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Just for fun, let's brainstorm our own concepts for an Incarnon mode for weapons (favourite or otherwise)


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Incarnon GHOULSAW. 

Incarnon form: +100 damage, unlimited saw riding duration, heavy attacks release flying magnetic GHOULSAW blades that ricochet around and return to the GHOULSAW (multiple flying magnetic blades can be in existence at once) (magnetic in that they return to the GHOULSAW, not the damage type and status)

Somewhere in the upgrade tree, +.1 followthrough per combo multiplier (2.2 followthrough at max stacks)

Maybe somewhere in the upgrade tree, +heavy attack effeciency or increase combo chance or something. 








GHOULSAW has Accuracy and Headshot stats in the Profile menu, same as other melee weapons with ranged attacks like thrown glaives, gunblades, Zaws thrown from that Arcane, Wolfsledge and others. Magnetic Flying GHOULSAW Blades when, DE?

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18 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Dragon Nikana with special Yamato style heavy attack that makes more slashes the more combo count you have. 

I wouldn't mind the Dragon Nikana going full akimbo mode, wielding both Dragon Nikana and Nikana Prime, Roxas style.

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23 hours ago, (XBOX)CaligulaTwily said:

Incarnon GHOULSAW. 

Incarnon form: +100 damage, unlimited saw riding duration, heavy attacks release flying magnetic GHOULSAW blades that ricochet around and return to the GHOULSAW

Maybe it just goes full ride mode, and the "ammo" is the ride duration with sparks that fly out and do high status and AOE within a very short range while direct hits do some crazy slash damage. Finishers while in ride mode do +500%.

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Dera Incarnon

Its Incarnon mode is still full auto, but slower rate of fire. Its projectiles are now wide discs (think Dread/Paris Incarnon), with unlimited enemy punchthrough, and big boosts to damage, crits and status. Incarnon is also a bit more slash-oriented. Quite a lot of max charge (100 ish?).

Evo 2A - Void's Vector - Increases damage by X. For every 3 meters a projectile has travelled, its damage is increased by Y%. Max boost at 30 meters.

Evo 2B - Raging Ricochet - Increases damage by X. Projectiles can now ricochet on the environment up to 3(?) times. Each ricochet increases the damage of the projectile by Y%. Yes, this also fully functions in Incarnon mode. Choosing this evolution also disables any modded punchthrough.

Evo 3A - Reloadspeed bonus (+60%?).

Evo 3B - Projectile speed bonus (+60%?).

Evo 3C - Fire rate bonus, increasing the lower your magazine / Incarnon charge gets. (Like +1% per shot, max 30% bonus or so?).

Evo 4A - Crit chance and crit damage.

Evo 4B - Crit chance and status chance.

Evo 4C - Headshots increase multishot by X% for Y seconds. Stacks Z times.

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Staticor Incarnon: I mean this is basically the Hadoken gun, so an Incarnon version, should basically make this a super Hadoken or like a Gohadoken gun. So the Incarnon form, should throw out three of the same charge shot. Fast charged type, followed by two more fast charge types, but a charged version, will also send out two more charged up versions. The charged versions should also be homing, and a bit slower but with a bigger AOE, and if you are airborne, you should get Incarnon Charge efficiency, letting you fire more. (Body shots to charge)

Twin Kohmak Incarnon: Should borrow a bit from the Furis incarnon. Change it to being beam like, with the idea being, that the weapon is now firing so much with so much spool, that its no longer shooting bullets, its just generating a tremendous amount of energy and heat. So make it a dual beam weapon, close range beams, very thick and wide hitboxes though, and if you hold the trigger down, the hitbox shrinks but extends and becomes longer reaching. So if you are close to a lot of enemies, you hold tap the fire button a bit, but if they are further away, hold it down to get them. Almost like the spool is so aggressive that its almost uncontrollable and unwieldy at first, but after a sec, becomes this refined hyper dual laser. Lots of Incarnon charge, but burns quickly if you hold it down. 

Talons Incarnon: So this weapon already has an alt fire function, and thats still the case, unless you get to max Incarnon charge. Then it transforms, and for this, I think the Incarnon form shouldn't be too different, because with this weapon, you would be forced to stay in Incarnon mode, and the alt fire function should still work the same... so you couldn't press it again, to exist out of Incarnon form. Thus... the Incarnon form, should be a straight upgrade and similar. Incarnon form will make it silent, and homing. Then when it explodes or is manually detonated, it creates additional instances of damage points in a rough radius. Which then themselves create additional explosions, which then also create a third wave of wider spread, smaller damage instances. Sort of like staggered cascading Shrapnel mini explosions. Incarnon Charge of around 30 and... thats also your limit on how many you can throw before they all detonate. Do you want to spread out 10 across a large room to injure a whole bunch of enemies for medium damage? Or do you want to throw all 30 on a single enemy, you really hate? 

Quartz Incarnon: Incarnon turns this into a mini pocket Zeus. Let it shoot deep, heavy sounding thunderbolts that pierce and pin enemies, and give it a wide Nataurk like hitbox and projectile size. Then when it does hit enemies, give it a mini AOE effect on point of impact, which inflicts lightning innately (as well as whatever you mod for). Each shot will also trigger the weapons reload mechanic, which gives some AOE type effect around you, but since you aren't reloading, its more of a general electrical AOE. Also, for no real reason, let alone any practical reason, each time you fire the weapon, insert a loud deep, thunder cracking sound effect and maybe even a large deep man whispering the word "Thhhunnnndaaaaaarrrrr craaaaccckkkaaaaahhhh". Why? Because it would be hilarious and give the weapon identity. 

Fusilai Incarnon: Since this weapon got the misfortune of not getting a Prime version... Its Incarnon version, basically just up the multishot to ridiculous degrees, and make it so you are throwing like 30 of this weapon, but give it a wide horizontal emphasis. Like.. now you aren't just throwing glass spinning knives, you are throwing large glass, spinning scythes. Like thats the actual animation as well, these oversized, horizontal glass spinning curved scythes, that will cut and slice anything in its way. Sort of a bit like the Paris and Dread Incarnon, but not as much damage, just way wider and more of them. Like the increased amount should overall mean a lot of damage, but the weapon should be as much a pleasant visual spectacle as much as it is powerful/potent. Plus the weapon will be more effective thrown at head level if the enemies are in an arc of sorts (well unless you have punchthrough equipped). Give it a slight homing effect towards enemies heads too. Make them faster too in Incarnon form (as well as the general buffs Incarnons typically get.)

Marelok Incarnon: Much more multishot, more recoil, more damage, more innate punch through. Slower reload. Much more damage and multi shot to overcompensate though. Its animation I believe is intended to invoke a scene from Terminator 2, and it is pretty cool, so play up that fact, where its almost a little bit frustrating to reload slower, but the upsides are worth it, because of the bigger damage/satisfaction. Normal mode will be buffed, and this can be one of those Incarnons where the normal form, is better for most trash enemies, and you save the Incarnon for Acolytes or Archons or bosses, etc. 

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7 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Staticor Incarnon: I mean this is basically the Hadoken gun

I always saw it more as a Dragon Ball thing, and expect the Incarnon to go full Kamehameha. Still whatever happens I'd like to see it Incarnon'd

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Got a bunch of new ideas, I'll make these a lot shorter than my Dera suggestion above:




Shoots as a fully automatic, thick (and still silent) sonic pulse cannon - basically functioning like a weaker but fully automatic Catchmoon. The projectiles have unlimited enemy punchthrough and can bounce on walls, but has a somewhat limitted range (like 60 meters or so).


Semiautomatic, hitscan, thick railgun-esque beam with high punchthrough. Also has a bit of a boost to its rate of fire, and a chunk more crit chance.


Its shots become fire-infused, fast-flying projectiles, with lots of added multishot, high crit chance, a bit more spread (unless you're aiming), massive enemy punchthrough and which bounce around multiple times in the environment (not homingly).


Becomes a fullauto shotgun-crossbow, with 1 ricochet on each bolt. Simple, but effective.


Its Incarnon only has 1 shot and is shot immediately, rather than being a mode switch. Its attack creates an infested invulnerable minion, which flies near you just like a sentinel and zaps enemies automatically, with its damage similar to Synapse's, but has half its range. Shooting an enemy with the Synapse doubles the range of the minion, allowing it to shoot the same target as you. The minion will also attack even when switching weapons!
Its Incarnon charge meter determines how much ammo this minion has (and will be displayed near the Synapse's ammo counter when summoned). Altfiring when you have this minion summoned will unsummon it, allowing you to once again charge up the Incarnon meter.




Still 2-shot burst shooting, but its shots now also embed enemies (or the terrain) with void spikes, causing a forced electricity proc on the struck enemy. The spikes last for a brief moment and after the spikes expire or the target dies, the spikes detonate, causing a heavy explosion.


Huge amount of ammo, doubled rate of fire and each shot has both a moderate amount of punchthrough AND 1 homing richochet. Simple, but fun!


Semiautomatic. Shoots 3 quite tall vertical blades, with one perfectly in the middle and with the 2 other blades to the sides, which slightly spread out as the projectiles travel along. High punchthrough and high damage with primarily slash focus.


Incarnon mode is not a "mode" here, but rather a boost to its alternate fire. Its Incarnon charge builds up 3 things for the Azima's altfire:

1) Its altfire costs less and less ammo to launch (max charge = 0 ammo cost, allowing a fullpower and full ammo disc-launch even when the current mag might run low)

2) It adds more bullets to the 4 empty "corners" (so it now shoots in 8 directions). These added bullets, however, have homing properties, bounce over to one nearby enemy each, and deal more damage.

3) More charge = more punchthrough added for the 4 original bullet sprays.


Now has a chaining beam, which can connect to up to 3 additional enemies. However, it doesn't chain as normal; it ALL chains from the main target only (rather than the usual jumping from one target to the next). However, its chaining range is very far-reaching to compensate.



All melee grants the usual movement+parkour bonuses to varying degrees, and the +100% damage.


Also adds phantom strikes; Phantom strikes causes all melee attacks (basic attacks, heavy attacks, slams, air strikes etc) to be repeated by an energy after-image, with a 0,1 second delay (basically, a delayed multishot, but for melee). However, these phantom strikes only deal 40% damage and only have 40% combo chance compared to regular attacks. Otherwise, they behave the same and has the same stats as the original attack.

Twin Basolk

Heavy attacks (both on ground and from the air) adds a fiery explosion to the attack. Damage is heat at base with a forced heat-proc, but is modified by mods (Note, it counts as a heavy attack, so Killing Blow etc would boost it further). Also, Incarnon mode also has 50% heavy attack efficiency.


Heavy attacks briefly summon an energy sawblade which orbits around you to deal constant quite heavy damage. Lasts longer the higher the combo count of the heavy attack was.


Heavy attacks produce a cone of lancing wind, massively increasing the width and moderately boosting the range of the heavy attacks.


All its attacks now produce chain lightning (kinda of like a semiautomatic Amprex, if you will) which can jump to up to 3 nearby enemies. This causes guaranteed electric procs, and while the base damage of chain lightning is electric, it can be modified by most melee mods. Base damage of the chain lightning is ~30% of its original attack.


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  • 1 month later...
On 2023-07-09 at 9:10 PM, Zahnny said:

Do you mean the Fulmin?

Javlok is the Grineer throwable spear Primary

fulmin has a secondary fire. If you take a look at all the incarnon's none of them have an alternative firing mode.

On 2023-07-16 at 1:58 AM, (XBOX)Synderion13 said:

Okay...not sure what I'd do with it but the freaking Stug needs one. Due to the lack of "rules" for incarnon adapters they could actually make it a decent weapon with one.

has an alt fire the rules currently and will most likely stay that no weaps with alt fires will have incarnon

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I had debated posting this but I didn't want to come off as necroing the thread, but since it got bumped I might as well.

I'd like the Zenistar to have a mutation that allows it to use the old Melee Range system, being percentage based instead of additive, since that was one of the major things that killed the Zenistar.

I'd go as far to say I wouldn't mind this being a T1 Mutation, sacrificing a damage buff in exchange for the old Range it used to have.

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4 minutes ago, HystericalGhost491 said:

fulmin has a secondary fire. If you take a look at all the incarnon's none of them have an alternative firing mode.

has an alt fire the rules currently and will most likely stay that no weaps with alt fires will have incarnon

While that is the case at the moment, it doesn't have to remain that way. Two things I can see how it is circumvented:

1) Switching to Incarnon mode is now done via holding reload a short while (at the very least for those weapons which have altfires). Not super elegant, but it could work.

2) Some Incarnons on weapons with altfires could simply have the Incarnon charge function as a buff to the altfire. Example idea: Azima Incarnon charge causes the altfire to cost less and less ammo to use (full charge = free of ammocost), along with more upsides, like additional bulletstreams which also home in on enemies and deal more damage etc.

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knell/knell prime

 Evolution 1 Loses scope however when aiming down sights bullets auto lock on to heads of enemies (1 bullet per enemy for multishot proritizes enemies hit by hipfire) slower fire rate when aming down sights hip fire shoots shotgun projectiles

 Evolution 2

  1. +70 dmg knell/ +50 knell prime increase reload speed by 5% for every headshot since last reload max 300%

  2. Headshots increase fire rate by 8% stacks 10x resets on reload


Evolution 3

  1. Hitting body shots pauses buffed timer for .2s/ .5s with slower fire rate in incarnon: increase headshot multiplier by +.3x

  2. Gain +6 multishot decrease damage by 10%

  3. On ability duration end increase damage by 200%

Evolution 4

  1. Increase crit multiplier by +.6x knell .4x knell prime

  2. +30% status chance knell/ +20% status chance knell prime

  3.  +15% status + 8% crit knell/ +12% status +6% crit knell prime

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34 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

While that is the case at the moment, it doesn't have to remain that way. Two things I can see how it is circumvented:

1) Switching to Incarnon mode is now done via holding reload a short while (at the very least for those weapons which have altfires). Not super elegant, but it could work.

2) Some Incarnons on weapons with altfires could simply have the Incarnon charge function as a buff to the altfire. Example idea: Azima Incarnon charge causes the altfire to cost less and less ammo to use (full charge = free of ammocost), along with more upsides, like additional bulletstreams which also home in on enemies and deal more damage etc.

1. this could work but it would probably be universally changed to this for all gun incarnons for simplicity

 2. I feel as if it isnt in line with the incarnon leaving the weapon basically alone. what I mean is that currently all incarnons leave the base weapon untouched only adding an option to change the playstyle by adding new effects to alt fires the base weapon would be changed so unless they add a toggle for incarnon on/off I dont see this happening that or maybe a new similar system like incarnons only for weapons with alt fires

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28 minutes ago, HystericalGhost491 said:

knell/knell prime

Now you've got me interested in a Buzlok Incarnon.

Concept: Buzlok Incarnon

This Incarnon functions more like the Vasto Incarnon, where instead of an alternative playstyle it's more of a quick burst mode.


Press Q while not aiming, this will change to the Incarnon mode. This doesn't effect the primary fire mode but changes the Buzlok's default alt fire.

When aiming while in the Incarnon mode and holding down the alternate fire button, enemies in your scope will be marked up to a max of 6 enemies or focused on the same targets to add more stacks (These count for the max marked enemies)

Upon releasing the alternate fire button, heat seeking/homing bullets/drones/beacons or something similar will be released and pin themselves into your marked enemy(s)

These deal no damage on contact but will create a tether between the enemies and the Player dealing a constant steady amount of damage to the targets. Additionally these tethers will have a vampiric effect, healing the player by 1% of your Buzloks damage per damage instance/tick.

Incarnon Charge dictates how many of these you can fire up to a max of 6 before returning to regular mode.


Buzlok's Default Homing Beacons won't be destroyed while switching between modes, and the Primary Fire remains the same through both forms, hopefully preventing downtime during combat.

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Sparring Weapon ideas

  • Punches temporarily create up to 4 additional ephemeral fists (2 to either side) based on current attack speed. Basically the anime protagonist moment when they punch so fast it blurs into a shotgun attack.
  • Direct punch hits send energy waves in a wide cone behind (and including) the target that reduces armor or shields. Energy waves are an obvious fantasy but need to differ from Baruuk/Excalibur 4 or Atlas 1.
  • Damage at full health restores shields instead to let Hirudo attacks shield gate. Actually this should probably a base buff instead of incarnon.
  • Forward block melee launches a flying side kick at an aimed enemy that deals heavy attack damage on hit or shatters armor before the hit or forces a slash proc. Same for block melee but with a powerful non-ephemeral punch. A scaling gimmick to support non-slash single target that fits the one-punch/OHKO fantasy (unlike Shattering Impact).
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