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Hotfix 10.6.1 +


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Yes, drastically reduced....to literally 0, this is just childish and vindictive, DE, those who got the aura should be able to keep it's effects, why do you enjoy reducing the speed of the playerbase? you nerfed stamina to make us go slower, we found ways around that, now you intentionally reduce the speed boost of the SPEED BOOST AURA to nothing, and yet you didn't touch any of the other "unreleased" or "in development" mods.


I don't even have the aura, or any of those mods, but touching speed boost and none of the others, especially the ones that are still useful, is just you picking at fast players again.

It's a mod not supposed to be there, they released it by accident, and they allowed players to keep it.  They simply nerfed it due to prevent balancing issues.

You should have no reason complaining to begin with, considering they didn't plainly rob people of their mod.

also, they stated the mod itself is still under development, and thus meaning it can change any day now.

Edited by ShiroiHasu
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Dang pumpkins are gone.

Could have kept em for the weekend :(


Also a great boost for Ash.


  • Restored original Bladestorm functionality where all enemies in the current room are eligible for attack, plus fixed a long-standing issue where subsequent targets weren't prioritized based on proximity to original target.
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It's a mod not supposed to be there, they released it by accident, and they allowed players to keep it.  They simply nerfed it due to prevent balancing issues.

You should have no reason complaining to begin with, considering they didn't plainly rob people of their mod.

also, they stated the mod itself is still under development, and thus meaning it can change any day now.

Balancing issues, right, because a speed boost mod allows people so somehow unbalance the game, you're saying grineer don't already have near-perfect aim with their hitscan weapons and heavies with their ridiculously large AOE attacks.


What I'm upset about here is that DE is specifically targeting the ability to go through a level fast, they didn't touch any other aura, just the speed boost one, NOT EVEN THE AURA THAT BOOSTS AFFINITY GAIN.


Still under development? well it's already in the game, and people used it without any issues, that to me sounds like finished content they're holding back, all the other auras seem to work perfectly fine.


instead of working on actual, game breaking bugs like trying to properly fix blackscreening after missions, they waste their time trying to stop people from going fast.

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Balancing issues, right, because a speed boost mod allows people so somehow unbalance the game, you're saying grineer don't already have near-perfect aim with their hitscan weapons and heavies with their ridiculously large AOE attacks.


What I'm upset about here is that DE is specifically targeting the ability to go through a level fast, they didn't touch any other aura, just the speed boost one, NOT EVEN THE AURA THAT BOOSTS AFFINITY GAIN.


Still under development? well it's already in the game, and people used it without any issues, that to me sounds like finished content they're holding back, all the other auras seem to work perfectly fine.


instead of working on actual, game breaking bugs like trying to properly fix blackscreening after missions, they waste their time trying to stop people from going fast.

the fact that it is working does not mean it is finished. If you had watched todays livestream you would have known that the devs knew from start that 60% speed was too much and that it needed to be changed so ya...the unfinished part in this case would be the numerical value of said aura effect. when testing materials before implementing them to the general public and even before the final version one usually inputs numerical values to see if it works (extremes being part of them) the 60% here was one of such extremes.

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Balancing issues, right, because a speed boost mod allows people so somehow unbalance the game, you're saying grineer don't already have near-perfect aim with their hitscan weapons and heavies with their ridiculously large AOE attacks.


What I'm upset about here is that DE is specifically targeting the ability to go through a level fast, they didn't touch any other aura, just the speed boost one, NOT EVEN THE AURA THAT BOOSTS AFFINITY GAIN.


Still under development? well it's already in the game, and people used it without any issues, that to me sounds like finished content they're holding back, all the other auras seem to work perfectly fine.


instead of working on actual, game breaking bugs like trying to properly fix blackscreening after missions, they waste their time trying to stop people from going fast.


Yes, still under development as in 'balanced to DE's liking', not yours - I happen to agree, as speedrunners don't need MORE boosts to annoy me in missions then they already do. Hopefully, they'll give us the option to do either a slower-paced kill&loot everything mission OR a speedrun, depending on player preference; but FOR THOR'S SAKE, don't bunch me with the other group, I'd rather solo then with them!


You say this takes time and resources away from more important areas... how exactly do you know? It could simply be they're waiting to have a brainstorming session, perhaps a stamp of approval needs to fall from someone higher-up that simply has no time atm to do it, or some closed-testing needs to happen before they're happy with it. Also note that fixes require different skills then balancing the game - read as OTHER PEOPLE (possibly/probably) handle it. Think moar before you rage-type.

Edited by DarkVeghetta
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