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Shield & Helminth



Shieldgating and Helminth Infusion; two rather different systems in the game which do have on thing in common for me: I haven't gotten to grips with them.

I know there are explanations for Shieldgating a plenty out there, but I haven't really understood how that works at all. Maybe I'm just too stupid to get it.

And with the Helminth system, the whole infusion stuff just feels so overwhelming that I don't know where to start; even more since I already struggle to deael with a lot of frame's default abilities.

Can anyone give me any comprehensive explanation on either?

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13 answers to this question

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Shield gate: when shields are depleted, frame is invulnerable to health damage for 1.3s. While shields regenerate and you get damage again, invulnerability lasts only 0.3s. The 1s protection activates again when shield regenerate to full again. You can see if you have 1.3s or 0.3s protection by shield bar shimmering in color a bit. Hildryn shield gate lasts uniquely 3s, same as allies protected by Protea's grenade fan or Hildryn's Haven.

Shield gate tanking: abusing the shield gate mechanic to became invulnerable as often as possible. To achieve this, equip a Brief Respite aura, few Augur set mods and Decaying Dragon Key. Single cast of any ability should restore your shields back in full to get the 1.3s shield break invulnerability again.

Helminth: sacrifice fully built, non-prime frame to be able to replace one of your frame's skills. Each frame sacrificed has a specific skill that can be granted to other frames (Mag's pull, Volt's Shock, Protea Dispensary and so on). Sacrificing frames and using the infusion gives Helminth exp that unlocks extra unique skills and some perks.
Each infusion cost special resources, by feeding your excessive regular resources to the Helminth.
You can replace only one skill per mod configuration and it can be restored or replaced again at any time. Infusing skills on Hildryn and Lavos converts the cost to shield cost and cooldown automatically.

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If you have shields there is an invulnerability period between when your shields break and when you begin taking health damage. If your shields fully charge in between periods where they are depleted the invulnerability period is longer. The mechanic exists largely to prevent one hit kills from bombards and other heavy units.


By feeding resources to your Helminth you will increase its rank. As it grows it will give access to more abilities which can then be applied to the frame of your choice, replacing one of the 4 default abilities. You can subsume warframes to your helminth (feed them to it) to lose the frame permanently but permanently make their subsume ability (indicated when you have them in the helminth chair) available for your other frames. 

Helminth has a hunger meter for various types of resource and repeated feedings in a 24-hour period will make it less filled from that resource. The amount filled is indicated by the Green up arrow, Red down arrow or no arrow (neutral). Resources with a red down arrow are not ideal and generally should be avoided.

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25 minutes ago, (PSN)KyomaSatomi said:

I know there are explanations for Shieldgating a plenty out there, but I haven't really understood how that works at all. Maybe I'm just too stupid to get it.

When your shields reach 0, you have a brief period where your health won't take damage. The length of this period varies depending on whether you fully or partly regained your shields since the last time they reached 0. If you fully recharged them, you'll get 1.3 seconds of health invulnerability. If they're only partly recharged, you get ~0.3 seconds instead. For examples, if you have 100 shields:

1. And take 200 damage, your shields will be depleted to 0, but your health will be unaffected. That means you absorb 100 damage for free. Yay!

2. And take 50 damage, your shields will drop to 50. If you take another 50 damage, they'll drop to 0, and you'll get 1.3 seconds of invulnerability. Note how it doesn't matter if it takes one hit or twelve to deplete your shields: if they were fully recharged since the last time they depleted, you get the full invulnerability time.

3. And take 200 damage (to break your shields), then recharge your shields to 50, then take another 200 damage, you'll get 0.3 seconds of invulnerability instead. Here, your shields only partly recharged (from 0 to 50) since the last time they broke.

4. And take 200 damage (to break your shields), then recharge your shields to 100 (full), then take another 200 damage, you'll get 1.3 seconds of invulnerability instead. Because they're fully recharged since the last time they broke, you get the full invulnerability.

For how this affects builds, the common idea is that you want to replenish your shields fully to get the 1.3 seconds of invulnerability. If you don't do it fully, you only get 0.3 seconds. One thing that helps is lowering maximum shields. It's easier to fill 25 shield points instead of 100, right? Of course, the other factor is shield replenishing mods, like Brief Respite and the Auger set, both of which can replenish shields by casting abilities. Put the two together - low max shields with lots of shield regen - and you can keep refilling your shields. Each time you do, you regain 1.3 seconds of invulnerability the next time they reach 0.

43 minutes ago, (PSN)KyomaSatomi said:

And with the Helminth system, the whole infusion stuff just feels so overwhelming that I don't know where to start; even more since I already struggle to deael with a lot of frame's default abilities.

The Helminth system is a way to take a certain ability from a Warframe and put it on other Warframes you own, replacing one of their abilities with that new ability. To unlock abilities - each Warframe has one - you need to subsume Warframes to the Helminth.

To do subsuming, you need two things:

1. A non-prime version of the Warframe, and

2. A lot of materials for Helminth to nom up that Warframe.

If you equip the non-prime Warframe and sit in the Helminth chair, you'll have the option to "subsume" that Warframe - usually, it'll be in the top-left of the list on the left. Once you click on this, the right side will show things you need. Make note of what these are called and the percentages, then click the "feed xyz" button at the bottom.

From there, you click tabs based on the things you need. These will show lists of resources. You can see how many will be depleted by hovering over it. Green arrows means the resource is worth more. Once you feed a given resource, that arrow will disappear - nobody likes enchaladas every night for months on end, I guess. Those will increase the percentages on the right. Feed it up well enough to you get to the percentages you noted earlier, click the "feed" button at the bottom again, and you'll be ready to subsume with the button on the right.

Just remember: Helminth will eat the Warframe. So make darn sure it's one you don't want.

After you unlock an ability, you can sit any other Warframe down in the chair and click on ability you've unlocked. Feed it up like before, click the shiny "invigorate" button, and you'll be asked to put it on a configuration and to replace an ability. You can replace only one ability on each configuration, so you can put Decoy in one configuration and Silence on another, but not both on the same configuration.

As for what abilities to put on what Warframes, there's a bit of experimentation, and a bit of research. Some abilities work really well with some Warframes. Silence on Ash is real good. Some Warframes need survivability, and will like something such as Gloom. See what other people do, like on Youtube, or ask around.

It's very much an "endgame" sort of system, so don't be afraid to take it one step at a time. Look into abilities in the Helminth system and work on farming up a Warframe that gives an ability you like. Hildryn has a nice shield boost + defense strip ability. If you have a favourite frame with an ability you never use who could do with some extra shielding, see about putting that ability on that Warframe. It'll give you some hands-on experience with how it functions.

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Since others have already provided fairly detailed explanations, I'll just go straight to the point.

The point of shield gating is to help protect the player from getting one-shot.

The point of shield gate tanking is to give fragile frames with low health and armour some extra durability thru invulnerability. These fragile frames typically use a lot of abilities and therefore energy, so it makes sense to use mods like Brief Respite and the Augur mods that convert energy used to shields to get even more invulnerability on demand. It's an effective alternative to Quick Thinking, but has different strengths and weaknesses. The obvious strength: done properly, you're straight-up invulnerable to nearly everything. The two biggest weaknesses: first, you're still very vulnerable to Toxin damage, especially Toxin status procs, because that will go straight thru your shields to hit your health directly; second, you have to pay constant attention to when your shields drain, so you can hit your ability buttons for invulnerability (shield gating). (Personally, I usually can't keep up with the attention needed, so I just stick with Quick Thinking with Health Conversion or Arcane Guardian, and Arcane Energize.)

The point of Helminth is to give players (especially veteran ones) some additional customization options at the cost of some resources, time, and effort. If you've ever thought, "oh this frame would be PERFECT for me if they had this ability instead of that ability," then the Helminth is your answer. Or if there's an ability you never use, but you can think of a better ability to replace it with.

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vor 35 Minuten schrieb RobWasHere:

Shield gate: when shields are depleted, frame is invulnerable to health damage for 1.3s. While shields regenerate and you get damage again, invulnerability lasts only 0.3s. The 1s protection activates again when shield regenerate to full again. You can see if you have 1.3s or 0.3s protection by shield bar shimmering in color a bit. Hildryn shield gate lasts uniquely 3s, same as allies protected by Protea's grenade fan or Hildryn's Haven.

Shield gate tanking: abusing the shield gate mechanic to became invulnerable as often as possible. To achieve this, equip a Brief Respite aura, few Augur set mods and Decaying Dragon Key. Single cast of any ability should restore your shields back in full to get the 1.3s shield break invulnerability again.

Helminth: sacrifice fully built, non-prime frame to be able to replace one of your frame's skills. Each frame sacrificed has a specific skill that can be granted to other frames (Mag's pull, Volt's Shock, Protea Dispensary and so on). Sacrificing frames and using the infusion gives Helminth exp that unlocks extra unique skills and some perks.
Each infusion cost special resources, by feeding your excessive regular resources to the Helminth.
You can replace only one skill per mod configuration and it can be restored or replaced again at any time. Infusing skills on Hildryn and Lavos converts the cost to shield cost and cooldown automatically.

I do know how that system functions in theory - I also have a number of abilities unlocked for infusion - but the whole thing kinda feels overwhelming and I don't know what to do with it. (and I hate having to look for guides made by others)

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56 minutes ago, (PSN)KyomaSatomi said:

I do know how that system functions in theory - I also have a number of abilities unlocked for infusion - but the whole thing kinda feels overwhelming and I don't know what to do with it. (and I hate having to look for guides made by others)

Helminth is rather funny.

A couple of abilities are borderline broken:

Breach surge - insane damage buff but needs line of sight.

Eclipse - insane damage buff but nerfed % and needs light.

Roar - double dip baby (universal faction damage) also nerfed %

Ensnare - best grouping period.

Zephyr's whatever - nice grouping.

Gloom - slows + lifesteal = ez game with tons of str.

Shuriken - best armor strip from abilities.

Hildryn's whatever - armor strip + shield gate abuse.

Harrows's chains - rather nice crowd control and replenishes shields if I'm not mistaken.

Banshee's silence - silences (duh) enemy abilities like acolytes or eximus units. Also makes any gun silent (nice for ash e.g.) and is commonly used with a nuke weapon to level warframes extremely quickly (2-4mins 0-30 with affinity booster 4-6mins without)

I'm sure I'm missing a couple but those should get you started.

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6 minutes ago, quxier said:

Let me teach you another useful stuffs: google

In your browser type google.com then new webpage appears. In the text field type what you are looking for and press enter (or Search). It should show you many sites (texts, movies like youtube etc). Here is one of first movie:



PS. ignore whatever crap this is. The forum is called players helping players not players ridiculing players.

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vor 30 Minuten schrieb quxier:

Let me teach you another useful stuffs: google

In your browser type google.com then new webpage appears. In the text field type what you are looking for and press enter (or Search). It should show you many sites (texts, movies like youtube etc). Here is one of first movie:



While I appreciate the help, the patronizing tone was entirely unneccessary.

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26 minutes ago, xVinsjenTx said:
33 minutes ago, quxier said:


PS. ignore whatever crap this is. The forum is called players helping players not players ridiculing players.

2 minutes ago, (PSN)KyomaSatomi said:

While I appreciate the help, the patronizing tone was entirely unneccessary.

It's normal video explaining Shield gate (not Rick roll, I swear!).

When people don't even bother to do google search and expect other people to do jobs for them then it shouldn't be encouraged. It's not even language barrier (e.g. poster doesn't understand English too much). It's just pure laziness.

1 hour ago, xVinsjenTx said:

Harrows's chains - rather nice crowd control and replenishes shields if I'm not mistaken.

Yes, it replenish shields. It depends on strength & number of enemies (not Eximus). On my Xaku I get overshield with single cast (on few enemies). I like this ability.

It's not the best CC but combination with shield restores is nice.

ps. it's nice to add Molt reconstruct for HP restores, so you restore shield & Hp with one cast. Of course it works with other abilities.

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vor 16 Minuten schrieb quxier:

When people don't even bother to do google search and expect other people to do jobs for them then it shouldn't be encouraged. It's not even language barrier (e.g. poster doesn't understand English too much). It's just pure laziness.

If you don't think players of a game should not ask other players for help on matters regarding said game, why are you even on a forum for that game? Since that's one of the main purposes of such forums.

My guess is that you just get off on demeaning people who come and seek help instead in that way. To make yourself feel smart and superior to others.

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2 hours ago, (PSN)KyomaSatomi said:

If you don't think players of a game should not ask other players for help on matters regarding said game, why are you even on a forum for that game? Since that's one of the main purposes of such forums.

As I said before: google stuffs before. Isn't too much to ask? Think about it that way:

- you ask about some stuffs that you can google within 30 seconds

- a person has to read & write stuffs that is easily available for anyone

- the person (that has written stuffs) has less time to help people with real, not easily google-able stuffs

You are literally wasting their time. They are very nice people (as I can see here) but it still not good thing to do.

edit: if you want to discus this then PM me - I don't want to farther spam this topic

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