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more exilus slots

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There are some top-to-crap exilus mods and some weapon exilus that could work nicely in combinations, but they never gonna be used instead of core mods imo:

Primed sure footed -- absolute blessing that you can get at 400 login and it works on almost every single frame

Preparation -- very good for short missions

Aero Dynamic + Aviator + Agility Drift (Patagium, etc) - even better with Aerodynamic aura - gliding exilus mods that mean much less on their own

Vigilante Pursuite + Enemy Sence + Stealth Drift (Thief's Wit) -- a collection of radars

Collections of Holster Speed and parkour mods.

We have space for 2 more Exilus mods in our warframe tab, they won't make anyone OP but will let us play around our personal favorite things without sacrificing main mods and crippling our builds. And what a nice forma dump this is :D

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Question: how far do we go with this thinking? It'd be nice to have extra slots for EHP mods (health, armour, shields), and given how we're usually using shield gating in lieu of tankiness anyway, it probably wouldn't be too OP. Could toss Natural Talent in there too - it's usually just QoL and wouldn't be too OP.

Of course, the problem is, adding all those little things that wouldn't be too OP leads to something that ends up getting pretty OP. Unless we're going to retool the game to accommodate setups with all the mods*, it might be better to keep that can of worms shut.

*(which probably isn't that far off, tbqh. My Ash and Octavia builds drop survivability and fit pretty much all the ability mods they'd need. If I got more slots, it'd largely just go to EHP mods. All things considered, they're about as strong as they'll get. I imagine there's a number of Warframes sitting in that position.)

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To be honest they are not necessary at the actual stage of the game. Why do some people want to put things just make the game easier? to then be demanding more difficulty?
Why don't you all don't care about balancing warframes? but not! prefer to have broken AOE and things that would break it even more? 

The answer will always be no. And if you're going to cry, go cry at the cry shop

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Season 4 No GIF by The Office

First of all; I would like to have a genuine reason why, and for reference; what you have given thus far is excuses not reason nor good arguments.

Secondly: the only times you would need more exilus mod slots is if you would want to have all three peculiar mods in there on top of whatever else you have, just to make some insanity go on while you mass murder in only god knows what missions. And don't start talking about SP... there is already way to many ways of dealing with that, and so many little known ways as well as all most of the current community does is CTRL+C -> CTRL+V on any build they think will work.

TL:DR; give better reasoning and better arguments for this, without even mentioning SP.

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Nothing is stopping anyone from using these to begin with.

Most content already doesn't require a full compliment of mods. You can easily drop mods for one or two for these and end up being more efficient by cutting out excessive stats/overkill damage.

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1.I don't get you guys, why are you so afraid of minmaxers? Minmaxers will stack drift mods and become 2% more OP than they alrerady are?

2. If you personally don't want it - don't even unlock those exilus slots and don't spend tons of forma to fit it all (I would do it only on a few favorite warframes and weapons myself just to spice it up)

Someone asked for a reason - we all get PSF eventually and it is the best QoL mod that can be used in that slot for 99% of warframes (and I even prefer using it on Inaros and Titania, because it's passive, no activation needed and no bubbles/out of bounds can remove it). I'd say it's the core exilus and pretty much force you to polarize exilus slot for it. This is a number one and must have mod and if you don't use it - you just cripple yourself, as if you play without some other core mods. If you find it fun, your choice but don't preech about it.
 Two more exilus slots would allow, for example go for bullet jump mod + kavat's grace as more QoL, or Aero Ventage + Aviator, Some would go for Speed Drift + Rush, others go for radars, some even may go for holster speed or sliding. 

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5 minutes ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

1.I don't get you guys, why are you so afraid of minmaxers? Minmaxers will stack drift mods and become 2% more OP than they alrerady are?

2. If you personally don't want it - don't even unlock those exilus slots and don't spend tons of forma to fit it all (I would do it only on a few favorite warframes and weapons myself just to spice it up)

Someone asked for a reason - we all get PSF eventually and it is the best QoL mod that can be used in that slot for 99% of warframes (and I even prefer using it on Inaros and Titania, because it's passive, no activation needed and no bubbles/out of bounds can remove it). I'd say it's the core exilus and pretty much force you to polarize exilus slot for it. This is a number one and must have mod and if you don't use it - you just cripple yourself, as if you play without some other core mods. If you find it fun, your choice but don't preech about it.
 Two more exilus slots would allow, for example go for bullet jump mod + kavat's grace as more QoL, or Aero Ventage + Aviator, Some would go for Speed Drift + Rush, others go for radars, some even may go for holster speed or sliding. 

It isn't that players are afraid of min-maxers, but rather that a lot of players are getting sick of how OP they can legitimately become and getting tired of DE putting the onus of balance on players to balance the game on DE's behalf by self-nerfing. In other words, a lot of players would like a reason to min-max, or at least have a practical reason to improve their power in order to overcome some sort of obstacle presented by DE, instead of having to "cripple themselves" in order to create self-made challenges.

PSF isn't QoL - it is utility, OP utility at that. Bullet jump mods, Kavat's Grace and a whole lot of other mods players call QoL mods are not QoL mods - they are utility mods.

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1 hour ago, Silligoose said:

It isn't that players are afraid of min-maxers, but rather that a lot of players are getting sick of how OP they can legitimately become and getting tired of DE putting the onus of balance on players to balance the game on DE's behalf by self-nerfing. In other words, a lot of players would like a reason to min-max, or at least have a practical reason to improve their power in order to overcome some sort of obstacle presented by DE, instead of having to "cripple themselves" in order to create self-made challenges.

PSF isn't QoL - it is utility, OP utility at that. Bullet jump mods, Kavat's Grace and a whole lot of other mods players call QoL mods are not QoL mods - they are utility mods.

whatever you call it, 2 more exilus slots will not make anyone OP, they will just add a little personal touch since most frames require a build where 1-2 mods are optional or none, and these 1-2 optional slots can always be filled with something much much better than a bullet jump mod or smth. For example if you have an optional slot in your build - you might want to use some ability from Helminth that requires augment mod or just more duration/range/tankiness/economy.
Right now Primed Sure Footed and only one exilus mod slot makes all other exilus mods usage a super rare exception and even if no PSF - there are lots of Exilus mods that work cool together (but never have a chance to shine).

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as an option I'd even propose a rework where "flying" sentinels are immortal (neither HP nor hitbox, no defensive stats and mods) and be used as exilus mod carriers and are always with you, even on arenas. There are a few exilus-like mods already, like Anti-Grav Array, Animal Instinct, Guardian, Vacuum, Odomedic, Medi-Ray, Shield Charger, Ammo Case, Looter,  etc And they should work together with "walking" companions, who can actually die and need to be built for survival.

P.S:"we already have Khora with extra cat, and it works absolutely fine, nobody complains".

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vor 10 Minuten schrieb Scar.brother.help.me:

as an option I'd even propose a rework where "flying" sentinels are immortal (neither HP nor hitbox, no defensive stats and mods) and be used as exilus mod carriers and are always with you, even on arenas. There are a few exilus-like mods already, like Anti-Grav Array, Animal Instinct, Guardian, Vacuum, Odomedic, Medi-Ray, Shield Charger, Ammo Case, Looter,  etc And they should work together with "walking" companions, who can actually die and need to be built for survival.

P.S:"we already have Khora with extra cat, and it works absolutely fine, nobody complains".

that's the way it should be. because why do i have to go die after sentinel's death? that's absurd. and those 3x rez are quickly consumed on sp! Djinn is not an alternative. because there is even immortal pet and it has low rez cooldown!
and verglas does great damage. i hope it won't be something like afk pet. or if you compare railjack crew to wukong clone... i have to laugh.

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Having 3 total exilus mods on frame is just unnecessary and on a weapon it would be OP. You wouldn't even be able to fit 2 more mods in most situations unless DE added more total mod capacity. If they did that then the forma sink for frames would most likely go down because they would have to add something like 14 extra mod capacity and I assume the majority of people aren't going to unlock and forma all 3 exilus slots on every frame.

43 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

that's the way it should be. because why do i have to go die after sentinel's death? that's absurd. and those 3x rez are quickly consumed on sp! Djinn is not an alternative. because there is even immortal pet and it has low rez cooldown!
and verglas does great damage. i hope it won't be something like afk pet. or if you compare railjack crew to wukong clone... i have to laugh.

Totally agree that sentinels aren't in a good place but Djinn is an alternative depending on what you need. I'll run djinn with burst laser if I need extra augur mods to shield gate. It works while Djinn on rez cd so it still provides utility no matter what. I use Panzer if I need energy economy with synth set but it's not immortal since sentinel can be killed. The 30 second rez cd is more convenient but I find the constant "your pet has been killed/revived" spam across the middle of my screen obnoxious so I rarely use panzer. 

I always thought that making all sentinels get infinite revive like Djinn, Making regen/primed reduce rez cd and making all companions scale with enemy lvl like spectors would be a better fix than just making them invulnerable.

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Don´t you have like 2-3 other posts suggesting some other absurd powercreep?

I think it´s time to stop with these stupid suggestions.

We´re already way too powerful and the enemies are already way WAYYYY too weak (especially baby chart enemies those are not even enemies).

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9 hours ago, Mag_Gaming said:

Don´t you have like 2-3 other posts suggesting some other absurd powercreep?

I think it´s time to stop with these stupid suggestions.

We´re already way too powerful and the enemies are already way WAYYYY too weak (especially baby chart enemies those are not even enemies).

exilus mods and powercreep? you are overreacting, relaaax

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