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Deimos: Arcana - Bug Report Megathread (Read First Post!)


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Greetings Tenno!

Deimos: Arcana is here to further evolve your infested landscape to new and terrifying lengths! There is a lot to cover in this update, so let’s get to the new additions and quality of life changes you’ll see with this update.

This update is coming with the following new features:

  • New Infested Kitguns
  • The Bonewidow Necramech
  • New Bounties and Isolation Vaults
  • New Arcanes
  • New Tenno Reinforcements
  • New Warframe Augments
  • Conservation Changes
  • Steel Path Changes


  • Include a video or a screenshot if possible! Visual references can help direct us to issues faster than without them.
  • When taking a screenshot, use the F6 key, as this helps generate valuable metadata for us to be able to reference!
  • Steps to recreate the bug, if known. Again, this is to help us locate the issue faster.
  • If you saw the Warframe Crash Handler and got a WAR number  (looks like this: WAR-1234567) then add it to your post.  Also please be sure to be as descriptive as possible in the Crash Handler's comment box!


  • TYPE: [Launcher, In-Game, Chat, etc.]
  • DESCRIPTION: [Tell us what you were doing when the bug occurred. Details here are helpful]
  • VISUAL: [This is where you would add your screenshot or video]
  • REPRODUCTION: [Tell us how we can replicate this bug, if known]
  • EXPECTED RESULT: [Tell us what you think should have happened, ex: “I should have drawn my weapon”]
  • OBSERVED RESULT: [What actually happened, ex: “I went into a T-Pose”]
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: [How often it happens when you try to reproduce it, ex: “It only happens half the time / when I am crouching / when using Hydroid.”]

Let us know what you find, and please make sure to keep your posts constructive and civil. The better and closer to this format you follow, the easier it is for us to find these bugs and fix them!

If you do not have a bug, and simply want to leave feedback on some aspect of the new Heart of Deimos update, please do not use this thread, and use one of the feedback threads over on the feedback forum!

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TYPE: Art/Animation

DESC: I update my operator a lot, but before today's update I haven't seen these 'scars?' look this flat on the operator's face. It looks like smeared make-up, where as before it looked like a burn scar. I don't know if it's supposed to be make-up, but it just looks smeared nonetheless.

Reproduction: It looks the same with all the 'scar' looking somatics, just a smear of color, and I'm having some friends test it on their operators as well.

Expected/Observed: So, what was expected was the textured 'scar' look, and what I got was a color smear like make-up.


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  • TYPE: Ingame
  • DESCRIPTION: Very out of place material cost. stood out

VISUAL: MNsr1d6.jpgNot sure if it's intentional but just seems so odd. is bonewidow weapon pod meant to need 45 basic tinks


  • REPRODUCTION: check the bonewidow weapon pod blueprint
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I expected not to need tink fish as nothing else has ever used just the fish
  • OBSERVED RESULT: it cost fish
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: it is still on the blueprint
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  • TYPE: In game, melee gameplay.
  • DESCRIPTION: Vaykor Sydon syndicate charge up mechanic is still not working.
  • REPRODUCTION:  Blocking with my Vaykor Sydon equiped should generate stacks, which when reach 15, using a heavy attack should blind enemies around, but nothing happens.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: It should release the stacks and blind enemies.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Animation plays but it results in nothing described above, no effect seen on enemies
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: It always happens.
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4 minutes ago, MoonlightWraith said:


  • TYPE: Ingame
  • DESCRIPTION: Very out of place material cost. stood out

VISUAL: MNsr1d6.jpgNot sure if it's intentional but just seems so odd. is bonewidow weapon pod meant to need 45 basic tinks


  • REPRODUCTION: check the bonewidow weapon pod blueprint
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I expected not to need tink fish as nothing else has ever used just the fish
  • OBSERVED RESULT: it cost fish
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: it is still on the blueprint

So it actually need 45 Magnificent Tinks not Basic Tinks

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16 minutes ago, -PurpleFox- said:

So it actually need 45 Magnificent Tinks not Basic Tinks

I have 48 Magnificent Tinks but I could not  make bonewidow weapon pod with the error message dialogue which something like "Unknown Error".

Hey DE, please play your game, at least just one time, before deploying.

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  • TYPE: In Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Color goes GreyScale for all non-UI items
  • VISUAL: (can't get the insert image function to work, it just keeps going to a red background)
  • https://ibb.co/JxJNd6K
  • REPRODUCTION: This has been happening randomly when moving from one round of SO to the next.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: The next round of SO should have loaded with color.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: All non-UI aspects of the game become greyscale. While aim gliding, color returns momentarily mid glide. I checked with teammates and they all also had the same situation. Color returned to the game after exiting SO. All UI visuals retained their color.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: In the two tries I took at SO, it happened both times. (This was not happening in SO earlier today before the update)



To add to this... It appears to only happen when loading into the Orokin Tower Tileset. Also, if I enter operator mode it corrects itself.

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  • TYPE: In Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Mire will randomly disable melee attacks.
  • REPRODUCTION: equip Mire and enter a mission.  Seems to happen faster when other weapons are unequipped.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: ability to attack with Mire.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Using Mire weapon as melee, any mission, will randomly just stop allowing me to attack with the E button.  Have other weapons that work fine.  Seems to be specific to this one.  Sadly just bought it so it's pretty much unusable at this point.  Was working before update.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Doesn't take long to trigger it, attacking etc...causes it.
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Son is not selling Nexifera lure or pheromone glands, daily special tags are on sale though.
  • REPRODUCTION: Visit Son in the Necralisk and browse wares.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Son selling Nexifera lure and pheromone glands.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Aforementioned items are not sold.
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TYPE: Art & Animation
DESCRIPTION: Misplaced Nychus Moa's head
VISUAL: https://imgur.com/a/TOI1oPW
REPRODUCTION: Have a Moa with the Nychus's head and any Bracket
EXPECTED RESULT: The head should be placed higher, like in the public build
OBSERVED RESULT: The head is not in the correct position, it's like the connection point between the head and the neck has been moved somehow


TYPE: Art & Animation
DESCRIPTION: Misplaced Moa
VISUAL: https://imgur.com/a/PpX9687
REPRODUCTION: Launch the game then go to the Moa's cell
EXPECTED RESULT: The Moa should be on the center of his cell
OBSERVED RESULT: The Moa is outside of his cell (see the provided visual)

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  • TYPE: in-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Consecutive barters in Deimos don't update the availability (grayed out) if you don't have enough resources
  • VISUAL: Didn't take screenshot
  • REPRODUCTION: Barter something in one of Deimos NPCs. If there are more barters that you can use that item, but due to the first trade you don't have enough for the second one anymore, it will still be marked as "having enough resources (not grayed out)"
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Check the available resources after each trade and grey-out the trades that can't be done anymore
  • OBSERVED RESULT: The resource check is done only upon opening the trade window
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Always when you barter something that makes you lack the resource for other trades, both with resources and grandmother tokens
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TYPE: In-game

DESCRIPTION: Machete heavy attack+slide attack are broken. 

VISUAL: Sadly don't have the stuff to record a video, and a screenshot wouldn't super help. 

REPRODUCTION: Seems like just using any machete in general right now results in the broken combos. 

EXPECTED RESULT: Machete heavy attack and slide attack should function properly. 

OBSERVED RESULT: Heavy attack button does nothing on the ground, although Slams still work in the air. Attempting a slide attack simply does the first string of the regular melee combo

REPRODUCTION RATE: Tested with the Kreska and a Machete Wraith. Tried switching stances too. 

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  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Mother Isolation Bounty missing after completing an Iso Vault and going back to town
  • VISUAL: Didn't take screenshot
  • REPRODUCTION: Did a Iso Vault bounty (only 1 vault open), returned to town and Mother only had the regular bounties but no Iso Vault bounty
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Mother having at least 1 Iso Vault Bounty
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Mother had no Iso Vault Bounty (only the 6 regular bointies)
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Only tried that once, don't know if general bug or instance
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  • TYPE: In Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Steam Controller not working properly
  • VISUAL: visualize this
  • REPRODUCTION: Enter the game with steam controller connected
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Buttons that are able to be pressed, are using a default config setting, and some buttons do not work at all. unable to look around with mouse touchpad, or enter the regular inputs
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3 minutes ago, [DE]Saske said:

Hi -GwanoxWe have a fix for this issue in the next Hotfix.

Wonderful! is it possible to also remove Telos Boltace from Conclave? The ragdoll effect is as broken as the new weapons and it's causing many issues, like "undermapping" and getting stuck in the textures

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  • TYPE: [In-Game]
  • DESCRIPTION: Orvius will still do self damage when thrown and the explosion is triggered.
  • VISUAL: https://imgur.com/a/Vw7FR2H
  • REPRODUCTION: Easily repeatable in Simulacrum.  Only seems to be Orvius, the Xoris did not have this problem.  I only own those two glaives though.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: No self damage should have occurred when the Orvius explosion is triggered and you are in range of the explosion.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Self damage
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Reproduced every time it was tried.  Bug occurs with any Warframe.
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il y a 18 minutes, Metalhead8 a dit :
  • TYPE: In Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Mire will randomly disable melee attacks.
  • REPRODUCTION: equip Mire and enter a mission.  Seems to happen faster when other weapons are unequipped.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: ability to attack with Mire.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Using Mire weapon as melee, any mission, will randomly just stop allowing me to attack with the E button.  Have other weapons that work fine.  Seems to be specific to this one.  Sadly just bought it so it's pretty much unusable at this point.  Was working before update.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Doesn't take long to trigger it, attacking etc...causes it.

Same Bug with Nekros + Ignis Wraith +twinviper wraith + machete wraith

  • TYPE: In Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Randomly disable melee attacks.
  • REPRODUCTION: 2 Missions syndicate with Nekros just after update and enter a mission.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Cannot attack/heavy attack with Nekros and Machete Wraith. Parry is ok
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Using Melee weapon will randomly just stop allowing me to attack with the E button. Other weapons (primary and secondary) that work fine. Was working before update.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 2 solo syndicate missions with nekros+machete wraith, 2 times losing melee attack (quick attack or with melee equiped n' heavy attack too but parry is fine)
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