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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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Voruna info 

DE added some now info for Lua's Prey, and with it some interesting info. 

The post specifically mentions that Voruna is roaming Lua, and that the Grineer Queen dispatched Grineer soldiers to deal with her. 

It also mentions that she "picks apart those who trespass in her temples." 

This implies that Voruna might have been patrolling Lua on it's own this whole time (and even having a den) without a tenno, making her "alive" in a similar sense to Umbra or Sevagoth's shadow.


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I mean, The Second Dream already hints that Warframes can move on their own willpower if they absolutely need to but most usually do not because they are used to Tenno Transference. Likely the same reason the Tenno though they were just a regular joy wearing a Warframe, the Warframe probably assumed they were the Tenno since the act of Transference melds the two minds as one. 

Chroma and Mesa both were moving on their own long before Umbra came into the picture. Other instances of Warframes moving on their own; Sevagoth's Shadow, Revenant within the prison with the Eidolon.

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All warframes are alive, they are just brain-dead, incapacitated by the Orokins because of how dangerous they were, akin to Umbra or even some frames in prime lore entries IIRC

Mesa, Chroma, & Rev aren't more special than any other frame, they were just rogue

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2 hours ago, Alchemist_Moth said:

No one opinion is more important than another. Some may have a greater basis of fact it's built upon, but in the end it's still opinion. People will like or even love Voruna. Others will dislike or outright hate her. Others will simply remain ambivalent, and all in between.

All are perfectly fine and valid, whether it's a minority or not. There's no clear way to tell anyway since the majority of players are silent on their opinions and keep to themselves unless relevant conversation pops up around them.

just like poor Yareli who still gets hate even now and her update comes too with Voruna. I like Yareli, I find her cute and fun but majority here really tear into the poor lass for everything from her abilities to her obtain method to her lore... Yareli cannot catch a break

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47 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

Not the first time a warframe has moved around freely. Khora comes to mind

was Limbo the same? I don't recall Limbo Theorem telling us about him having an Operator nor Gara when she took out the Eidolon on Earth creating that lake.... Mirage isn't stated to have an Operator when we track her down either iirc

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

was Limbo the same? I don't recall Limbo Theorem telling us about him having an Operator nor Gara when she took out the Eidolon on Earth creating that lake.... Mirage isn't stated to have an Operator when we track her down either iirc

The warframes in those stories were piloted by Tenno. There has never been a fully autonomous warframe that was able to remain sane without an operator for such extended amounts of time. Umbra is unique in that he had a specific memory effectively hard-coded into him to make him suffer. His behavior otherwise is akin to the warframes before the operators came along, attacking everything indiscriminately.

The warframes we've been fighting in missions such as Mesa have been controlled by something else. Otherwise warframes in their refinement have been essentially lobotomized to make them into nothing more than puppets aside from an echo of a former personality, which is where the various stances come from.

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looks cool, but unfortunately it also doesn't look like the wolf we were promised

the thigh heads are fine, but the rest just scream "dragon". The heads are too narrow towards the front, and they lack the big kubrow snouts like were seen on the concept art and that the thigh heads have. The main head has what I assume were supposed to look like wolf ears, but they just come off as jagged dragon horns. Try as I might, I simply cannot see anything other than a dragon here. Dragons are cool, but this is the wolf frame

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On 2022-11-18 at 4:55 PM, .LeiA._ said:

I really hope she'll be tallest female Warframe. I'm going to be honest, tall female are kinda hot... 


-please don't kinkshame me-


She can be the Wolf and the Stallion frame   Classy, Bougie, Ratchet 😜  


On 2022-11-18 at 5:55 PM, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:


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Though... I love me a tall woman too. Mmmmm, death by snusnu


I second these sentiments /\ 😊👍👍💗🐺




Also, on Voruna herself DE could have done better but I don't hate it.                         

EternalDrk Mako's more the expert on the model stuff which I see what they mean now 🙃, also confused on how the tail attaches??? It looks to me like its coming off her back? what do y'all think. I hope DE didn't cut the tail from her kit and just made it a syandana/aux attachment (Valkyr/ Nekros) . Or do you think it's just the angle? 


Lycath the 51st Warframe


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11 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:


EternalDrk Mako's more the expert on the model stuff which I see what they mean now 🙃, also confused on how the tail attaches??? It looks to me like its coming off her back? what do y'all think. I hope DE didn't cut the tail from her kit and just made it a syandana/aux attachment (Valkyr/ Nekros) . Or do you think it's just the angle? 

Lycath the 51st Warframe


it's an ephemera. It's listed as being a part of the update bundle

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42 minutes ago, patrizl001 said:

it's an ephemera. It's listed as being a part of the update bundle


33 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Dang T_T , thanks for the heads up.

That just means any frame can have a tail!

Also for its appearance it looks like it's similar to the tendril tails you can get on vulpaphyla, so what looks like it's coming from up her back it's actually part of the tail arching up from where the tail is attached rather than it extending downwards.

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Wow, the wolf really got lost somewhere in the end result. At most, if I stretch it very very far I can see a dragon wolf type of thing in there. But when I look at it all I really see is a demon host. At this point they should have just skipped the energy tail and changed the name to Legion.

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13 hours ago, Alchemist_Moth said:


That just means any frame can have a tail!

Also for its appearance it looks like it's similar to the tendril tails you can get on vulpaphyla, so what looks like it's coming from up her back it's actually part of the tail arching up from where the tail is attached rather than it extending downwards.

(Sigh) I know, I completely understand DE's reasoning to do it this way. I'm just bummed out of what they could have done mechanically with the tails if incorporated into her kit.

I really wanted that Naruto nine tails cloak/ Bleach Bankai !  Let Go! moment, right. 

Sometimes we get different nice things instead of the ones we wanted, tho I thought it was going to be bigger/wider like in the concept art kinda flair out to the side more ya, know, maybe DE is saving that for the prime? 

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

(Sigh) I know, I completely understand DE's reasoning to do it this way. I'm just bummed out of what they could have done mechanically with the tails if incorporated into her kit.

I really wanted that Naruto nine tails cloak/ Bleach Bankai !  Let Go! moment, right. 

Sometimes we get different nice things instead of the ones we wanted, tho I thought it was going to be bigger/wider like in the concept art kinda flair out to the side more ya, know, maybe DE is saving that for the prime? 

... Why do people do this to themselves? Just make up hype out of nowhere that has absolutely nothing to do with what they are hyping themselves about, just super loose connections and then surprised it isn't what they wanted when nothing ever pointed in whatever train direction they cooked up?

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Good lord, the end result is even worse than I thought. She only vaguely resembles the art that was shown, and copying Valkyr for the body was the wrong move on their part when they could've used Saryn. Makes me wonder if her legs are even digitigrade anymore.

The only chance now is a deluxe or prime looking right some years down the road, hopefully by someone who actually liked the concept art.

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2 hours ago, Silfrulfr said:

Makes me wonder if her legs are even digitigrade anymore.

You do realize her legs weren't digitigrade in the final concept art, right? The initial artwork from the beginning of the thread was a stylized pose. The colored fleshed out artwork, she stands plantigrade with the dewclaw serving as a high heel. Her foot will likely look like that still since its just heels.




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2 hours ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

You do realize her legs weren't digitigrade in the final concept art, right? The initial artwork from the beginning of the thread was a stylized pose. The colored fleshed out artwork, she stands plantigrade with the dewclaw serving as a high heel. Her foot will likely look like that still since its just heels.






Hopefully she still has that at least, because she certainly doesn't have that kind of pattern for her texturing anymore.

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

(Sigh) I know, I completely understand DE's reasoning to do it this way. I'm just bummed out of what they could have done mechanically with the tails if incorporated into her kit.

I really wanted that Naruto nine tails cloak/ Bleach Bankai !  Let Go! moment, right. 

Sometimes we get different nice things instead of the ones we wanted, tho I thought it was going to be bigger/wider like in the concept art kinda flair out to the side more ya, know, maybe DE is saving that for the prime? 


2 hours ago, (PSN)FunyFlyBoy said:

... Why do people do this to themselves? Just make up hype out of nowhere that has absolutely nothing to do with what they are hyping themselves about, just super loose connections and then surprised it isn't what they wanted when nothing ever pointed in whatever train direction they cooked up?

First the anime reference is just my interpretation of how I'd feel.

Second the "pointed direction" was from

        1, she was originally shown with tails

        2, DE said something about momentum being part of her kit

        3, early on the community was talking about some kind on Nidus evo system for her can't remember if DE said it or was it purely the community tho

hence way I connected the dots the way I did, thought DE was going to have her build up rage/fury meter and her tails would get crazier as it got to the max.   but... It just an ephemera now, still cool but not as cool as it could have been.  

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 Maybe they're releasing (what we consider to be) sub-par frames, because they're making an effort to tie down powercreep. If they start putting an upper limit on new frame capabilities, they can spend more time toning down all of the broken ones.

In an older era, frames like Hydroid, Grendal, Yareli, Styanax, etc would've been perfectly balanced. Today, in a game where everyone's meta is AoE nuke cheese, of course they're terrible, just because they don't have cheese.

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