-Arbitration missions

-Steel Path (which I think everyone hates/finds worthless outside of XP?)

-Eidolon Hunts (pub Terry kills when I notice it's night on Earth)

-Syndicate Missions (Steel Meridian and Red Viel are max level, so I think I'm just gonna sit on them)

- Invasions unless the reward is for parts I don't have.

- Building any more weapons for MR fodder because they all cost Forma


If you got this far, thanks for reading and I appreciate any advice you could impart on me for my journey around the system.

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9 answers to this question

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For Frames most of old builds still work, with helmith now that you can fuse other frame abilities that can force some new builds for frames, for guns most of them same just most of them are viral now isntead of Corrosive/Gas, and for  melee 7-8month guides.

1. Status change happened somewhere in the middle of winter (2k20) dont remember the date :D . Atm Melee is best option for high lvl stuff. The Primary is mostly just carrier for Amalgam Serration 😄
 2. Zaws not that much anymore, there are better options out there. Kitguns are pretty good option both secodary and Primary kitguns.
3. Tbh with you only Kuva weapons I like are Kuva nukor (best secondary atm i think?) and Kuva Quartakk. Bramma is good option but stoped liking it after its ammo change :|
4. You need to max rank Solaris Standing to be able to Rank up Little Duck past Rank 2. There are some sweet amps and arcanes that worth it.
5. Up to you, it's my favorite Open world atm. 

6. Can't Remember Atm :D

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TL;DR: Anything before April 2020 is heavily outdated, but doesn't necessarily mean it's all wrong. Even more-so to stuff before November 2019.

  1. 10/2019. Status rework happened 3/2020. Melee is worse now, but still the best class of weapons.
  2. Secondary Kitguns are still great. If an exodia doesn't make a Zaw amazing like Hunt/Contagion, then it's been more nerfed than power-crept. Primary Kitguns are kinda bleh IMO.
  3. Kuva weapons are usually best in their categories. But if something like a crit shotgun isn't meta, then neither is the kuva variant if you get what I mean.
  4. Kitguns, meta arcanes from the Vox, meta companion mods, Baruuk, Hildryn, etc...
  5. Not more than any other content. Helminth lets you "sacrifice" a warframe to give a preselected one of its powers to any other WF. A pretty massive gameplay change that absolutely drains you of more than just the resources for "secretions".
  6. Read "Warframe Revised: Update 27.2.0" and "Update 26: The Old Blood" for most of it.

Otherwise if you want to know anything else just ask by mentioning me somehow. But I'll keep things short and sweet, or I'll just post links.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Greenguy5000 said:

the new helminth system actually has not much do do with the mutant kubrow (aka helminth charger)

It isn't the Charger I think OP meant, think he means Predasites but again you're spot on either way though rumor goes pets can be subsumed or DE are debating this. Not sure a Huras Kubrow that Digs is useful but we'll see

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Claudija said:

It isn't the Charger I think OP meant, think he means Predasites but again you're spot on either way though rumor goes pets can be subsumed or DE are debating this. Not sure a Huras Kubrow that Digs is useful but we'll see

i doubt that pets can be subsumed, im pretty sure that assumption is based on a comment talking about the animations that helminth does with different pet species


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3 hours ago, setcamper said:

When did the melee rework happen?

Late 2019


3 hours ago, setcamper said:

Is it related to a Status/Crit rework/update

Status chance was uncapped, so now you can apply 2 or even 3 status' per hit with high enough chance. And shotguns status chance was messed with, some good, some bad.

3 hours ago, setcamper said:

Basically should I ignore weapon reviews or discussions prior to a certain point?

Just for shotguns and ones that say corrosive is the only option, corrosive is still good on low status weapons and for taking into steel path.

3 hours ago, setcamper said:

Is there still a melee vs. Primary vs. Secondary debate

Melee is undisputed best, it just scales that much harder. Then primary and secondary have their stronger ones, primaries that use Hunter munitions and secondaries like the Kuva Nukor.

2. They are still good weapons, the primary Gaze kitgun and primary rattleguts are the strongest of the kitguns IMO.

3. Every lich weapon is good (except kuva seer and kuva Kraken these will never be good), I'm liking the kuva hind right now.

3 hours ago, setcamper said:

Any reason to prioritize Solarius United Rep at this point? 

Some archguns like the mausolon, cortege and Ayanga are pretty strong now, there's also the Magus arcanes that little duck sells.

5. No need to rush into it, some balance things are still happening.

6. Heat was changed to strip armor so viral heat setup is strong, gas got nerfed to S#&$, melees can easily reach over 100% status (weeping wounds and the other acolyte mods are in the Deimos bounties so you could get them there if you need them)

Oh some easy MR would be to craft the zaws, since there's a bunch, then use ivara or equinox sleeps for easy melee weapon affinity

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My 50c. Take them with a grain of salt. 

> 1). When did the melee rework happen? 

Not a soul knows. I'm not doing anything to prepare. 

2). Are Zaws/Kitguns relevant as an upgrade you'd recommend a newer players pursue-

No. They are expensive and complicated. There is an imperial ton of weapons in the game. Just find one you like and upgrade it. All weapons are serviceable once you install catalyst and few forma. 

>3). Similar Question about Kuva Lich weapons, but I'm guessing the handful of guns ranked highly are still worth trying to farm- as Liches are relatively new content?

Kuva weapons are better versions of the original ones. They are late-game content and take a while to grind. 

4). Any reason to prioritize Solarius United Rep at this point? 

No. All syndicates have cool stuff. I'd do regular 6 first. 

>5). I've largely ignored Deimos open world, do I need to make that a priority? No idea what the Heilmuth System is (besides the mutant kubrow) and Necro Mech felt clunky and not something I was excited to farm for.

No. There is ton to do for new players. Just do what's fun. 

> 6) Any other major mechanics updates or changes I should be aware of while looking through old content guides around the web?

Depends how old. Before melee rework you can go years back. 


>- Farming Focus (I have 2 Eidolon lenses, but no Saryn Prime, no Lua Lenses). Never tried the Elite Sanctuary Onslaught.

Don't focus on lenses. Eidolon hunts grant you so much focus it's not even comparable. Single night of hunting can yield you over million focus. Just get X27 (or X23) amp and Trinity and you're good to go. (Also check guides on Youtube) 

>-Railjack or any Archwing content

Railjack is currently waiting for content. There is nothing there besides mr atm. 

>-Arbitration missions

Arbitation are late game.  Don't worry bout it. 

>-Steel Path (which I think everyone hates/finds worthless outside of XP?)

I did all of them for MR  and never going back. 

>-Syndicate Missions (Steel Meridian and Red Viel are max level, so I think I'm just gonna sit on them)

Install the the marks on your frame. You can buy relics pacs with standing. 

>- Invasions unless the reward is for parts I don't have.

Yup. Not worth of time. 



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12 hours ago, (XB1)Greenguy5000 said:

i doubt that pets can be subsumed, im pretty sure that assumption is based on a comment talking about the animations that helminth does with different pet species


I think it was covered in a Devstream. What I got was, MOA companion can use any precept of the other types when you have Gilded or Mastered that other type yet Sunika Kubrow cannot use Huras' Hunt. With Predasites and Vulpaphylas being modular construction like MOAs I think that's where the theory of possible pet subsuming being a future update for Helminth to allow you to swap one Breed -Specific Precept for another. I don't think it could work but we'll see.

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17 hours ago, setcamper said:

2). Are Zaws/Kitguns relevant as an upgrade you'd recommend a newer players pursue- or are these items crafting content that's been power-creeped out of relevance?

I would Reccomend Kitguns... But only using the Splat/Kill Stream Loader parts which you can only get at Rank 5 of Solaris United.

Zaws on the other Hand aren't really anything Special until you can get your Hands on Exodus Contagion from the Plague Star event.

17 hours ago, setcamper said:

4). Any reason to prioritize Solarius United Rep at this point? 

Yes.... Because Fortuna is such a pain in the ass... You'l want to get a Head Start on this Specific Syndicate more than any other one. The only thing thats going to block New Players from Progressing is the Quest....

However once you do that you can make progress in this Syndicate exclusively by Mining, Conservation and Ticker.... No bounties needed. 

I did this when I started Warframe all over again so that I could get my Kitgun Sooner.

17 hours ago, setcamper said:

6) Any other major mechanics updates or changes I should be aware of while looking through old content guides around the web?

Yes.... Make note of Ant mods that are mentioned....it's possible they could have their drop Sources changed in a recent Update.

For example... Weeping Wounds is no longer Exclusive to the Acolyte Event.

17 hours ago, setcamper said:

Farming Focus (I have 2 Eidolon lenses, but no Saryn Prime, no Lua Lenses). Never tried the Elite Sanctuary Onslaught.

If you are playing in A Group then you can play a support Role in ESO....

If you are Solo then I think they're are other Viable Warframe's for ESO....

My number 1 Reccomendation would be Mesa modded for Effeciency + Rage/Hunter Adrenaline.

For whatever reason... It's Waaaaay Waaaaay harder doing ESO with Volt and Equinox Solo now.... Armor is a reall pain in the ass and If you get the Kuva Enemy Zones then they hurt like Hell.

17 hours ago, setcamper said:

Railjack or any Archwing content

The idea of using your Archgun as a 4th Weapon is almost reason enough to do Railjack Content to get all the Archwing Mods.

17 hours ago, setcamper said:

Arbitration missions

It's a good Source Of Endo...I highly recommend it

17 hours ago, setcamper said:

Syndicate Missions (Steel Meridian and Red Viel are max level, so I think I'm just gonna sit on them)

That's The Syndicate Trap 😱...

If you drop one of those Then you can add two more Syndicates to your collection.... Giving you a total of 3 Instead of 2.

17 hours ago, setcamper said:

Building any more weapons for MR fodder because they all cost Forma

I'm MR 26 and I also haven't done this 😝.... It's too painful.... Besides once you Reach whichever MR 24000 Standing then you can ignore it all together.


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