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How do youtubers activate Vazarin protective dash so easily?



Like the title says, youtubers seems to be void dashing and instantly activating it without any sweat. For me, I can't. If I do it like that, I just dash forward and my warframe is nearly dying. I have to dash backwards just to hit my warframe. Sometime it's even more annoying. I dash backward and it doesn't activate. Sometime I miss my warframe and it is activated. I don't even know how it works sometime. Will arcane like Magus cloud that increase the hit box help? Btw I'm playing on Keyboard and mouse and my operator out is usually middle wheel click.

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So the solution might be(or not) Magus Cloud. But I don't know. Both Warframe wiki and fandom don't have enough info about Magus Cloud about the dash skills. They only say "Increase the hitbox". 

So, I might be asking too much, but since I don't have it, I want info from someone who has it. Then I can be sure of investing cloud or not.

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2 minutes ago, leachPrime said:

I really don't like it. DE should be entirely disallow it or completely complement the macro mechanic ingame while disallowing external program.

It should be like maximum 2 (or 3 if you suggest) buttons so that some combinations have no extra power over others combinations or other players. 

But for now, it is a problem which some youtubers can get away with while declaring themselves as pro. Most don't use them because of the risk. But I could be vaguely assuming. So if youtubers sees this post, take it with a grain of salt.

I totally echo your sentiments. 

They are trying to walk a fine line, but in the end it makes things really difficult for people to have proper guidance, and can leave people going "well, I guess I better not try even the most innocent macros to not risk my account" and people feel scared they could lose their progression when they were not trying to "game" anything. 

For the moment, there is not any great solution, except to be very careful. 

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17 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Yeah this is why I hate suggesting it. Because macros are a really, really gray area in Warframe.

I second this. I have seen enough threads claiming they got banned for false malicious 3rd party software that I always go out of my way to play Warframe on a freshly started pc. I don't know how Warframe's detection algorithm for such software works so I always restart my PC whenever I used any kind of memory editor before playing Warframe.

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22 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

 Edit: My advice has always, always been, if you are not 100% sure a macro or something similar is okay with DE to use, make a support ticket and ask them first. At worst they will tell you no you can't, and at best they will thank you for checking first to be safe and tell you it is a-okay and you now have a written record to make you feel safe you aren't doing anything wrong. 

I didn't know that was a thing. Edit: I mean "is" a thing.

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6 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

DE hasn't entirely disallowed them due to some people with disabilities, but it is more of  "use at your own risk" kind of thing

I really don't like it. DE should be entirely disallow it or completely complement the macro mechanic ingame while disallowing external program.

It should be like maximum 2 (or 3 if you suggest) buttons so that some combinations have no extra power over others combinations or other players. 

But for now, it is a problem which some youtubers can get away with while declaring themselves as pro. Most don't use them because of the risk. But I could be vaguely assuming. So if youtubers sees this post, take it with a grain of salt.

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7 minutes ago, leachPrime said:

Yeah. It is most likely that they are using external programs. But could be wrong.

Yeah this is why I hate suggesting it. Because macros are a really, really gray area in Warframe.

DE hasn't entirely disallowed them due to some people with disabilities, but it is more of  "use at your own risk" kind of thing depending on what they are and what they do. I suggest extreme caution. Even if you feel it gimps you, be very, very careful with macros. 

Edit: My advice has always, always been, if you are not 100% sure a macro or something similar is okay with DE to use, make a support ticket and ask them first. At worst they will tell you no you can't, and at best they will thank you for checking first to be safe and tell you it is a-okay and you now have a written record to make you feel safe you aren't doing anything wrong. 

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

Just reflexes. On controller, you're just activating it like an ability or hotkey. Moving forward and backward is a fluid motion with the joystick back and forth. 

You need to make sure your camera and reticle are where they need to be. 

Everything is based on the reticle and camera. 

But after some long run like endurance missions, my fingers get strains and getting more painful to keep up.

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3 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

because I don't want to suggest things that can be risky for people's accounts (depending on the macro), but possibly that is what is going on out of the things he could be seeing. 

Yeah. It is most likely that they are using external programs. But could be wrong.

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18 minutes ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:


use macros to perform complex but often used moves quickly and consistently


I haven't checked the particular youtuber yet, but yes I didn't want to say it because I don't want to suggest things that can be risky for people's accounts (depending on the macro), but possibly that is what is going on out of the things he could be seeing. 

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45 minutes ago, acevezwing said:

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the spoiler mode has to be in contact with your Warframe to trigger Protective Dash. I'll test it and edit this post.



Tested. The wave does not trigger protective dash.

Thank you for giving us solid facts to go on here, I was not sure. 

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1 hour ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Someone else might be able to confirm or correct me if I am wrong, but I am thinking maybe the shockwave from Sonic Dash is affecting the hitbox, and making it far easier to hit your Warframe with it. 

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure the spoiler mode has to be in contact with your Warframe to trigger Protective Dash. I'll test it and edit this post.



Tested. The wave does not trigger protective dash.

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22 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

but it is hard for me to be 100% certain without seeing what you are doing

I'll post a video after I recorded some footages. But I tested it just now. Void dashing immediately helps. I void dashed as soon as I transference out. But it is so hard to do, that void dashing backward is just easier and put your warframe to a safer place. Because if you fail to press space button, the operator only void walk and I just thought it activates so I mistakenly transference in. Or press space at the same time with crouch, operator just jump up.

So in a situation where you need to kill certain enemy like demos, I void dash backward(because it's easier), it puts me into further place making it more difficult to kill.

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5 minutes ago, leachPrime said:

I don't have sonic dash. Maybe that'll help tho. IDK. Btw the youtuber is Nightmareframe and he dash and activate so easily. Or maybe you have to do it quickly?

I might check his vids when i get a chance later and see if it is any faster/smoother/different than how I do it. 

My best working theory is I find it super easy because of Sonic Dash, but it is hard for me to be 100% certain without seeing what you are doing, and doing some digging to make sure I am making sense, because I am operating mostly on my assumptions and understanding as a Vazarin main. 



Sonic DashActive

Void Dash no longer displaces enemies, instead it emits a shockwave 8m / 10m / 12m / 14m wide and travels 2m / 4m / 6m / 8m stunning any enemy it hits.80000 to unlock

120,000 / 162,426 / 240,000
 1 / 4 / 7 / 10

Stunned enemies are opened up to finisher attacks for the duration of the stun.




Void Dash (default: Ctrl  + Space ) is the Operator's default mobility power.

Crossing the fold between the material plane and the void plane, Void Dash is a mobility power that launches the Operator towards the direction of aim for the length 12 meters, which will knockback any targets in the way.

Void Dash costs 25 energy to activate.

Each enemy hit with Void Dash will restore 10 Void energy to the Operator.

Deals 30  Void damage.

Directional controls can be used to change the direction the Operator dashes in.

Void Dash can be used to get past security (e.g., laser grids and energy fields) unaffected and undetected.

With an exception for such devices in spy vaults. Using Void Dash through them will still trigger an alarm.

Void Dash can also disarm a Kuva Guardian of their  Kesheg.


Someone else might be able to confirm or correct me if I am wrong, but I am thinking maybe the shockwave from Sonic Dash is affecting the hitbox, and making it far easier to hit your Warframe with it. 

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11 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Do you have Sonic Dash unlocked/leveled at all yet? Idk... not sure what else to guess.  

I don't have sonic dash. Maybe that'll help tho. IDK. Btw the youtuber is Nightmareframe and he dash and activate so easily. Or maybe you have to do it quickly?

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Do you perhaps have a video of this? A video can be worth about ten thousand words, could help. Video of both you, and the youtubers if possible. 

I have been a Vazarin main for ages and I have never had an issue in quickly getting my protective dash to activate on my Warframe the first time when I pop out the little guy. And I am not using any arcanes that do anything with the hitbox. 

I don't have any waybounds unlocked that increase my dash radius either. 

Edit: I do have Sonic Dash at its second out of four levels, and I guess that might affect the hitbox actually...? 

Do you have Sonic Dash unlocked/leveled at all yet? Idk... not sure what else to guess. 

I may be a vet, but I took a long break, so only barely started eidolons and haven't really grinded ESO, and barely done that many profit taker. I am not focus or operator arcane rich, and my barebones Vazarin setup I never have trouble activating the dash super fast when I want it, but maybe it is sonic dash giving me a leg up idk. 

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