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Let's talk about this "event"


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17 hours ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Aya drops like candy already. 

And allow aya to be stockpiled? You mean so you can buy 20 relics as soon as it drops again? Do you really need it explained why that isn't a good idea?

Does it?

I'm not seeing it. 

I've done level 5 bounties without a drop.

Opened several relic packs and only gotten 2.

The only thing that did work for me was hammering the ghoul bounty when it was live on Xbox. Everything else has been garbage. 

You might have to explain why being able to buy 20 relics as soon as it hits again is bad.  As I don't see how that is any different to building up standing in syndicates for relic packs for the vault or saving vaulted relics you farmed. Or alternatively saving all of your Aya for the "second chances"

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Maybe I am missing something here, but the droprate for Aya feels awful. I do not have time to grind it it all day. Currently, the droprate from Ukko is about 5 Aya per hour. I guess that is fine if you can grind it all day, but I work the longest part of the day, and have some stuff to take care of in private. The entire first week I was trying to play a bit each day to get at least one of the primed frames. I did not even get a single part for either of the frames.

And no, this does not give me a reason to just buy Regal Aya. The prices of those are terrible, honestly. I did not really read into the event all too much before it hit, tbh, and I genuinely expected Aya to just drop every time you complete a relic mission, and that relics at Varzia cost a few Aya, like maybe 5 a piece or so. That would give you ~12 relics per hour, which feels much more reasonable, considering you only have one week, and the relics are still very much luck based.

Maybe it is easier to do with a clan group or something, but getting into one is a hussle, and all clans I looked at had ridiculous requirements, like being active in their community for a month prior to getting into the clan. Seriously, this event just makes me not want to touch the game anymore, which is such a shame :/

If you think that would cause issues, since there are people that can just grind all day and effectively get hundreds of relics, then increase the price for each relic every time you buy one, and reset the price once per day or something.

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hace 15 horas, OmegaVoid dijo:

She's been in cryosleep. It's been a thousand years, but to her it would seem like last week or something. Jus' sayin'...

Could be could be not, putting someone in cryosleep doesnt necessarily mean that person's mind will be frozen in time like its body.

hace 15 horas, OmegaVoid dijo:

Not necessarily. The actual process for using Aya as she does might be simple to carry out -- if you you were shown how.

If any given Dax knows how to retrieve specific Prime inventory from storage, it's because they were trained in how to do so. They would probably need to have a genetic key sequenced into their DNA (as per the Guardsman Synthesis Imprint) for the Relic to accept the access codes they'd need to provide.

I would only allow scientists or schollars to have the knowledge of such things let alone sharing it to a random bodyguard but cant tell if the Orokin would think likewise.

hace 15 horas, OmegaVoid dijo:

*Varzia is a pawn theory*

I also thought this I even thought it could be the Man in the Wall in person but wouldnt make sense at all since she isnt giving us lesser prime things. She could also be using us to get other memories that could help her and/or her master without telling anybody like you say.

hace 15 horas, OmegaVoid dijo:

1.-She also mentions seeing the Tenno use Amps against "people she loved" (presumably Dax). I see two possible interpretations, one of which would confirm something we could previously not be sure of, the other of which would be very significant.

2.-As well as saying "Some Warframes were Prime from the start. Others earned it", which means DE really should edit this page on their website, which currently states "Non-Prime Warframes, Weapons and Sentinels are based on Orokin technology, however they are not genuine Orokin articles".

1-Pretty much irrelevant since the phrase continues with: "But... we're all different people now." and you could tell she is lying but I dont think so.

2-Irrelevant since: "Ballas never told the whole truth." 

hace 15 horas, OmegaVoid dijo:

Nihil is a Cephalon -- it's not clear that Cephalons experience pain as such (if you can provide a citation, I'd welcome it) so it's uncertain if we could torture him.

Nihil is not a Cephalon.

  • "You made a mistake, placing me in here...whole and entire."

He is also desperate to get out so we could pull some strings: 

  • "I glassed so many in my time. Surely you'd like to know where they are? Let me out. Let me out, and I'll show you."
  • "Look at you. Strutting. Righteous. We'll exchange places soon enough."
hace 15 horas, OmegaVoid dijo:

If the Entrati could yoink Primes and Prime parts at will, why would they have cobbled together Xaku (almost certainly Prime) instead of obtaining replacement Warframes?

They didnt have neither the Aya nor the archives (just like Varzia before awakening) anyways I dont see what point you are trying to make here.

hace 15 horas, OmegaVoid dijo:

Simaris has no established connection to the Orokin-era Warframe project. (Apparently we're okay with him having regular Warframe Blueprints, but in the case of Chroma at least, those Blueprints were obtained using Simaris's own Synthesis Scanner, so I guess the cat was out of the bag at that point anyway.)

Varzia is in a worse situation since Simaris was at least an archimedean.

hace 15 horas, OmegaVoid dijo:

Ordis? Possibly, but where would we obtain such an upgrade, who would have prepared it, and why?

Have you played The Sacrifice? No?


Well Ordis gets an upgrade and is able to synthesise Umbra's BP with only scanning his scarf, the Skiajati and golden bits.


hace 15 horas, OmegaVoid dijo:

And from a gameplay perspective, each vending machine NPC has a function. If the Aya approach to Prime acquisition doesn't work out, Varzia can just leave -- which is tidier than adding lore justifying the addition of it to an existing NPC, then possibly removing it and thus having to explain why they can't do the Aya thing anymore. It probably keeps the coding tidier too.

Ah ofc, nothing needs backstory since everything phases in and out with no real explanation whatsoever so leave it as it is an empty, hollow mess.

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22 hours ago, (XBOX)Big Roy 324 said:

However, the fact remains they specifically changed the drop tables to make Aya a more rare resource than farming for the relics directly.

That's... not a fact.

They did specifically rebalance the drop tables, but there is no way that you can look at, say, the Tier 5 Bounty, stage 5 reward being a 38.5% Chance of Aya and compare that to the previous drop table likelihood of getting the Relic you're actually farming of 7.756% from the Vault releases and say it's a rarer resource.

Yes, the chance of getting an Aya is lower in some places (only some) than getting a Relic under the Vault release. The problem with getting a Relic is that it's still RNG for getting the Relic you want. So even if they literally halved the chance of getting Aya from what it is now, it would still be a better chance to get Aya than it would be to get the specific Relic that you're actually farming.

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My standard take on Regal Aya is as always, it's fine. 
The prime cosmetics have always been a cash thing this just preserves that mechanism. 


The two (updated from one) place where I feel this event falls flat is the miserable Aya drop rate coupled with additional relic mechanics (upgrading/RNG) if I had to actually seriously farm this event.... just yikes. I'm already bored to tears of bounties (read: the one place in the game where the drop rate is barely tolerable) 

The addition to the terribad drop rate is finding out that the "free" cosmetic rotation that seems to be pulled from previous offerings/events does not seem to rotate. I was trying to keep a positive spin by wondering what next weeks throwback cosmetic offerings would be.... apparently the answer to that is, same as the week before. 

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2 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

That's... not a fact.

They did specifically rebalance the drop tables, but there is no way that you can look at, say, the Tier 5 Bounty, stage 5 reward being a 38.5% Chance of Aya and compare that to the previous drop table likelihood of getting the Relic you're actually farming of 7.756% from the Vault releases and say it's a rarer resource.

Yes, the chance of getting an Aya is lower in some places (only some) than getting a Relic under the Vault release. The problem with getting a Relic is that it's still RNG for getting the Relic you want. So even if they literally halved the chance of getting Aya from what it is now, it would still be a better chance to get Aya than it would be to get the specific Relic that you're actually farming.

According to this thread by DE it has been "Rebalanced" for everything other than the Tier 5 bounties. While we all love smashing together the numbers unless someone really puts it all together properly throwing out percentages like that is as good as them coming from your backside. Even if they came from specific parts of the drop tables.

Overall though I am not trying to argue with you or anyone that thinks it's fine where it is. I'm just leaving my feedback out there that this balance to Aya. In my opinion is more punishing than it needed to be.  So in the future if resurgence continues to run. I only ask that it is looked at again.

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