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A few ideas to fix dog days being boring and causing afk


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I posted these comments on the fourth page of a thread complaining about afk players in dog days   I wanted to post here so it is more public because something must be done if we are going to see this event again next year.  

I understand some people enjoy the event, I did to, the first time it was released.  Come and see me after the 3rd or 4th time.  Now I just want a platinum option to buy the cosmetics so I can skip it.  


Dog days should be getting better, not worse over the years.  It doesn't play like Warframe, it plays like a lame slow-paced 3rd person shooter.  I don't care there was a gas leak and it's supposed to be a friendly game.  We should be blasting these grinner with fully modded frames & weapons while they run around squirting us, but that's not really the point of this thread.  Here are some of the problems I see with dog days:

1) no modding on frame or gun.  This is pointless in a pve and part of the reason the event is boring.

The games are always blow outs unless you load in with 4 afk players anyway.  While I can partly understand no skills and even no passives, I would like to have a dog day load out.  

2) no pets or sentinels. I get no weapons but there are utility mods that could make this fun (like anti gravity). 

3) no variety in weapons.  There should be water balloon grenades (small aoe effect and use existing thrown dagger physics) and foam melee weapons.  This gun behaves like a shotgun, why not also include an automatic fire weapon or a sniper?

4) no variety in maps.  If you really want us to play for 20+ hours with amount of grind required for event cosmetics, put in some other maps. Any of the existing arenas would be better than the same thing over and over.  

5) the rewards are to expensive. The events already been designed, if your not going to change it, decrease the price of all cosmetics to no more than 50 so a single match is all that's required.  

Better yet, make them tradable so people that enjoy game mode can sell them to players who have played it many times and now hate it.  

Bottom line, if the game mode is fun, people will play it regardless if there is an award.

6) small amount of mobs, actually there is no mobs, you get a handful of enemies on map.  Granted, with this boring slow gameplay, that's all that's needed, but with modding, we could take on more and the event may even feel like Warframe. 

7) make assists count as kills for nakak pearls.  Kill stealing is a real problem and it shouldn't be.  Just give everyone who damaged grinner a pearl.  Maybe then the ridiculously high cosmetic prices will seem ok.

8) allow the round to end early. As it is now, 1 kill and go watch YouTube for 5 minutes is more rewarding than getting 20 kills and playing something you recently started to hate. If we get all these changes, maybe end at 100 kills so there is actually an incentive to fight so round can finish faster than 5 minutes!


If nothing is to be done, DE please retire this event and never bring it back.  If you bring it back, make it feel like Warframe.  Give us mods, more weapons, and pets.  Adjust difficulty appropriately, perhaps double enemies so we get more points per match to.  If nothing is to be done and this remains in the game every year again and again, just make the items tradable or give us a bundle package in market.  

I will never play this game mode again.  I started hating Warframe getting enough pearls for the fish empherma.  I would have happily paid another player 100P to trade for it.  

Put this in the in-game mini video game console for people wanting all the cosmetics and do something new and creative next summer. 


What did I miss Tenno?  Anyone that disagrees, explain to me how this wouldn't make the game better.  


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I agree with some of this (especially wrt assists) but:

a) It _is_ fun already

b) There is no way you're grinding 20+ hours for everything. Tier 4 gives you 50 pearls at base, plus any kills. It takes 5 minutes. If you AFKed and got zero kills you could buy one of everything in under 12 hours. That number falls a lot if you don't buy the stuff that's available elsewhere (eg: mods from Kela)

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Decreasing it to 50 points/cosmetic would be maybe a bit too much, but 150 would be already reasonable.

But either would be fine to me.

More Pearls per kill would also incentivise playing instead of sitting afk., let's say 4 per kill.

Pets would really add to the chill atmosphere of the event.

I would like a sniper version for the Soaktron.

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I think the elegant solution is remove rewards for completion and only reward for kills. Then scale all the shop items WAY, WAY DOWN with only tradeables being sorta grindy. That way the people who enjoy it get something semi-valuable out of grinding it and the people who don't like the mode won't have to play too much to get the new stuff for completion or what-not. 

  1. This removes all AFK issues
  2. It makes the tradeable exclusives (like the Captura Scenes) valuable to farm
  3. It makes all the decorations/cosmetics just for fun and not a slog
  4. It makes the mode more palatable for those who don't enjoy the way it's set up
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I know that events like Star Days and Naberus are extremely disappointing, but I'm so tired of this event that I'd rather have Dog Days converted into the same boring "bounties for rewards" system: At the very least we could be getting the rewards of those bounties while playing with our chosen gear that we enjoy using, rather than being stuck with the same old soaktron in the same old mode where none of our gear choices do anything.

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