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Removal of friendship doors in solo missions


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For the love of lotus please remove the friendship doors (the ones that need two people to open) from solo missions. They exist for the purpose of keeping a team together and stopping members from rushing ahead but in a solo mission I should have every right to go warp speed and not smack into a door so fast that I give my Titania a concussion. PLEASE I BEG YOU! DOOR STUCK! 

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For the love of lotus please remove the friendship doors (the ones that need two people to open) from solo missions. They exist for the purpose of keeping a team together and stopping members from rushing ahead but in a solo mission I should have every right to go warp speed and not smack into a door so fast that I give my Titania a concussion. PLEASE I BEG YOU! DOOR STUCK! 

This posted twice for some reason please merge the two posts 

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Get rid of the Friendship Doors Period.

Whether it be Solo, or Matchmaking.


The only thing they really achieve is passive aggressive forcing other players to slow down. If there was any intended feeling of 'accomplishment' or 'cooperation' with synchronized button pressing that sure isn't happening.

-I know, I use them for this purpose. when doing SP Alerts and I want to wait for an Acolyte and someone else doesn't I'll just refuse to use the door. It's terrible that you're enabling me to hold people hostage like that.

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1 hour ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I got a better idea ,on solo the friendship doors just cannot be opened.

And then you have to go through a much longer route to get around it.

Wouldn't that be much more fun ?


That is pretty good, I like that one. 

How about this though? 

Friendship Door Primes. Where... when you go to activate your side of the door, you are prompted by a menu screen, a question and a series of multiple selection answers, that are themed around the other player and their preferences. To really test your friendship. Like if the other player is JazzHands69 (X-Box), using Wisp, Trumna, Laetum and Kronen Prime, even though you just met them this mission?

Is your friendship true? The game asks? "What is JazzHands69's favourite music genre? A. Hip Hop. B. Country. C. Jazz. D. Electronica. E. Other. 

The pressure is on... you select C. Jazz... its a guess... a hunch, but come on, their name is JazzHands? The door doesn't open... your answer is wrong. Friendship Door Primes reveals your friendship is a sham, fake, empty, hollow. Jazzhands69's favourite Genre is Hip Hop. Jazz is only in their gamertag so they could have Azz in their name. They are a lover of huge badonkadonks, cake, buns, rumpadumps, the real clue was that they were playing as Wisp. 

Friendship Door Prime... claims another victim... 

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12 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


That is pretty good, I like that one. 

How about this though? 

Friendship Door Primes. Where... when you go to activate your side of the door, you are prompted by a menu screen, a question and a series of multiple selection answers, that are themed around the other player and their preferences. To really test your friendship. Like if the other player is JazzHands69 (X-Box), using Wisp, Trumna, Laetum and Kronen Prime, even though you just met them this mission?

Is your friendship true? The game asks? "What is JazzHands69's favourite music genre? A. Hip Hop. B. Country. C. Jazz. D. Electronica. E. Other. 

The pressure is on... you select C. Jazz... its a guess... a hunch, but come on, their name is JazzHands? The door doesn't open... your answer is wrong. Friendship Door Primes reveals your friendship is a sham, fake, empty, hollow. Jazzhands69's favourite Genre is Hip Hop. Jazz is only in their gamertag so they could have Azz in their name. They are a lover of huge badonkadonks, cake, buns, rumpadumps, the real clue was that they were playing as Wisp. 

Friendship Door Prime... claims another victim... 

A true test of friendship , and in case of wrong answers you get pushed back to the beginning of the mission and have to start over.

But this time there is another friendship door halfway through.



Jokes aside , 

I am serious about alternative paths to friendship doors (one already exists on the rescue tilesets of corpus ships) ,

but since I prefer having interesting options than purely a time waster , how's about the ability to command any spectre / companion to allow you to open doors , taking a cue from kahl.

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7 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Jokes aside , 

I am serious about alternative paths to friendship doors (one already exists on the rescue tilesets of corpus ships) ,

but since I prefer having interesting options than purely a time waster , how's about the ability to command any spectre / companion to allow you to open doors , taking a cue from kahl.


Oh yeah I figured that too, heh. I agree as well, I actually really like that small "secret" passage into the Corpus Rescue room, having more tile set designs that allow multiple branching paths that lead to the same destination would be fun, whether in solo or in groups. In certain larger rooms, its actually fun seeing all 4 players parkouring across the room, in different ways. There is this larger room on certain Grineer tile sets, where you can either get across by jumping on a zipline, bullet jumping across, using small platfirms to do smaller jumps, or jumping off walls. Its only one room, but yeah. Lua tile sets sometimes have this sort of design. 

That would be a nice buff for Loki and his Decoy too! 

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26 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


Oh yeah I figured that too, heh. I agree as well, I actually really like that small "secret" passage into the Corpus Rescue room, having more tile set designs that allow multiple branching paths that lead to the same destination would be fun, whether in solo or in groups. In certain larger rooms, its actually fun seeing all 4 players parkouring across the room, in different ways. There is this larger room on certain Grineer tile sets, where you can either get across by jumping on a zipline, bullet jumping across, using small platfirms to do smaller jumps, or jumping off walls. Its only one room, but yeah. Lua tile sets sometimes have this sort of design. 

That would be a nice buff for Loki and his Decoy too! 

There are actually multiple (interesting /hidden) paths for getting to spy vaults .... once you are IN the vault ,

Would love it if they applied this to a lot more sections of various tiles as well. so instead of just following a fixed path (as per waypoints) we could have some alternatives.

This would be more effective on endurance runs like excavation, survival , disruption or (shudders) defection i imagine where you need to traverse the tile set multiple times,



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Some doors are not RNG generated, they are part of the mission (rescue, core ship sabotage,....).

DE would need to remove all of them or assign a condition specifically on solo play, for all missions affected. Meaning there would be 2 sabotages, 2 rescues and so on.

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It's especially stupid because there is never anything behind the friendship door that requires more than one person - they're literally just a way to make sure faster players don't speed ahead killing everything (which wouldn't be much of a problem if mobility and damage were tradeoffs but even the fastest frame can nuke tilesets with thermal sunder - what were they thinking?). In fact it's usually better if slower players don't go through the door on rescue missions since time is of the essence and more players means a higher likelihood of getting caught.

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