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Revenant Thralls need to be immune to teammates


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Being able to kill your own Thralls makes total sense, so that you can get new thralls or different ones, but teammates will always just kill all your thralls because they assume it's an enemy, despite the minimap showing otherwise. Revenant thralls need to be able to be damaged by you but NOT by teammates, especially because of how few people play rev in the first place, nobody knows what a thrall is or how it works, making them immune to your teammate's attacks would be massively helpful


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23 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

How would you prevent someone taking revenant to troll people in missions then?


Just like how Volt's Speed and Limbo's Banish is opt-out, there needs to be a way to for squad mates to control their experience too. Yes, it's frustrating that a lot of players massacre thralls indiscriminately. I'm guilty of it on occasion when not really paying attention, but when I am paying attention it's easy to coordinate with whomever is playing Revenant. I'd say "don't play with people who don't want to cooperate with your playstyle" but that's kind of moot if you're in a public squad. I'm not sure what the solution would be that doesn't take away from your squad mate's control of the mission, but making thralls invincible to them isn't it imo.

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Instead of letting thralls immune. Let’s make the thrall pillars have a greater effect on the game. Let their damage scale by enemy level. 1000 damage falls short once the large exponential enemy stat gain kicks in at around level 60 or above.

Thrall pillars should deal adaptive damage with 100% status chance to match the sentient theme.

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1 hour ago, Drachnyn said:

How would you prevent someone taking revenant to troll people in missions then?

I've advocated a few times in the past that the thralls should be immune to teammates for a few seconds (I'll say 5 seconds) , and then they're free game as normal. Gives a little time for Revenant to set up something with his thralls but doesn't make him a troll.

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18 hours ago, Drachnyn said:

How would you prevent someone taking revenant to troll people in missions then?

Make em count as kills or they die after the effects is over so you don't have to think about em (basically they are removed/ count as dead). Would require balancing Revenant prolly. 

I've leveled him in SO yesterday and it didn't look like it affected the game. There were still thralls when next portal came. Alas you prolly have to consider how it works in other missions.


Otherwise with how WF have issues when it comes to visual language, clarity and clutter I am not sure currently how else this can be improved. I still have issue diffirantiate even allies in some heavy fights, wish that companions had different colour so when someone is down in important or fast pace mission you don't return to find out it wasn't a player or you have to look the same looking information bars on the top right figuring if the dawned marker is WF.

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I think that they should become invincible but they take all the damage they revived as a thrall at the end of the ability, with the overkill damage being transferred to the pillar. The pillar would radiate the damage over time, or you could detonate it with 4 to release all the damage at once.

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