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Blindly following the "meta" is the single worst statergy in the game and actively ruins it for others.


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15 hours ago, FBalfour said:

That is an interesting way to say "You're a badass, and this change makes it so other people can get to your level and also allows you to exceed your own limitations."

I like it.

I'm gonna go ahead and sum up this thread for those who don't want to read through it:

P1: "Hey everyone, let's all be decent people and not be jerks about people not playing the meta. Also, let's try to be kind and courteous to others!"
P2: "No."
P3: *Well thought out points about caring about other people*
P4: *blatant disregard for what other people say and feel, putting words in their mouths etc.*
P5: *Memes about Kullervo*

I mean thats not what i meant at all but if you wanna choose to interpret it that way that's creative i guess.

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10 hours ago, A-Flying-Brick said:

I have a dislike for Limbo


If it helps? I think the reason why some posters are bringing this up a lot, is because of how and why people make generalisations. 

For example, I have met a few Warframe players, I could say were a bit annoying. Annoying because of how they used their powers. I remember one specific Frost player who had massive range, and put all his max amount of bubbles everywhere, obscuring the rest of the squads ability to do DPS. Now in this particular case, it was someone using Frost for the first time and being a bit unsure. A different player got pretty annoyed at them though. I was friendly and talked to them though, it wasn't the worst situation ever. I couldn't say their initial actions weren't a bit annoying though, in general. 

I have played with hundreds of other Frosts that were fine or great even. So for myself, personally, I couldn't make any sort of claim, that "Frost mains are annoying", and I could even personally say "most Frost mains are annoying", because in my experience, that wouldn't actually be true, one out of hundreds is a pretty small minority and percentage. However hypothetically, even if that number was say 60 Frost players? I wouldn't necessarily personally know if those players were all actually Frost mains, they could be new, unsure, or they could actually just be trolls, whose are insincere, and even on top of all that, I know Warframe has millions of player accounts... Personally, I couldn't say that "all Frost mains suck" even if I legitimately believed a majority of those I personally encountered were annoying. 

So on one hand, a part of your message seems all about tolerance, acceptance, inclusivity, and having a modicum of respect for your fellow players and their choices, and enjoying the game, but on the other hand, its almost a hilarious juxtaposition of "but not Limbo players tho' those dirty rat bastich don't wash their hands, kick em to the gutter". 

Like there is also a difference between having a dislike for a character/frame and their kit and people who main that character/Warframe. Like in my my personal experience, Limbo is probably my least used Warframe, I don't really like them much either, but like I said in an earlier reply, a lot of the Limbo mains i have met on these Forums, are some of the most helpful, friendly, chill, people around. I am not familiar with your thread and the Limbo players who rushed in devoted to defend him... Just... is it possible to consider, the issue isn't necessarily with them? That it might be with you and how you extend, generalise and associate negative things? Like what Warframe do you personally main or which has your most playtime? 

Anyway just my two cents, I don't think people are talking about you having preferences, just your framing. Like as one reply pointed out, generalising and harbouring hatred for certain players just because they happen to play one specific Warframe, seems a bit odd, whilst also addressing the issue of meta players (not saying that is what you are specifically doing, but the impression someone could have). 

Hope that makes sense. Take care. 

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Personally I actually like the concept of Limbo. The problem is in practice he is a very disruptive frame. He's in my top 10-15 frames, I just don't inflict him on others. The bad behavour from others has just been a major turn off for me using him more.

As for the people who play him, the second they want to be disruptive they can by Banishing allies or just placing Rifts at chokepoints like doorways. In addition Cataclysm, aside from not being able to be shot through, slowly shrinks. Making defending a Defence target a coin toss of if you can hit anything. What is even worse is that the operator is immune to the Rift. Meaning if Cataclysm is up, good luck getting yourself up with Last Gasp because everything in it cannot be hit by your amp. Haven't seen it as much lately but for a while there was a plague of them. Many with bright energy and a short temper. Not saying they all suck but it attracts sucky people who want to use Limbo to ruin the game for other players.

As for Titania, dispite being so common, I rarely seen others around. I pointed out this before, I feel that her use-rate is inflated by her affinity for certain mission types such as Void Flood and Mirror Defence. She is my most used and I can pretty much do any mission with her. But my personal use-rate is only 9% as I find it very boring to only use a single frame forever. 

I'm not trying incite hate against any frame or it's users, only to point out the toxic elements that many players agree are a problem. Limbo is the best example because of the sheer number of disruptive elements in his kit. Frost Globes can be bad too but nowhere near as bad as Limbo's Rifts, Banish and Catalysm. Many frames need some kind of rework, in my opinion Limbo is at the top of that list because of how disruptive he is in the wrong hands.

Currently a lot of that dislike has transfered to Revenant, because I'm seeing more of them around and any toxicity is right in my face. Thralls are very easy to accidently kill and that leads to many of them raging when others do just that. Many use light energy too which is pretty awful on Danse Macabre. As pointed out before, these toxic players will blindly follow whatever is popular or "meta" so I'm not surprised many of them are playing Revenant this week/month.

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Can't find the comment, but someone in this thread said that "if wisp's shock motes are dealing the last point of damage, you're bad" and I would just like to point out that shock motes can (and have) prevented my Shadow-Focused Sevagoth from being able to self-rez, despite dealing all the damage to an enemy because a shock mote dealt a single point of damage. I've tested it multiple times, it's the only commonality. It's also been affecting Arcane Reaper, so that's a lot of fun (sarcasm)

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I think you need to be less concerned with what other people think.

You have good insights and that is laudable. Be you, and let them be them. If meta chaser / hounders are berating noobs, they'll either adopt, ignore or find the middle ground for their play-style (the last is approximately where I'm at.) I've been playing too long to go around reconfiguring every last forma polarity. I play to play.

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problem with me in any game i always play against meta why you ask well let me tell you my tenno meta is good when you are lazy but going against meta yeah even grineer likes that its more fun plus more harder anyway i got no clue whats the meta now in warframe i am having fun after being off warframe for few years playing d2 , so far i am loving warframe 

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On 2023-07-06 at 8:57 PM, A-Flying-Brick said:

There's a vocal small subset of players who get big mad when someone gets bigger numbers than their "meta" build.

I don't get why people are obsessed with doing the most damage of the group all the time. I'm actually pretty happy to have decent teammates who take some of the work load off. Maybe if people stopped making everything into a petty pointless competition, they could work as a team better. Big damage numbers are nice, but only to prove to myself how good my weapons are. I don't need them to be doing that kind of damage all the time.

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On 2023-07-12 at 11:27 PM, A-Flying-Brick said:

Personally I actually like the concept of Limbo. The problem is in practice he is a very disruptive frame. He's in my top 10-15 frames, I just don't inflict him on others. The bad behavour from others has just been a major turn off for me using him more.

I can respect that standpoint as I have used limbo enough to have him as my second most used warframe on a 7 year old account and I have came across enough newer limbo players to understand why his kit isn't new player friendly.

I don't think you should hate the player for trying to understand him but I think you should help them understand how the kit works because the wording of his abilities are confusing to a lot of players.

On 2023-07-12 at 11:27 PM, A-Flying-Brick said:

As for the people who play him, the second they want to be disruptive they can by Banishing allies or just placing Rifts at chokepoints like doorways. In addition Cataclysm, aside from not being able to be shot through, slowly shrinks. 

You can shoot through the rift from one side to the other because the rift is in a completely different area dimensionally. If I see an enemy on the opposite side off cataclysm and they aren't in the rift and I currently am not, I can shoot them.

Inside the rift on the other hand, why would that be an issue? It's primarily a defensive ability to prevent damage and crowd control a certain area.

On 2023-07-12 at 11:27 PM, A-Flying-Brick said:

Making defending a Defence target a coin toss of if you can hit anything.

For sorties and arbitrations he can however cheese the absolute hell out of it because it generally consists of one operative and having them in the rift prevents 99.9999999% of incoming damage.

On 2023-07-12 at 11:27 PM, A-Flying-Brick said:

What is even worse is that the operator is immune to the Rift. Meaning if Cataclysm is up, good luck getting yourself up with Last Gasp because everything in it cannot be hit by your amp.

Most of the time in public play you are too far away from teammates if you are incentivized to use last gasp.

In solo play you can turn off cataclysm.

I think that generally most players aren't aware that reviving is a thing in this game. Which requires team work.

On 2023-07-12 at 11:27 PM, A-Flying-Brick said:

Haven't seen it as much lately but for a while there was a plague of them. Many with bright energy and a short temper. Not saying they all suck but it attracts sucky people who want to use Limbo to ruin the game for other players.

Sorry but please specify when this was? I have a hard time thinking that anybody playing limbo with the current reputation of being "borderline useless due to eximus" has some sort of god complex.

I don't feel they intentionally try to sabotage the game, I think they play the game they want to (as most randoms do) and when you don't like how they're playing you go off on them. That's my assumption. I don't say that to be disrespectful, I say it in that the context of your situation is very vague when most people don't experience it.

On 2023-07-12 at 11:27 PM, A-Flying-Brick said:

As for Titania, dispite being so common, I rarely seen others around. I pointed out this before, I feel that her use-rate is inflated by her affinity for certain mission types such as Void Flood and Mirror Defence. She is my most used and I can pretty much do any mission with her. But my personal use-rate is only 9% as I find it very boring to only use a single frame forever. 

Understandable. I mean, I'm currently using wukong and volt to solo everything in the game and it's boring......

for the randoms.

Lol! Jokes aside, People have preferences and some warframes excel in areas others don't. Doesn't make them better overall. Makes the, play a role.

On 2023-07-12 at 11:27 PM, A-Flying-Brick said:

I'm not trying incite hate against any frame or it's users, only to point out the toxic elements that many players agree are a problem. Limbo is the best example because of the sheer number of disruptive elements in his kit. Frost Globes can be bad too but nowhere near as bad as Limbo's Rifts, Banish and Catalysm. Many frames need some kind of rework, in my opinion Limbo is at the top of that list because of how disruptive he is in the wrong hands.

You don't fight toxicity with even more hatred. You point out the problem in a respectful manner. Although you didn't mean to incite people, your wording implied such in the original post.

Your main complaint is one warframe that keeps getting nerfed update after update despite there being other troll warframes such as titania lantern in defense missions or wukong afk. 

Limbo doesn't need a rework, he needs a buff. Compare limbo to other warframes that desperately need a rework.

Hydroid has:

  • A passive that makes no sense for his kit and has no practical use outside of conclave
  • the second worst cc ability in the game behind decoy, scratch that banish decoy for memes
  • a lackluster mobility tool
  • an outdated dps ability that's essentially worse mesmer skin
  • a cc ability that got powercreeped by pilfering strangledome because of whipclaw's reliable kpm.

Inaros has:

  • The most useless passive in the entire game because you can never use it when you need/want to
  • a poor cc ability
  • sitting in one spot being immune without doing anything that is overshadowed by operator void mode
  • a meme ability
  • an ability that is never used for intentional design but instead the augment

Loki has:

  • A riven cracking passive
  • a useless cc ability (see the trend?)
  • the only thing keeping him relevant in the form of invisibility
  • a useless cc ability with a mid augment overshadowed by vazarin dash
  • a useless cc ability 

How about limbo?

  • Passive allows him to reside in the rift and exit it without energy and he can get energy return when killing rifted enemies
    • good for early game when people get him
  • An ability that completely stops enemies
    • which is why overguard had to be fixed to ignore it completely
  • An ability that keeps enemies into the rift indefinitely and has an augment for insane damage multiplication 
  • An ability that has complete area denial and locks down an area preventing outside damage

How are these frames fixed?

Inaros: gloom, out tanking damage. One useful ability.

Hydroid: resonator, having enemy ai turned off completely relying on shooting enemies in undertow with an unreliable means to shoot them

Loki: you'd have to tell me at this point.

Limbo: silence/breach surge for endles to turn off eximus ai, Breach surge to nuke entire rooms and hit damage cap.

Don't want damage?

Limbo: Nourish complete support build. Energy return for allies and damage immunity.

Now, how is limbo disruptive? I truly do not understand.

On 2023-07-12 at 11:27 PM, A-Flying-Brick said:

Currently a lot of that dislike has transfered to Revenant, because I'm seeing more of them around and any toxicity is right in my face. 

I mean, revenant at this point is just old wukong with one other good ability.

On 2023-07-12 at 11:27 PM, A-Flying-Brick said:

Thralls are very easy to accidently kill and that leads to many of them raging when others do just that. 

If they're using thralls instead of killing enemies then quite frankly that's the reason this game's meta is complete dog.

On 2023-07-12 at 11:27 PM, A-Flying-Brick said:

Many use light energy too which is pretty awful on Danse Macabre. 

ok now that is absolutely hilarious. Let me waste all of my energy to be prevented from recasting my only means of survival to deal significantly less damage than a modded mk1 braton. Lovely.

On 2023-07-12 at 11:27 PM, A-Flying-Brick said:

As pointed out before, these toxic players will blindly follow whatever is popular or "meta" so I'm not surprised many of them are playing Revenant this week/month.

Tbh if you're tired of playing with meta heads you can always hit me up a chat and we can play together. Rather than to play public, why not surround yourself with people who are like minded and invite them to play the missions you want to with you?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2023-07-07 at 12:41 AM, CosoMalvadoNG said:

Without shield gating SP it would be unplayable. End of discussion

Without shield gating, Warframe would be back to how it was 3 years ago and further, even worse with Vazarin’s Protective Dash spam every couple seconds at a certain point. 

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