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Why can’t the host kick people out of the squad while in the orbiter?


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I don’t understand why this isn’t a thing. I know people say it gets abused, but I don’t see that actually happening or anything different happening if it’s added. There’s not many times where I run missions with randoms and it’s only when they’d benefit me, but then they almost always become an unnecessary inconvenience.  

For example, say I’m going into a relic mission with one friend and we go public to get extra relics. When we get done, sometimes the randoms leave right away and sometimes they linger. Whatever reason they linger for doesn’t matter. The thing that makes it annoying is when they just do stuff like selecting another mission or going afk without saying anything. Very rarely do lingering randoms ask before starting a mission and going afk while still in a public squad is just plain bad manners. The only way to get rid of them is migrating the host and reforming the squad, which is exactly the same as kicking people.


The way I see it is that giving the host the option to would be just a quality of life improvement. The potential for abuse is outweighed by the convenience of not having to migrate the host imo since if you’re gonna kick someone, then you’ll just migrate the host anyway and reform the squad without them.

If people don’t like the host kicking, then how about an option to toggle keeping friends in the squad and randoms would load out of missions in their own squad if toggled on while you’re the host. That’s the only other thing I can think of off the top of my head to avoid lingering randoms. 

One last thing. If you’re gonna say something like I shouldn’t do public matches if I don’t want randoms, then reread my post more thoroughly. 

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Well technically since its not in mission it could not be abused much.

That being said it would be better than just leaving and reinviting when a tenno say he wants to leave but you dont want to have disband classic issue of tenno not willing to accept invites to say in a group.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

 "but I don’t see that actually happening or anything different happening"

Well you see wrong, then.

If people are gonna kick someone, then they’re just gonna disband and reform the squad without the people they would have kicked if the host could kick people. The same people who would abuse that feature can already basically do that by disbanding and reforming the squad and yet there doesn’t seem to be an issue with people abusing that. People who disband a squad usually do it for a reason like someone going afk or trying to force a mission. Any increase in abuse would be minimal the way I see it. 

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1 hour ago, Yagamilight123 said:

There is no "evade" ... if you are making a group asking for "x" things and someone ends up not having it or similar there is no way to kick him ... you need to regroup . This thread its not for " evade public PUGs" , its for making your own group :S .

Exactly. It’s so annoying when I go into recruit chat and one of the people I find isn’t prepared. The only option is to disband and reform, which gets really annoying if you have to do it multiple times in a row and waste time. 

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)SouthSideSwanga said:

If people are gonna kick someone, then they’re just gonna disband and reform the squad without the people they would have kicked if the host could kick people. The same people who would abuse that feature can already basically do that by disbanding and reforming the squad and yet there doesn’t seem to be an issue with people abusing that. People who disband a squad usually do it for a reason like someone going afk or trying to force a mission. Any increase in abuse would be minimal the way I see it. 

Cool, so there's no reason to add a kick, then.

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GW2 and FF 14 has had this feature for years and never been a problem. How is it any more likely to be abused? Is the player base more toxic. No. So quit acting like if you gave us a kick button. Everyone's lives would be ruined. It's even less of a problem in this game. You can instantly find a new party at any point. You don't even have the same need to LFG as you would those games. 99% percent of this game can be done solo. While the other 1% is still abled to be solo in the right build. 


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6 hours ago, Brosef42 said:

GW2 and FF 14 has had this feature for years and never been a problem. How is it any more likely to be abused? Is the player base more toxic. No. So quit acting like if you gave us a kick button. Everyone's lives would be ruined. It's even less of a problem in this game. You can instantly find a new party at any point. You don't even have the same need to LFG as you would those games. 99% percent of this game can be done solo. While the other 1% is still abled to be solo in the right build. 


Both GW2 and FF14 has gear check and players regularly kicking the other players if they don't meet requirement. I know this because we used to kick people if they don't have perfect gear/tactic when we were farming Extreme Titan. Because any mistake can wipe the entire raid. It matters who you bringing to the raid.

On the other hand, Warframe is a casual game and there is nothing wrong with it. If you add the kicking feature, some people will definitely abuse it.

Alot of people are ignorant, they just like to complain for the sake of complaining. It's a human depravity that people like to poke the others on the internet. They watch some Youtube meta build and they think they know everything. Then they started accusing others and try to tell others how to play.

They can bring up your warframes, weapons, or even MR. For example, sortie is easy so I like to bring un-ranked weapon to get some free EXP. And sometimes I run into idiots asking why I am not bring my full setup. (Because I don't need to, sortie are jokes and I never fail) But if a simple sortie mission, people can get compulsive about it. What do you think people's attitude will become if you give them the power to kick?

If you care about your teammate's setup, GO TO RECRUITMENT. Public games should be free and should not have rule to be force upon. So there shouldn't be any reason you want to kick random players in public.

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8 hours ago, Yagamilight123 said:

There is no "evade" ... if you are making a group asking for "x" things and someone ends up not having it or similar there is no way to kick him ... you need to regroup . This thread its not for " evade public PUGs" , its for making your own group :S .


You answered your own question. 

When you make your own group you know your people. That throws away the possibility of leeches and trolls. People are committed to one goal. Hence evade first instead of remedy. 

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