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Make Mission Extraction times faster


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Simply put, mission extraction times need be faster. 

Why am I waiting a minute to extract? I want to get out and get out now but nooooo i have to wait 1 min since there is always that one person that wants to explore the whole map in a group mission then being considerate to do that in solo. 

If its fissure missions people can just wait just before the extraction point to ensure everyone has their relics open, or even have it recognize that everyone has their 10 reactant and changes the extraction time to final 10sec count down. Otherwise what other reason could there be to have a long extraction time?  

Such a nice fast pace mission and then this 1 min of waiting for nothing. Make it 10 seconds.

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20 minutes ago, Jackdarsan said:

Simply put, mission extraction times need be faster. 

Why am I waiting a minute to extract? I want to get out and get out now but nooooo i have to wait 1 min since there is always that one person that wants to explore the whole map in a group mission then being considerate to do that in solo. 

If its fissure missions people can just wait just before the extraction point to ensure everyone has their relics open otherwise what other reason could there be to have a long extraction time?  

Such a nice fast pace mission and then this 1 min of waiting for nothing. Make it 10 seconds.

...because you can't depend on people having the "good will" to wait... and it would be unfair for those players to do so.

A minute gives everyone time to get where they need to be... or to communicate with the team otherwise.

I'd suggest, if 1 minute is too long for you to wait, either choose a dedicated squad in Recruitment or from your Clan/Alliance/"Friends", or play solo....  Or, if you absolutely do not have time to waste... question why you're playing a video game and not prepping for/doing that "other thing" that you clearly are in a rush to get to.

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I think it would be good if there was an opt-in instant extract for anyone other than host (Due to host migration causing issues and others not impacting the game if they leave) to avoid the wait time. But, the wait time in itself is helpful. I've been teleported to the start of the map from bugs before and wouldn't have made it to the extraction in time if it weren't for the 1 minute cooldown and this is just one of the many times it can be helpful.

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On 2021-08-10 at 1:34 PM, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

A minute gives everyone time to get where they need to be... or to communicate with the team otherwise.

In that case DE should increase the 20 sec counter they have for the RJ missions and make you wait 1 min to teleport the slower players to start the 2nd phase of the mission. 

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20 hours ago, Jackdarsan said:

In that case DE should increase the 20 sec counter they have for the RJ missions and make you wait 1 min to teleport the slower players to start the 2nd phase of the mission. 

RJ is difference, as all material/reward acquisitions are SHARED amongst the entirety of the team.  If one member gets a Reactant, ALL members are credited a Reactant.  

In regular missions, this is not the case... thus, rushing someone might cause them to miss out on a reward that was the whole reason they joined the mission to begin with.

It is not the same issue.

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On 2021-08-10 at 9:25 PM, Jackdarsan said:

In that case DE should increase the 20 sec counter they have for the RJ missions and make you wait 1 min to teleport the slower players to start the 2nd phase of the mission. 

RJ is a broken sh*tshow that needs to be deleted. Nothing that happens there is valid comparison to how the rest of the game should work.

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On 2021-08-10 at 4:11 AM, Jackdarsan said:

Why am I waiting a minute to extract? I want to get out and get out now but nooooo i have to wait 1 min since there is always that one person that wants to explore the whole map in a group mission then being considerate to do that in solo.

They can be "considerate" and explore when they're running Solo, sure...

But you can also be considerate and extract faster Solo instead of ruining their exploration in return... Not doing so is making you as inconsiderate to them as their exploration is, apparently from your point of view, inconsiderate to you...


... Equivalent trade, dude... If you want consideration, you have to be considerate first. And its exactly the same notion about respect (Respect others and others will respect you), which is why people usually get offended when they are disrespected.

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On 2021-08-13 at 10:21 AM, Uhkretor said:

... Equivalent trade, dude... If you want consideration, you have to be considerate first. And its exactly the same notion about respect (Respect others and others will respect you), which is why people usually get offended when they are disrespected.

Let me be more specific for you. Your running fissure missions, all group members have 10 reactant and everyone has to wait 1 min since you want to afk in the middle of the map. 

If you find that ok then all the power to you and you can enjoy that. However I am proposing that the timer be shortened if  there is nothing preventing everyone from getting the rewards of the mission. 1 min isn't long enough for some people to get to the end of the map. 

Additionally, to have an option for the group members to vote to speed it up/ have the system itself check and speed it up is what's being proposed.  If you find that to be inconsiderate than that is your opinion. 


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20 minutes ago, Jackdarsan said:

1 min isn't long enough for some people to get to the end of the map.

1 min isn't long enough for everyone... except you.

Look, you might've missed the following part, or you're ignoring it completely because it isn't supportive of your suggestion and~ you want people to "Vote Yes" just for your own explicit benefit... Someone said

On 2021-08-10 at 4:34 AM, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

if 1 minute is too long for you to wait, either choose a dedicated squad in Recruitment or from your Clan/Alliance/"Friends", or play solo....

The game already offers a solution... Which, coincidentally, is exactly the same thing you're "suggesting" players exploring and/or collecting resources to do...

I mean, suggesting others to do that is pretty much exactly the same as suggesting people to let you go Solo... I'm slightly confused as to why you haven't switched your Matchmaking to "Invite Only" (I don't care about the reason)...


But that same person said something even more important than that...

On 2021-08-10 at 4:34 AM, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

if you absolutely do not have time to waste... question why you're playing a video game and not prepping for/doing that "other thing" that you clearly are in a rush to get to.

Well, you DO have a rush because you seem to be unable to wait 1 minute...

I mean, I don't like waiting anywhere... However, that only happens whenever I'm out of my house. When I'm not out there, waiting 1 minute has absolutely no weight...


Now, imagine that players would lose everything because they didn't reach the Extraction in time, if it was reduced to 20 seconds as you suggested... How considerate would that be for them if you stood like a pole (just to avoid adding more obvious warning points to my deck) at the extraction zone, despite them telling you to exit the zone so that they could get the end of mission rewards that they worked for, when they were more than 20 seconds away?

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On 2021-08-12 at 10:56 AM, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

RJ is difference, as all material/reward acquisitions are SHARED amongst the entirety of the team.  If one member gets a Reactant, ALL members are credited a Reactant.  

In regular missions, this is not the case... thus, rushing someone might cause them to miss out on a reward that was the whole reason they joined the mission to begin with.

It is not the same issue.

I am speaking specific to the 20 sec count down ilo 1 min count down. If all group members have 10 reactant, why you still waiting 1 min?

Whole point of running with others is to get the best reward since your relic might drop nothing good, I don't want to rush them so they cannot get reactant. 

Simple as that, extraction time gets reduced if everyone has 10 reactant. I am still not seeing any issue with this. 

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11 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

Look, you might've missed the following part, or you're ignoring it completely because it isn't supportive of your suggestion and~ you want people to "Vote Yes" just for your own explicit benefit... Someone said

Now, imagine that players would lose everything because they didn't reach the Extraction in time, if it was reduced to 20 seconds as you suggested... How considerate would that be for them if you stood like a pole (just to avoid adding more obvious warning points to my deck) at the extraction zone, despite them telling you to exit the zone so that they could get the end of mission rewards that they worked for, when they were more than 20 seconds away?

Clearly it might be difficult for some to understand but I'm only talking about extraction times. You have shifted this whole thing to your own agenda, maybe you should come up with your own thread with ways to ensure that everyone gets the in mission drops while they AFK. 

I'm only talking about the extraction timers. If the mission is finished, everyone has 10 reactants, etc, no end mission reward is missed by any player, there shouldn't still be 1 min wait time, it could be reduced. 

If you don't like that idea that's fine. Is not like DE will implement this change just because I want it. Also I have been playing solo due to this but still like running fissures with groups for the better reward options. 

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35 minutes ago, Jackdarsan said:

Also I have been playing solo due to this but still like running fissures with groups for the better reward options. 

Then make private groups, they're also a thing...


And its not switching the whole thing to our agenda. Extraction times were implemented exactly to "give time for everyone to reach the extraction"... But we all know that it was implemented to avoid trolls standing still in the extraction room but not in the extraction zone...


What I do agree with, however, is that the timer should be reduced based on the amount of players at the extraction... More players at the extraction, the shorter it gets... An arbitrary reduction down to 20 secs, however, its a big



... Why would it be? Well... Being considerate towards other players in general... In that particular aspect, you're neither the "special one" or more deserving of consideration from other players than vice-versa (Principle of equality)... In fact, you're not special at all. You're just another sand grain in the beach called "Humanity" like all of us are...


Again, to make sure you didn't miss this part... I do agree, however, that the timer should be reduced based on the amount of players at the extraction... More players at the extraction, the shorter it gets...

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On 2021-08-10 at 1:34 PM, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

I'd suggest, if 1 minute is too long for you to wait, either choose a dedicated squad in Recruitment or from your Clan/Alliance/"Friends", or play solo....  Or, if you absolutely do not have time to waste... question why you're playing a video game and not prepping for/doing that "other thing" that you clearly are in a rush to get to.

When the missions take 1 to 5 minutes to finish the objectives (excluding endless ones). Why wont I question why we need to wait 1 minute instead of 30,20 or even 10 seconds for extraction. I have been playing solo due to this, i want to play the game not spend my time waiting, that time adds up. Yes, preformed groups will flow better but faster extraction times can resolve other bugs like getting stuck and or even being teleported back to start of the map. I wont make it in time and instead have to make everyone wait 1 min since I'm too far away. 

Is this a fast paced game for me, not sure what you are considering it to be. 1 min extractions kill the vide, not like i am just rushing for the sake of rushing. if you like waiting that is you. 

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3 hours ago, Jackdarsan said:

I am speaking specific to the 20 sec count down ilo 1 min count down. If all group members have 10 reactant, why you still waiting 1 min?

Whole point of running with others is to get the best reward since your relic might drop nothing good, I don't want to rush them so they cannot get reactant. 

Simple as that, extraction time gets reduced if everyone has 10 reactant. I am still not seeing any issue with this. 

It's "not a big deal" to YOU because you clearly do not understand how that complicates the code of the game, and is just BEGGING to bug out missions.

Moreover, if everyone's there, it goes straight to extraction, no timer....  The timer is only there to make sure everyone has time to get there... REDUCING their time doesn't make sense in that context.

People might be trying to multitask... might be a new player... might be running a Void mission for their fissure, and they also need to grab "that argon crystal" across the map for a thing they're trying to build, but haven't had the time to farm for...   Maybe they're just bugged out or their controller crapped out.

Regardless of their reasoning, 60 seconds is HARDLY a big ask of anyone.   Go use the bathroom, make a sandwich, scroll through your news feed, grab some water, or just take a moment to BREATHE, because it's a GAME not a JOB. 

These deadlines that you're setting are ARBITRARY.  If I'm sitting down to play an hour or two of my favorite game, there is NO reason 60 damn seconds should be a panic rush to the end.

Life is too short to rush, lol.


2 hours ago, Jackdarsan said:

When the missions take 1 to 5 minutes to finish the objectives (excluding endless ones). Why wont I question why we need to wait 1 minute instead of 30,20 or even 10 seconds for extraction. I have been playing solo due to this, i want to play the game not spend my time waiting, that time adds up. Yes, preformed groups will flow better but faster extraction times can resolve other bugs like getting stuck and or even being teleported back to start of the map. I wont make it in time and instead have to make everyone wait 1 min since I'm too far away. 

Is this a fast paced game for me, not sure what you are considering it to be. 1 min extractions kill the vide, not like i am just rushing for the sake of rushing. if you like waiting that is you. 

Sounds like a YOU problem, not an objective one.  If waiting 60 damned seconds for another human being to get to the goal is too much to ask of you... If respecting OTHER people's time the same way you demand they respect your own is too much..  Then perhaps pub squads ain't for you, bud.

This is a problem you're creating for yourself... nothing is happening in 60 seconds, much less in the 40 seconds you're trying to shave off, that is going to make-or-break your day.  Stop trying to rob others of that time.

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God no! Please don't help veteran players to be more obnoxious! The other day an MR0 player got screwed because not getting to the exit in time, the other guy basically said well tough... That's not the first time I see things like that, Warframe is full of people like that. Please don't pander to the vocal minority, most of your player-base are not highly skilled players, and they should not expected to be either!

In fact I would like to see the timer disappear when one of the two players walks out of the exit area! Sometimes some of us are not noticing in time that one of the players are behind, and if we would like to try to help we can't!

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