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This gameplay shown by Pablo doesn’t get me excited.


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5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Which is practically no developer or game these days because they tend to all come riddled with either bugs, poor optimization or generally lacking/bad content.

Ervin, when you are not sure that your work is satisfactory, why show it in the first place. 

DE may do a passover entirely over many things if they want the wow factor. It matters. It is marketing, It helps people get interested but again the competition is FROMSOFTWARE. How in the world they dare to show something in that state? 


5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I still cant figure out why you even play WF when you seem to utterly hate the concept so much to the point where you actually think you waste time when playing.

Those are words you are attributing to me that are not accurate. I don't hate warframe. What I critique all the time is the A.I. performance, the serious lack of graphic update, the excessive loading screen times and powerful bosses. The enemy lacks intelligence too and aggressiveness in other words poor A.I. programming. 

Critiquing something doesn't mean that I dislike it. See? When people play the game for that span of time the player outgrow the game in such long time interval. If the formula doesn't improve drastically for spans of five years, people starts noticing these details. 

The time of exposition with the game is way bigger than the usual game, moreover when the game is about THE GRINDING. The details are everything. 

5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

And what "people" are you talking about? The millions that still play Warframe, WoW, FFXI, FFXIV, Diablo, PoE and so on years and years and years after the initial release?

Warframe IS NOT compatible with WoW, FFXI, FXIV, Diable and PoE at all. Those are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT GAMES. For better or worse, and you will not like this, WE ARE THE MINORITY. The playerbase of warframe is small. 

5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Just that you refer to it as a grind means you probably should play other types of games and stick to that. Because you really do not seem to like this genre at all. 

That is your perception. I do come here to practice game play styles, aiming and few other things. It's a testing playground for my playstyle. Don't worry if I see this as a genre or not. Warframe serves a purpose for what I'm looking for. 

Not everybody think about games the same way. I can't state that warframe is a bad game. It isn't. However the Canadian and Asiatic mind behind the game itself somehow throws me out of the loop. I prefer if at least a good quality of life revision throughout the whole game happens. I can even wait for a year without any single update if DE dedicates themselves of squaring the corners. But again, that's not how this business is run. 

5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Oddly you arent thrilled to start another GAAS game that feels like deja vu, but you are fine picking up the uhm 6th or is it 7th installment in a "frenchise" where you practically play the same, only in a bigger area/different setting for each release?

That's easy to answer. Those games don't require much time to finish. I have a good rest between releases and the player is not burned out doing the same thing. Between releases there are significant changes. 

5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Atleast the next FromSoftware release will hopefully be in the Armored Core franchise.

I am going to purchase that one for sure. I was waiting for an Armored Core game for years. 

From Software ten years ago is not the same as the From Software we have now. Things are way different for the better. 

Here is the real problem. DE is incursioning a land where developers like From Software has an experience for almost 15 years in their portfolio. Would be wise if they stick to Warframe and do the best they can with the genre they started in my opinion. 


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2 hours ago, cute_moth.npc said:

That is true,

Warframe stands by itself within its genre which is how the developers get away with junk releases like Empyrean and Veilbreaker - there is a lack of natural predators in this environment and the game has no direct competition, if you want Warframe's movement and freedom you have to go play Warframe. They have kind of have it easy for a long time. 


That is COMPLETELY true. 

DE can get away with junk releases because the Warframe community is way too forgiving. The community is less demanding than any other community. However if DE goes against heavy hitters for example the EMPIRE of From Software, Guerrilla Games, Santa Monica or any other company like Sucker Punch, they better buckle up. The scrutiny and exhaustive criticism will be ten times harsher than DE is getting now. Comparisons will be the order of the day. 

DE doesn't know heat at that level of magnitude that From Software has in each game release. I hope they do not experiment it the way From Software experiments it when things goes south. Believe me From Software had serious bad launches too but they dealt with them. In DE's defense I think they should stick to Warframe and stay there safe. That is their safe zone where they can slack, test and experiment. However if they are eager to get a scoop out of From Software market they will not have the luxury of doing junk releases anymore.



2 hours ago, cute_moth.npc said:

Soulframe is going to effectively have a lot of competition though.

That's entirely true. Off the bat. The competition is utterly savage, violent and excessively aggressive. 

2 hours ago, cute_moth.npc said:

They will need to work hard to set themselves aside and provide a much more polished experience. I hope they are thinking about how to do that as they work on Soulframe. Maybe having some competition will be good for them though? 

This man gets the point. 

See? He gets the point. 

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17 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Ervin, when you are not sure that your work is satisfactory, why show it in the first place. 

DE may do a passover entirely over many things if they want the wow factor. It matters. It is marketing, It helps people get interested but again the competition is FROMSOFTWARE. How in the world they dare to show something in that state? 


Those are words you are attributing to me that are not accurate. I don't hate warframe. What I critique all the time is the A.I. performance, the serious lack of graphic update, the excessive loading screen times and powerful bosses. The enemy lacks intelligence too and aggressiveness in other words poor A.I. programming. 

Critiquing something doesn't mean that I dislike it. See? When people play the game for that span of time the player outgrow the game in such long time interval. If the formula doesn't improve drastically for spans of five years, people starts noticing these details. 

The time of exposition with the game is way bigger than the usual game, moreover when the game is about THE GRINDING. The details are everything. 

Warframe IS NOT compatible with WoW, FFXI, FXIV, Diable and PoE at all. Those are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT GAMES. For better or worse, and you will not like this, WE ARE THE MINORITY. The playerbase of warframe is small. 

That is your perception. I do come here to practice game play styles, aiming and few other things. It's a testing playground for my playstyle. Don't worry if I see this as a genre or not. Warframe serves a purpose for what I'm looking for. 

Not everybody think about games the same way. I can't state that warframe is a bad game. It isn't. However the Canadian and Asiatic mind behind the game itself somehow throws me out of the loop. I prefer if at least a good quality of life revision throughout the whole game happens. I can even wait for a year without any single update if DE dedicates themselves of squaring the corners. But again, that's not how this business is run. 

That's easy to answer. Those games don't require much time to finish. I have a good rest between releases and the player is not burned out doing the same thing. Between releases there are significant changes. 

I am going to purchase that one for sure. I was waiting for an Armored Core game for years. 

From Software ten years ago is not the same as the From Software we have now. Things are way different for the better. 

Here is the real problem. DE is incursioning a land where developers like From Software has an experience for almost 15 years in their portfolio. Would be wise if they stick to Warframe and do the best they can with the genre they started in my opinion. 


You have to ask the devs about that. Even Elden Ring got released in a horrible state, like most every game these days. Why did they release it, what had they done with the dev time to not meet the date and so on? Showing something very very early in development that doesnt look like a finished product is to me better than releasing footage of "finished" pieces in a game riddled with bugs and lacking performance. I still also dont get how you see FromSoftware as the competition when DE specializes in F2P games, GAAS F2P games. They have little competition in that market and even help others move onto that market soon, with similar but different games, much like how Soulframe will be different from WF aswell. And if someone who plays WF or later down the line Soulframe picks up a new Soulbourne Ring game, it doesnt mean they leave WF or SF, it just means they play through the new one-and-done game then come back to the game that doesnt end and start from where they left it.

And you clearly are at a point where you dislike playing WF, as I pointed out you call it grinding. The game is about farming, grinding is a thing when you dont like what you do in the game (or occupation for that matter). And how hasnt the formula improved? We've gotten more aggressive enemies, that act fast enough in reality but are shut down by what we the players get in power. I mean, how would a better A.I help when you can practically slow them down to 10% speed before they have a chance to see you, or completely lock them down or take away their weapons? And what A.I can a boss get when it still cant kill a frame? Because that is where our power is at, which is the main problem of the whole game.

Compatible? Do you uhm perhaps mean comparable? WF is very much comparable to those games, since they are all live service games, which is what you argued people didnt want and that "people" like one-and-done games. And claiming WF is a minority is utterly idiotic when the number of active players rival the active players of a game like WoW, and surpasses Diablo aswell as PoE for example by quite a margin.

I'm also not sure what is special with a "Canadian" mind. It is called western game development as opposed to asian game development. And we currently dont have any actual asian angle within the game. If you think we do, go play some asian live service games. WF is even on the less farmy side of western games, including B2P titles that dont rely on gating the players in certain ways to earn f2p revenue. 

And I gotta ask. You claim you study or studied game development and similar things right? But yet you are of the same uneducated idea that DE could stop releasing content for a year in order to improve the game elsewhere? What type of improvement project of the "core" do you have in your mind that would make use of all employees without releasing new content additions?

So if FromSoftware released an Elden Ring 2 or another Souls that was a GAAS game you wouldnt play it since you play them because they dont take a long time to get through?

And how are DE making an incursion in a land where FromSoftware has expertise? You again base your opinion on things not seen, and opinions that go straight against what has been said. At the moment you and others are more or less just crying wolf or claiming DE is involved in witchery. Lets rally the village, arm them with spears, pitchforks and whatever, and lets also bring out the glowing hot pins! Or maybe you prefer filling the dress with rocks to see if the witch floats, or the normal gal drowns?

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

You have to ask the devs about that.

Oh I gave you a thumb up for that one. 


Whatever reason they had, it's not working well for them. Developers should show work that is ready for marketing and ready for the 'show off moment'. Guerrilla Games, Insomniac, Santa Monica Studio, Insomniac and Sucker Punch understands this principle very well. Developers should make a proper presentation of their product, otherwise people will start asking questions about performance, delivery and goals. 

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

Even Elden Ring got released in a horrible state, like most every game these days.

To the point that Elden Ring got a GOTY? 

To the point that Elden Ring won about 36 CATEGORIES? 


Am I seeing VISIONS Here? 

No wait....

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

Why did they release it, what had they done with the dev time to not meet the date and so on? Showing something very very early in development that doesnt look like a finished product is to me better than releasing footage of "finished" pieces in a game riddled with bugs and lacking performance. I still also dont get how you see FromSoftware as the competition when DE specializes in F2P games, GAAS F2P games. They have little competition in that market and even help others move onto that market soon, with similar but different games, much like how Soulframe will be different from WF aswell. And if someone who plays WF or later down the line Soulframe picks up a new Soulbourne Ring game, it doesnt mean they leave WF or SF, it just means they play through the new one-and-done game then come back to the game that doesnt end and start from where they left it.

DE chose a competition for clients against a corporal giant with 15 YEARS of experience doing strict RPG games. 

I don't know what to think anymore. That is exquisite bravery or just a Leeroy Jenkins moment DE had? 

It's DE Lamb versus FromSoftware lion. They are going to be eaten alive if they do not buckle up with their releases. 

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

And you clearly are at a point where you dislike playing WF, as I pointed out you call it grinding. The game is about farming, grinding is a thing when you dont like what you do in the game (or occupation for that matter). And how hasnt the formula improved? We've gotten more aggressive enemies, that act fast enough in reality but are shut down by what we the players get in power. I mean, how would a better A.I help when you can practically slow them down to 10% speed before they have a chance to see you, or completely lock them down or take away their weapons? And what A.I can a boss get when it still cant kill a frame? Because that is where our power is at, which is the main problem of the whole game.

Warframe is a GRINDING game, that's a fact. That's how the game was designed for. Calling it a grinding doesn't imply that I dislike it. 


That logic of yours is not working. Your logic needs a cup of coffee. :D


1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

Compatible? Do you uhm perhaps mean comparable? WF is very much comparable to those games, since they are all live service games, which is what you argued people didnt want and that "people" like one-and-done games. And claiming WF is a minority is utterly idiotic when the number of active players rival the active players of a game like WoW, and surpasses Diablo aswell as PoE for example by quite a margin.

Yep. Compatible with your comparison. 

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

I'm also not sure what is special with a "Canadian" mind. It is called western game development as opposed to asian game development. And we currently dont have any actual asian angle within the game. If you think we do, go play some asian live service games. WF is even on the less farmy side of western games, including B2P titles that dont rely on gating the players in certain ways to earn f2p revenue. 

Releasing unplayable updates is a practice that has to stop if DE wants to compete against FromSoftware. 

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

And I gotta ask. You claim you study or studied game development and similar things right? But yet you are of the same uneducated idea that DE could stop releasing content for a year in order to improve the game elsewhere? What type of improvement project of the "core" do you have in your mind that would make use of all employees without releasing new content additions?

The quality of the game matters the most. The robustness of the code matters the most. The survivability of a game throughout the ages depends on solid foundations. If the fundamentals are gone then building a castle over ruins is simply a futile practice. 


1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

So if FromSoftware released an Elden Ring 2 or another Souls that was a GAAS game you wouldnt play it since you play them because they dont take a long time to get through?

FromSoftware knows better. They will stick to the winning formula that MADE THEM WIN 36 awards and still they are winning. 

Hard work provides good dividends. Sacrifice and talent provides success. Dedication, passion and love provides top quality craftsmanship. 

From Software loves what they do. That's the difference. 

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

And how are DE making an incursion in a land where FromSoftware has expertise? You again base your opinion on things not seen, and opinions that go straight against what has been said.

Are the similarities of the products (Elden Ring, Duviri and Soulframe) a random coincidence? 

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

At the moment you and others are more or less just crying wolf or claiming DE is involved in witchery. Lets rally the village, arm them with spears, pitchforks and whatever, and lets also bring out the glowing hot pins! Or maybe you prefer filling the dress with rocks to see if the witch floats, or the normal gal drowns?

If DE wants to really compete, why not show proper gaming footage in the first place instead of a beta that causes lots of confusion and distrust? Isn't the logic of disclosing videos to the public marketing? 

Edit: Would it be wise for DE release Duviri IN THE SAME STATE that Railjack was at launch? If that where the case. 

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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Even Elden Ring got released in a horrible state, like most every game these days.

Huh? What? Elden ring was released in a great state, the release version is extremely similar to the current patch, very few bugs and whatnot were present.

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4 minutes ago, Mazifet said:

Huh? What? Elden ring was released in a great state, the release version is extremely similar to the current patch, very few bugs and whatnot were present.

YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED to use common sense on these boards. 

Don't you even dare....:3

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38 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Oh I gave you a thumb up for that one. 


Whatever reason they had, it's not working well for them. Developers should show work that is ready for marketing and ready for the 'show off moment'. Guerrilla Games, Insomniac, Santa Monica Studio, Insomniac and Sucker Punch understands this principle very well. Developers should make a proper presentation of their product, otherwise people will start asking questions about performance, delivery and goals. 

To the point that Elden Ring got a GOTY? 

To the point that Elden Ring won about 36 CATEGORIES? 


Am I seeing VISIONS Here? 

No wait....

DE chose a competition for clients against a corporal giant with 15 YEARS of experience doing strict RPG games. 

I don't know what to think anymore. That is exquisite bravery or just a Leeroy Jenkins moment DE had? 

It's DE Lamb versus FromSoftware lion. They are going to be eaten alive if they do not buckle up with their releases. 

Warframe is a GRINDING game, that's a fact. That's how the game was designed for. Calling it a grinding doesn't imply that I dislike it. 


That logic of yours is not working. Your logic needs a cup of coffee. :D


Yep. Compatible with your comparison. 

Releasing unplayable updates is a practice that has to stop if DE wants to compete against FromSoftware. 

The quality of the game matters the most. The robustness of the code matters the most. The survivability of a game throughout the ages depends on solid foundations. If the fundamentals are gone then building a castle over ruins is simply a futile practice. 


FromSoftware knows better. They will stick to the winning formula that MADE THEM WIN 36 awards and still they are winning. 

Hard work provides good dividends. Sacrifice and talent provides success. Dedication, passion and love provides top quality craftsmanship. 

From Software loves what they do. That's the difference. 

Are the similarities of the products (Elden Ring, Duviri and Soulframe) a random coincidence? 

If DE wants to really compete, why not show proper gaming footage in the first place instead of a beta that causes lots of confusion and distrust? Isn't the logic of disclosing videos to the public marketing? 

Edit: Would it be wise for DE release Duviri IN THE SAME STATE that Railjack was at launch? If that where the case. 

Hard fanboism thrown around I see.

And you think performance or early reception of a game leads to GOTY or not? You're aware that plenty of games recieve GOTY editions and are still riddled with issues right? 

Corporal(?) giant? Corporate? Corporeal? Corpse? Uhm? No, there is no competition, since they target two different markets, where one of the two very likely also ends up playing WF just the same as they stop to play a new finite (or GAAS) game for a period from time to time. The only time DE has competition is during periods like covid, since it leads to fewer releases and less urge from players to spend.

WF isnt a grinding game. If you think what you do is grinding you just dont enjoy it. It is a farming and collection game, when that isnt fun for you it will feel like a grind or slaving over something. Grinding something is a naturally negative term regarding anything repetative you do no enjoy, and if you have that feeling for a hobby you can always quit, as opposed to your work where you likely are stuck due to needing the money it provides you.

"Compatible to your comparison" so you use redundant words that really say nothing at all?

And if you've experienced unplayable releases in WF to a point where you see it as the norm you should likely pick up new hardware or make sure to keep what you have up to date. Not even RJ was even close to unplayable for me. I had a handful of fails during 100+ missions as client. And only a few of them led to actual progress lost. And when I played solo I had zero issues. Then other content releases have been smooth aside from SO/ESO at release in group.

You also arent really answering what was asked with your next part. You've gone back to vague answer to dodge the actual questions asked. What can DE focus development on that allows all employees work on a contentless year? That is quite an important question to answer if you think you have one, since it has to do with the livelyhood of several hundreds of living real people. Not like a company can keep an unproductive person around for a year when they focus on things where that person expertise wont have any use.

There are also still no actual similarities outside of very simplistic combat, combat that applies to a figurative mountain of games out there. Duviri and Soulframe sure has alot of things incommon, so it is clear to see where Soulframe will land in connection to WF. Neither of the two really share anything with Elden Ring, since again, the melee combat is not what defines that game (or the other souls games). Duviri is really just WF melee combat slowed down to Drifter gameplay, which we already played with in TNW. Or are you saying souls game are so shallow that their simplistic combat is what defines them?

As to why DE should show "beta" (again you dont know simple terms), it is because people are genuinely interested in seeing it overtime and they shouldnt be put off showing it to those interested because of confused people like you and others. I personally love to see the ideas that go through the development before the final product arrives, and I'd like to see it from more companies. Since it actually lets us see their thought process, and potentially give us a chance to say "Hold up now! You might wanna reconsider that choice.".

6 minutes ago, Mazifet said:

Huh? What? Elden ring was released in a great state, the release version is extremely similar to the current patch, very few bugs and whatnot were present.

It had severe performance issues for alot of players. Which is quite a big thing for an open world game. IIRC it had alot to do with shader caching.

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Just now, SneakyErvin said:

Hard fanboism thrown around I see.

Allow me to bite this bait, if you do not mind. 


The evidence here is staggering in favor of Elden Ring performance. Those are facts. 

Just now, SneakyErvin said:

And you think performance or early reception of a game leads to GOTY or not? You're aware that plenty of games recieve GOTY editions and are still riddled with issues right? 

Elden Ring was not a horrible launch but you claimed that false statement. 

Just now, SneakyErvin said:

Corporal(?) giant? Corporate? Corporeal? Corpse? Uhm? No, there is no competition, since they target two different markets, where one of the two very likely also ends up playing WF just the same as they stop to play a new finite (or GAAS) game for a period from time to time. The only time DE has competition is during periods like covid, since it leads to fewer releases and less urge from players to spend.

No they are not targeting different markets. 

They are aiming at the majority of players who play Soulburne games. This is their goal. Similarities are not random. Marketing moves are previously studied. From Software has a MONEY PRINTING MACHINE with the genre. DE wants a scoop of it. 


Just now, SneakyErvin said:

WF isnt a grinding game. If you think what you do is grinding you just dont enjoy it. It is a farming and collection game, when that isnt fun for you it will feel like a grind or slaving over something. Grinding something is a naturally negative term regarding anything repetative you do no enjoy, and if you have that feeling for a hobby you can always quit, as opposed to your work where you likely are stuck due to needing the money it provides you.

You are making a joke. Yes, a good one. 

If not then you are in an alternate universe different than mine. The TWILIGHT ZONE exists for you. 

Just now, SneakyErvin said:

"Compatible to your comparison" so you use redundant words that really say nothing at all?

You use one word or the other. Choose. :D

Just now, SneakyErvin said:

And if you've experienced unplayable releases in WF to a point where you see it as the norm you should likely pick up new hardware or make sure to keep what you have up to date. Not even RJ was even close to unplayable for me. I had a handful of fails during 100+ missions as client. And only a few of them led to actual progress lost. And when I played solo I had zero issues. Then other content releases have been smooth aside from SO/ESO at release in group.

I have a PS5 for Warframe. I think that is good enough. 


Just now, SneakyErvin said:

You also arent really answering what was asked with your next part. You've gone back to vague answer to dodge the actual questions asked. What can DE focus development on that allows all employees work on a contentless year? That is quite an important question to answer if you think you have one, since it has to do with the livelyhood of several hundreds of living real people. Not like a company can keep an unproductive person around for a year when they focus on things where that person expertise wont have any use.

How they resolve their human resources issues is their business. I can't answer how DE should manage their 416 employees. 

Just now, SneakyErvin said:

There are also still no actual similarities outside of very simplistic combat, combat that applies to a figurative mountain of games out there. Duviri and Soulframe sure has alot of things incommon, so it is clear to see where Soulframe will land in connection to WF. Neither of the two really share anything with Elden Ring, since again, the melee combat is not what defines that game (or the other souls games). Duviri is really just WF melee combat slowed down to Drifter gameplay, which we already played with in TNW. Or are you saying souls game are so shallow that their simplistic combat is what defines them?

Any video of Elden Ring, Duviri and Soulframe suffice to show the similarities. 

They are hard to miss. 

Just now, SneakyErvin said:

As to why DE should show "beta" (again you dont know simple terms), it is because people are genuinely interested in seeing it overtime and they shouldnt be put off showing it to those interested because of confused people like you and others. I personally love to see the ideas that go through the development before the final product arrives, and I'd like to see it from more companies. Since it actually lets us see their thought process, and potentially give us a chance to say "Hold up now! You might wanna reconsider that choice.".

"You never get a second chance to make a good first impression"

Will Rogers. 


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1 minute ago, Felsagger said:

Allow me to bite this bait, if you do not mind. 


The evidence here is staggering in favor of Elden Ring performance. Those are facts. 

Elden Ring was not a horrible launch but you claimed that false statement. 

No they are not targeting different markets. 

They are aiming at the majority of players who play Soulburne games. This is their goal. Similarities are not random. Marketing moves are previously studied. From Software has a MONEY PRINTING MACHINE with the genre. DE wants a scoop of it. 


You are making a joke. Yes, a good one. 

If not then you are in an alternate universe different than mine. The TWILIGHT ZONE exists for you. 

You use one word or the other. Choose. :D

I have a PS5 for Warframe. I think that is good enough. 


How they resolve their human resources issues is their business. I can't answer how DE should manage their 416 employees. 

Any video of Elden Ring, Duviri and Soulframe suffice to show the similarities. 

They are hard to miss. 

"You never get a second chance to make a good first impression"

Will Rogers. 


In favor of Elden Ring in comparison to what, or regarding what part of the convo?

And Elden Ring was horrible, since it is inexcusable to have those issues in a AAA game. Just that we've gotten used to it does not mean it is justified, no matter what your company name is. It's basic things that shouldnt be there at release, things that should be polished.

How are they aiming at soulsbourne games when only the simplistic slow combat is the similarity? FromSoftware did not come up with that concept, nor does it make or break a soulslike. Since if it did we wouldnt have games like Remnant seen as soulslike shooter games etc. Not to mention that Soulframe has been planned since prior to Elden Ring releasing. Or are you now accusing DE for corporal (lol) espionage, or maybe actually witchery here rooted in soothsaying or foresight?

And nope, not a joke. Maybe go look up grinding and why the term is used.

Those two words are not interchangable. So no, not one or the other, one, which is compare and its different forms.

If you have issues with a PS5 you might wanna consider you've recieved a mondays version. And if you had a PS5 with the old and most troublesome releases mentioned I'd like to borrow your time machine.

Then you really dont know what they could do, yet suggest that they should. True armchair dev, because you actually dont know or care about the impact such changes would have.

But early fotage is not about first impressions, most people understand what first fotage is. I guess you and a few others here arent most people though.


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Man, as someone that is a big FromSoftware, ever since the PS1 days, and a fan of of their titles before they became as popular as they were later on, and a fan of DE and what they have done with FTP gaming and Warframe over the last decade, some of the arguments made in this thread are a bit of a drag. Not the preferences, or comparisons or good faith acknowledgements or questions, but some of the arguments which water and muddy any potential room for fruitful discussion. 

It reminds me of he console wars or games of similar genres having fans who fight battles the actual people behind the games wouldn't make or care for. FromSoftware and its talent, naturally, have taken inspiration from many other games, their own and beyond, movies, books, mythology, etc many different sources. One of the rooms in Dark Souls for example, was directly inspired by a scene in Harry Potter. As much as I dislike JK Rowling and think Harry Potter is overrated, it still inspired a creator who I do actually like, for a room I thought was pretty clever. Of course... JK Rowlings moving stairs were probably also inspired by M. C. Escher. I don't know that part for certain. I know other movies have been, like Labyrinth (the superior fantasy movie if you ask me) and Inception. You want to go even further? One of M. C Eschers inspirations was a mathematician H.S.M Coxeter. You want to go even further? One of Qberts (as in the video game) inspiration was said to have been M. C Eschers representation of "mathematical art". 

I guess video games have been stealing from 1982, except eh... When people are in good faith, they can use words and terms, that people acting and behaving in bad faith do not, and vice versa. There can be a spectrum of terms, some that carry more inherent negativity and hostility than others. Sometimes they are warranted, other times they are not. Thing is, if a person isn't too careful or discriminating with how broad their brush is, they can unintentionally do self damage. I had a friend who liked comics but they claimed to hate artists that traced. My view was a bit more nuanced. I disliked a lot of tracing styles, and independent of that, I disliked plagiarism. There was one particular artist we both didn't like. Personally, I am okay, if an artist sources their own art or purchases it, say if its stock, and used that for reference. My friend didn't have that nuance, but then had to back track when they later found out one of their favourite artists was also guilty of tracing. Mind you, the situation was different than the other artist. 

If you have limited experience and understanding of video game development, the artistic processes and creativity involved with creating systems, setting, tone, pace, so on. Like wise financial comparisons, or business structures (distinguishing and understanding the differences between Developers, Publishers, profits, revenues, taking into account other important variables). Then you may want to be careful with how broad your brush is, because neither DE or FromSoftware need little loyal soldiers to defend them or accuse the others. Its individuals that may have ego or emotional reasons to defend or attack that which plays into their preferences. Which are actually totally valid without the need for such arguments anyway. Good or bad. The good arguments involved, can serve some more objective value sure, but they usually also require good faith, and honesty to match the sincerity. I also say may, as not all individuals are motivated the same. One can have preferences without resorting to poisoning the well on a game they simply don't know how to quit. 

Ya'll think Hidetaka Miyazaki, who developed his views on co-op around his iconic car stuck in snow, aided by anonymous strangers story, wouldn't appreciate and find value and worth in a game that has a mantra of "We All Lift Together" and is as vague and obscure with its systems as Souls games item descriptions, that therefore need plenty of fan and player helping, etc to sort it out and collaborate? Its like that certain saying about that certain figure that other certain figure said "I like your XYZ, but some of the followers and fans of XYZ...". Again, as a fan of both, lets not perpetuate the negative stereotype that occasionally plagues Souls fans. If we can. Jolly cooperation and all that. 

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10 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

In favor of Elden Ring in comparison to what, or regarding what part of the convo?

You wrote a false claim here.  "Even Elden Ring got released in a horrible state, like most every game these days."

That's completely false. 

10 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

And Elden Ring was horrible, since it is inexcusable to have those issues in a AAA game. Just that we've gotten used to it does not mean it is justified, no matter what your company name is. It's basic things that shouldnt be there at release, things that should be polished.

This claim is false twice and still you insist in it. 

The game was launched in a satisfactory state. 

10 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

How are they aiming at soulsbourne games when only the simplistic slow combat is the similarity? FromSoftware did not come up with that concept, nor does it make or break a soulslike. Since if it did we wouldnt have games like Remnant seen as soulslike shooter games etc. Not to mention that Soulframe has been planned since prior to Elden Ring releasing. Or are you now accusing DE for corporal (lol) espionage, or maybe actually witchery here rooted in soothsaying or foresight?

I'm afraid that's correct. 

In the gaming industry you forgot that the size of the contribution matters. Each time From Software releases, they add something new to the already existing formula. Quality is always the important factor here. 

10 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

And nope, not a joke. Maybe go look up grinding and why the term is used.

In other previous posts you stated that Warframe is a grinding game. 

The whole community here calls it a grinding game. If you think otherwise you are free to do so. 

10 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Those two words are not interchangable. So no, not one or the other, one, which is compare and its different forms.

Interchangeable? I'm afraid you are correct again. You think that Warframe in your mind is compatible with your comparisons with WoW for example. See how words are used there? 

10 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

If you have issues with a PS5 you might wanna consider you've recieved a mondays version. And if you had a PS5 with the old and most troublesome releases mentioned I'd like to borrow your time machine.

I don't have performance issue with Warframe in my PS5. The game Warframe runs perfectly fine in the PS5. 

10 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Then you really dont know what they could do, yet suggest that they should. True armchair dev, because you actually dont know or care about the impact such changes would have.

No one knows what they can do or not. You are absolutely correct there. However when you want to cause a good first impression, you show material that is in a satisfactory state. 


10 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

But early fotage is not about first impressions, most people understand what first fotage is. I guess you and a few others here arent most people though.


They are. It's the first impression that you will cause to the public. 

You can't turn on that dime, Ervin. It is impossible even with a MAZDA, lol. 

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14 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Again, as a fan of both, lets not perpetuate the negative stereotype that occasionally plagues Souls fans. If we can. Jolly cooperation and all that. 

DE indeed can cooperate with FromSoftware creating an outstanding experience. Yes, collectively. I don't know if Tencent would approve this, anyway. 

Yes, we want a better game out of what we are having now. That's why we have these long discussions. I could be wrong but how about if we think on making a better world by removing those faults. Of course we can't make a better world in just one day. That requires a lot of good will, faith, discipline, duty and honesty. We are far from perfect and we are far from the truth. 

However we are abiding for a better game. Whatever DE picks in their studio, why not making it right. They do not owe me anything, right, but if they do not show something to stay, I'll simply pick another choice that another developer offers. 

It is about supply and demand. It is about who makes the best product and who puts craftsmanship in it. Yes, there are mishaps everywhere but we must talk about them so they don't happen again. Knowledge is based on that, learning. 

I do understand what you are trying to say, and I agree 100 percent with it. If things are similar, people are going to compare them. If things feels the same people are going to have DEJA VU moments. It is inevitable. That's how the brain works. 

If DE wants me to spend some time in a SoulFrame, or Duviri at least they must give me something that makes me interested, something that is NEW. If I played it before then why bother in the first place. See? 

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4 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

DE indeed can cooperate with FromSoftware creating an outstanding experience. Yes, collectively. I don't know if Tencent would approve this, anyway. 

Yes, we want a better game out of what we are having now. That's why we have these long discussions. I could be wrong but how about if we think on making a better world by removing those faults. Of course we can't make a better world in just one day. That requires a lot of good will, faith, discipline, duty and honesty. We are far from perfect and we are far from the truth. 

However we are abiding for a better game. Whatever DE picks in their studio, why not making it right. They do not owe me anything, right, but if they do not show something to stay, I'll simply pick another choice that another developer offers. 

It is about supply and demand. It is about who makes the best product and who puts craftsmanship in it. Yes, there are mishaps everywhere but we must talk about them so they don't happen again. Knowledge is based on that, learning. 

I do understand what you are trying to say, and I agree 100 percent with it. If things are similar, people are going to compare them. If things feels the same people are going to have DEJA VU moments. It is inevitable. That's how the brain works. 

If DE wants me to spend some time in a SoulFrame, or Duviri at least they must give me something that makes me interested, something that is NEW. If I played it before then why bother in the first place. See? 


Hi there. I wasn't talking about DE directly cooperating with FromSoftware, I was speaking in reference to the similar values and spirit that the creators from both Developers can appreciate and strive towards and how fans of either or both, can also understand and hold similar sentiment towards. 

We might, but not all people have the same motivations. Some people can be motivated by more petty means, and even within an individual, such motivations can vary, based on various factors. There are some on the Forums who have grown to hate and despise Warframe and DE and are pretty transparent about it. I have seen other forum users question them about why they still post on the forums, and they say despite hating the game, they still find it hard to quit, so they exist to hate. I always thought that was a bit sad, on multiple levels. So people who are spiteful in nature. Then you also have people that may be enduring for a better game, but are fine with the game as is, for more practical reasons. 

Long discussions can occur regardless, there doesn't have to be a good reason for potentially stubborn individuals to express their views. You could be wrong, but there is an inherent issue of so casually be willing to acknowledge that one is wrong, whilst not necessarily having the sincerity to match it. Personally? I appreciate such sentiment, and I think its good practice to be had. Self reflective yes? I will make a claim, and use that as a basis to make assertions. I acknowledge i could be wrong... The issue though, is that, that can also sometimes be seen as an excuse for unsubstantiated; wishy washy type assertions, with little to no credible evidence, especially, if someone uses that to discredit other views within the same breath. Or if no effort is made by the individual, to actually try and sincerely "be right", because they benefit by cherry picking types of information. For an example, would we both agree, that people shouldn't needlessly torture and abuse puppies in general? We should be able to agree. However someone could say "We shouldn't... but I could be wrong... Do puppies even have souls? Some people don't believe in souls... even in humans, so if those people hurt puppies, i guess technically according to their worldview, nothing would be wrong" and then what that does, is introduce a lot of random ambiguity and nuance and complexity, in a situation they may not need it. In a College classroom discussing ethics, eh, could be a good faith application. On the side of a river with someone holding a sack of puppies, not really appropriate to try play devils advocate. This sort of rhetoric is also used in other conversations, often involving science or anything that involves collected data of some sort. Person A and Person B disagree. Person A presents a variety of sources of evidence. They could cite an academic paper and go into depth about the methodology used. Person B could quickly find a study that is different that is more supportive of their claim. They acknowledge they could be wrong... and that Person A could also be wrong. "I guess we are back to default, and no one could truely actually know.. since we both have provided evidence, and no one knows anything for certain" even if Person A had much stronger, credible facts, references, citations, sources and explanations to support their assertion. 

To be perfectly clear, I am not saying this is what you are doing or the rhetoric you are attempting to utilise. I personally like to extend good faith to all those I talk to, and you do seem sincere in general. Just that even if you are sincere, you and I both, as in all people can be fallible in ways we use rhetoric, to suit our motivations. Its just something our brains can be guilty of, and can intertwine with our moods and egos. For example, sometimes I am sarcastic and silly, other times I write far too much. 

Anyway thats why my eyebrow raises slightly when I see lines like "We are far from perfect and we are far from the truth." because there is a lot of discrepancy between all of us as individuals, and when we are too broad with sentiments, it can excuse and overlook a lot of bad, under the false guise of humility. Again, to be clear, not saying that is your intent. 

Another point, some of your points can apply to FromSoftware. "However we are abiding for a better game. Whatever Fromsoftware picks in their studio, why not making it right. They do not owe me anything, right, but if they do not show something to stay, I'll simply pick another choice that another developer offers." now think what you would say to someone who said that to you about FromSoftware? Then apply that to someone who feels the same way towards DE that you do from FromSoftware. Isn't really a right or wrong here, some people are content, some are not. 

As far as supply and demand, and whoever makes the best product... ehhh I am going to have to disagree with you there. Thats not a realistic account of the processes which govern and contribute towards quality and sales and profit. Its much more complicated and involves many additional variables. Fromsoftware games weren't always that popular, as I am sure you know, and struggled in many ways, internally and reception wise. A lot of the Entertainment industry relies on marketing strategies, and preexisting wealth and experience with respective industries. I could write several more paragraphs and still be oversimplifying a lot of this. Thats before you even start weighing in various notions and degrees of success, risk factors, short term, long term sustainability, how many is utilised/spent (think FTP VS AAA game pricing. Before you even add more abstract conversations over "best" and "popular" or "potential growth" and then also applying terms like short term/long term, low risk, high risk to these other variables. 

I am glad you get what I am trying to say, and agree with it. Its also totally fine and natural that people compare things. Just we also get to decide if we want to be reflective and nuanced, or tribalistic and hostile. I think its pretty obvious that Warframe has a trend of borrowing bits and pieces from other games, to incorporate into itself. The was a running joke, that Warframe updates could be guessed in advance by noting whatever games DE Steve was playing/fond of. Before Elden Ring accusations, Duviiri was actually going to copy MGSV and Ghost of Tsushima (and I think another game, but I can't remember the memes that well). The thing about Warframe though, is its 10 years old. It has to adapt, its going to adapt, its going to follow a few trends, but its also carved out its own successful niche in a larger context. Its already far succeeded its expectations. In ways, I probably can't really articulate, since I haven't/wasn't paying as much attention to DE or Warframe when it launched, the way I have been for Fromsoftware or say Square. My understanding from people who know the industry behind the scenes much better than myself though. Not that such information is obscured either, there are a few documentaries and behind the scene featurettes and a few Dev Talks on Youtube etc that go into more details. For people that are sincerely interested in such things. 

So the brain works in lots of different ways, and many of those ways compete and conflict depending on other variables and factors. Dark Souls, Demons, Kings Field etc Fromsoftware games have been the victim of unfavourable video game comparisons in the past. Still is in a lot of ways, except they are quite popular now, so now it has to deal with new terms like being "overrated". Now some people might be like "well thats different" and sure, in some ways, it is different, but that different can be from the lens of someone who knows a lot about the nuances and complexities involved with such comparisons and the lens of someone who has a preference but feels the need to just make up whatever necessary to make them feel better without necessarily being careful or considerate about the truth, authenticity or even sincerity of their claims (and often people are a little both, depending on their mood). 

I think DE is apathetic towards you the individual. What I mean by that, is they already know they can't appeal or cater to everyone. As in they won't be able to appeal to everyones interests and satisfying those interests. Likewise FromSoftware. Sure, you the individual, they would positively welcome your interest, but overall the way you phrased your sentence here, is almost odd as far as explaining the interaction behind a video game developer and a persons interests. For example, there is very little Epic/Fortnite could do, to get me interested. Well, actually, thats not true, there is a lot they could do... I just know they won't, because they really don't need me to be interested, they are already successful and probably have a decent idea of what their player count will be for a while, as far as highs, lowers, averages, fluctuations etc not guaranteed, but decent. I am sure they would ideally like all the people that do not play Fortnite, to play it, they just don't need it. They already are appealing to enough people already. Same as DE, same as FromSoftwear (especially its earlier years). Repetition also hits people differently. I still recommend people who played Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 (and now Elden Ring) to go back and play Demon Souls and earlier FromSoftgames, even though its arguable, they already played and experienced a "superior version" because sometimes its more complicated, or there may be unique factors alongside the similar. 

Personally I have low expectations for Duviri Drifter gameplay, but to myself video games are also about sound design, visuals, aesthetics, characters etc so I would probably enjoy Duviri for its more unique aspects. Just like I enjoyed the Dark Souls 1 rotating stair case puzzle despite it "lacking originality" (though trying to get the Avelyn was kind annoying at first until I nailed the timing lol). So thats why I "bother", not saying that we will all have the same preferences. 

Good chat. 


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Just now, Loza03 said:

You know, ironically, this whole debate is actually just making me more excited, not less. I wanna sink my teeth in, see the differences, have a new experience.

Then I achieved my goal. 


The idea is to enter in this arena aware of what to expect and what not to expect. Of course I'll play Duviri at a slow pace intended by DE and the lore. I need to see it and know how this feels like in a Warframe Universe. 

However DE must leave behind their bad habits if they want steady success. I don't want this to end up like Fortuna, Plains of Eidolons or anything like that. Content islands are the worst. 

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11 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


I have seen other forum users question them about why they still post on the forums, and they say despite hating the game, they still find it hard to quit, so they exist to hate. I always thought that was a bit sad, on multiple levels. So people who are spiteful in nature.

Games are meant to be a hobby. This is not the exception. I play warframe as a coffee table game only the fridays or just few minutes per week. I don't play much anyway. At this point I don't have much time playing video games. There are other priorities that demands time. It doesn't imply that I hate the game. It is just a fact that my priorities changed. 

11 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Then you also have people that may be enduring for a better game, but are fine with the game as is, for more practical reasons. 




I do have interest in Duviri but I thought that Warframes could be used freely. As far as I know that's not the case entirely. There are some restrictions. 

If there are better games out there I pick them up. However as I said before, this game is a hobby, nothing more like the old cup of coffee you have after work the fridays. If it provokes good conversation, fine, why not?  


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1 minute ago, Felsagger said:

I do have interest in Duviri but I thought that Warframes could be used freely. As far as I know that's not the case entirely. There are some restrictions. 

Funny enough I have this exact reaction but the polar opposite, for once I actually have a genuine interest in Duviri Update since you are unable to use your Warframe freely inside the Open world sandbox, as I LOVE games that are well, just like Duviri, while I do play Desinty 2 a ton (more then I should) the fact that the game has so many restrictions and the recent update made the game more "difficult" (I say that with "" as it's subjective to the person)

Being able to remove the "invincible flesh metal war suit who can delete entire platoons with a single trigger pull" (AKA: AFK Wukong) is great and I'm loving the fact that this update will tussle some jimmies in the folks who throw shade at and scream "THIis Not WarFRAMe!!!1111" (No offence to you, ofc) 

Overall for the longest time I have ever played Warframe, the Duviri Update has a genuine "I can't wait for this" reaction from me the longest time, last I felt that way was (I don't know, Second Dream, maybe, I can't recall) but the first update to get a genuine "Holy Hek, this is a good update" was when the Drifter came on screen and we played as such. 

No Warframe, No OP Weapons, Just your Pistol and your Wits (and then a stupidly OP bow) and as soon as I knew I chuold keep my Drifter and ditch the Space lolil, I have never taken it off, hell I'd even PAY to remove the choice of my Opeator entirely and just have him a faceless masked person in a suit.

Overall, while I never get hyped, I am looking forward to the update and that is enough.

10 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Games are meant to be a hobby. This is not the exception.

I know you are responding to someone else here, but the amount of times I've been called out for this exact reason is stupidly hysterical to me, the fact that they get so twisted and angry that I and I quote "If you hate it, why to play it" or "why are you still here" and all that blah blah.

I've had folks outright block me or get upset over the smallest thing (they know who they are) and proclaim me a "Troll" or other very colourful words I shall not repeat here, but the simple fact is, I am very brutally honest with things I want to share and am I sharp critic, I will point out flaws and I will make them known, no matter what.

I suppose that does make me seem cynical and I suppose that is somewhat of a fair assumption but folks can label me as they wish, I play games as a Hobby, to escape from the world we live in, myself for personal reasons don't have the luxury of getting a job, so all I can do is sit here and do this. (I do touch the grass, don't worry xD)

And you do raise a good point, it is a great conversation starter, hence what we're doing here

23 minutes ago, Zimzala said:


I swear I saw this form a TV show or Movie, but I can't recall

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13 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Games are meant to be a hobby. This is not the exception. I play warframe as a coffee table game only the fridays or just few minutes per week. I don't play much anyway. At this point I don't have much time playing video games. There are other priorities that demands time. It doesn't imply that I hate the game. It is just a fact that my priorities changed. 


I'll resist my urge to get too abstract or philosophical with what games are suppose to be, since the most important part is that I agree with your assessment more than I disagree, in regards to the part of my post you addressed. I am not sure what those other players get by their particular attachment to the game, they no longer enjoy. Well I have some idea, video games can veer into addiction territory a few ways. I'm still personally quite critical of a few of gamings practices that could be considered unethical in this regard. 


17 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

I do have interest in Duviri but I thought that Warframes could be used freely. As far as I know that's not the case entirely. There are some restrictions. 

If there are better games out there I pick them up. However as I said before, this game is a hobby, nothing more like the old cup of coffee you have after work the fridays. If it provokes good conversation, fine, why not?  



Cool! I too am interested to see what the Duviri update will look like. Like what balance of new gameplay, and traditional Warframe gameplay will be present, how much difference will Incarnon Adapters be, so on. 

In theory that does sound nice about picking up better games... For my own experiences.. Its... there are too many games released now. I still haven't played the latest God of War, because I still haven't played the 2016 version... I heard Hi Fi Rush is great, and was recommended to me. I will probably really like it, but I am too busy. I have like 100 plus games that I have brought, but have yet to play. There could be even better games out there, but I don't necessarily have the time to watch or read every review to even see if such games will appeal to me. There are lots of indie games I have liked or smaller titles, and so one of them could be incredible, even if only to myself and my preferences... Same as books, movies, tv series, music, anime. Best is a bit limited as well... For example, is every new cup of coffee you have the best? Or is is just nice? Familiar? Comfortable? Even if repetitive? Which is how some view other aspects of life. 

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3 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


I'll resist my urge to get too abstract or philosophical with what games are suppose to be, since the most important part is that I agree with your assessment more than I disagree, in regards to the part of my post you addressed. I am not sure what those other players get by their particular attachment to the game, they no longer enjoy. Well I have some idea, video games can veer into addiction territory a few ways. I'm still personally quite critical of a few of gamings practices that could be considered unethical in this regard. 

I agree with you on that 100 percent. No extra point, comma or word are needed. 


This would be super strange for few but I do enjoy Warframe. There are parts that I find fun and entertaining. Not everything is negative and pessimism. 

3 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:



Cool! I too am interested to see what the Duviri update will look like. Like what balance of new gameplay, and traditional Warframe gameplay will be present, how much difference will Incarnon Adapters be, so on. 

In theory that does sound nice about picking up better games... For my own experiences.. Its... there are too many games released now. I still haven't played the latest God of War, because I still haven't played the 2016 version... I heard Hi Fi Rush is great, and was recommended to me. I will probably really like it, but I am too busy. I have like 100 plus games that I have brought, but have yet to play. There could be even better games out there, but I don't necessarily have the time to watch or read every review to even see if such games will appeal to me. There are lots of indie games I have liked or smaller titles, and so one of them could be incredible, even if only to myself and my preferences... Same as books, movies, tv series, music, anime. Best is a bit limited as well... For example, is every new cup of coffee you have the best? Or is is just nice? Familiar? Comfortable? Even if repetitive? Which is how some view other aspects of life. 

Things are far from perfect but if these things motivates people conversing about stuff, better. At least we socialize and share moments on things we like and things we do not like about games, developers, books, work, etc. In this forum is about the game and the related topics. 

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11 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Funny enough I have this exact reaction but the polar opposite, for once I actually have a genuine interest in Duviri Update since you are unable to use your Warframe freely inside the Open world sandbox, as I LOVE games that are well, just like Duviri, while I do play Desinty 2 a ton (more then I should) the fact that the game has so many restrictions and the recent update made the game more "difficult" (I say that with "" as it's subjective to the person)


I want to test and try exactly that. It is a story about the Drifter. I will have a scoop of it and play through the content whenever I get the time to do so. 

However I will always be critical about the things I like and I don't like. Don't change your ways either. We don't need to convince anyone. We only converse about video games and the things we enjoy and we do not enjoy. 

11 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

I know you are responding to someone else here, but the amount of times I've been called out for this exact reason is stupidly hysterical to me, the fact that they get so twisted and angry that I and I quote "If you hate it, why to play it" or "why are you still here" and all that 

I entirely understand you. There are some individuals that puts up a real fight if you disagree with them. 

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36 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Thank you

Waldorf and Statler has a special place in my heart. The design and production of that program was amazing for what it was with the resources given. 


Anyway, Let see how hard DE messes this one up or get a fair release. Besides they have a lot of pressure on this one. If they mess this up to RailJack levels the criticism will be intense. I would not want to be in their shoes if the whole thing goes south. Look how bad Halo Infinite did. 343i got to the shopping rock. The head of Bonnie Ross rolled among other higher ups in 343i.  

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2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

343i got to the shopping rock. The head of Bonnie Ross rolled among other higher ups in 343i. 

Ugh, if there's one punishment worse than the chopping block, it's the shopping rock.

For those that don't know, this is an ancient punishment method from Canada, dating back to 1991:

The punishment is to take a rock shopping, you aren't allowed to leave until you get everything the rock wants but you're not allowed to see the list and trying to deal with figuring things out by talking to the rock is quite hard. On top of that, they send you to Costco at like 11:30 in the morning on a Sunday to do the shopping.

Legend has it that Bonnie Ross jumped out of the second story window by herself after failing to buy the rock the right kind of milk for the 6th time in a row. 

She was perfectly fine, but it gave everyone quite a fright.

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