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Valkyr badly needs help


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Used to main valkyr back when she first came out. Dropped a bunch of forma into her and loved playin her. The nerf to her ult tho really hit quite hard in a kit that was already very simplistic. Theres no reason at all she should have the chance to kill herself if you take damage and dont leave the area before turning hysteria off. No other immortal frame does that. Its from an age when she was the only immortal frame. 

I know technically you can keep her ult up now with stuff like energise but that really shouldnt be a requirement to make frames work. 

I agree tho with most of what op says except for the warcry change proposal. It should work like banshees silence rather than gloom. Cast once, it hits all enemies that walk into range once during the duration  and is duration based rather than a toggle. That way it forces you to kill the ones youve weakened first and quickly since theyre not perma slowed else you may as well just swap it for gloom

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  • 1 month later...

Now that Voruna exists can we revisit Valkyr? Voruna does everything Valkyr can, only better and with more utility - more crit, crazy more status, no slow but Warcry's slow is very limited and Voruna gets health and energy orbs, as well as invisibility. Sure Valkyr has her claws, which are better than Voruna's 4th, but Voruna can slap Condition Overload on Venka Prime and get tons of free procs and a crit buff.

Voruna is great as she is (though she'll undoubtedly get nerfed once the launch excitement is over and players have already bought her), Valkyr needs a boost - as a pure melee-only frame she really REALLY needs to be the best at melee.

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Curious, since I actually found her to be easily one of the stronget frames out there.

Damage and survivability are fine. You can always augment the former with Roar/Eclipse/Xata's Whisper over Ripline, Glad mods on her standard melee and Primary/Secondary Dexterity arcanes to keep the combo counter up (this frees Unairu for easy armor strip as well!). Those abilities really, really make her much more flexible than it first appears, since you can switch between Roar and the others to, for example, free up a mod slot against Narmers (taking the Faction Damage mod off for something else) or to go full double-dipping damage with Whisper. Or to even go with the permanent and extreme damage buff of Eclipse in open worlds map as well!

Survivability it's slightly trickier than just "don't use up all your energy". Her costs are high, especially for Hysteria, but you can either go with max Efficiency/Durability to keep it as low as possible, and/or Arcane Energizer/Yellow Archon Shards/any other energy upkeep shenanigans to boost the energy orbs and still keep it going forever. Granted, in Steel Path Violence WILL be always an hassle, but honestly, you can just melt him from afar with some decent-ish Primary and Secondary weapons - you can abuse the Shield-gate/Istant invulnerabilty upon meleeing to never die, even if you are vulnerable now and then!

Ripline is old and it always get helminthed away, that is true. But Paralysis is good - crazy and lazily good, actually. Its shield cost is a non-issue while you are in Hysteria, and you can stun and insta-kill even extremely high leveled Grineers eximus WITHOUT stripping their armor, you just need to take their Overshield away first (which is always frail compared to your damage.) Warcry can be somewhat clunky, but you can see it just like another buff to free up yet another mod slot for your talons, since you don't need to use Attack Speed on them! Those ends up usually filled with damage, crit damage, Sacrifical Steel and element damage only, and they DO keep up with the scaling extremely well on the long runs.

I probably missed something now and then about her, but this is just to say: she carried me in the early game. She carried me in the mid game. And with some dedication and workarounds, she made me keep up in the endgame/long SP runs as well without relying on the constant Shield-gate/Gloom combo. Yes, sometimes my hand hurts to keep spamming those slide attacks, but I honestly find her crazy fast gameplay really fun. And it even becomes varied later on! She's ok as she is, maybe my only gripe is to make her keep the combo counter between normal and exalted weapon, but oh well.

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12 hours ago, ShyronZ said:

Curious, since I actually found her to be easily one of the stronget frames out there

And yet objectively, year after year, one of the least popular.

12 hours ago, ShyronZ said:

Ripline is old and it always get helminthed away,

If a particular ability is always the one to replace maybe that ability sucks and needs fixing? Just an idea.

13 hours ago, ShyronZ said:

But Paralysis is good - crazy and lazily good, actually. Its shield cost is a non-issue while you are in Hysteria, and you can stun and insta-kill even extremely high leveled Grineers eximus WITHOUT stripping their armor, you just need to take their Overshield away first (which is always frail compared to your damage.)

Look what we're comparing it to. Yeah, losing shields ain't going to kill you in Hysteria, but aren't getting to spam this short-range short-lived stun. You can put Pillage on her and that works nicely, but forget about running it and Hysteria. Meanwhile other frames get stun + armour strip or stun + procs and all for costs where you can practically use it often.

Voruna gets viral spread of 50 procs.

13 hours ago, ShyronZ said:

Warcry can be somewhat clunky

It's her best ability, but it's very dated. Fire it, slow some nearby enemies, immediately kill them, run around with speed for a bit, repeat. It's very clunky. Especially with Eternal War, as while that gives you speed forever you'll not be able to get the slow and you can't share it. 

I'd far rather play with a Wisp and her speed motes than hang close to a Valkyr and hope to get Warcry.

There's so many fun ways this could be fixed without being OP.

13 hours ago, ShyronZ said:

Her costs are high, especially for Hysteria, but you can either go with max Efficiency/Durability to keep it as low as possible, and/or Arcane Energizer/Yellow Archon Shards/any other energy upkeep shenanigans to boost the energy orbs and still keep it going forever

Yes, with heavy endgame investment I can make her work, I can make any frame work. Or I can take a good frame and make it insane without the shards or umbra forma.

And Valkyr ends up being boring: never her 1, fire 2 once and then never again, fire her 3 a couple of times and then not until her shields regen and fire 4 and then claws for the rest of the mission. Don't get me wrong, I like her claws, but...

13 hours ago, ShyronZ said:

...sometimes my hand hurts to keep spamming those slide attacks

That. The combos on her claws suuuuck. The slide attack is the most consistently damaging but I lived through the Atterax/Maiming Strike meta and I hate spamming slide attacks in closed rooms. Her heavy works too, though spamming stomp gets old fast too. The rest is just weaker than other claws stances.

13 hours ago, ShyronZ said:

but this is just to say: she carried me in the early game

Me too, back in the day. She's in with a lot of early frames that have never been revisited. Before synergy abilities, before melee and status reworks, before combo counters and related mods, before power creep and waves of newer frames, before all that... she was the brawler queen.

Voruna is a better brawler, and gets stealth and support too.

Sevagoth is a better brawler, and gets strong CC and enemy grouping.

Wisp is a better melee, she gets more speed than Warcry, and CC electricity all the time.

Garuda isn't a strong melee, but she got talons and can kill every enemy in the entire tile with scaling Slash damage while Valkyr is wailing away at one enemy.

Valkyr is pure screaming claws rage, a pure melee frame, she should be the best at it. She can't CC, she can't support, she can't kill anything she can't touch (though she can pull one enemy to her or leap with an augment). Anything she CAN touch should be dead already (not slide slide slide wait for a Slash tick and then dead).

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To be fair, I can relate with you for some of your points, primarily about the power creep thing. If she was released today, her 1st would probably be a massive AOE pull all around her, her 2nd would be recastable while keeping you mobile, her 3rd would (and should, at this point) strips shield/armor and her 4th would have a much more manageable cost... with an integrated Blood Rush. That, or would have become just as questionable as Voruna's 4th 😅

But I mean, at least she's usable and even arguably strong without *too* much of an investment - I started with just streamline+fleeting expertise to keep her costs at bare minimum, by the time i got her at Jupiter i could also do Vault runs for corrupted mods comfortably so...

And for the record, Paralysis IS completely and infinitely spammable: it drains 33% of *current* Shield, so you won't do damage with it but you can always stun non-stop with it (or, well, this works with at least a single Augur mod slotted). For everything else she can't reach with the claws (Raptor? Violence? Ropalolyst?), use Primary Dexterity and melt it away with a strong gun, simple as that! She can still use those while also abusing the gate mechanics in the end!

I just admit that she's far, very far from being unusable or in dire need of a massive buff, when you actually use *everything* at you disposal at your current content level. CC? Magus Lockdown can cover for it. Support? Warcry works on some defensive objectives as well, while also empowering allies without constantly sticking to a flower. Damage? Armor is the only things that slow her down and can be stripped away very easily with Unairu, everything else just MELTS away at any level, even without specific elemental damages against Corpus/Corrupted/Infested! I acknowledge that she could use a full rework for Ripline, a better melee stance for Claws and some other QOL changes, but as for now... she's fun to use and I'm just grateful she didn't ends up like Loki (way, way, waaay too outdated for today standards) or Yareli (that DE doesn't seem able to fix well).

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16 hours ago, ShyronZ said:

If she was released today, her 1st would probably be a massive AOE pull all around her, her 2nd would be recastable while keeping you mobile, her 3rd would (and should, at this point) strips shield/armor and her 4th would have a much more manageable cost... with an integrated Blood Rush


16 hours ago, ShyronZ said:

I just admit that she's far, very far from being unusable or in dire need of a massive buff

I agree, and with your other points, I just really like that current day Valkitty you described! 😊

16 hours ago, ShyronZ said:

she's fun to use and I'm just grateful she didn't ends up like Loki (way, way, waaay too outdated for today standards

Yeah, poor Loki. Wisp can do everything he can with just one of her abilities, and it's the one that everyone Helminth's off.

Poor Frost too. There are a lot of older frames that just lost their utility over time.

Valkyr isn't in the worst state, but she also feels frustratingly easy to fix - Loki needs whole new kit, Valkyr doesn't, she just needs updating (like Mag or Ember got).

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  • 2 weeks later...

i rip and tear through everything on steel path just fine , only had trouble with defense objectives  , still managed to solo  like 90% of the steel path map though  

i have the opposite view of players though i think her 1 and Hysteria is the weak link in her kit , hysteria's attack animations are clunky so players rely on slide attack macros and i consider  Slide attack macros to be cheap so i refuse to  play the hysteria builds 


hysteria needs more momentum filled animations that dont hook her to the ground while attacking 

her 1 needs updating maybe give it a hold option where she does a Slash and stagger proccing cone  whip  

Give her 3,  5m more radius maybe, what everyone called her weakest useless ability is her actually strongest asset  in steel path  

oh yeah i guess paralysis should have a stronger interrupt or something cuz half the times enemies just ignore it so you have to spam it if surrounded by  certain enemies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hear me out, Valkyr’s biggest flaw in her design is the fact that she is the one warframe with the highest base armor value of any other warframe in the entire game, but at the same time gets complete damage invulnerability for her ultimate. See the issue? First off, rework armor for god’s sake. Second off, why do we need invulnerability on her 4? Just give her dr or something idk doesn’t she have a ton of that with her armor? Her kit is outdated because it didn’t account for the way the game functions. Ripline either pulls enemies away or has a worse mobility utility usage than just normal movement via parkour 2.0. Warcry is her best ability as increasing melee attack speed heavily increases the dps of melee weapons especially with melee 3.0. Paralysis costing shields is ridiculous. The ability itself can be unreliable as a cc but the augment is great. Berserker is outclassed by every other exalted weapon, why? Excalibur has exalted blade to abuse condition overload status proc damage output along with his radial javelin augment that pushes melee weapon damage to absurd levels and in some cases to damage cap. Baruuk has his augment that adapts serene storm’s damage output to enemy defensive types and their weaknesses, Ivara has her augment that decimates rooms of mobs; eximus can’t touch her. Mesa regulators is self explanatory and with arcane pistoleer it becomes a sheer force to be wreckened with. Talons has poor stats in today’s age for melee weapons and while Excalibur’s is the same he has chromatic blade (yet again). The augment that makes it a duration based ability is laughable at best as she clearly relies on it to survive in most late game content… despite having the highest armor value in the game. If you want to rework valkyr, rework armor and health first. That’s the biggest issue. Then, her abilities. Oh and her passive is fine, useful for new players that don’t have access to unairu’s passive or primed sure footed. 

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I think people got used to frames doing everything for them and are missing the point - here's my video on why I think Valkyr is sick and why she is my favorite frame to have some melee fun around

TLDR is that Valkyr's abilities and base stats allow for insane build that helps your melee. BOTH of her arcane slots are open as she needs no guardian, energize, grace, nothing - both can help your melee. Her Warcry does as well.

Reason SHE is so awesome won't get to you unless you make a melee build that makes use of those slots she offers - no need for attack speed mods, fury and steel charge will add tons of damage, avenger will level up crits etc. Then use opened up melee slots to make a beast build that's really hard to run on most other frames.

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I disagree with OP.
IMO Valkyr is an almost unkillable melee DPS monster and do not need any change.
I subsumed her 3 though, but I found a good one for my play style to replace it.
And yes, I do use the 1 for fun

So please DE, don't touch Valkyr!


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2 hours ago, No_Quarter said:

BOTH of her arcane slots are open as she needs no guardian, energize, grace, nothing - both can help your melee. Her Warcry does as well

If you're relying on Eternal War as a perma-attack-speed buff then sure, but if you want to use Hysteria then you pretty much need Arcane Energize.

She only has two things that make her good at melee: Warcry, which you can subsume and give to other frames, and her Hysteria claws, which have strong slide and heavy attacks but otherwise a lot fewer forced procs than every other claws stance and no combo mods.

2 hours ago, No_Quarter said:

no need for attack speed mods, fury and steel charge will add tons of damage, avenger will level up crits etc. Then use opened up melee slots to make a beast build that's really hard to run on most other frames.

Any speed frame can skip Fury, and there are plenty of them. Wisp and Volt in particular can share and keep sharing their speed buff, something Warcry fails at.

2 hours ago, No_Quarter said:

TLDR is that Valkyr's abilities and base stats

Outside Hysteria she's an armour tank, which is fine until higher levels where shield gating becomes more important.

2 hours ago, No_Quarter said:

why she is my favorite frame to have some melee fun around

She used to be one of mine too. Don't get me wrong, I've played a lot of Valkyr, right from the old days...

2 hours ago, No_Quarter said:

people got used to frames doing everything for them and are missing the point...

I don't expect her to do everything, I'm not expecting a Wukong, but look at other melee/brawler capable frames as they offer a lot more. Wisp can match Warcry, but adds one of the best support load outs in the game. Sevagoth has exhaled melee claws, but has loads of useful kit on top including Gloom.

Valkyr has a painfully weak movement ability that hasn't been needed since they added bullet jump, and a stagger ability with pitiful range and no other effects (like CC or armour strip).

39 minutes ago, _COY_ said:

IMO Valkyr is an almost unkillable melee DPS monster

OK mate, you do you. I'll be killing entire tilesets with Garuda or Saryn, or killing everything in sight with Mesa, or any other DPS frame. Valkyr definitely isn't a DPS monster.

She can be unkilliable, until the enemy scaling means she can't clear them unti her Hysteria runs out, but you can kind of work around that with Rolling Guard.

43 minutes ago, _COY_ said:

And yes, I do use the 1 for fun

Which is why I suggested keeping an aim-fire mode for old time's sake in the original post. But if you tap without aiming it should pull everything into melee range instead.

45 minutes ago, _COY_ said:

I subsumed her 3 though, but I found a good one for my play style to replace it

So we agree it's not a good ability?

I'm not arguing against using the Helminth on her, I'm saying players that don't have Helminth yet should still get a frame with 4 useful abilities.

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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

Valkyr has a painfully weak movement ability that hasn't been needed since they added bullet jump, and a stagger ability with pitiful range and no other effects (like CC or armour strip)

To your surprise - I like it, in combination with parkour it's fun. Tho I wish all frames had this as fight with jackal suggests that parazon can do this.

To answer your other things - ignore Hysteria, that's a failsafe ability. Not meant to be used 24/7 and honestly Valkyr is meh when used like that.

As for skipping Fury, yes, few frames can, but can they all skip 2 arcane slots to give boost to melee? No. Are they as tanky to brawl as much as melee needs you?

Also, Warcry is a team buff, not solo buff.

Valkyr has a place imho

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37 minutes ago, No_Quarter said:

To answer your other things - ignore Hysteria, that's a failsafe ability. Not meant to be used 24/7 and honestly Valkyr is meh when used like that

I mean... did you read any of this thread? You're basically saying her ult isnt very good and that's been part of my point since the original post.

37 minutes ago, No_Quarter said:

As for skipping Fury, yes, few frames can, but can they all skip 2 arcane slots to give boost to melee?

Yes. Lots of frames can. Any frames can with Zenurik and certain Operator arcanes.

Off the top of my head: Garuda has infinite energy, self-heal and a shield, she can run 2x melee damage Arcanes AND her passive boosts her melee damage as she gets kills AND she can prep Slash on everything AND she can nuke entire tilesets.

2 damage Arcanes and skipping Fury on the melee build is not the huge advantage you think it is.

37 minutes ago, No_Quarter said:

Are they as tanky to brawl as much as melee needs you?

Again, loads of frames do this better. Voruna and Sevagoth both do the middle of the fray thing better. Rhino does it better. Wisp does it better with enough power strength.

37 minutes ago, No_Quarter said:

Also, Warcry is a team buff, not solo buff.

Sort of. As a support ability it sucks. The recipients can't renew it (as they can with Mote), it's a lot lower range and shorter than Volt's, and if you use Eternal War theirs will time out and you can't apply it again without waiting outside combat for it to expire.

37 minutes ago, No_Quarter said:

Valkyr has a place imho

I'm not arguing she doesn't. Read my original post, I'm not arguing against her, I'm saying she deserves a buff.

Ripline should bring lots of enemies to you easily

Warcry should be easy to share and reuse

Paralysis should armour strip and stagger (no weak Impact damage)

Hysteria should do more damage.

These aren't hard fixes, and they'd move her from a C tier frame to an A tier one.

Yeah, she's above the D tier (poor Loki) and you can make her work, but any frame where we're arguing about Arcanes and Helminth just to make her basic kit function needs at least some work.

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On 2022-10-08 at 10:18 PM, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

Her 1 Ripline should work like Mag's pull - tap cast and every enemy in front of you is pulled into melee range. Aim for the legacy behaviour of tagging just one enemy.

No, why create just another similar ability? We have already grouping and moving abilities:

- Pull - create vortex near you

- Gyre's coil horizon- you can detonate it everywhere (but it's clunky)

- Khora/Ensnare - pull enemies on the ground

- Zephyr's - has push/pull vortex on contact

- Nidus' - similar to Ensnare

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17 minutes ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

Yeah, she's above the D tier (poor Loki) and you can make her work, but any frame where we're arguing about Arcanes and Helminth just to make her basic kit function needs at least some work.

I disagree on this rating tho, Warcry is insane, she makes melee builds fun, maybe only thing I'd like is everyone getting parazon zipline and her zipline being better than that. That's about it, think all else is good, she is B tier at worst and melee builds you get with her are S+ because no one else offers so much to melee.

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17 minutes ago, quxier said:

No, why create just another similar ability? We have already grouping and moving abilities:

Because Ripline isn't a helminth ability. And the internal design of kits should be the first concern.

Not that subsumes shouldn't be considered at all.  But I can see some creative space for a Ripline grouping effect that's distinct from other similar abilities.   

Personally I'd rather see  Ripline's mobility tool kept as an alt cast than what KayAitch proposed though.

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1 hour ago, quxier said:

No, why create just another similar ability? We have already grouping and moving abilities

Because newbies don't have access to Helminth and she should work out of the box?

Of that list only Pull works anything like what I'd do, honestly the best ability to copy from would be Sevagoth's Shadow's 1, it's just what you want on a brawler - yank everything you can see into melee range.

1 hour ago, No_Quarter said:

Warcry is insane, she makes melee builds fun

Warcry is her best ability, but it's also her Helminth and it's clunky. Not bad, just a pain to use and ½ of it (the slow) is wasted as if every slowed enemy isn't dead within a second or two she ain't built right.

1 hour ago, Tiltskillet said:

Because Ripline isn't a helminth ability. And the internal design of kits should be the first concern


1 hour ago, Tiltskillet said:

Personally I'd rather see  Ripline's mobility tool kept as an alt cast than what KayAitch proposed though.

Yeah. It's hard useless, but I'd genuinely be sad to see it go. I've been playing this game so long I remember there being places you could only reach with Ripline. Maybe an augment mod could keep it? Or press and hold for legacy behaviour?

I don't know. Despite my affection for the nostalgia of it, I just never use it now. It feels like Valkyr is missing an ability that pulls enemies to her and groups them up for max melee carnage, and Ripline should be that, and it being single enemy is absolutely a relic now.


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43 minutes ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:

Or press and hold for legacy behaviour?

Yeah, that's what I meant.  IOW instead of keeping the single target pull on tap/hold, keep the swingline.

Another way to do it I saw proposed that I think is pretty elegant is to have it pull enemies when Valk is on the ground, and pull Valk when she's in the air.  Or pull enemies when she's stationary, and swing when she's moving.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)KayAitch said:
5 hours ago, quxier said:

No, why create just another similar ability? We have already grouping and moving abilities

Because newbies don't have access to Helminth and she should work out of the box?

Of that list only Pull works anything like what I'd do, honestly the best ability to copy from would be Sevagoth's Shadow's 1, it's just what you want on a brawler - yank everything you can see into melee range.

4 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:
5 hours ago, quxier said:

No, why create just another similar ability? We have already grouping and moving abilities:

Because Ripline isn't a helminth ability. And the internal design of kits should be the first concern.

What helminth has to do with anything? When creating new character you want to have something unique. What you are trying to do is just copy-paste abilities. When you are copy-paste abilities then frames starts to be just skins.

4 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

But I can see some creative space for a Ripline grouping effect that's distinct from other similar abilities.   

Yes, that's what I want and what probably should be done.

You could do something like this:


- You shoot enemy

- It creates line between you and the enemy

- Enemy stays in one position (e.g. like Ensnared enemy)

- When you move, line moves with you (but not the enemy) moving all enemies that it touches.

So you group enemies in some line/cone.


- Shoot line - it stays till you deactivate it.

- Crouching make it bigger, jumping make it shorter.

- You move it like in Worms game.

This way you can stay in air (e.g. use Innodem, Vitrica or Exodia contagion for aerial attacks).


Probably not the best idea (just few minutes of thinking) but at least it's something different.


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15 hours ago, quxier said:

What helminth has to do with anything?

Partly my mistake.  I thought you were emphasizing Valk's ability to inject other grouping effects.

15 hours ago, quxier said:

When creating new character you want to have something unique.

Valk isn't new and neither is this function on Ripline.  It's just not very useful due to being single target and somewhat unpredictable.  We're making proposals to improve what's already there.

There's also going to be overlap with other abilities regardless, even with your proposal..  Abilities only have so many broad, useful functions.

16 hours ago, quxier said:


- You shoot enemy

- It creates line between you and the enemy

- Enemy stays in one position (e.g. like Ensnared enemy)

- When you move, line moves with you (but not the enemy) moving all enemies that it touches.

So you group enemies in some line/cone.

No idea if the game's physics can handle this, but it sounds fun.

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On 2023-01-06 at 11:17 AM, _COY_ said:

I disagree with OP.
IMO Valkyr is an almost unkillable melee DPS monster and do not need any change.
I subsumed her 3 though, but I found a good one for my play style to replace it.
And yes, I do use the 1 for fun

So please DE, don't touch Valkyr!


With all due respect wouldn’t she just be atlas then, being a one trick pony? I mean yeah her slide attacks are good and all but if you’re just building for two good abilities what’s the point of the rest of her kit? But yes I do take back the exalted talk for the most part, she does have a seriously busted slide attack stat. However, I think she needs better abilities to compliment her if that’s her intended playstyle. 
I do agree with not having a full rework but maybe just tune up her current kit. 

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8 hours ago, (XBOX)Skyleriscoll said:

But yes I do take back the exalted talk for the most part, she does have a seriously busted slide attack stat

This is her attack that works, but slide slide slide gets boring fast. The rest of her claws stance sucks.

Using her now feels like the Atterax/Maiming Strike meta and I hated that.

8 hours ago, (XBOX)Skyleriscoll said:

I do agree with not having a full rework but maybe just tune up her current kit.

Every ability needs work but there's nothing wrong with her concept.

1 needs to pull every enemy in front of her, not just one

2 needs to keep slowing and be renewable (slow and buff and teammates)

3 needs to armour strip

4 needs more damage, forced Slash procs on attacks other than slide, and some kind of scaling.

She doesn't need an Ember or Grendel style (though both of those were awesome) rework, but she badly needs tweaks.

On 2023-01-06 at 11:09 PM, quxier said:


- You shoot enemy

- It creates line between you and the enemy

- Enemy stays in one position (e.g. like Ensnared enemy)

- When you move, line moves with you (but not the enemy) moving all enemies that it touches.

So you group enemies in some line/cone

This feels like too much and probably a nightmare to code. While it would be cool to clothesline a room of enemies you're either going to end up with them in a line (relying on high punch through weapons, which isn't very Valkyr-ish) or them all on the floor for ground finishers, but critically no closer to you (and if they're in finisher/claws range they should already be dead).

Valkyr is supposed to be the melee frame - her 1st needs to be able making melee happen to more enemies faster. I don't think it needs more complexity.

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