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Whats up with the Insta-Kick in Region chat?


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I just got an undefined time kick from Region, because I brought up the recent China disasters. Why does that garner a kick? Why isn't that just remove my comment and let me know we cant talk about it (warning)? Region just spent at least 10 minutes talking about trans people, some supportive, some downright insulting. No kicks. There were people talking sexual - no kick. Other world issues were discussed - no kicks. Suicide rates were discussed - no kicks, no "Not an appropriate topic" warning fro anyone. What is with this unpredictable, schizophrenic kicking / banning? And what happened to progressive discipline - goes right to kicking when its not even necessary? What are we supposed to lean from these out of the blue punishments, when people are in there talking like dirty old men trying to pick up kids in his ice cream van, not being touched? You can talk but be more degenerate because real world issues will get you kicked???

EDIT - I thought "Region Chat" meant general categories of chat that don't go other places. Why not let us dictate the topics, as long as it isn't discriminating or harmful to anyone? Just because some Mod isn't interested in certain topics shouldn't be a reason to stifle the conversation.

Edited by (PSN)magusat999
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the autokick system is handled by a Bot that's just following Keywords it was told to Kick for.
why some other subjects aren't included, who knows.

anyways this is the process of removing your Message from Chat - it just also happens to Kick you from the Chat in addition.

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34 minutes ago, taiiat said:

the autokick system is handled by a Bot that's just following Keywords it was told to Kick for.
why some other subjects aren't included, who knows.

anyways this is the process of removing your Message from Chat - it just also happens to Kick you from the Chat in addition.

I'm wondering what keywords, because there's nothing discriminatory in my post. And I was trying to steer the conversation away from Trans suicide, people slandering and making trans insults, and people asking about other people's gender, so people wouldn't get banned - and they kick ME!

37 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

I mean, given the "circumstances" this game got into, and the priority of what triggered that kick...

What happened?

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27 minutes ago, (PSN)magusat999 said:

I'm wondering what keywords, because there's nothing discriminatory in my post

Best guess would be "Biblical".  But if you wanted to be sure, there are two methods to get more clarity:

  1. Make a Support ticket and ask if they can tell you what you did that you shouldn't do in the future (you'll need to login): https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  2. I think this automated kick only lasts until you restart Warframe, and I am guessing it doesn't add any black marks to your account.  So if that's true, then you could do a science to discover the auto-kick term.  Just reload Warframe and type "Biblical" into Region Chat.  If you get kicked again, that's the word to avoid in the future.  If not, you can type other words/phrases in your message until you find the one that got you kicked.
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1 hour ago, (PSN)magusat999 said:

I'm wondering what keywords, because there's nothing discriminatory in my post.

I'm suspecting "biblical" as well; because it can be used in a sexual sense.

But it could also be "China"; since DE is (partially?) owned by a Chinese company, they may consider any China-related discussion "not kosher" (because, you know, the CCP is so open and welcoming about criticism... ;-).

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You probably got kickbot'd. Hard to say what the specific keyword or set of keywords that triggered it. Might have been 'biblical', might have been 'dksasters', might have been 'china', but that's all speculation.

Also, it's entirely possible that the other player who said 'thicc thighs save lives' got kickbot'd too, so saying 'but this is okay' might not hold true.


Going to lock, as @(PSN)Unstar provided correct directions for how to proceed.

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