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The Age of Narmer Was Pathetic!

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3 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Also can you provide the information to help backup the claim that "There was covid and we all know that impacted decision making "? I of course have no doubt that Covid had an effect, but considering how games are made and knowing how far ahead of time things are done, without a source for this claim it just looks like nonsense. I don't want to jump to conclusions however, so I'd be interested in seeing your source.

DE said it themselves and it is why we got Deimos, which according to DE didnt need mocap unlike TNW and was also far more forgiving when it came to voice acting. DE also made the poor decision in late 2019 to shift TNW into an event release over a year. However we cant blame them for making that decision since there is no way they knew Covid would also hit shortly after. That decision pretty much reverted alot of the work put into the actual quest. Then with all the covid restrictions and the date of the actual release of TNW it has clearly been quite a hasty development period. 

And we cant deny the massive indicators of it, like Murex ships spread all across Sol on the past TNW star chart, with absolutely no interaction with them. Narmer left only as specific bounties on 2 of the open worlds and so on. All indicators of actual cut content from TNW or a TNW aftermath. Dont get me wrong, I enjoyed the quest, there were still plenty of gaps in it and some massive holes afterwards, holes still not filled.

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3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

DE said it themselves and it is why we got Deimos, which according to DE didnt need mocap unlike TNW and was also far more forgiving when it came to voice acting. DE also made the poor decision in late 2019 to shift TNW into an event release over a year. However we cant blame them for making that decision since there is no way they knew Covid would also hit shortly after. That decision pretty much reverted alot of the work put into the actual quest. Then with all the covid restrictions and the date of the actual release of TNW it has clearly been quite a hasty development period. 

And we cant deny the massive indicators of it, like Murex ships spread all across Sol on the past TNW star chart, with absolutely no interaction with them. Narmer left only as specific bounties on 2 of the open worlds and so on. All indicators of actual cut content from TNW or a TNW aftermath. Dont get me wrong, I enjoyed the quest, there were still plenty of gaps in it and some massive holes afterwards, holes still not filled.

Right but those "holes" haven't been filled narratively because it's an ongoing story. We faced Narmer led by Ballas, who decided to wage his War with subjugation rather than weaponry. His Narmer was beaten and is now slowly trying to rebuild under Pazuuls leadership, thus the 2 Open World Quests and the dialogue that clearly explains this from Konzu etc. When one side loses a war they tend not to retain their numbers, which is monumentally more true for Narmer considering their soldiers mostly consist of mind controlled people.

Despite all that, I'm not seeing these "indicators". Can you specify what they are and/or quote them directly?

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9 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Great thanks.

Would you mind linking the source of the data you have that says "New Players are doing fine"? Its just that the yearly stats that DE releases doesn't include Churn Rates.

Also can you provide the information to help backup the claim that "There was covid and we all know that impacted decision making "? I of course have no doubt that Covid had an effect, but considering how games are made and knowing how far ahead of time things are done, without a source for this claim it just looks like nonsense. I don't want to jump to conclusions however, so I'd be interested in seeing your source.

I didn't say "new players are doing fine" in any reference to player count or retention, I said "New players are fine," You can make up whatever context you like, which is ironic after you go on about objectivity, but the context I had was that new players can play the game without any worry that old players are not playing alongside them. That should be obvious from what I wrote.

The devs have said that Covid impacted their ability to make the quest. If you must have sources like that matters, try reading what Rebecca said regarding covid.


Rebecca Ford: It stopped. The New War’s development virtually ended. We went “what are we going to do, how do you make a quest without a team together? We need to come up with a plan B for 2020." There were explorations into The New War in 2020, but there wasn’t your traditional quest development until mid-year. So I’d say we straight up lost six months total. We really did lose time - fully lost it. Just because we didn’t know what to do, and were all traumatized, scared and having to work still.

That led to us trying to figure out a plan B. So Tenno Con 2020, the Heart of Deimos update and the infested open world, was born of a track switch away from The New War. After that we realized we had to focus back onto The New War, so we did.


and a quick net search later, we have a dev describing covid's impact on Deimos and a delayed Duviri/TNW.


Sheldon Carter: It did, I mean, we were really lucky that the way we work is we have some of our teams doing advanced work on future stuff. When we looked at Duviri and even some of the stuff we were looking towards such as New War, versus the team that had already started out on Deimos, we actually felt like Deimos had a better chance of getting to TennoCon with the type of content we wanted to. So we just did a pivot


Edited by CephalonCarnage
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30 minutes ago, CephalonCarnage said:

I didn't say "new players are doing fine" in any reference to player count or retention, I said "New players are fine," You can make up whatever context you like, which is ironic after you go on about objectivity, but the context I had was that new players can play the game without any worry that old players are not playing alongside them. That should be obvious from what I wrote.

The devs have said that Covid impacted their ability to make the quest. If you must have sources like that matters, try reading what Rebecca said regarding covid.


and a quick net search later, we have a dev describing covid's impact on Deimos and a delayed Duviri/TNW.


Made-up context isn't necessary. You replied to me about a subject, that's the context. In your reply was this:

"New players are fine, they progress the old game until they are old players and then the problem stops as they can play any part of it."

I'm looking for where you're getting your info from to make such a bold claim. It's one little question, it shouldn't be making you panic this much. You made a claim, I'm merely asking for proof. How do you know that the change to the Star Chart hasn't already affected new players? And if you don't actually have that info, how do you know a third iteration of it wouldn't multiply a problem you're not aware of? You've claimed the idea is "dumb", so I'd like to see why.


As for your apparent difficult hunt for quotes:

"the way we work is we have some of our teams doing advanced work on future stuff"

So.... yeah. Thanks for helping me I guess? You realise that's in there right? The exact point I was making.

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8 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Made-up context isn't necessary. You replied to me about a subject, that's the context. In your reply was this:

"New players are fine, they progress the old game until they are old players and then the problem stops as they can play any part of it."

I'm looking for where you're getting your info from to make such a bold claim. It's one little question, it shouldn't be making you panic this much. You made a claim, I'm merely asking for proof. How do you know that the change to the Star Chart hasn't already affected new players? And if you don't actually have that info, how do you know a third iteration of it wouldn't multiply a problem you're not aware of? You've claimed the idea is "dumb", so I'd like to see why.


As for your apparent difficult hunt for quotes:

"the way we work is we have some of our teams doing advanced work on future stuff"

So.... yeah. Thanks for helping me I guess? You realise that's in there right? The exact point I was making.

lol. you asked for quotes about covid, and when got one you change the goalposts to require a different subject. Isn't that called gaslighting?

new players are fine, if you can't understand how a ten year old game still exists then there's no hope for you.

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2 hours ago, CephalonCarnage said:

lol. you asked for quotes about covid, and when got one you change the goalposts to require a different subject. Isn't that called gaslighting?

new players are fine, if you can't understand how a ten year old game still exists then there's no hope for you.

Normally it would be yes, however we weren't discussing just one detail, we were discussing 2. I'm addressing the first, your claim to know unequivocally that the Steel Path split between old and new players had no effect on New Players experiences or the games Churn Rate, and so far from asking something so small as "OK prove it", you've deflected at every turn. You come in claiming that a possibility is "dumb", yet you cannot fathom how to back up your claim in any meaningful way.

I'll answer for you considering you seem incapable due to your immense fear of being wrong about anything. You have nothing, there's nothing to back up your claim, you came in to insult a post and are now stuck being made a mockery simply by asking you to explain your silly opinion.

As for the second subject, I haven't expanded on that further for reasons as mentioned above. However it doesn't really need more expansion. You literally provided a quote talking about how their normal operation is to have a team work ahead of time on content. In case you missed the glaringly obvious detail there, story comes first, content is built around the story. I'm not entirely sure how you think it would work the other way around but that's probably the very first part of all of this that truly feels dumb.

Lastly your comment about a game still being around over 10yrs automatically equating to "New Players are fine". Lol. Absolute dribble. Anthems Servers are still up despite the game officially having its development stopped. DCUO is 12yrs old yet its chat and forums are continuously plagued with people complaining they can't get into content because others aren't queuing up. Would you like a few more examples or are you getting the point?

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19 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Right but those "holes" haven't been filled narratively because it's an ongoing story. We faced Narmer led by Ballas, who decided to wage his War with subjugation rather than weaponry. His Narmer was beaten and is now slowly trying to rebuild under Pazuuls leadership, thus the 2 Open World Quests and the dialogue that clearly explains this from Konzu etc. When one side loses a war they tend not to retain their numbers, which is monumentally more true for Narmer considering their soldiers mostly consist of mind controlled people.

Despite all that, I'm not seeing these "indicators". Can you specify what they are and/or quote them directly?

Which is just a horrible "ongoing story" due to how long ago TNW released. It would have been fine if they continued the story of the game on it. But they havent, it is just left there in stasis, completely out of place.

I already mentioned the indicators, if you had just read the full sentence. Murex ships all over the system with zero interaction. Yet we know there are still things supposed to be going on there because for some reason Kahl is busy breaking out brothers and corpus step-brothers. Plus it isnt just the Murex ships we see in orbit, but also all those that have crashed. What is going on with those? Nevermind, its just a bunch of massive sentients spread all across Sol and the surface of its planets, nothing bad can possibly come from that if we just leave them. Because we've never seen what massive pissed off and wounded sentients can do or turn into incase they die, na it's perfectly fine and safe for everyone in the system. Lets just send Kahl out so he can find his fluff for the fiftyeleventh time and rescue some brothers that will die from clone sickness eitherway. And make sure that no grineer or corpus break border agreements, since clearly that has more impact on civilians and free people than not investigating stranded and orbiting Murex ships, or getting to the root of the Narmer issues. Oh and hey, it is all OK if we let the grineer and corpus salvage the Murex ships, because we all know they wont do some very questionable experiments based on it. Na they'll scrap it and destroy it all just to clean up the system cos Vey Hek gave a pinky promise even though he lacks a left or right pinky of any sort.

TNW = Enjoyable quest but with some of the worst loose ends I've ever seen in a story. Loose ends not even remotely tied up after years even.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Which is just a horrible "ongoing story" due to how long ago TNW released. It would have been fine if they continued the story of the game on it. But they havent, it is just left there in stasis, completely out of place.

I already mentioned the indicators, if you had just read the full sentence. Murex ships all over the system with zero interaction. Yet we know there are still things supposed to be going on there because for some reason Kahl is busy breaking out brothers and corpus step-brothers. Plus it isnt just the Murex ships we see in orbit, but also all those that have crashed. What is going on with those? Nevermind, its just a bunch of massive sentients spread all across Sol and the surface of its planets, nothing bad can possibly come from that if we just leave them. Because we've never seen what massive pissed off and wounded sentients can do or turn into incase they die, na it's perfectly fine and safe for everyone in the system. Lets just send Kahl out so he can find his fluff for the fiftyeleventh time and rescue some brothers that will die from clone sickness eitherway. And make sure that no grineer or corpus break border agreements, since clearly that has more impact on civilians and free people than not investigating stranded and orbiting Murex ships, or getting to the root of the Narmer issues. Oh and hey, it is all OK if we let the grineer and corpus salvage the Murex ships, because we all know they wont do some very questionable experiments based on it. Na they'll scrap it and destroy it all just to clean up the system cos Vey Hek gave a pinky promise even though he lacks a left or right pinky of any sort.

TNW = Enjoyable quest but with some of the worst loose ends I've ever seen in a story. Loose ends not even remotely tied up after years even.

This post is incredible. But OK, let's do this regardless:


I did read your post. Here's what you said:

"And we cant deny the massive indicators of it, like Murex ships spread all across Sol on the past TNW star chart, with absolutely no interaction with them."

The Murex Ships are ships left behind after the war. Empty. Otherwise known as Space Debris. Why would empty ships be an interactive area? This isn't an indication of anything except you wanting the ships to mean more and them not. We can already board and fight Murexs now for years, so you wanted more of the same? OK got it.


"Narmer left only as specific bounties on 2 of the open worlds (and so on*)."

This part was answered by my post. Ironically my answers existence shows a very clear gap between you and an understanding of "Indicators" (More on that soon), considering my answer itself is proof/an indicator that i did indeed read your post.

* Also what's the "and so on"? You only gave 2 indicators, which both indicate nothing, can I have a 3rd, 4th and 5th please?


"All indicators of actual cut content "

Just an FYI, that's not "all indicators", that's 2 details. All would describe an expansive list, I've never seen a list with just 2 things on it, genuinely.


After those your post goes into some really strange rant about how the Sentients are still a danger. Its debatable really, not a fact, but also something that may come in a future quest. So who told you it wasnt? 


On top of that, who's been lying to you? The New War released in December 2021. Given how its August 2023 as of right now, that's 1 year and 8 months ago. Who convinced you it was released "years ago"? 


Was it the same person who told you loose ends in a story that isn't finished yet are bad? Just an FYI, that was also a lie. Whoever it is, they're not very nice, nor are they very good with how stories work. Don't show them Star Wars IV, Darth Vader doesn't die in the first one (Ep IV) so they'll become enraged by the loose end.

Edited by (PSN)MYKK678
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37 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

The Murex Ships are ships left behind after the war. Empty. Otherwise known as Space Debris. Why would empty ships be an interactive area? This isn't an indication of anything except you wanting the ships to mean more and them not. We can already board and fight Murexs now for years, so you wanted more of the same? OK got it.

I'm looking for where you're getting your info from to make such a bold claim. Where is the source for this assertion, how do you know that they are left behind and not there waiting for an attack order? What make you think that empty ships are not interactive areas? The game already has abandoned (ie empty) ships that are interactive all through the void, and infested nodes. So for you to make such a claim needs ot be backed up with some proof.


5 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

As for the second subject, I haven't expanded on that further for reasons as mentioned above. However it doesn't really need more expansion. You literally provided a quote talking about how their normal operation is to have a team work ahead of time on content. In case you missed the glaringly obvious detail there, story comes first, content is built around the story. I'm not entirely sure how you think it would work the other way around but that's probably the very first part of all of this that truly feels dumb.

Perhaps you should have followed the link and read the article to stop yourself dribbling into your keyboard as you typed that. If you had, you'd see that the story does not come first as they have multiple teams working on multiple features at the same time. I don't know why they are set up like this, but they are. So your claim is just another bad take from you based on no knowledge of how DE works, you just make poor assumption after poor assumption and you do it in an awfully immature argumentative manner.

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43 minutes ago, CephalonCarnage said:

I'm looking for where you're getting your info from to make such a bold claim. Where is the source for this assertion, how do you know that they are left behind and not there waiting for an attack order? What make you think that empty ships are not interactive areas? The game already has abandoned (ie empty) ships that are interactive all through the void, and infested nodes. So for you to make such a claim needs ot be backed up with some proof.


Perhaps you should have followed the link and read the article to stop yourself dribbling into your keyboard as you typed that. If you had, you'd see that the story does not come first as they have multiple teams working on multiple features at the same time. I don't know why they are set up like this, but they are. So your claim is just another bad take from you based on no knowledge of how DE works, you just make poor assumption after poor assumption and you do it in an awfully immature argumentative manner.

You can't seem to keep track of your own problems so I'm going to disregard the first part of your post. I genuinely haven't read it, I just saw you replying to a conversation with someone else and remembering your penchant for deflection, it's really the best option. Once you've shown you can focus on what we're talking about, I'll gladly go back and actually read it.

As for the second part, I'm not at a keyboard, I'm using my phone. After that........Jesus christ lol. So you think game developers go and design assets for places they don't know where they'll be, designing enemies they don't know we'll be facing, in a new mode that doesn't exist. OF COURSE the story has to come first you lunatic lol. What the hell do you think informs what the Devs are designing? How did they know to design new sentients for New War if they didn't know New War was going to be about Sentients? Who in DE was designing Void Angels for Angels of the Zariman without knowing what the Angels of the Zariman were?

Honestly, I've never seen such utter desperation to hold onto a point suddenly turn into self sabotage lol.

DEV 1: Hey I need you to work on a new enemy.

DEV 2: Sure, what is it, what's its background or place in the story itself.

DEV 1: Guess, now go make it.


Lol unreal

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11 hours ago, CephalonCarnage said:

lol. you asked for quotes about covid

1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

You can't seem to keep track of your own problems so I'm going to disregard the first part of your post.

6 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Which is just a horrible "ongoing story"

7 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Servers are still up

This is the part of the awards show when they start playing the music in hopes that the speaker gets off the stage without having to be ushered out.

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18 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

The Murex Ships are ships left behind after the war. Empty. Otherwise known as Space Debris. Why would empty ships be an interactive area? This isn't an indication of anything except you wanting the ships to mean more and them not. We can already board and fight Murexs now for years, so you wanted more of the same? OK got it.

But they clearly arent empty. Or is Kahl imagining sentient forces while chasing his fluff and freeing his brothers? I also hope you are aware that Murex ships are also living sentients, that arent the smartest to just leave floating or lying around. Since you know faction scavengers, eidolons and other things that may happen with them that we dont know about. And we cant board and fight on them, unless you mean Kahl, which is a joke since he doesnt really solve anything with what he does.

18 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

This part was answered by my post. Ironically my answers existence shows a very clear gap between you and an understanding of "Indicators" (More on that soon), considering my answer itself is proof/an indicator that i did indeed read your post.

* Also what's the "and so on"? You only gave 2 indicators, which both indicate nothing, can I have a 3rd, 4th and 5th please?

"And so on" as there being no impact from the war, nothing actually changed, nothing special is involved in the narmer bounties that sets them apart. No actual feedback for doing them, you barely notice that you do narmer bounties instead of regular ones aside from a golden hat on the head of the enemies.

18 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Just an FYI, that's not "all indicators", that's 2 details. All would describe an expansive list, I've never seen a list with just 2 things on it, genuinely.

Nope it wouldnt have to be an expansive list. And the two points cover other things, like in the case of narmer where they are only availabe as bounties on two planets, which also means they arent spread across Sol as they properly should be as remnants from a war. Or atleast be spread across the whole planet where their bounties are. And why arent there sentient forces in the bounties when we know there are sentients fighting alongside the narmer on the planet according to the garrison missions?

18 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

After those your post goes into some really strange rant about how the Sentients are still a danger. Its debatable really, not a fact, but also something that may come in a future quest. So who told you it wasnt? 

So you missed the whole ediolon thing that happened on earth versus civilian settlements. Which requires a frame to stop them back in the day? Which is why just leaving them as is would be very out of place in the lore. Every Murex also being filled with massive amounts of sentients, which we is a fact from doing Scarlet Spear. And then the Kahl garrison mission shows us they also have plenty of fighter "ships" left, which would imply that the space region around the planets arent safe for civilian traders etc. Things we otherwise effectively make sure of across the whole system. We bother with invasions but we dont bother with massive sentient ships controlling the orbit of planets?



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55 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

1) But they clearly arent empty. Or is Kahl imagining sentient forces while chasing his fluff and freeing his brothers? I also hope you are aware that Murex ships are also living sentients, that arent the smartest to just leave floating or lying around. Since you know faction scavengers, eidolons and other things that may happen with them that we dont know about. And we cant board and fight on them, unless you mean Kahl, which is a joke since he doesnt really solve anything with what he does.

2) "And so on" as there being no impact from the war, nothing actually changed, nothing special is involved in the narmer bounties that sets them apart. No actual feedback for doing them, you barely notice that you do narmer bounties instead of regular ones aside from a golden hat on the head of the enemies.

3) Nope it wouldnt have to be an expansive list. And the two points cover other things, like in the case of narmer where they are only availabe as bounties on two planets, which also means they arent spread across Sol as they properly should be as remnants from a war. Or atleast be spread across the whole planet where their bounties are. And why arent there sentient forces in the bounties when we know there are sentients fighting alongside the narmer on the planet according to the garrison missions?

4) So you missed the whole ediolon thing that happened on earth versus civilian settlements. Which requires a frame to stop them back in the day? Which is why just leaving them as is would be very out of place in the lore.


5) Every Murex also being filled with massive amounts of sentients, which we is a fact from doing Scarlet Spear. And then the Kahl garrison mission shows us they also have plenty of fighter "ships" left, which would imply that the space region around the planets arent safe for civilian traders etc. Things we otherwise effectively make sure of across the whole system. We bother with invasions but we dont bother with massive sentient ships controlling the orbit of planets?



I'll keep this one to brief answers as it doesn't require more than that

1) You've confused a game mechanic intended to be grindable content with Lore. No, Kahl is not going out every week and saving the exact same Grineer from the exact same scenarios. He did them all once.


2) Still waiting on a 3rd, 4th and 5th indicator. This answer included none.


3) Strangely you seem to have forgotten the Archon Hunts, which take place on different planets with Narmer Soldiers


4) Eidolons being parts of a destroyed Sentient who was destroyed back in The Old War? No I remember. Eidolons arent full Sentients, they have no cognition, they run on instinct trying to reform every night. What a very strange thing to bring up that proved nothing at all.


5) I'm sorry, what lol? An Event that took place before the war and another reference to you confusing game mechanics with lore. That can't be the reason why you think there's Sentients on those ships, c'mon. There has to be something else right?

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On 2023-08-18 at 1:07 AM, Hexerin said:

DE should take inspiration from the lich system's whole planetary takeover thing.

I've been making posts trying to convince people that invasions should get expanded like that since 2015, but between the white knights that used to be here and the lack of any mention of it, I don't know if it'll ever happen.  I still hold out hope for it. 

Edited by (XBOX)Architect Prime
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On 2023-08-22 at 2:13 PM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

1) You've confused a game mechanic intended to be grindable content with Lore. No, Kahl is not going out every week and saving the exact same Grineer from the exact same scenarios. He did them all once.

That doesnt make it any better since at that point even less care is given to the aftermath, both out of a design perspectve and lore perspective. It makes it even worse.

On 2023-08-22 at 2:13 PM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

3) Strangely you seem to have forgotten the Archon Hunts, which take place on different planets with Narmer Soldiers

Yep those do not improve anything because they make even less sense when it comes to the lacking impact they have over region control on their planets. Yay mighty dangerous archons and Pazuul, truely conquerors of a... grove, a mining outpost and uhm parts of a city? I cant say I'm impressed. Yet for some reason they are prioritized for the tenno over trying to find out what happend to Phragaza or what is going on with all the Murex ships circling planets or have crashed on them? That seems like serious lack in tactics and situational awareness.

On 2023-08-22 at 2:13 PM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

4) Eidolons being parts of a destroyed Sentient who was destroyed back in The Old War? No I remember. Eidolons arent full Sentients, they have no cognition, they run on instinct trying to reform every night. What a very strange thing to bring up that proved nothing at all.

That is called an example since there is a high likelyhood that eidolons wont be part of the threat that the Murex ships might pose, since well we didnt take them out the same way as Gara did with the sentient on earth.

On 2023-08-22 at 2:13 PM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

5) I'm sorry, what lol? An Event that took place before the war and another reference to you confusing game mechanics with lore. That can't be the reason why you think there's Sentients on those ships, c'mon. There has to be something else right?

And the time of the event matters how? Are you claiming the Murex ships arrived in Sol empty of sentients? The tenno have the knowledge that they can hold massive armies inside them and fleets of fighter ships. So actually investigating the crashed ones or those still in space would be the logical approach for the tenno, syndicates and all other factions that want to live more safely. Not only that but the fact that all sentient are living beings, so making sure those Murex ships are truely dead would also be smart. Na lets leave them alone to potentially recupe and/or plan things to then attack from the surface.


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34 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

That doesnt make it any better since at that point even less care is given to the aftermath, both out of a design perspectve and lore perspective. It makes it even worse.

Yep those do not improve anything because they make even less sense when it comes to the lacking impact they have over region control on their planets. Yay mighty dangerous archons and Pazuul, truely conquerors of a... grove, a mining outpost and uhm parts of a city? I cant say I'm impressed. Yet for some reason they are prioritized for the tenno over trying to find out what happend to Phragaza or what is going on with all the Murex ships circling planets or have crashed on them? That seems like serious lack in tactics and situational awareness.

That is called an example since there is a high likelyhood that eidolons wont be part of the threat that the Murex ships might pose, since well we didnt take them out the same way as Gara did with the sentient on earth.

And the time of the event matters how? Are you claiming the Murex ships arrived in Sol empty of sentients? The tenno have the knowledge that they can hold massive armies inside them and fleets of fighter ships. So actually investigating the crashed ones or those still in space would be the logical approach for the tenno, syndicates and all other factions that want to live more safely. Not only that but the fact that all sentient are living beings, so making sure those Murex ships are truely dead would also be smart. Na lets leave them alone to potentially recupe and/or plan things to then attack from the surface.


Your post can be summed up pretty easily: Arguing for the sake of arguing.

You've no real points left, nothing to do with your posts except to try to find the smallest possible reason to cry out "NO". Let's end this with a proper summary:

- Narmer is nowhere: Proven Wrong

- Kahls Quest Theory: Proven Wrong

- No impact on the System: Proven Wrong

- Reason for Narmer being hugely diminished after the War explained: You can't understand.

- Sentient Ships being empty: You can't understand.

- "Loose ends" being there to lay the groundwork for a future Quest/Update: You can't understand

- Tried to lie and twist details so as not to be wrong about anything: Completely Failed.


It's been fun but this jokes not funny any more. If you want to think it had no impact on the game go ahead, in the meantime I'm going to go and hunt Archons and see if I can get a good Archon Shard, wanna see if i can make a good Nataruk build too for it by testing things out on the Narmer Soldiers on POE hoping I don't bump into a crashed Condrix before I get the chance to transfer into my Drifter. You go enjoy your manufactured misery.

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Kinda too little too late. Adding post content to a major quest comes off as a desperate attempt to stay relevant. I think most players would see it as such. I did enjoy NW, but by the end of it, I was ready to get back to the grind. The NW, starchart seemed to promise a whole new B-side expansion. I must admit to feeling ripped off finding only 3 or so nodes were actual content. And that the burnt out Murexes don't really mean anything other than "I beat the NW campaign." 

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1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Your post can be summed up pretty easily: Arguing for the sake of arguing.

You've no real points left, nothing to do with your posts except to try to find the smallest possible reason to cry out "NO". Let's end this with a proper summary:

- Narmer is nowhere: Proven Wrong

- Kahls Quest Theory: Proven Wrong

- No impact on the System: Proven Wrong

- Reason for Narmer being hugely diminished after the War explained: You can't understand.

- Sentient Ships being empty: You can't understand.

- "Loose ends" being there to lay the groundwork for a future Quest/Update: You can't understand

- Tried to lie and twist details so as not to be wrong about anything: Completely Failed.


It's been fun but this jokes not funny any more. If you want to think it had no impact on the game go ahead, in the meantime I'm going to go and hunt Archons and see if I can get a good Archon Shard, wanna see if i can make a good Nataruk build too for it by testing things out on the Narmer Soldiers on POE hoping I don't bump into a crashed Condrix before I get the chance to transfer into my Drifter. You go enjoy your manufactured misery.

None of what you mention have any impact on the game, nor have you proven anything wrong either. No one said narmer was nowhere, since quite clearly they are on the bounties like mentions.

I dont think you really understand what impact means in a game world. Impact after a war would be something similar to Relays of old getting destroyed (and then later on rebuilt). However, Sol is the same after TNW. There is no impact, nothing was lost, nothing was gained. The only impact of TNW was that it moves the story forward, but that is such an isolated impact that it practically doesnt matter. Or a batter example of how a game should change on a massive event, WoW and pre- post- Cataclysm. Impact. Or the zones that changed as you progressed through the story of the quest, changing the landscape, unlocking new enemies etc.

Also "Reason for Narmer being hugely diminished after the War explained: You can't understand.", hugely diminished in comparison to what? We barely noticed their presence in the quest even.

And "Sentient Ships being empty: You can't understand.". Clearly still not the case since Kahl already shows that as he visits one after the war.

In the end, TNW was badly handled for post war activities. You wont change that opinion for the people that feel like that. You are free to your own opinion of course.

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