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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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21 minutes ago, (XBOX)ArcaneShadow869 said:

You are also a victim.

Thank you for saying this.

I want to repeat this because it's so damn important and it seems like some of the people that already bought the packs are offended we're daring to call the developers out on this.

Suffering isn't a contest. Just because someone else had something bad happen to them and people want to make sure it doesn't happen to others doesn't mean they aren't fighting for you too. There's talks about how 'refunds are impossible' and such without any actual knowledge of that. DE decided the price of the digital goods they were putting out and now that there's justifiable outrage over that they're adding more bloat rather than acknowledging the actual issues that were brought up and issuing refunds as necessary. If some are happy with the pack as-is, that's fine, but that's no reason not to add extra packs without the unnecessary bloat for a cheaper price. They brought this on themselves and they're trying to use the customers as their excuse not to make it right.

Until they come out and say in black and white WHAT the packs will be in the future, their promise of being "dedicated to ensuring all future Heirloom Collection releases have more purchase flexibility and reflect all feedback we received during this launch" mean just as much as their promise of never having timed-exclusive content like Excalibur Prime ever again.

You are also a victim.

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This is a tone-deaf reaction. You added more of the thing no one is buying the bundle for. Did you not hear the part about making it purchasable by platinum or at the very least individually?

What a way to celebrate 10 years of support by the community. Thank you so, so much! 🤦‍♂️  


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I mean, I guess it (addressing the lack of a cosmetic-only bundle w/o regal aya and time limited celebratory support pack) wasn't possible to begin with since DE decided to just shadow drop the packs and not elaborate further for a few days. Releasing a cheaper cosmetic-only bundle would just lead to their support being bomblasted by "loyal supporter" asking for refunds since the cheaper bundle wasn't an option at the time of their purchase. I'm sure DE will learn their lesson the NEXT time they release a exclusive bundle like this ;)

To reiterate my issues with the Heirloom Packs:

  • Advertised as a bundle to "celebrate 10 years of Warframe", except it will cost their loyal fans a premium to "uphold your legacy"
  • The time limited nature of the packs to make these amazing cosmetics artificially scarce and drive home the fomo in some people
  • The padded out nature of the packs with their new fangled regal aya to justify the price point
  • Making a profile accolade/badge a paid item rather than an in-game achievement for people who actually supported you since 2013

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I just want to spend less and less time in this place...

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24 minutes ago, Xsoskeleton said:

Still no pack without Regal Aya. Having to pay for a pack that includes Regal Aya juset because i need something else in it felt insulting as a player who spent long enough managing to keep up every prime accessories and owned all the prime equipments already, an insult to your already returning customer, DE. Honestly speaking Platinum is almost at the same state but at the veri least it has more usability and in the future it can band aid my farms. I'd turn a blind eye to the price if regal aya weren't a forced inclusion if i want the heirloom skins, for a premium token not only it has minimum usage, thanks to that it has the capability of nearly reaching zero value, at worst several aya for 1 inventory slot.


The regal aya in the packs is the most overpriced part of it in my opinion. More expensive than the platinum by a far margin.

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Little Timmy start warframe in 2024 and loves the game. little Timmy sees someone wearing a skin and wants to buy said skin because it looks awesome. Little Timmy looks up in store where they can buy said skin and see they can never get it again. Little Timmy stops playing warframe because they dont understand why they cant give DE money for the thing they want and wounder how much other things they can never get ingame anymore because they started late.

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After Tennocon 2023 - DE headquarters

” - Hey boss, the community is p*sed off for the Heirloom bundles.

- Why ?

- Because they realized they were being charged for skins without using platinums but real currency.

- OK. Give’em more platinums per bundle.”

Edited by (PSN)HeartCoreGamer
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Long time player, and active recruiter for the game. Or at least I was. One of the biggest complaints I get when I try to introduce this game to people is that they get the perspective that they have to spend money on this game in order to do things and get stuff. And that hurts me cause the truth is that DE has had a history of granting us the ever so generous option of choosing what we want to buy. An option that has kept me around since the launch of saryn. And option that allows me to freely introduce this game to new players whenever.

However, with this new heirloom collection I don't think I can recommend this game anymore. FOMO is a cruel abuse of a playerbase. I stand against it with every fiber of my being, And this response you have provided tells me everything about the future of DE. I know full and well that you will do something like this again. This Heirloom pack is just a repeat of the founder's pack, something I was never able to get because of unfortunate circumstances.

Luckily excalibur umbra exists which is better than prime altogether. but these heirlooms don't seem to have that liberty. As it currently stands there's no alternative to acquiring a signa in any other part of the game. And more importantly there's never going to be a chance to get these items again. This is a new item slot with no other perspectives in the game, and the seeming perspective that all future items in that slot will be attached to this manipulative abuse of the playerbase that has given you nothing but praise and cherished you for so long. Hell I was even able to look the other way on prime accessories just because they rotated back in whenever the associated prime was unvaulted.

What was meant to feel like a celebration of 10 years just feels like you, DE, and by proxy, your corporate overlords, trying to cash out of Warframe, and by extension, the goodwill you have worked so long to forge with your community. It feels like you're spitting in our face.

This response is so far away from what most people have a problem with, sure making the packs more worth their value is a solution. However, it's not the solution people really want. I'm actually impressed you had the gall to say that you hear the concerns of the playerbase but refuse to actually do anything of significance to remedy the situation. Saying that "it's not fair to people who already purchased it" is a dumb argument. I've seen it all across the game industry being used to defend some of the scummiest crap. This may be difficult to understand, but there are people out their with no self control. whether it's because money is no object to them, or because they just genuinely can't control themselves. That's why FOMO is abusive.

Content warning, harsh topics


Let me put a different spin on this. Lets say we lived back in civil war america. And slaves were still a thing.
"We can't abolish slavery, it's not fair to the people who already bought slaves."
Not a good look, huh? That's basically the same argument you used to defend these heirlooms.

You are correct about these heirloom collections though, they are unforgettable. I'll never forget the time DE decided they were done with the bond they had with their community. The day DE fell to the dark side of the gaming industry.

I hate to do it, but I can't support a game that adds these FOMO mechanics, so I just have to stop playing. For the first time in 7 years, I'm uninstalling Warframe. I'm sorry to all the people I've recommended this game to, I had no idea this was the path DE would eventually take.

Edited by Veomroa
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I'm happy something was done. Thanks for that. I appreciate it, even if I won't buy it. As many have stated, the real cause for concern was twofold: the regal aya and the FOMO.

I honestly don't care about the FOMO, I think I get it, It's not really something I have concerns about it, Prime Access accessories are mostly all the same in that regard anyways.

The regal aya is the main problem here. There were already enough complaints about regal aya when it was brought in, due to costs. I don't really recall much being done about that and I could be wrong there, but since most of the important things with prime resurgence are directly farmable, it's not really an issue. Bundling regal aya with the new skins with no choice not to invest in it I feel is questionable at best and is of course, the issue that most are taking with this. Hell, remove the plat entirely, I don't really care for it and we have other options to invest in if we want plat. Some people already have frost prime and mag prime, so it's even bigger of an L for them.

I'm fine with the packs existing. Can we just get one without regal aya (and plat), and literally just the skins and associated cosmetics with them?

Edited by EffEssEmm
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I like how all the comments still discussing how overly priced and unwelcomed the Heirloom pack is, is getting the highest number of likes. Yet, somehow DE missed the mark on what we're asking for.

Why not split the pack in half (one for Frost, one for Mag) and remove Regal Aya? That should drop the price a good amount no? People who already bought it can keep all their goods, be happy. I mean, if they think their purchase was "reasonable" enough to buy it, then they wont have a reason to complain right?

Edited by Gabriel-Fi
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24 minutes ago, Okayane said:


I just want to add to that..... why do you even play the damn game if it's to buy everything with real money ? why do you play warframe which is a full on farming game, everything in the game require you TO FARM FOR STUFF YOU WANT. Regal aya (pay to win/skip)  is not an excuse to clutter and utterly ruin a celebration pack for everyone who supported DE in the past 10 years !

You know what... YEAH! That's also a good point. A non regal aya option isn't just mindful for players who have already farmed the primes in the past, but also for those who would rather farm them now as well!

Edited by Shadedraxe
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I've bought the Zenith bundle and would be completely fine with them not being time limited, and/or being time limited but not a one time chance.

I think having this be a sort of Prime Accessories Plus Supporter Pack is fine, I also think having it return in the same timeframe as a new Prime eventually releasing their accessories in Prime Resurgence would be of benefit to all sides.

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Just let me purchase the full bundle of all the cosmetics without the tacked on premium currencies at an appropriate price.

I already purchase Prime Access most of the time; I am set on platinum. As I usually purchase the cosmetics as well, I have no need for Regal Aya (which is already a terrible inflation to begin with, did we not learn anything when you first launched it?)

While I can understand the idea behind making the skins time-limited in order to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Warframe, I cannot support it. This is reaching Excaliber Prime levels of FOMO really fast, something you yourselves said you never wanted to repeat. There must be another way to make these skins feel unique for those who do purchase it now without locking it out forever to new players in 2024. Maybe an additional, optional armor cosmetic slot with a piece akin to the Zariman chest pieces showing that you were in the original purchase group? I dunno, I'm spitballing here.

Edited by Lady_Breeze
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Thank you. Although I still wish the skins/signas could be bought for platinum - or that there was a pack that didn't contain Regal Aya nor platinum.

Side note: descriptions of packs on Steam don't show the change.

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I'll take it, feels a bit better that you care to make it worth our money and actually make these changes. 
I can't deny that this still leans quite a bit into the whole FOMO side of things mixed with the higher pricing this isn't exactly ideal and remains a little predatory. 

Personally I was ok purchasing this, this game has given me almost a decades worth of enjoyment. The signa's were a nice surprise when I realised I could use them on all frames too, but I won't let my personal enjoyment blind me to the reality of this pack and the less than ideal business practices at play with it. 

Edited by MsVamp
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Thought of a way to put the issue shortly. Platinum and Regal Aya are objectively not exclusive items, and neither have any relevance to the commemoration of the 10-year anniversary of Warframe. It leaves a very bitter taste that you choose not to have an option for players who don't want premium currency but still want to buy the cosmetics and celebrate the occasion.

The other time-exclusive packs including premium currency you run are centered around instantly adding a set of gear to a players arsenal, giving them a new edge to play with, etc. Clearly intended as grind skips, boosts for new players and so on. Those have nothing to do with this. They are not a precedent that warrants doing the same for a pack of just cosmetic items supposed to be a celebration of your game's longevity.

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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Greetings, Tenno!

We’re back in action after TennoCon 2023 - and our number one priority is addressing the community’s reaction to the Heirloom Collection.

We missed the mark here and understand the feedback we're receiving because of it. After taking some time to review and evaluate our options based on the concerns, we have opted to increase the Platinum amounts in all Heirloom Packs. 


The Feedback we can address for the current Heirloom Collection:

“The value of the Packs does not justify the price point.”


Our Change to Address:

We are increasing Platinum to all Heirloom Packs to bring them alongside Prime Access standards:

  • Increase Platinum in Risen Pack: 400 to 800
  • Add Platinum in Celestial Pack: 800
  • Increase Platinum in Zenith Pack: 600 to 2100

*The Platinum will be delivered via in-game Inbox to accounts that have already purchased the respective Packs. We are coordinating our efforts now to arrange the Inbox send, and Hotfix required. We will signal when the Inbox has been delivered on all Platforms.


Similar to how Regal Aya bundles launched with no Platinum and were met with strong feedback, we agree Heirloom Packs need more value to justify their status.  

This decision was made to address the feedback and maintain the expectations we had set for players upon the release of the Heirlooms (time exclusivity and Pack contents). In doing so, we are able to increase the value of pack contents in a way that does not remove any value for Tenno who have bought them. We do not feel it would be fair to those who purchased an Heirloom Collection already with the understanding that they were time-limited to now remove that element. Those who have purchased simply get more, and ultimately they are now a good Platinum deal with exclusive Cosmetics.

Heirloom Collections are intended to be unforgettable (for the right reasons) - we are also discussing ways we can better preserve that feeling of legacy, quality, and prestige for future Heirloom Collections (if we make more).

We truly appreciate your feedback and concerns and recognize the responsibility we have in ensuring that any new directions we take with cosmetic exclusives are done with much more careful consideration. The Heirlooms were designed with the celebratory nature of this year's TennoCon and 10-year anniversary, and it's on us to ensure that you, as a player, feel that we are upholding years of lessons learned when it comes to selling cosmetic exclusives. If we continue with this series, we are dedicated to ensuring all future Heirloom Collection releases have more purchase flexibility and reflect all feedback we received during this launch.


Thank you, Tenno!

Thanks so much for always coming through

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14 minutes ago, BonneyZILLA said:

Thanks so much for always coming through

Except they didn't. lol

They actually made themselves look worse. The middle bundle now gives 800 plat, and now the most expensive one gives 2100. They know the bottom tier and middle one are crappy deals so they are funneling players into the most expensive version. Talk about scummy. I will be uninstalling the game for a while. It's a shame too. I was actually getting myself set up to play again until I saw what they were doing. I can't, and won't, support this.

Edited by Lionsheart89
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if you want to stop people to buy then you are wrong and you can't stop them. and who are you to them? its really funny of you. the reason they selling things is profit and business! don't ever think they make game for never got paid or cost nothing. making game is not free... need to pay bills and not easy... i like to buy cosmetic than pay to win game. since wf is free to play they need income to pay the employee and server bills too... they are not robots even robots need cost. i play few games same age as wf but many of them taken down because of what you must know since you have "EDUCATION". they not profitable and then put down/end service at 2015, 2017 and 2020 (3games that i played). if you want the game still up and live then support it. don't complaining as like want that skin to be free or beggar... just ask or share your opinion to DE. then DE will hear and think.
i agree that is overpriced... i agree that bundle has plat and regal that we don't want. but that is way they got profit and make more progress and still alive. if you want to live you need to eat food, food need money to buy. if you want this game still alive and still long then you know how to make it happen... if you dislike it then stop and play other games that you feel right. we player just asking and hope... if like it then buy it. you dislike then don't buy it. no one force you to buy. there is so many free to play players that not even a cent/peny they use/buy in game and so many of them not complaining because they didn't want to pay/buy from beginning. they just want to enjoy game as totally free. just as i said before yes overpriced bundle, yes there are things we didn't want on that bundle make it more overpriced. but that there it is. dislike don't buy. thinking its overpriced just ask for more valuable that what DE do now. still dislike it then still strong and don't buy it.
the guy who complaining that scummy gaming practices then go ask charity and make your own game without even penny/cents charge to players or selling things not even business things allowed(include ads, etc)! then you will know and fell how it is.
they release something that really bad and no one buying then that it is and you know what will happen after if no one buy as you have "EDUCATION".
buying = love it. not forcing and yes its dumb to buy that not even to do in real live but that it is how
entertainment work(just for lust to have and looks nice that they agree with price/cost). its same as why you play game that until you buy console/pc meanwhile no one forcing you to play game.
i know few games that more more worst than wf, the game MMORPG huge open world with must to pay for mounts and not any permanent mounts like normal horse to get free in early(some can get from auction but really grinding killer end game) and more worst thing is if buy that you got new passive skills or new gods items in end pay to win! how do you imagine huge map you must slow walking do quest go ther there and there huh??? and you die got killed by pay to win players. its really worst. and i know another game you got free in just early 5-10% of game after you grinding and fun then you just know must buy dlcs for a little bit more contents but not worth in my eyes. i think its more worst than wf. that is another reason i come back to wf few times after i stop playing few times too.
in wf there many player with many opinion and way to think. let them to be and just enjoy the game...

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