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My Thoughts on Warframe Right Now

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 I've been playing warframe for a long time and have almost 75 days played. I love the game when I was just starting out and now that I have reached end game content I think its time I express things I think should change or get updated.

warframe buff or rework

With over 50 warfames in the game some become obsolete to others. one example is hydroid, he has been overshadowed by Khora and her entire kit. Hydroid has been completely useless for mid tier and higher playthrough. Honestly I believe if they buff his kit to be more supportive for allies like how Octavia is and give him a better passive he would have a better player count. 

Sevagoth has one use I ever see people use him for and that is to subsume his gloom. especially knowing that you have to do railjack for his farm it makes his grind very annoying. I feel like he has no unique niche to him. Honestly his entire kit makes him into a semi dps frame but is very lackluster.

Banshee entire kit is unique but doesn't help in a specific way then any other frame, if I had an option to choose a stealth frame that can do dmg i would either choose wukong or ivara.

Nyx had previously gotten buff years ago but still doesn't perform as well as others, I feel like its her survivability that makes her a weak pic. 

I'd just like to say that I try not to include endgame in this topic because usually end game builds can make almost all warframes viable, I'm more referencing mid game gameplay.

QoL Changes

Please add a bigger FOV slider or make the camera farther away from chunky warframes. Most of the big warframe blocks most of the screen especially if you have a lots of big cosmetics on. them.

It would be amazing if you can add a better sort filter to the profile, for example add filters that only show weapons of a specific type such as Rifles, Shotguns, Snipers, One handed, Two handed, Heavy blade.

Also it would be very cool if you add a search bar into the profile to search for a specific thing in your profile.

I Don't know if there is already an option for this but add a fast travel in your arsenal in the orbiter to go to the simulacrum.

 Overall Future of Warframe

I've notice that every new warframe recently has a market to acquire the parts and their respective weapons. I believe that this is a huge step in the right way as it makes that hours of grind worth it in the end whether you get the part you want or not, I'd personally make the price requirement a little bit cheaper but still better than to leave it up to chance.

I know the main problem of warframe is the lack of content in-between major updates and its really ruff but if they add events that are not repetitive like "thermal fracturs" it will keep most players busy.

Hopefully the meta doesn't change I think the meta right know is fine its kinda sad that they nerfted AoE but is still viable.

Warframe is a amazing game that I can enjoy, I cant wait for Tennocon to see what they have in store for us.


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Hydroid is supposedly the next frame most likely to get a rework released, if all the hinting and teasing is any indicator. I'm hoping for something more imaginative than just another typical homogenous Pablo rework that dilutes their uniqueness, though.

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I'd say the only frame listed here that really needs a full rework is Hydroid. Nyx and Sevagoth really just need single changes (replace Absorb with Stalker's Punishment and make Sevagoth not require three sets of Forma).

And Banshee isn't a stealth frame but a damage buffing one. Sonar lets you deal overflow damage, Savage Silence is the best finisher buff (which is a useful as you need that type of buff to stealth kill SP Eximus), and Sonic Fracture is one of the best armor stripping augments in the game. Plus Silence disabling enemy abilities, including Eximus effects, is an amazing utility in longer runs. Her only problem is how bad Sonic Quake is but 3/4 amazing abilities is far better than most frames. She really doesn't need any changes especially when we still have frames like Hydroid, Inaros, and Loki in the states that they're in.


Adding more events between updates doesn't solve the downtime problem. If they're reoccurring then players will finish them in one or tow goes and ignore them like everything else that repeats. While one-time ones just creates more FOMO related complaints plus runs into the problem of DE's development cycles already not being fast enough for players.

AOE needs more nerfs and the meta is still the same old stale spam fest it has been for years. All that's changed is the pool of "end-game viable" weapons and how accessible they've become.


Also there already is a way to fast travel to the Simulacrum. Access Simaris' faction from the Syndicate console and there's an option to fast travel to his Relay room. You do get an unnecessary loading screen but it's far faster than manually going to a Relay.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)FBK OkamiShin said:

Sevagoth has one use I ever see people use him for and that is to subsume his gloom.

he did get some love recently with his first augment, but between his railjack-mandatory acquisition and the fact he STILL doesn't have any cosmetics, he's not that popular. his kit is effective, but can be clunkier than other frames: he's really not intended for players who just want to only ever spam one button and win. 

2 hours ago, (XBOX)FBK OkamiShin said:

Banshee entire kit is unique but doesn't help in a specific way then any other frame, if I had an option to choose a stealth frame that can do dmg i would either choose wukong or ivara.

even though silence builds exist, I would argue Banshee works far better as a glass cannon buffer frame than a stealth frame any day of the week, mainly because she can't bypass lasers and other traps in spy, or go invisible. Silence is really more intended for easier melee kills (especially with the augment), and otherwise it's a case of keep casting 2 so that you can one-shot everything, whilst trying not to be two-shot yourself (thank the void for shield gating). 

2 hours ago, (XBOX)FBK OkamiShin said:

Nyx had previously gotten buff years ago but still doesn't perform as well as others, I feel like its her survivability that makes her a weak pic. 

survivability doesn't matter when her 4 makes her literally invincible for its entire duration. Absorb works fine, it's the rest of her kit that's lacklustre. also, the Assimilate Augment should just be a part of the main ability. 

2 hours ago, (XBOX)FBK OkamiShin said:

I know the main problem of warframe is the lack of content in-between major updates and its really ruff but if they add events that are not repetitive like "thermal fracturs" it will keep most players busy.

making new events takes up devtime, which DE want to spend on advancing the story and enacting their own vision for the game. I'd love more events too, but I certainly won't hold my breath. 

2 hours ago, (XBOX)FBK OkamiShin said:

Hopefully the meta doesn't change

the Meta will always change, either due to game mode, a new powerful frame/weapon appearing etc... it's about the only thing that the Meta is guaranteed to do: change form. the best tactic for one situation is not goign to be the best tactic for them all: right now the Meta is nuke DPS because most modes require killing en-masse, but if say, we got trials back, and there are more defensive objectives, the meta will go back to frames that can defend effectively.

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Well, I wouldn’t say Hydroid is unplayable since he’s still pretty fun to play. Here’s a good post for reference:

Sure, there’s a lot that can be changed but I like the way he is now honestly. If he is reworked, hopefully his old gameplay would still be around somewhere. I keep playing Warframe regularly because of Hydroid.

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8 hours ago, (XBOX)FBK OkamiShin said:

 I've been playing warframe for a long time and have almost 75 days played. I love the game when I was just starting out and now that I have reached end game content I think its time I express things I think should change or get updated.

warframe buff or rework

With over 50 warfames in the game some become obsolete to others. one example is hydroid, he has been overshadowed by Khora and her entire kit. Hydroid has been completely useless for mid tier and higher playthrough. Honestly I believe if they buff his kit to be more supportive for allies like how Octavia is and give him a better passive he would have a better player count. 

Sevagoth has one use I ever see people use him for and that is to subsume his gloom. especially knowing that you have to do railjack for his farm it makes his grind very annoying. I feel like he has no unique niche to him. Honestly his entire kit makes him into a semi dps frame but is very lackluster.

Banshee entire kit is unique but doesn't help in a specific way then any other frame, if I had an option to choose a stealth frame that can do dmg i would either choose wukong or ivara.

Nyx had previously gotten buff years ago but still doesn't perform as well as others, I feel like its her survivability that makes her a weak pic. 

I'd just like to say that I try not to include endgame in this topic because usually end game builds can make almost all warframes viable, I'm more referencing mid game gameplay.

QoL Changes

Please add a bigger FOV slider or make the camera farther away from chunky warframes. Most of the big warframe blocks most of the screen especially if you have a lots of big cosmetics on. them.

It would be amazing if you can add a better sort filter to the profile, for example add filters that only show weapons of a specific type such as Rifles, Shotguns, Snipers, One handed, Two handed, Heavy blade.

Also it would be very cool if you add a search bar into the profile to search for a specific thing in your profile.

I Don't know if there is already an option for this but add a fast travel in your arsenal in the orbiter to go to the simulacrum.

 Overall Future of Warframe

I've notice that every new warframe recently has a market to acquire the parts and their respective weapons. I believe that this is a huge step in the right way as it makes that hours of grind worth it in the end whether you get the part you want or not, I'd personally make the price requirement a little bit cheaper but still better than to leave it up to chance.

I know the main problem of warframe is the lack of content in-between major updates and its really ruff but if they add events that are not repetitive like "thermal fracturs" it will keep most players busy.

Hopefully the meta doesn't change I think the meta right know is fine its kinda sad that they nerfted AoE but is still viable.

Warframe is a amazing game that I can enjoy, I cant wait for Tennocon to see what they have in store for us.


Woah woah woah - Sevagoth is great and so is Banshee. Just because they aren't meta doesn't make them bad. I regularly take Banshee into SP. Sevagoth mostly suffers from not having anywhere to shine - the circuit is actually where he seems to find his best home currently, I use him there a lot and he's a monster. Nyx is also SO close to being good, but she still needs work.

I support the FOV / camera adjustment 100% though, I can barely see what I'm shooting with some frames.

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9 hours ago, (XBOX)FBK OkamiShin said:

hydroid, he has been overshadowed by Khora and her entire kit.

to quote Brozime, Wisp has almost loki's entire kit on her #2


9 hours ago, (XBOX)FBK OkamiShin said:

Banshee entire kit is unique but doesn't help in a specific way then any other frame, if I had an option to choose a stealth frame that can do dmg i would either choose wukong or ivara.

I would love if banshee had a real stealth, people go on and on about her dps buff, I can armor strip and kill any enemy in the game in seconds, I don't need banshee buff or damage cap to kill stuff, as percentage played frame she is dropping off a little more each year and she was never close to the top.

bout time DE gave her at least a mini rework imo

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16 hours ago, Pakaku said:

Hydroid is supposedly the next frame most likely to get a rework released, if all the hinting and teasing is any indicator. I'm hoping for something more imaginative than just another typical homogenous Pablo rework that dilutes their uniqueness, though.

The problem there is, what makes Hydroid unique is kinda stupid:

  • Average in all stats with slightly-above-average shields, a dichotomy that was bad when he released and even worse today
  • Tempest Barrage inflicts knockdown, which the forums constantly complain they hate with a passion
  • Tidal Surge has always been a Hydroid version of Rhino Charge
  • Tentacle Swarm is really cool in flavor, really bad in mechanics. Mediocre crowd control with mediocre damage, only ever used for its loot augment
  • Undertow is his most unique feature, and really fun to do with friends whom you can call out to take advantage of it. Running solo or with pubs? Basically useless, sit still for 2 minutes to kill ten enemies. Puddles aren't exactly a giant glowing "SHOOT ME" sign (say what you will about Trinity's Well of Life, at least your teammates can tell you're using it at all)
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Hydroid desperately needs a complete rework, he is borderline useless compared to any other frame in the game. Not that I'm saying he's unplayable, but so many frames do what he tries to do, just miles better.

Nyx is a weird one as she seemingly has become decent in the last couple of years. She could still use some love, but she's nowhere near as bad as she was years ago. 

Banshee has unfortunately been kind of screwed by Overguard/Eximus changes. Her Sonar is probably the best damage-boosting ability in the game, but doesn't work on the majority of things you actually want to use it on, like Eximus/Bosses. She's still Queen when it comes to Liches/Sisters though.

Sevagoth was an annoying grind and I just immediately subsumed him as everyone kept saying "replace X with Gloom" - basically saying Sevagoth was only good for Gloom (and screw farming him twice to keep a copy). Gloom is so good it overshadows everything else; shame as Sevagoth is a cool looking frame. 


As for the FOV slider, yes. 

I was amazed when I came back to Warframe and my Chroma Prime was taking up more than half the screen. 

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On 2023-07-31 at 2:14 AM, (XBOX)FBK OkamiShin said:

 QoL Changes

Please add a bigger FOV slider or make the camera farther away from chunky warframes. Most of the big warframe blocks most of the screen especially if you have a lots of big cosmetics on. them.

Yes please. Hildryn is literally unplayable as far as I'm concerned, because she covers half the screen when you aim. Even when not aiming, she's so bulky that it makes parkour a matter of "send it and pray". Rhino is in the same boat, and I'm sure there's others.

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